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PROBLEMS OF THE DAY GRADE 9 ~ PROBLEM OF THE DAY GRADE 9 1, Replace the letter with numbers to make this true (The same letter must be replaced with the same number each time it appears, and each letter stands 2. A large bottle of Vita Malt costs $3.00. If the Vita Malt is worth $2.00 more than the bottle, what is the bottle worth? ANSWER: 50¢ 3. Color in the squares below in red, yellow, blue and green so that no color appears more than once in a horizontal, Vertical or diagonal row. 4.7. 8. Glover School has 11 members on its volleyhall team, 6 on the court and 5 substitutes on the bench. When ever the team scores a point, the subs jump up and give each other sub a ‘high five’ to celebrate. How many high fives are given for each point scored? Answer: 10 5. Complete the sequence 15,21,27,33,__,__. Answer: Add 6 to a term to get the next term. 15, 24,27, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57 6. Arrange ten trees in 5 straight rows of 4 trees each Answer: page 1 7. There Answer: 2 ‘2 three volume set of books 9 on a shelf, The front and back covers of the books are each one eight inch thick. The page section inside each book is exactly two inches thick, A cute little bookworm starts eating at page one of volume one and eats, in a straight line, through to the last page of volume three. How far will the little worm travel? ches 8. Using each number on the card below once and only once, apply any or all the four operation (+, -, x, +) to make 24 24 | 24 12 Answer: (24 + 24 + 1) x 2=24 Other solutions are possible. 9, Using each number on the cards below once and only ‘once, apply any or all of the four operations (+, -, x, +) to make 24. 1/6 | 4 1/6 | 5/6 10. Hank is selling boxes of raspberries. The first person he meets buys half of his boxes, The next person he meets buys 4 buxes. When he meets the third person, he selis half of the remaining boxes. The next customer buys 7 boxes. Hank now has only one box of berries left. How many boxes of berries did hank have to begin with? Answer: 40 boxes 11. A jar contains 8 pieces of candy, 3 white and 5 yellow. An experiment consists of drawing a piece of candy until a white one is obtained. Pieces, once drawn, are NOT replaced in a jar. What is the probability that exactly one draw is needed to get a white? What is the probability that oxactly two draws are needed? 12. Jack says to Andreas, “You are my father”. Andreas says to Judy, “You are my mother". Judy says to Tyson, “You are my son”, Tyson says to Jennifer, “You are my daughter”. What is the relationship between Jack and Jennifer? Answer: Jack and Jennifer are cousins Pop page 2 Grade 9 13. In the barnyard is an assortment of chickens and pigs. Counting heads, one finds 13. Counting legs, one finds 46. How many pigs and how many chickens are there? Answer: Pigs = 10, Chickens = 3 14. Jodi has 8 coins totalling 57 cents. What are the coins if she dose not have a half- dollar? fn Answer: 10‘cent pieces, 2 one cent pieces, 1 five cent piece. 15. Players on the football team ate trying to gain weight. Tim, Jim George, and Rick check their weights. Tim weights twice as much as Jim. Jim welghs 50 pounds less than George. Rick weighs 10 ponds more than George. If Rick weighs 200 pounds, how much does Tim weigh? Answer: 280 16. The Funride Toy Store sells only wagons and bicycles. On a particular day, the store sold 12 items, with a total of 32 wheels. How many wagons and bicycles were sold that day? Answer: 4 wagons 8 bicycles 17. Using only quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies, how many different ways can you find to pay for an item which costs 25 cents? Answer: Accept all correct answers. 18. A man wears a clean shirt every day, If he drops off his laundry and picks up the previous week's load every Monday night how many shirts must he own to keep him going? 19. Aristotle used deductive logic, in particular, syllogism. Solve for G to find in which century B.C. he was bom. A = D,B =4,E = 3,D = E,andG A+. Answer: 4 rob page 3 Graded 20. 21. 22. Arrange eight _—_identical toothpicks to form a regular octagon, two squares, and eight triangles. Three coins were tossed. Given that at least one coin landed heads up, determine the probability that all three coins landed heads up. If the square root of the square root of the square of a number is 2, what is the number? Answer: 16 23. 24, Lee (L), Nicki (N) Megan (M), Brandon (B), and Debbie (D) want to go on a trail ride. The horses are Kabira, Mellow Yellow, Wimpy, Patches, and Firecracker. B can only ride Wimpy. L and N are the only ‘ones capable of riding Kabira. Firecracker can only be ridden by N, L, or M. How many combinations of horses and riders are possible? A pair of six-sided dice is tossed. What is the probability that the DOT total is a prime number? 25. 26. 27. 28. Find all four-digit numbers that satisfy the following conditions: the number is a multiple of 4. The sum of the digits is 20, Each digit is a factor of 36. A digit may appear more than once. Find all pairs of — prime numbers whose sum equals 999. Emilie de Breteuil, French mathematician and friend to Voltaire, published her book Institutions de Physique in the year determined by — the following value: (Pee ee 2a...