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LISTENING 1. Read the questions properly. 2. Read the questions before the listening starts. 3.

Answer the questions on the list and transfer to your answer sheet later. (because there may be
corrections/misleading speech) [So, listen to the entire information before answering] 4. Focus on
the information. It may not be repeated. Write it down as soon as you listen. 5. Spelling matters.
Use British English spellings. READING 1. Spend 15, 20, 25 minutes on the subsequent test
sections respectively. 2. Answer directly in the sheet because you won't have time in this section
later. 3. Read the first question and then look for answers in the text body. No need to read the
whole text first and then read questions. 4. Only use the context and info of the text for
True/False. 5. If you can't find an answer then don't waste time. Move on and come back later.
Use your best guess. 6. Take your own watch.

WRITING SECTION 1. 20 minutes for the 1st and 40 minutes for the 2nd task. 2. If you write
less than minimum words your points will be deducted. 3. Practice writing at home to get an
estimate of the number of words in a given time. 4. Writing should be legible. 5. Only describe
the picture, don't give an analysis. 6. Describe in a structured manner - introduction, two
paragraphs (1 para for similarities and 2nd for differences) 7. Pay attention to the trends, highest
lowest point. Don't need to pay attention to specific figures for each year etc. 8. Say - the graph
represent, not "we can see", "i can see" etc. 9. Can use past indefinite or present indefinite. 10.
For essay - Put your arguments and support them with ideas. 11. SPend the first 10 minutes on
reading the task and thinking about the arguments, making a plan. 12. Use 25 minutes to write.
Last 5 minutes to check. 13. The structure is important. One argument should have one
paragraph. 14. If you think you are about to run out of time, then jump to your conclusion. Better
to miss your argument than to miss the conclusion. 15. Your ideas need not be brilliant, they
must be relevant and you should support them.

INTERVIEW 1. Be friendly, smile, make eye contact. 2. Don't worry about the accent. But be
clear and speak loud enough. 3. Questions about yourself - family, friends neighbors music pets.
4. Give expanded answers and not one-word answers. 5. When not sure about what to say, fill it
up with an example. 6. Answer the questions one by one. Make sure you cover every part. 7.
Practice speaking at home with timing. 8. Just make a story up if you don't have one. You just
need to cover the topics 9 Try the topics at home. 10. The structure here is important too. -
Introduction, body, conclusion. 11. Give examples from real life in the last discussion. 12. If you
have doubts, then you can ask.


Firstly, if you have grown up studying in an English medium school, you need not
worry about ielts exam. Ielts exam is easy to crack. I scored 7.5 in my first attempt. Let
me brief you up with the key points.

1. If you want to score high, make sure you do well in your listening section.
It is easy to score well in this section if you have a clear mind. Focus on the
conversation and it's done..
2. Speaking section can also be nailed by maintaining a good body
language; try to maintain eye contact through out the conversation, don't
use your hands too much, don't be too fast. These are the thing to keep in
mind, rest depends on your practice and fluency.
3. Reading is the toughest section of all four as time given is only an hour.
Well, you can't stop time, can you? Therefore, make sure you are not
wasting too much time on one question. Try to solve as many questions as
you can in this section. Try not to get lesser than 6 in this section.
4. There is nothing much to discuss in writing section as it completely
depends upon your knowledge about the the language. Make sure you
don't mess it up with shabby handwriting (like I did). Try to keep it neat.
I personally feel you don't require any such books to prepare for the exams as it
involves basic English check. But, in order to score a 8, which I assume you're aiming,
Wren and Martin, dictionary, few ielts practice papers would do. Hope this
information helps, All the best.

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