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Caries Management by Risk Assessment


A Comprehensive Caries Management

Guide for Dental Professionals

Alicia Malaby
Copyright 2019 by
Cris Weber the California Dental
CREATIVE AND UX DIRECTOR Association. All rights

Stay Connected

published by the Editorial

Kerry K. Carney, DDS, CDE
Dental Association EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

1201 K St., 14th Floor

Sacramento, CA 95814
800.232.7645 Ruchi K. Sahota, DDS, CDE ASSOCIATE EDITOR

Brian K. Shue, DDS, CDE

R. Del Brunner, DDS

Richard J. Nagy, DDS Peter Rechmann, DMD, PhD

Andrea LaMattina, CDE

VICE PRESIDENT Kristi Parker Johnson

SECRETARY Blake Ellington
Steven J. Kend, DDS

Debra S. Finney, MS, DDS, Robert E. Horseman, DDS

Natasha A. Lee, DDS

Sue Gardner
Peter A. DuBois

Carrie E. Gordon
Permission and
Kristine Allington Reprints
Peter Rechmann, DMD, PhD; Benjamin W. Chaffee, DDS, MPH, PhD; Beate
M.T. Rechmann; and John D.B. Featherstone, MSc, PhD

16 Caries Management by Risk Assessment (CAMBRA): An Update for

Use in Clinical Practice for Patients Aged 6 Through Adult
This paper provides a practical evidence-based update for the
clinician to use in practice for patients aged 6 through adult.
TABLE OF CONTENTS John D.B. Featherstone, MSc, PhD; Pamela Alston, DDS, MPP; Benjamin W.
Chaffee, DDS, MPH, PhD; and Peter Rechmann, DMD, PhD
3 CAMBRA: A Comprehensive
Caries Management Guide for 26 An Updated CAMBRA Caries Risk Assessment Tool for Ages 0 to 5 Years
Dental Professionals
This paper provides a practical caries risk assessment tool for use by the
Kerry K. Carney, DDS, CDE
clinician in caries management by risk assessment in 0- to 5-year-olds that
updates the original tool published in 2007 and reviewed in 2010.
4 CAMBRA Turns 21
John D.B. Featherstone, MSc, PhD; Yasmi O. Crystal, DMD, MSc; Benjamin W. Chaffee,
An introduction to the guide. DDS, MPH, PhD; Ling Zhan, DDS, PhD; and Francisco Ramos-Gomez, DDS, MS, MPH
Peter Rechmann, DMD, PhD
37 Appendix
6 Caries Management by Risk Self-management goals pictorial check sheet and caries risk assessment forms.
Assessment: Results From a
Practice-Based Research Network
This study with clinical
practices outside of a university
setting demonstrates that the
principles and philosophy of
CAMBRA could be successfully
implemented into dental
practice with dramatic
reductions in caries risk and in
the development of new caries
clinical indicators.


CAMBRA: A Comprehensive
Caries Management Guide
for Dental Professionals
Kerry K. Carney, DDS, CDE

A paradigm shift in dental

practice occurred more
Contained in this publication are
the results of that research and the
than a decade ago, when latest, state-of-the-art CAMBRA
the CDA Foundation approach to managing dental caries.
in partnership with the The articles in this guide were originally
University of California, San Francisco, published in the January 2019 issue of the
School of Dentistry published evidence Journal of the California Dental
in the October and November 2007 Association. This stand-alone format is
issues of the Journal of the California provided to allow easy access to the latest
Dental Association that caries could be CAMBRA protocols and to facilitate
prevented and managed through risk integration of caries management by risk
assessment and appropriate intervention. assessment into everyday practice. ■
The next few years were spent
educating dentists on the findings. The
CDA Foundation hosted forums and
workshops at CDA Presents The
and Science of Dentistry, CDA’s biennial
convention, and made plans to engage
decision-makers in health policy and
financing to embrace and support this
disease-management model. The Journal
of the California Dental Association
continued to keep the profession
informed of the newest developments
in CAMBRA, publishing them in the
October and November 2011 issues.
Further, to expand the evidence base
for CAMBRA use in dental practice,
the CDA Foundation entered into
a multiyear collaboration with the
UCSF School of Dentistry to replicate
the results of university-based clinical
studies in dental offices. To accomplish
that task, they assembled a practice-
based research network of dentists and
community health centers to collect in a
controlled clinical trial data on changes
in patients’ risk level and disease status
by practicing CAMBRA protocols.


