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Neil Degrasse Tyson

Physics Box Project

Grace Goetz
Side one: “top of the box”

Neil Degrasse Tyson:

Side two: Timeline
- Neil Degrasse Tyson was born October 5th 1958 in Manhattan New york
(where he did most of his work and still lives today with his wife).
- Neil DeGrasse Tyson Went to The Bronx High School of Science and
graduated on May 19th 1976. In 1980 he received his bachelor degree in the
of arts in physics from Harvard University. He then attended the University of
Texas in Austin and in 1983 received his masters in arts of astronomy. He
went on to the University of Columbia where he received his masters of
philosophy in astrophysics in 1989, and got his doctorate in 1991.
- February 19th 2001 he was appointed as a presidential advisory by president
Bush in the future of aerospace, and then in 2004 was hired to examine a U.S
policy on space exploration.
Timeline pt. 2
- On February 19th 2006, Tyson officially recognized Pluto as a Dwarf Planet,
which resulted in some strong responses from visitors of the planetarium.
- February 19th 2013 the infamous remastered version of Cosmos aired for the
first time. Tyson had been working to bring back the famous science series for
some time which was originally hosted by Carl Sagan.
- Neil DeGrasse Tyson reviced a Shorty award for science in 2014 (as well as
NASA Distinguished Public Service Medal-1994, Medal of Excellence-2001,
Klopsteg Memorial Award-2007, Isaac Asimov Awards-2009 and Douglas S.
Morrow Public Outreach Award-2009).
Side 3: Major Contributions
Neil DeGrasse Tyson has a made a number of recognizable contributions to the study of
astronomy, physics, aerospace and astrophysics. He published a total of 6 books regarding
astronomy looking into the Milky Way, stars and a number dwarf galaxias, the first of which
was published in 1988, this includes Astrophysics For People In A Hurry, which was
published in 2017. He has a deep understanding of physics, astrophysics astronomy etc,
and the majority of his contribution arises in his ability to explain the concepts, as well
emphasizes the importance and unity of science among the human race through books,
television, social media, interviews and lectures, as well as being the director of the Hayden
Planetarium the American Museum of Natural History. Some of his main scientific influences
came from R. Michael Rich and carl Sagan.
Side 4: Scientific Breakthroughs
One of Neil DeGrasse Tyson's biggest discoveries was the decision to no longer
classify pluto as planet, but a dwarf planet in 2006. This helped to enforce the
boundaries regarding what can and cannot be classified as a planet. Other
important scientific events that occured in 2006 include a fossil is found as a
transition between fish and Landlubbers, as well as realization of the Earth's
declining health. Society was very reluctant to accept the discovery. Tyson is now
known as “The man who killed Pluto”. Through Neil’s naturally charismatic
persona and talented for teaching he also helped to reveal the importance of
understanding the concepts of our existence through science among the human
race, which I believe to also be considered a breakthrough. This could possibly
open up more science based education occupations in the future.
Neil DeGrasse Tyson opened up a world of education, especially for younger and
future generations through his lectures, T.V appearances, books, interviews, social
media and his T.V show “The Cosmos”. He also shook up the astronomers and
the astronomy loving community by denying Pluto the title of a planet in 2006. He
helped people, especially younger folks, connect science to their everyday lives
and identified its vast importance as well as unity among us homosapians. This
enlightened thousands to the importance of science, physics, and other pressing
issues like Climate Change. Thus most likely opening up more science based
educational careers for the future.
Side 6: “The bottom”

Astrophysics For People In a Hurry by Neil DeGrasse Tyson - 2017

“The Cosmos” Episode 03: “When knowledge Conquers Fear” - 2014


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