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Ministrul Afacerilor Interne

Academia de Politie ‘’Alexandru Ioan Cuza”

Facultatea de Politie
Studenta: David Cosmina Mihaela
Grupa: 210

In your opinion, what are the advantages of using the

police car instead of policemen “walking the beat”?

A police car is a vehicle used by police, to assist with their duties in

patrolling and responding to incidents. A police car is usually used for
transporting officers to the incident quickly, transporting detaining suspects,
normal police officers duties, carry specialist equipment, or any other
problem that came in an emergency case.
The first police car was a wagon run by electricity fielded. It was
equipped with electric lights, gongs and a stretcher. The first assignment
was to pick up a drunk man.
Terms for police cars include (police) cruiser, squad car, area car and
patrol car. Or in some places it is known as a cop car, a black and white, a
cherry top, a gumball machine, a jam sandwich or panda car
To my opinion, a police car gives to the officers much more control in
the area, agility and speed that help they to get at incident in time, better
than a foot patrol.
First of all, Police has several types of police car that make difference
between this type of patrol and foot patrol. Some of this cars are patrol car,
that are used for helping officers to convey normal duties like statements or
visiting witnesses, response car is designed to travel fast, with audible and
visual warning, which can be heard from a greater distance, and may carry
specialist equipment, such as large firearms, traffic car is capable of
catching most other vehicles on the road, has visual and audible warnings,
dog unit car, bait car is usually used for carjacking, police trap criminals by
Ministrul Afacerilor Interne
Academia de Politie ‘’Alexandru Ioan Cuza”
Facultatea de Politie
Studenta: David Cosmina Mihaela
Grupa: 210
putting this car in a place where it is known to be a risk of theft, then the
police track the vehicle in many ways, unmarked car (cars for detectives),
surveillance car, rescue unit, demonstration cars, etc.
Secondly, the police cars has become more useful than police
officers "walking the beat". This is because with an vehicle, the visibility is
wide, that means the officers can have control to every corner of the street,
can send officers immediately to respond to incidents, and also allowing
patrols to cover a much greater area, for people in cardiac arrest, and
immediate transport of suspects. The police cars offer to the officers the
equipment which in a foot patrol can’t be carried, such as large firearms,
equipment consoles, mobile data terminal, PIT Bumper, Push Bumper for
resistance in traffic chase. Vehicles also allow for the transport of larger
numbers of personnel, such as a SWAT team.
Thirdly, a police cars are useful than a foot patrol, in what means
speed, strength, focus on the areas, reaching an incident quickly, but
reduce the relations with the community. This has led to some countries, to
walking patrols. This represent an advantage of foot patrol, because with a
police car the officers aren’t all the time in front of people, face to face with.
Police cars are more usual for quickly missions or for large case( an
prepared case a lot time ago).
In conclusion, police car is the easy way that an officer can get in
time to an incident, the perfect way to take suspects to the unit, the good
place for the technology, that help in chasing criminals, and the better way
of carry specialist equipment.

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