CAMBRA* Comes of Age

Peter Rechmann, DMD, PhD


Peter Rechmann, DMD,

PhD, is a professor at the
University of California,
C AMBRA has reached
legal age. Twenty-one
years ago in 1997, John
products and the roles of RDHs, RDAs
and offi ce staff, which infl uenced
change and a consensus statement with
implementation guidelines to support
San Francisco, School of D.B. Featherstone,
Dentistry and is the director MSc, PhD, at the oral health. The consensus document
of the clinical sciences University was adopted by hundreds of dental
research group. He has of California, San Francisco (UCSF), experts, academic researchers,
been involved in clinical applied for a National Institute of Health practitioners and dental organizations
research for more than 35 Grant to conduct the fi rst clinical trial summarizing the main principles and
years and has published with a preventive approach to caries
more than 140 papers and clinical application of CAMBRA.
management — known later as the The CDA Foundation hosted a
book chapters.
Conflict of Interest caries management by risk symposium in January 2011 to advance
Disclosure: None reported. assessment (CAMBRA) study. the practice of dental disease
In April 2002, the California Dental management. The symposium engaged
* CAMBRA is a registered
Association Foundation hosted a researchers, clinicians, insurers and
trademark of the University of California, San Francisco
conference where experts reviewed policymakers in a discussion on caries
and updated the science and practice management, the impact of caries on
of caries prevention. This led to a two- access to care and fi nancial
part publication series that featured implications and policies at the time that
16 expert papers in the Journal of the inhibited widespread adoption of the
California Dental Association in 2003 protocols. In its October 2011 issue, the
entitled “Cariology in the New World Journal, for the fi rst time, included a
Order: Moving From Restoration validation paper confi rming the validity
Toward Prevention.” The goal was to of the CAMBRA caries risk assessment
provide practitioners with tools to (CRA) as a result
elevate this preventive standard in of a six-year retrospective study
their own practices. by Doméjean and co-workers.
The ideological movement of Recently, a national CAMBRA
preventing caries rather than the coalition was created. Annual
provisional “drill and fi ll” supplanted meetings have been held since 2015
the traditional treatment path. bringing together all areas of dental
CAMBRA began the medical-model professionals and public and private-
approach to disease management. payers groups. In 2018, the National
The Western, Central and Eastern CAMBRA Coalition hosted its annual
CAMBRA coalitions were created, event for the fi rst time in conjunction
each with their own unique focus. with the American Academy of
Emphases were directed toward Cariology (AAC). The topic of AAC’s
practicing dentists and their staff, second annual conference was
development of a standardized “Dental Caries Progress — Sugar or
cariology curriculum for all U.S. dental Bacterial Dysbiosis” featuring a series
schools and inclusion of CAMBRA of national and international speakers
principles in the licensure process. who presented impressive highlights
In 2007, the October and of modern cariology.
November issues of the Journal This guide features a series of three
presented CAMBRA clinical protocols,

papers reporting the latest the clinician in CAMBRA for young

CAMBRA-related research results children aged 0 to 5. The paper provides
and updates on clinical-practice updates on the original CRA tool for
CAMBRA implementation. children aged 0 to 5 that was published
The series begins with the results in 2007 and reviewed in 2010 and
from a practice-based research network includes risk-factor updates such as the
(PBRN) created in the San Francisco caries status of the caregiver or sibling
Bay Area by Peter Rechmann, DMD, and the family health literacy status.
PhD, and co-workers to study the Comprehensive guidelines for CRA
effi ciency of CAMBRA in “the real world and detailed management plans for
outside the university ivory tower.” This each risk level with additional guiding
randomized, controlled, double-blind two- principles were provided to create
year clinical CAMBRA-PBRN trial with a personalized management plan.
individual-level caries risk assignment of It has been a great honor for me
460 patients to standard of care versus to introduce this special CAMBRA
active CAMBRA treatment demonstrated guide, not only because of the 21
that caries risk level as well as caries years of CAMBRA existence, but
disease indicators were signifi cantly more important because of the
reduced in the CAMBRA intervention overwhelming evidence we have that
group. the developed CRA tool results in an
The introduction of the CAMBRA- accurate assessment of caries risk and
PBRN trial paper summarizes the consequently supports the creation
CAMBRA history, the results of the of effective and individualized caries
fi rst UCSF-CAMBRA clinical trial and management plans. This guide contains
available evidence related to the validity the specifi c information that will guide
of the CAMBRA CRA system. The dental practitioners into the future. ■
second paper, authored by John D.B.
Featherstone, MSc, PhD, and co-
workers, provides a practical evidence-
based update of the CAMBRA system
for use in clinical practice for patients
aged 6 years through adult. This paper
updates the CAMBRA CRA tool,
allowing the preparation
of a risk-based treatment plan that
combines chemical therapy with
necessary restorative treatment for a
minimally invasive, successful outcome.
The paper’s “caries self-management
menu of options” assists patients
in setting their self-management
goals for caries management.
The third paper provides an
updated practical CRA tool for use by


Caries Management by
Risk Assessment: Results
From a Practice-Based
Research Network Study
Peter Rechmann, DMD, PhD; Benjamin W. Chaffee, DDS, MPH, PhD;
Beate M.T. Rechmann; and John D.B. Featherstone, MSc, PhD

A B S T R A C T Thirty dentists with clinical practices outside of a university setting

were trained and calibrated successfully in DMFS and ICDAS-scoring. This
randomized, controlled, parallel-arm, double-blind two-year clinical trial with
individual-level caries risk assignment of 460 patients to standard of care as
control versus active CAMBRA* treatment as intervention demonstrated that caries
risk level, as well as caries disease indicators, were significantly reduced in the
CAMBRA intervention group compared to the controls at all recall time points.

Peter Rechmann, DMD, PhD,

is a professor at the University
of California, San Francisco,
Beate M.T. Rechmann is a
senior research associate
and research coordinator at
D ental caries is the most prevalent
disease condition of
dental practitioners and patients alike
have often assumed that placing a
restoration ‘‘fi xes’’ dental caries,
School of Dentistry and is the the University of California, humankind, imposing
director of the clinical sciences San Francisco, School of a signifi cant burden at all which is not true. Placing a fi lling or
research group. He has been Dentistry in the department life stages from childhood crown does not eliminate the load of
involved in clinical research for of preventive and restorative
to adulthood.1 The disease is chronic, cariogenic bacteria in the mouth or
more than 35 years and has dental sciences.
transmissible and infectious2 and, address other risk factors that cause
published more than 140 Conflict of Interest
consequently, the disease develops the disease. Consequently, caries is
papers and book chapters. Disclosure: None reported.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: under conditions that favor dysbiosis. not stopped by placing a restoration.4
None reported. John D.B. Featherstone, In oral health, a dynamic balance The vicious cycle of caries, restoration
MSc, PhD, is dean emeritus is reached between the host, the and secondary caries followed by
and professor emeritus at
environment and the microbiome a new and larger restoration is not
Benjamin W. Chaffe, DDS, the University of California,
MPH, PhD, is an assistant San Francisco, School of (symbiosis). Frequent intake of sugar interrupted.5 Instead, the stability of
professor of oral epidemiology Dentistry. His 44 years of and/or reductions in saliva fl ow result the tooth declines over time through
and dental public health at the research have included in extended periods of low pH in the loss of structure at every successive
University of California San caries prevention and
biofi lm, which disrupts this symbiotic treatment and retreatment.
Francisco, School of Dentistry. management.
relationship. Such conditions inhibit When the principles of caries
His research interests include Conflict of Interest
caries management, tobacco the growth of benefi cial species and management by risk assessment
Disclosure: None reported.
control and oral health drive the selection of bacteria with an (CAMBRA) were introduced in
disparities. * CAMBRA is a registered acid-producing/acid-tolerating 2003, a major transformation in how
Conflict of Interest Disclosure: trademark of the University
phenotype, thereby increasing the risk to conceptualize and treat the caries
None reported. of California, San Francisco
of caries (dysbiosis).3 Nevertheless, disease was underway.6–9 With

