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There she sat, she watched many people pass by. She remembered how her father had
died in a traffic accident and her mother did not pay attention her because she had a
lot of debts, she was always a cautious but not suspicious, sensible but dreamy girl, she
always put clothes pink on.

One afternoon, she walked around of that park that she visited with her father every
Sunday since she was a child. Her father died five years ago and she still dreamed of
going back in time to see him again. She had not lost the tradition of visiting that park
every Sunday and she spent hours and hours in that park. She was reading the same
old book. That afternoon a young man, Ramiro, who had a job very near to the park,
decided to talk her, because Alice was attracting his attention. He went over to her and
touched her shoulder and said:’’ Hi!..I’m Ramiro…It’s a sunny day, perfect for getting a
suntan while you waited someone…By the way… Whose are you waiting every
afternoon? I've seen you come and sit for weeks’’

Alicia looked up and saw a young man of approximately 20 years, she was surprised
because for a long time ago no one talked to her in that place. Alice answered him: “I
don't wait for anyone, I just come to read and remember my father”.

Ramiro confused with the suspicious answer, he thought:” what happened to him?”

Alicia wanted to cry when she remembered why she stopped regretting and started

The Alice’s story was very sad. Five years ago, The Alice’s family had a bad time,
because their happy family trip ended in tragedy.

Alice remembers that day, because she was talking to her father very excited about
how she felt in her new school. And his father who was driving the family car, without
realizing it, crashed into a gas truck. After that, in the hospital his father died and his
mother lost the baby they expected. Since then the relationship with his mother
worsened, they had been left with nothing what caused his mother to work in three
different places and resent her.
Alicia has a scar on her forehead because of the accident, she freezes it with her hair,
hates her because it is the eternal memory of the most horrible moment of her life.

In the park Ramiro is worried, he thought that he shouldn’t have asked, directs his eyes
to the park seat and sees Alicia's book, he thought “Mmm, she forgot her book” …


The title of Alice's book was "Where dreams take you" and in the middle of the sheets
of the book was a photograph of Alice's father next to her. Alice’s father had a big smile
and he was hugging her. Alice was so beautiful and funny. She was grimacing sticking
her tongue out. Ramiro saw it, laughed and thought: "Nice picture". He noticed that
they were happy.

And on the back of the photograph there was a message written by Alice's father. It
said "Dear Alice, wherever you go ... you should be a light in the dark. Remember that
if you have a lot problems, you must trust God. Love, dad".

How was a beautiful and funny girl forget that? Ramiro thought. He never was feeling
something like that, but he was feeling the necessity to help her. “I will be the light in
the dark”, he thought. “But I don’t know how.”

Big problem, he could be a normal boy with normal problems. ‘’I should be worried to
watch the last movie Fast & Furious or maybe I should be worried by score of my
soccer team’’, he thought.

He decided to do a little prayer, and he closed his eyes, he said... ‘’Dear God, I’ve
never done this, but please give me direction What should I do? Shouldn't I help her?
and he ended saying, ‘’Please Sir, give me a signal or a clue to find her''. Those words
had come out of the bottom of his heart and now, he waited to find her again.

The next afternoon he waited for her in the same place but she never arrived but, he
didn’t give up and went to the same place day after day until she returned. The
happiness was so immense to see her that not even he understood, she apologized for
her behavior the previous day, but he did not listen to her, he felt very happy because
now he could support her.
So they spent evenings together where he motivated him to move on and be able to
overcome the past and move on; He said her: "Your father loves you and he is with you
every day, he wants to see his daughter happy and be able to spread happiness in her
home" hearing that strengthened her a lot and helped her get ahead; She felt very
fortunate to find a person to teach her that true love finds her in herself, that she finds
him at home with her mother, and that she can be happy despite the tragedies she is
going through.

She needed him and he needed her, they could both make each other happy, they both
knew they could overcome any difficulty together; they didn't realize they were for
each other.

Spending time, she managed to obtain the peace she wanted so much and knew that
this peace would have to be transmitted within her home with her mother, she knew
that it would not be so easy but she also knew that it would not be impossible and so
she was working on understanding to his mother in the midst of frustations and support
and care for her.

Chapter 3: THE FINALLY

Time passed and both met more, they knew their tastes their personality and their way
of thinking. Their conversations were very interesting and both had fun and supported.

Alice’s mother went ahead, Alice help to family, they work together and overcome

Three years after the Alice’s family was better. Alice was calm and happy but
something happened with Ramiro, he was studying and he didn’t have much time to be
with her, because the university demanded more time. But both continued together.

Alice said: “He should have time for me”. But she didn’t think if she should spend time
with him.

One day Alice met a friend, he asks out: “Do you want to see one movie? You are a
beautiful girl and very good friend” and Alice accepted the invitation.

Ramiro was very busy but he had confidence in Alice.

Then the problems started, because Alice and Ramiro didn’t have communication, they
didn’t agree, they didn’t go out, they didn’t talk like before. Ramiro knew she dated
another person and other intentions.

Ramiro was too sad for that situation, every night he thought her… One night he spoke
with himself, he said: “Do I still love her? Is she important to me?” those questions
were very important for him, so that night he didn’t sleep.

The next day in the morning, he put his clothes on after that he went to her house but
when he got there, he thought again in those questions. He answered his questions
when he remembered a lot of regards with them, he remembered the first time that he
saw her.

He felt more certain of his love for her so, he knocked on the door. She opened the
door. She was shocked by it, when she saw him, she was happy, nervous and sad,
because she saw him after a long time.

She told him: “What are you doing here? Are you crazy?”, then he answered her: “I’m
here because I love you, I don’t know to do without you” she saw him crying, and she
started to feel sad for him, they sat down and they spoke.

In the evening, they were crying a lot, but they both remembered why they loved each
other, why there together, she knew that her love was true. When she saw him again,
she kissed him and she smiled, she told him: “I love you a lot, we are both very
complicated, but we are in love.”

That night was amazing they was happy again, and they understood that the problems
were not enough.

Three years later, when Ramiro finished his studies, he returned with Alice and… He
knocked the door again, but the difference was that he had a present for her, she
opened the door again, she was beautiful, she saw him, she thought : “He is
handsome… ”, but she told him: “I am very excited to see you again! ”, when he went
in the Alice’s house, he started to talk with her and...

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