¢ 2) + 717. What year was it? Fifty umbrellas were sold on a rainy April day. Five times as many red as blue were sold, three times as many green as blue, nine more black than blue, and seven fewer purple than black. Five umbrellas were purple and six were white. How many of each color were sold? Answer: White = 6, Purple = 6, Blue = 3, Black= 12, Green = 9, red 415 page 4 29. One-quarter is the same part of one-third as one -half is of what number? Answer: 2/3 30. 31. 32. 33. 1 am moving approximately 860 miles. 1 spent about $210 on packing boxes. The cost of renting a van is $650 plus gas. The rental company assures me that the van will average 11 miles per gallon of gas. Assume the average price of gas to be $1. 20 per gallon. What will be the approximate cost of my move. Fill in the blanks in this sequence in as many different ways as you can. 1 1164, In how many ways can two dice be rolled to yield a sum divisible 3? How many X cards would have to be taken from pile A and put into pile B to make the ratio of X cards to the whole the same for both piles? Pop Grade9 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. What is the 100" letter in this pattern? ABBCCDD... If twelve perfectly round marbles, each 1 cm in diameter, were arranged in a straight line, touching each other, what would be the distance between the centers of the first and last marbles? What fraction of an hour passed between 1:55 A.M. today and 2:19 A.M. today? What fraction of the day is that? A number is called “cute” has exactly four positive integer divisors. What percent of the first twenty- five positive integers are cute? Which figure has more shaded area? What is the smallest positive teger with exactly five divisors? Answer: 16 yous 5 40. a, 42. 43. 44. 1 have only dimes, nickels, and pennies in my wallet. Seven of the coins are dimes, 25 percent of them are nickels, and 5/9 of them are pennies. How many coins do | have? ‘ind two positive integers whose product is 24 999 999 and whose —_—_(positive) difference is small as possible. as The date 3-31-93, meaning March 31, 1993, is an interesting date because the product of the month number and date equals 93. Can you find the year in the twentieth century that gives the greatest numbers of dates of this kind? If 55 percent of the lambs bom are male and 90 percent of them the first year, what is the fewest number of lambe that must be born to have 100 male lambs living at the end of the first year? If you make $1000 every time the hands of a clock form a 90-degree angle, how much would you make in twenty- four hours? Pop 45. Remove five of the twelve digits in this addition problem so that the remaining numbers will add to 1111+ 111+ 333 + 1717 + 999, 46. Arrange the four numbers 2,3,4, and 5, along with one plus sign (+) and one equals sign (=), into a valid mathematical equation. 47, Which of the ten digits does A represent in the following problem? A.S.M, and N are each different. AS xA MAN Only the value of A needs to be found. There is three errrors in this sentence. What are they? 48. Answer: “Is” should be “are”. “Errrors” is “errors”. The sentence is not true. There are only 2 errors. page G Graded 49. 60. 51, 52. 53. Find the smallest number that when divided by 10 gives a remainder of 9, when divided by 9 gives a remainder of 8, when divided by 8 gives a der of 7, and so on, to a remainder of 1 the number is divided Use each digit 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 exactly once to form two five-digit numbers the largest quality. Using only three 9s and any mathematical symbols or operations, write = an expressiun equivalent to 24. Is 1999 prime? How many different paths lead from point A to point B on the following map it moves only to the right downward along the sides of the squares are permitted? Pop Geade9 54. Place parentheses and brackets to make a true statement: 8+4-24+573+10+24+2+10- 16+2 55. The integers from 1 through 1000 are printed on a list. How many times does the digit 3 appear. 56. If it is 11 A.M. right now, what time will it be 1997 hours from now? 57. The tune "Twinkle Little Star” has seven notes in its first line: C, C, G, G, A, A, G. Assume that all seven notes are held for the same length of time. If the notes are rearranged at random, how many different melodies could be composed? 58. If a digital clock is the only light in an otherwise totally dark room, when will the room be darkest? Brightest? 59, What is the sum of all the digits needed to write each counting number from 0 through 1 000 000? page 7 60. 61 62, 63. Determine the number of 64. integers between 0 and 1000 that contain at least one 2 but no 3. Four numbers are written in a row. The average of the first : two numbers is 7, the average of the middle two numbers is 2.3, and the average of the last two numbers is 8.4. What is the average of the first number and the last number? 66. Suppose a, b, and ¢ are 1,2, and 3 in some order. What is the largest possible sum that could result from the problem that follows? abet 2bac +eb3a 67. In square ABCD, points E,H,F, and G are midpoints of the sides. If square count 2 points, right triangles count 5 points, and other os triangles count 7 points, what is the total value of the figure shown? Pop Grade9 How many even _ integers between 4000 and 7000, inclusive, have four different digits? Complete this square of numbers: 12304 25 10 «17 310 25 52 417. 