cavity at follow -up


–0.35 DFT p = 0.02
2 1.82 1.78

New decayed/filled teeth

Percentage with


0 0
Low Moderate High Extreme None Single time Twice or more
Caries risk level at baseline Nonoperative anticaries preventives provided

F I G U R E 1. Percentage of patients with new cavities at follow-up separated into low, F I G U R E 2 . Number of new decayed/filled teeth of patients who received none, a single-
moderate, high and extreme caries risk levels at baseline (patients had not received the time and twice or more often anticaries preventives; a 20 percent reduction in new
appropriate preventive measures). Generated from Doméjean S, White JM, Featherstone decayed/filled teeth over 18 months in the group receiving twice or more anticaries
JD. Validation of the CDA CAMBRA caries risk assessment — a six-year retrospective preventives was shown. (Adapted from BMC Oral Health 2015;15(1):111.)
study. J Calif Dent Assoc 2011;39(10):709–715.

CAMBRA, scientifi c, evidence-based risk assessment (CRA) form (see other the CAMBRA intervention group was
solutions for prevention and treatment articles in this guide). Taking those factors significantly lower at each recall visit.
of caries as a manageable medical into account, a caries risk level of low, In addition, it was shown that just
condition, not a mechanical problem, moderate, high or extreme is assigned. placing restorations did not lower the
were translated into clinically relevant According to the assigned risk level, changes caries risk level of individuals
guidelines for dentists.10 in the patient’s lifestyle are discussed and, if in the control group.4 In contrast, the
The ideology of managing caries necessary, additional preventive chemical intervention group receiving the
lesions very early, before they have measures are recommended.10,17–22 antibacterial and preventive fl uoride
reached the cavitated stage, without CAMBRA also includes carrying out measures showed a signifi cantly
drilling but by preventive measures has noninvasive therapies and minimally invasive decreased number of subjects at high
been embraced within many modern restorative procedures for tooth structure caries risk. The antibacterial and
dental practices.11,12 Noninvasive and fl uoride therapy had successfully
conservation and, finally, recall and review.23
minimally invasive treatment concepts13–15 altered the balance between
are now widely accepted by dental pathological and protective caries risk
practitioners. Following these concepts First CAMBRA Clinical Trial factors, lowering the caries risk level
and taking into consideration each The first CAMBRA study was performed at among intervention group patients.
patient’s caries risk, invasive restorative the University of California, San Francisco One other major finding of the first
treatments can be delayed and performed 4
(UCSF) between 1999 and 2004. The study CAMBRA clinical trial was a reduced
at more advanced caries lesion stages, if was a randomized, prospective, controlled number of new caries lesions over the
not avoided entirely.11,12,16 clinical trial over two years. Impressively, the two years for the high-caries-risk
In many dental practices throughout results indicated that an over-the-counter subjects in the intervention group. The
the world, the CAMBRA philosophy has (OTC) fluoride toothpaste and rinse combined participants in the intervention group
been completely incorporated into the with an antibacterial agent (chlorhexidine) developed fewer new cavities, with a
practice routine and embodied by the were able to significantly reduce the statistically significant 24 percent lower
entire patient care team, including cariogenic bacterial load over the study increase in decayed, missing, filled
dental assistants and hygienists, front period. Bacteria testing also strikingly tooth surfaces (DMFS) than the control
desk staff and dentists. revealed that, in the control group, placing subjects. In summary, the CAMBRA
In short, CAMBRA requires the restorations alone did not reduce the mutans trial demonstrated that for high-caries-
dentist to identify the caries risk level streptococci (MS) bacterial challenge. risk patients, employing fluoride and
of the individual patient by evaluating bactericidal agents lowers caries risk
their disease indicators, risk factors MS represent a group of major cariogenic and fewer cavitated lesions will occur.4
and preventive factors using a caries bacteria. The MS bacterial challenge in


was created in the San Francisco Bay Area.

The idea behind performing studies in
Sound tooth surface; First visual change Distinct visual change Localized enamel PBRNs is to engage dentists in studies that
no caries change after in enamel; seen only in enamel; seen when breakdown with are directly related to daily clinical practice.27
air drying (5 seconds) after air drying or wet, white or colored, no visible dentin or PBRNs should advance both research and
or hypoplasia, colored change “thin” “wider” than the underlying shadow; dental practice through quality
wear, erosion and limited to the confines fissure/fossa. discontinuity of surface
improvement.27,28 PBRN studies are meant
other noncaries of the pit and fissure enamel, widening of
to move scientific advances rapidly into daily
phenomena. area. fissure.
practice and simultaneously provide
structure for sharing of information between
F I G U R E 3 . ICDAS scoring criteria for healthy (score 0), noncavitated lesions (score 1 and 2) and practitioners.29
first representation of a cavitated lesion (score 3). (Adapted from BMC Oral Health 2018;18(2).) The California Dental Association (CDA)
was instrumental in establishing the San
Francisco Bay Area network, which was
created to conduct a CAMBRA study

