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1 President Joko Widodo welcomed the visit of Dutch King

Willem Alexander and Dutch Queen Maxima. Jokowi
Code: CS-1A recognized the visit as an important visit. Given that the two
Dutch King visit to indonesia countries have a strong commitment to building good relations
in the future.

2 Pope Francis visits to promote inter-religious dialogue during a

Code: CS-2A trip to the world's largest Muslim country, Indonesia.
Pope Francis' visit to Indonesia

3 Indonesia had the opportunity to be the first country visited by

Code: CS-3A PM Morrison, this can be interpreted as a strong commitment
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison visiting Indonesia from the Australian side to continue to build a strong, respectful
and mutually beneficial relationship.

4 Both President Jokowo and President Peter will carry out

Code: CS-4A several activities at the meeting. For example, joint tree
President Joko Widodo receiving a visit from planting, veranda talk and continued with bilateral meetings.
the President of the Micronesian Union Federation Then, on this iccasion, the two countries will sign a MoU
followed by joint press statement.

5 President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) proposed that there be an

Code: CS-5A agreement aka MoU on the issue of placement and protection
PM Mahathir come to the Bogor Palace of Indonesian workers (TKI) with the Malaysian government.

6 The Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ma'ruf Amin,

Code: CS-1B left for Japan to attend the coronation of Naruhito as Emperor
Vice President Ma'ruf Amin's visit to Japan of Japan. On that occasion, Ma'ruf represented President Joko

7 Jokowi visited King Salman for an invitation to lunch together

Code: CS-2B and continued with a meeting at the Palace in Riyadh. After
Jokowi meets King Salman before Umrah in Saudi Arabia meeting King Salman, Jokowi will also meet Crown Prince
Muhammad bin Salman.

8 During his visit, President Jokowi agreed with the Vietnamese

government to increase cooperation in the trade sector. In fact,
Code: CS-3B he is targeting that in 2020 the trade value between Indonesia
President Jokowi's Economic visit to Vietnam and Vietnam can reach US $ 10 billion. This is in line with the
increasing trend of trade between the two countries in recent

9 The Indonesian government stated that it was interested in

Code: CS-4B participating in infrastructure development in Sri Lanka. The
President Jokowi visiting Colombo government wants Indonesian SOEs to be given a role in
development in the country.

10 President Joko Widodo, met Singaporean PM Lee Hsien Long

in Singapore. During the meeting, the president will discuss
four issues. First, investment cooperation. Second, tourism
Code: CS-5B cooperation. Third, energy cooperation and the fourth is digital
Jokowi and Lee Hsien Loong meeting economy cooperation. There will also be memoranda of
understanding in the field of disaster management and


 Code: CS for “Case Study” | 1-5 for numbering purposes | A for receive a visit and B for overseas visit.
 One of the legal documents that can be used as a reference is Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 39 Tahun 2018 Tentang Pelaksanaan
Undang-Undang Nomor 9 Tahun 2010 Tentang Keprotokolan.

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