52? Find the missing terms in sequence tee 1 if each term is the sum of the two preceding terms. If the rows and columns of pennies are perpendicular and the pennies are all equally spaced, how many squares are formed by joining centers of the pennies? Find the largest three-digit number that is divisible by 22 and the sum of whose units and tens digits is 11. Use a calculator. page & 69. 70. nn. 72. Place the number 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 in the boxes so that the sum of the numbers in the boxes of each of the four circles is 27. Three vertices «oof, a parallelogram aro (1,1), (3, 5), and (-1, 4). Find all possible ordered pairs that could be the coordinates of the fourth vertex. On his birthday, Brian was 14 years old and his father was 41. Brian noticed that hie age was the reverse of his father’s age. How many years will pass before ages are again reversals of one another? Weights of 2, 3, 5, and 7 pounds are not labeled. Using a balance scale, how many weighings do you need to determine what each weight is? Pop Graded 73. 74. At Clarion University, the enrollment was under 5000 students. A third were freshmen, 27 were sophomores, 1/5 were juniors, and the rest were seniors. The history department offered a popular course which were registered 1/40 of all freshmen, 1/16 of all sophomores, and 1/9 of all juniors, while the remaining 1/3 of the history class were seniors. How many were in the history class? How can you have $2 in nickels, dimes, and quarters, with the same number of each coin? Answer: 5 of each coin. 75. In a certain code, each of the 26 letters of the alphabet is represented by the number that is its usual alphabetic order. For instance, A is represented by 1, B by 2, ..., and Z by 26. A word is then encoded by multiplying the numbers that represent its lottors. What English word is encoded as 120175? pase 9 76. Find the next number in this sequence: 2856 719 2956 819 3 056 919 3157019 77. 78. A boy's outfit consists of slacks, shirt, and shoes. He does not want to wear the same combination on any two days of the year. Presuming that he has the same number of slacks, shirts, and pairs of shoes, what is the minimum number of each that he will need? Five friends have been borrowing and lending money to each other. John owes Mary $, Tom owes Ken $1 Ken owes Mary $2, Mary owes Lynn $3, Tom owes Lynn $5 Lynn owes Ken $1, Tom owes Mary $2 Ken owes Tom $1, and Tom owes John $3. If they all receive a $10 allowance and pay off all their debts, who will have the most money? The least money? Pop Grade 9 79. 80. Myrtle has a small cube. Each face is of a different color. She wants to make the cube into a die by putting 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 on the faces, with the condition that 1 and 6, 2 and 5, and 3 and 4 must be on opposite faces. many different ways can she mark the cube. Suppose that your mathematics teacher was born on 29 February 1944. How many birthdays has she or he had? page 10 PROBLEM SOLVING WEB SITES The following is a list of problem solving web sites. Some are general with problems for all levels and some are more specific. A few sites offer links to others. This list is only a very smail sample of what is available on the internet. hmu/gauss hawee hawaii edu/w3calc/m20Sa/oroblem. html (This site talks about problem solving and has some problems for grades 7-12). ‘hulls sts ca/peonle/fae/pwane/mathpage/srade9 btm) (Change the grade 9 to any grade from 5-12 and you will find about 50 problems just for that grade level.) dttpsmongo.vics.amausfar,_ mathheuris him He ls hb (This site for secondary students.) ‘hitpidivww, cops. ga.nevmath/problemsuly him (A site for teachers to read about problem solving.) httpu/www (Select “education” and “Casio Classroom” to find four grade-age level problems weekly. Students can even submit answers fora contest.) (This site will direct you to many others) LESSON PLANNING WEB SITES The following is a list is of just a few of the web sites that have lesson plans and ideas for teachers of mathematics. This list covers all math topics and all grades 1-12. Some sites are more comprehensive than others and will link you to a host of other sites. swuow ceisme gatech edu/iusy/c| 2wel him)!,htral www pacificnetiney=mandeVmath.himl wowwncimorg yw math i edu/=dimettleftite html| MATERIALS LIST GRADE 7 The following is a list of materials that every grade 7 classroom teacher should have access to. Ultimately, we should strive to have each grade 7 equipped with these materials. 1 Classroom set of fraction calculators (minimum of 15 per set) 15 Geoboards with rubber bands 35-40 student protractors and compasses 7 sets of pentominoes* 1 Class set of Lab Gear 1 Class set of Miras 15 sets of dice Balance scale 1 class set of rulers (metric) 1 class set of tangrams* 500 wooden cubes 1 class set of solids* toothpicks* *Indicates materials that can be made in the classroom or obtained inexpensively.

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