Predictive Validity of the CAMBRA level predicted the mean number of newly in dental offices and health care centers.
Risk Assessment System decayed or filled teeth (DFT) that patients The basic goal of the CAMBRA-PBRN
The CAMBRA CRA system was developed: Low-risk patients showed trial was to recruit 30 dentists to perform a
evaluated in several outcomes studies.20,24 a DFT increase of 0.94 at recall and at two-year randomized, controlled, double-
First, at the UCSF School of Dentistry each higher-risk level patients developed blind study involving approximately 30
clinics Doméjean and co-workers tracked higher DFT values. Between each risk patients per dental practice. The hypothesis
charts of 2,571 patients who had been category, changes in DFT increment were to be tested was that caries management
assessed for their caries risk. At baseline, statistically significant, with extreme risk based on caries risk level assignment
they were identified as having low, patients having an increment of three26 significantly reduces patient caries risk level
moderate, high or extreme caries risk.24 At a DFT between baseline and recall.25 and reduces the need for caries restorative
follow-up examination roughly 1.5 years In another electronic records study of 2,724 treatment over two years compared to
later (16 ± 13 months), new cavitated patients with follow-up at the UCSF School of a generally accepted standard of care.
lesions, radiographic lesion into dentin or Dentistry, Chaffee and co-workers reported the
approximal enamel lesions on X-rays were effectiveness of anticaries agents, including Materials and Methods
registered and their occurrence was closely 5,000 ppm fluoride toothpastes, chlorhexidine
related to the earlier assigned risk level; rinse and xylitol. They showed that patients Dentist Recruitment,
among low-risk patients, 24 percent who had received any of these agents twice or Training and Calibration
developed those disease indicators, while more over 18 months had developed a 20 San Francisco Bay Area dentists
disease occurrence was higher percent lower increase of decayed or filled were invited by CDA newsletter
in each category of greater caries risk: teeth over those who never or only once had advertisements and phone calls to attend
moderate 39 percent, high 69 percent and informational meetings about the
received those anticaries products (FIGURE 2 ).26
extreme 88 percent (F I G U R E 1 ). These CAMBRA-PBRN study. CDA organized
patients had not received the appropriate one-day information sessions. During
preventive measures24 and consequently CAMBRA Practice-Based these sessions, study design, expected
developed new caries lesions. Research Network Study involvement of the dentists in conducting
In another outcomes study, Chaffee and The original UCSF-CAMBRA trial took the study and requirements to join the
co-workers reported and confirmed that place in a university dental school setting.4 PBRN were explained. Based on a priori
baseline caries risk is strongly associated In order to demonstrate that CAMBRA not power calculation, it was determined that
with future caries.25 From 18,004 patient only works in a university “ivory tower” but a sample size of 30 dentists to
charts with 4,468 recall visits at the UCSF can also successfully be implemented in be recruited into the study would be
student dental clinics, they found that the the “real world,” a practice-based research sufficient. Before the main CAMBRA-
originally assigned risk network (PBRN) PBRN study started, a total of 30 dentists


Dispensed Treatment Products Based Upon the Assessed Caries Risk Level for the Intervention Group and the Control Group

Group Low risk Moderate risk High risk

products at
risk level
Intervention Crest cavity Crest cavity Ortho wash Xylitol candies Clinpro 5000 Peridex Xylitol candies Vanish
group protection protection rinse (Epic) (3M ESPE) (3M ESPE) (Epic) (3M ESPE)
(P&G) (P&G) (3M ESPE) 4x daily (5,000 ppm Chlorhexidine 4x daily F varnish
(1,100 ppm F) (1,100 ppm F) (0.05% F), (8 grams total) F toothpaste) gluconate (8 grams total)
2x daily 2x daily daily (0.12%) rinse
1/day for 1
week, every
Control Crest cavity Crest cavity Crest Scope Sorbitol candies Crest cavity Crest Scope Sorbitol candies Placebo varnish
group protection protection rinse (P&G) (Epic) protection rinse (P&G) (Epic) (3M ESPE)
(P&G) (P&G) (mint taste), 4x daily (P&G) (mint taste), 1/ 4x daily
(1,100 ppm F) (1,100 ppm F) daily (8 grams total) (1,100 ppm F) day for 1 week, (8 grams total)
2x daily 2x daily 2x daily every month*

* Until the next periodic oral exam, then reassess.

(13 female, 17 male) had joined. Three systems that were later used in the main average of 13 or more patients per
dentists were employed at three different CAMBRA-PBRN study. First, they were examiner were checked for DMFS and
federally qualified health centers (FQHC) trained in examining and correctly charting ICDAS. Each examiner scored between
and 27 were dental-office owners. decayed, missing, filled tooth surfaces — 1,036 and 2,220 tooth surfaces. To
A calibration study was performed in the DMFS index,31,32 following strict scoring calculate the interexaminer reliability,
order to assure that all participating rules. Because noncavitated caries lesions kappa statistics were used. All dentists
dentists would record oral conditions in in enamel can be managed by achieved interexaminer kappa values of
the same detailed way30 in the main remineralization without restorative > 0.75 in comparison to the gold-standard
CAMBRA study and to assure that results intervention,33,34 the dentists were also examiner, with a mean interexaminer kappa
could be compared among participating calibrated in classifying caries lesions at a of 0.84 considered as a “very good”
practices. In order to minimize noncavitated stage.35 The International agreement with the gold standard. A
interexaminer variability in data gathering, Caries Detection and Assessment System “moderate” kappa of 0.55 for agreement in
including the assessment of caries risk, (ICDAS)35,36 offers criteria for scoring noncavitated lesions showed that this
carious lesion classification and recording of noncavitated lesions.37 The dentists differentiation was more difficult and might
of existing restorations, the study dentists were specifically trained to differentiate require additional time and clinical education
were required to attend one training between sound (ICDAS 0), noncavitated for future PBRN studies.39 For both indices,
meeting and one calibration workshop. caries lesions (ICDAS 1 or 2) (FIGURE 3) interexaminer reliability values achieved
Training meetings and calibration and cavitated caries lesions (ICDAS 3 between the gold-standard examiner and
workshops were offered on multiple dates and above). This allowed the participating future study examiners were at least as high
and attended by three to eight dentists per dentists to record consistent and detailed as typically found in the literature and
session. The study examiners participated clinical findings in the main study. considered acceptable for high-quality dental
in the training and calibration sessions Examinations occurred after the teeth
with other staff members of their dental were carefully cleaned (dental
practices to enhance understanding and prophylaxis). Dentists performed a visual Main Study: Eligibility Criteria,
support of the study with the entire exam without tactile probing of enamel, Enrollment and Treatment Assignment
patient-care team. The UCSF Institutional using loupes with 2x magnification. The UCSF IRB approved the main
Review Board (IRB) had approved the The 30 participating dentists were study (IRB #10-02153) and the study
prestudy dentist calibration (IRB #10- calibrated to a single gold-standard was registered on (ID:
04804). examiner during the six calibration NCT01176396). In the PBRN practices,
The attendees were trained and sessions.38 To determine the interexaminer potential patients were informed about
calibrated in two caries classification reliability with the gold standard, an the study goals, possible risks and

