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Here is a list of 50 plus things you can do for stress relief.

These are simple activities

that anyone can do. Not all stress relief activities listed here will work for everyone so
try to find out the activities that work best for you. Please note that these activities are
not listed in any particular order. Want some thing added to this list? Please feel free to
contact us.

1. Practice yoga
2. Listen to Soft music
3. Exercise: Do exercises that make you sweat or
leave you gasping for breath. Simple exercises like
skipping or running should do the trick.
4. Meditate: Dim the lights, sit alone and listen to
your breathing. Listen to your heart beat. Look at
your mind and the thoughts that arise. Realize how meaningless these thoughts are.
5. Make Love: Make intimate love with your lover. Burn incense/scented candles,
play soft music and lose yourself in the passion. Follow love-making with a massage.
6. Practice Living in the Now: Make a conscious attempt to live in the present
moment and forget what happened in the past or worrying about the future.
7. Take a break from everyday chores
8. Go for a walk: Go for a walk early in the morning, in the evenings or during the
9. Try cycling: Cycling is an excellent stress reliever
10. Eat Healthy: Cut down on the sugar and fat
11. Read a book: Go to the book store, browse the selections and pick something
that you love reading.
12. Go to the beach and soak in the sun
13. Take a hot bath
14. Cut down on junk food
15. Go for a swim
16. Get yourself a massage: You can go to a massage parlor or even better ask your
spouse to give you a full body massage. Remember to return the favor.
17. Get a pet: Pets are not for everyone, but if you have been thinking of getting a
pet for quite sometime, then it’s high time you paid a visit to the pet store.
18. Breath deeply: Take a few minutes to breath deeply and consciously.
19. Write a journal: Buy yourself a journal and start writing
20. Write your worries down: Write your worries down and burn the paper up.
21. Try stress balls: Another great stress reliever is using stress balls to help ease
some of your daily frustrations, these are perfect for times when you are stuck at work
and have no other way to vent.
22. Sing or dance
23. Make a video: Take out your camcorder and make a video. Share it with your
24. Play a board game: Play a board game like monopoly or scrabble with your
25. Watch cartoons or read a comic
26. Listen to a guru: Listening to gurus speak can be relaxing as well as
enlightening. has a host of videos by top gurus like Eckhart Tolle, Byron
Katie and others. Just search for these names in to get their free videos.
27. Paint your imagination: It does not matter if you are good at
painting or not. Just take out a canvas and paint what you feel like.
28. Walk up early and smell the fresh air
29. Go on a long drive
30. Learn to play music: Learn to play a guitar or a piano. Playing
music is fun and can be an excellent stress reliever
31. Climb stairs: Climbing stairs is a great exercise and can also help in
relieving stress
32. Rent a comedy movie: Laughter is a great way to beat stress
33. Live without technology for a day
34. Go shopping
35. Eat out: Order something that you have never ordered before
36. Play arcade games
37. Come out of revenge mode: Learn to forgive and forget. Drop the
revenge from your system and you will immediately feel light hearted
38. Eat raw: Include lots of raw vegetables and fruits in your daily diet
39. Learn something new
40. Practice self inquiry
41. Get a deep sleep
42. Drop the expectations
43. Organize a family reunion
44. Go fishing
45. Spend time alone
46. Day dream
47. Listen to the birds
48. Take pictures and share them: Take pictures of the beautiful
scenery and share it with your loved ones.
49. Watch children play: Go to a children's park and watch children play
50. Stop and smell the flowers: Go for long walks in the park, look and
smell the flowers.
51. Garden away: Planting flowers/trees or raking leaves or just pulling
up weeds can have a calming influence on the mind.

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