■ Low risk   ■ Moderate risk   ■ High risk
patients at baseline

the participant in black and white product
bags, comprising all products suggested
for the specific risk level. Patients
received sufficient product supplies to last
six months and were instructed to request
Number of

more if needed. Each product bag

included laminated instruction sheets on
0 how to use the products at home.
Control Intervention Control Intervention Control Intervention Finally, participants were scheduled
for a recall every six months for the two-
F I G U R E 4 . Number of eligible patients at baseline separated into caries risk levels and year study duration. The high-caries-risk
assignment to control group and intervention group treatment. patients received a phone call from
participation requirements. UCSF’s IRB developed at UCSF41 that required the PBRN practice a week before a new
classified the study as minimal risk. When information input about clinical fi ndings and calendar month started. During this phone
inclusion and exclusion requirements were answers to questions found on CDA’s CRA call, patients were reminded to use their
fulfilled, the patients were finally consented form.44,45 The system automatically dispensed rinse for the first week of the
(signing a written consent). assigned risk level following an algorithm month (one-minute rinse, 60 minutes after
Of the 30 calibrated dentists who modeled after the way a gold-standard brushing teeth each evening).
went through training and calibration, assessor and two experienced clinical In addition, each PBRN practice was
only 21 (11 female and 10 male) instructors had assigned caries risk in the reminded by the UCSF study coordinator
recruited patients for the study. Of UCSF quality assurance study.41 to place those reminder phone calls.
those, three dentists were employees of For each caries risk level (i.e., low, Of the 21 PBRN practices actively
a FQHC and 18 were practice owners. moderate and high), randomization lists recruiting patients into the study, all data
After all existing restorative needs of a had been provided to help PBRN dentists from one office were excluded from the
patient were met, the patient’s DMFS and to randomize their patient to the “active final analysis (19 participants). The office
ICDAS scores were recorded in Denticon, intervention” group or the “standard of care” did not follow recruitment, recall and data-
a web-based dental charting program control group. Providers were blinded to collection instructions. The remaining 20
(Planet DDS Inc., Irvine, Calif.). CRAs actual group assignment, which appeared dentists enrolled 460 eligible patients.
with disease indicators, risk factors, on the randomization lists as two different The eligibility criteria to be included in
protective factors and patient’s caries risk colors: black or white. Extreme-risk patients data analysis were: A baseline CRA was
level were also calculated with and were excluded from the study due to ethical performed and assignment to the “black”
recorded in Denticon at baseline and at reasons (to avoid withholding anticaries or “white” group was recorded in the
each recall visit planned for six, 12, 18 therapies). Intervention group products and computer chart. Each practice enrolled a
and 24 months after the initial risk recommendations were based on CAMBRA mean of 23.0 ± 16.8 patients with a range
assessment. In a guidelines.19,45 from two to 55 patients.
2014 study, dental university instructors
had been asked to complete CRA forms for TA B L E 1 itemizes the provided products CAMBRA-PBRN Study Results
simulated patient cases and demonstrated for each caries risk level, separated into At enrollment, of the 460 eligible
only moderate reliability to assign caries “intervention” and “control” treatment. patients, 192 patients were at low caries risk,
risk levels in accordance with a gold- Patient participants as well as all 26 at moderate and 242 were assessed as
standard assessor.41 In that study, high- members of the dental practice, including having high caries risk. Of the high-caries-
caries-risk cases were frequently the dentist, were blinded to actual group risk patients, 137 were randomly assigned to
categorized (erroneously) at low or assignment. All products were covered the intervention group and 105 to the control
moderate caries risk. Goolsby and Young with black or white wraps with printed group. For the low-caries-risk patients, 93
confi rmed similar fi ndings.42,43 To reduce user instructions on each product; thus, were assigned randomly to the intervention
such risk level misclassifi cation in the brand name and product content could and 99 to the control (FIGURE 4). At baseline,
PBRN trial, a digital system was not be identified. Products were given to the intervention


and control groups were not statistically

100 Control
significantly different in mean age (37

-caries -risk subjects

years intervention; 35 years control) and
gender (69 percent female intervention;
68 percent female control). By chance, of
the 242 baseline high-caries-risk patients, 60
more (n = 137) were assigned to the
intervention group (57 percent) than to the 40

Percentage high
control group (P = 0.05).

High Caries Risk
TA B L E 2 illustrates the number and
percentage of participants who at baseline 0
were classified as having high caries risk. Baseline 6 12 18 24
The table also shows for each follow-up Number of months
visit, in total and by treatment group

F I G U R E 5 . Change in caries risk levels for patients assessed as high caries risk at baseline; showing
the percentage of patients staying at high risk over time for the intervention group and the control group (*
marks statistically significant difference at specific recall time point; overall significance P < 0.001).

assignment, how many patients were still Low Caries Risk intervention group and control group was
classified as high risk. The follow-up rate TABLE 2 shows at each follow-up visit, in not significantly different at any other
for the intervention group was 58.4 total and by treatment group, the number individual time point. Over the entire study
percent at six months, 50.4 percent at and percentage of patients who at the period, the percentage of participants
12 months, 39.4 percent at 18 months beginning of the study were classified as changing their caries risk from low to
and 32.1 percent at 24 months. For the having low caries risk and then later were moderate or high was significantly lower in
control group, the follow-up rates were assessed as increasing their risk level to the intervention group (P = 0.03).
similar (54.3 percent, 44.8 percent, 39.0 moderate or high risk. For the intervention
percent and 37.1 percent, respectively). group, the follow-up rate was 68.8 percent Clinical Outcomes — Disease Indicators
In total, 151 initially high-caries-risk at six months, 60.2 percent at 12 months, In this CAMBRA-PBRN trial, the
participants came to at least one follow- 57.0 percent at 18 months and 38.7 number of new fillings due to caries was
up visit with 85 (62.0 percent follow-up) percent at 24 months. The follow-up rates very low in both groups. For this reason,
in the intervention group and 66 (62.9 for the controls were 72.7 percent, 70.7 we looked further into the registered
percent follow-up) in the control group. percent, 59.6 percent and 49.5 percent, disease indicators, namely visually
For participants assessed as having high respectively. In total, 154 initially low-risk or radiographically observed cavities into
caries risk at baseline, FIGURE 5 shows the participants provided data from at least one dentin, proximal enamel lesions,
percentage staying at high risk, separately at follow-up visit, with 73 (78.5 percent follow- restorations due to caries in the last year
each recall. Over the two years, the up) patients in the intervention group and and active white spot lesions at each recall
percentage of patients who stayed at high 81 (81.8 percent follow-up) in the control time point with a white spot lesion defined
caries risk was lower in the intervention group. as active if the surface appeared chalky
group than the control group, with just FIGURE 6 shows the percentage of and nonactive if the surface was shiny.
25 percent of participants staying at high patients who changed their caries risk level These disease indicators include cavities
caries risk in the intervention group at the from low at baseline to a higher caries risk and account for other signs of the existence
24-month recall. Interestingly, the at recalls. Only a small percentage of the caries disease. Consequently, they
percentage of high-caries-risk participants converted to high caries risk over time. At give a broader view of the caries situation
was also reduced over time for the control the 18-month recall, 3.9 percent of the of a patient. FIGURE 7 represents the
group down to 54 percent staying at high intervention group and 18.0 percent of the percentage of initially high-risk patients
risk. Nevertheless, for all recall time points control group were assessed as having demonstrating newly registered disease
differences between the two groups were moderate or high caries risk, the difference indicators. The percentage of newly
statistically significant (overall significance being statistically significant (P = 0.05) developed disease indicators decreased
P < 0.001). (FIGURE 6 ). The difference between the over time in both study groups. At all recall



Caries Risk Category at Baseline and Follow-Up Visits, According to Baseline Caries Risk and Treatment Group Assignment

Total Intervention Group Control Group

High caries risk Visit Stay at high risk: Stay at high risk: Stay at high risk:
at baseline n n n n n n
Baseline 242 137 105
6 months 137 92 80 49 (61.3%) 57 43 (75.4%)
12 months 116 60 69 30 (43.5%) 47 30 (63.8%)
18 months 95 32 54 13 (24.1%) 41 19 (46.3%)
24 months 83 32 44 11 (25.0%) 39 21 (53.8%)
Low caries risk Visit Change to Change to Change to
at baseline moderate or high moderate or high moderate or high
risk: risk: risk:
n n n n n n
Baseline 192 93 99
6 months 136 12 64 5 (7.8%) 72 7 (9.7%)
12 months 126 14 56 3 (5.4%) 70 11 (15.7%)
18 months 112 11 53 2 (3.8%) 59 9 (15.3%)

24 months 85 15 36 4 (11.1%) 49 11 (22.5%)

For patients classified at baseline as high caries risk (upper rows) or low caries risk (lower rows), the number of patients who remained high risk (upper rows) or
changed to moderate or high risk (lower rows) are shown according to their assigned treatment group.

time points, the percentage of patients with and calibrated to assess caries risk, score Impressively, the percentage of
newly registered disease indicators was the conventional DMFS index and use the high-risk participants remaining at this
lower for patients in the intervention than for ICDAS clinical scoring system. risk level during subsequent visits
those in the control group. These differences The first UCSF-CAMBRA trial included was much lower in the present
were statistically significant at the 12- and only patients who were high caries risk at CAMBRA-PBRN study than in the fi
18-month recall visits. The intervention the study start.4 In that study, the chemical rst UCSF-CAMBRA trial. There might
group showed new disease indicators in only therapy (OTC fluoride toothpaste daily, be several reasons. For instance, in
46 percent and 31 percent at the 12- and at OTC F mouth rinse daily and 0.12% the UCSF-CAMBRA study 5,000 ppm
the 18-month recall, respectively, while in chlorhexidine gluconate mouth rinse once a prescription toothpaste was not
the control group day for one week every month) in the available at that time, thus only 0.12%
64 percent and 53 percent, respectively, intervention group resulted in significantly chlorhexidine plus OTC fl uoride rinse
had developed new disease indicators. The lower numbers of patients at high caries risk (0.05% NaF) and OTC fl uoride
overall statistical significance for differences over time. In the intervention group, 50–70 toothpaste (1,100 ppm F paste) were
between the intervention group and control percent of participants stayed at high caries provided as intervention products.
group was P = 0.04 (FIGURE 7 ). risk and 70–90 percent of participants High-caries-risk participants assigned
stayed at high caries risk in the control to the intervention group in the
Discussion group. In contrast, in the present CAMBRA- CAMBRA-PBRN study received a
To study whether CAMBRA can be PBRN study, only 25 percent of the combination of prescription 5,000
successfully implemented outside a participants in the intervention group and 54 ppm F paste, chlorhexidine rinse,
structured university setting,4 a practice- percent of the control group remained at xylitol mints and fl uoride varnish. In
based research network was created in high caries risk after two years (FIGURE 5 ). the UCSF-CAMBRA study, the control
the San Francisco Bay Area. Thirty Nevertheless, at all recall intervals, group “continued their usual products”
dentists were enrolled to perform a two- differences between the control group and — they did not receive any products.
year, randomized, controlled, double- intervention group in percentage of patients In the present PBRN study, the
blind clinical CAMBRA trial in their remaining at high risk were statistically control-group participants all received
practices. The dentists were trained significant. standard-of-care products. It is likely


Therefore, it is likely that compliance

was much better in this study than in
60 the university-based original UCSF-
Percentage change to

CAMBRA study, in which the primary

providers were students in the
caries risk level

predoctoral clinic and the patients’
compliance may have been poor.
As a plausible consequence of using
saliva-enhancing mints and other
potentially benefi cial products in the
control group in the present study, newly
Baseline 6 12 18
developed disease indicators (ongoing
Number of months
caries measures, as described above)
decreased for both the intervention and
F I G U R E 6 . Percentage of participants classified as low caries risk at baseline, showing control treatment groups. Nonetheless,
increased caries risk level to moderate or high caries risk over time for the intervention group the percentage of newly developed
and control group (* marks statistically significant difference at specific recall time point).
disease indicators for participants in the
intervention group was lower than for
those in the control group. Fewer newly
developed disease indicators
100 unmistakably establish a reduced
Control manifestation of the caries disease, which
Intervention is expressed by radiographically observed
Percentage of patients with newly

80 cavities into dentin, proximal enamel

developed disease indicators

lesions, restorations due to caries in the

60 last year and active white spot lesions (F I
G U R E 7 ). Only 30–35 percent of
intervention group patients and 50–55
percent in the control group had new
caries indicators at 18 to 24 months,
whereas in the original CAMBRA study
this number was about 55–60 percent in
0 the intervention group and about 70–75
Baseline 6 12 18 percent in
Number of months the control group. Recorded disease
indicators strongly determine the caries
F I G U R E 7. Percentage of patients with initial high risk at baseline developing any of the four clinical risk level of the patient. Consequently,
outcomes/disease indicators (cavities on radiographic into dentin, proximal enamel lesions on the monitored reduction in numbers
radiographs, active white spot lesions on smooth surfaces, restorations within prior year).
*Percentages statistically significantly different (cluster-adjusted P < 0.05) newly developed disease
indicators (* marks statistically significant difference at specific recall time point).
that these products contributed to the reduced, unlike in the UCSF-CAMBRA of participants with high caries risk
observed risk-level reduction in this study. Another important factor in the parallels the declined percentage of
control group. The control products present study was that participants in newly developed disease indicators.
heightened saliva fl ow (sorbitol both groups were called monthly to In contrast to the original UCSF-
candies) and in addition might have remind them to use their products. CAMBRA study, the CAMBRA-PBRN
had bactericidal effects Most participants were also patients of not only enrolled high-caries-risk
(cetylpyridinium chloride rinse). Thus, record in private practices and, patients but also studied patients
the participants’ risk level in the control presumably, had ongoing personal at moderate or low caries risk. The
group was also dramatically relationships with the providers. hypothesis was that provision of

chemical therapy, including OTC high interexaminer reliability showed REFERENCES

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Caries Management by
Risk Assessment (CAMBRA)*:
An Update for Use in
Clinical Practice for Patients
Aged 6 Through Adult
John D.B. Featherstone, MSc, PhD; Pamela Alston, DDS, MPP;
Benjamin W. Chaffee, DDS, MPH, PhD; and Peter Rechmann, DMD, PhD

A B S T R A C T A system for caries management by risk assessment (CAMBRA) was

published in 2007. This paper provides a practical evidence-based update for the
clinician to use in practice for patients aged 6 through adult. Use of this updated
CAMBRA tool allows preparation of a risk-based treatment plan that combines

chemical therapy (fluoride, with or without antibacterial) with necessary restorative
treatment for a minimally invasive successful outcome. Fluoride therapy must be
supplemented by antibacterial therapy in high- and extreme-caries-risk patients.

John D.B. Featherstone,

MSc, PhD, is dean emeritus
and professor emeritus at
the University of California,
Pamela Alston, DDS, MPP,
is dental director at
Eastmont Wellness Center,
one of Alameda Health
Benjamin W. Chaffee,
DDS, MPH, PhD, is
assistant professor of oral
epidemiology and dental
Peter Rechmann, DMD,
PhD, is a professor at the
University of California,
San Francisco, School of
D ental caries continues to be a
major problem for patients of
all ages. Billions of dollars are
San Francisco, School of public health at the Dentistry and the director
System’s federally qualified spent annually in the U.S. on
Dentistry. His 44 years of health center delivery sites. University of California, of the clinical sciences restorative treatment
research include caries She is faculty advisor to the San Francisco, School research group. He has of dental caries. Placing restorations can
prevention and of Dentistry. Research been involved in clinical
UCSF Student National restore tooth form and function but does
management. He has Dental Association. Conflict interests include tobacco- research for more than 35
received numerous national
not affect the risk factors that caused the
of Interest Disclosure: None related behaviors, caries years and has published
and international awards reported. management and oral more than 140 papers disease, such as a cariogenic diet, insuffi
and has published more health disparities. Conflict and book chapters. cient saliva or high levels of cariogenic
than 300 papers and book of Interest Disclosure: Conflict of Interest bacteria in the rest of the mouth.1 Nor
chapters. None reported. Disclosure: None reported.
does it change the protective factors.
Conflict of Interest
*CAMBRA is a registered
Therefore, successful management of
Disclosure: None reported.
trademark of the University dental caries requires management of the
of California, San Francisco disease with chemical therapy and
behavior change, in addition to minimally
invasive restorative
work. Assessment of the level of risk
for future occurrence of dental caries

Biological Risk Factors Protective Factors

Fermentable carbohydrates Saliva, calcium, phosphate
Acid-producing bacteria Remineralization — fluoride
lesions is very important as the fi rst step Hyposalivation Antibacterial therapy
in managing dental caries. The risk level
determines the personalized caries Caries No Caries
management approach for each patient.
The procedure for determining caries risk
status is described in practical terms
below, together with appropriate caries F I G U R E 1. The caries balance showing the balance between biological caries risk factors (pathological
management approaches including factors) and protective factors. The balance can either be toward progression or reversal of the disease.
chemical therapy. While the caries risk Updated from Featherstone, 1999.13 Each component is described in the text. Antibacterial agents may include
assessment (CRA) form used in this chlorhexidine, silver diamine fluoride, hypochlorite (bleach) or new agents currently in development.
paper has been further simplifi ed based
on available evidence, further discussion
on this topic can be found elsewhere.2 disease. Based upon decades of Caries Risk Assessment —
For decades there have been research on dental caries by many Practical Stepwise Guidelines
numerous attempts to provide investigators, we proposed the “caries The assessment of caries risk for each
methodology to predict future dental balance” as a clinically oriented way of individual patient is essential as the basis for
caries or to assess caries risk and to understanding the difference between the management of dental caries. Caries
manage the disease.3–6 There are many progression or reversal of caries in the risk is the likelihood of the patient having
publications related to these topics. It is mouth.10–13 In summary, dental caries is new caries lesions (white spots, cavities,
not the aim of this paper to review these demineralization of tooth mineral etc.) in the near future. There are many
published works. The purpose of this caused by acid generated when CRA forms and procedures in the recent
paper is to provide an update and cariogenic bacteria in the plaque (biofi literature and some are commercially
practical guidelines for dental lm) on the teeth metabolize fermentable available. Two such systems have been
practitioners for a CRA and caries carbohydrates. The demineralization extensively studied in long-term patient-
management system that has been can be inhibited by salivary outcomes research. One is the Cariogram
developed in California for patients aged components, antibacterial agents and fl system from Sweden14 and the other is the
6 through adult, originally published in uoride or reversed by remineralization CAMBRA system that was developed at the
20077,8 but utilized for more than 15 that requires calcium, phosphate and fl University of California, San Francisco, in
years in the teaching clinics of the uoride. The progression or reversal of conjunction with several other universities
University of California, San Francisco dental caries is driven and the California Dental Association.7–9,15
(UCSF), School of Dentistry.9 The by the “caries balance” (F I G U R E 1 ), The CAMBRA system has been shown to
procedures and philosophy are known as namely the balance between the be highly predictive of future caries in three
“caries management by risk assessment” biological caries risk factors different studies, featuring thousands of
and abbreviated to CAMBRA. This paper (pathological factors) [primarily: 1) patients, for the group aged 6 years through
also briefl y summarizes the science cariogenic (acid-producing) bacteria, adult and most recently for the group aged 0
behind the methodology of CAMBRA and 2) fermentable carbohydrates and 3) to 5 years.9,16–18 An electronic version
the outcomes of 15 years of clinical salivary dysfunction] and protective of the CAMBRA CRA procedure is
application in thousands of patients. factors [primarily: 1) suffi cient saliva, expected to be available in the near future.
2) remineralization that requires The following step-by-step outline guide
calcium, phosphate and fl uoride and is for use of the CAMBRA system with the
The Science Behind Caries Risk 3) antibacterial agents]. Possible group aged 6 years through adult. Details
Assessment and Caries Management antibacterial agents include are given later in this paper. The CAMBRA
There are hundreds of papers that chlorhexidine, silver diamine fl uoride system identifies four risk levels, namely
have contributed to our understanding (SDF), hypochlorite (bleach) and low, moderate, high and extreme. CRA
of the overall mechanism of dental others currently in development. See takes place as part of the regular
caries and the roles of fl uoride and following sections for further detail. comprehensive oral exam in the following
other agents in the management of the
sequence, leading to formulating


an individualized caries management Step 4 uses a few simple questions restorations are completed, and
treatment plan that includes chemical (as listed in the CRA form in TABLE 1) to from then on the one-year rule
therapy. Here are the steps in the process: attempt to determine the cause of the applies for any new restorations.
1. Take dental and medical history. ongoing disease or to determine whether For a new-patient visit, one or more of
2. Conduct clinical examination. it is under control. Only those factors that these disease indicators signals at least
3. Detect caries lesions early enough to have been shown to be statistically “high caries risk.” For a patient of record at
reverse or prevent progression. significantly related to ongoing caries risk a follow-up visit, any new appearance of a
4. Assess and document the caries risk or reversal are included here.18 TABLE 1 is disease indicator signals at least “high
as low, moderate, high or extreme utilizing a ready-to-use CRA form that provides a caries risk.” If hyposalivation is present, in
data from steps 1, 2 and 3 and a short list of visual summary addition, this signals “extreme risk.”
questions listed in the CRA form (TABLE 1). of all three categories. Instructions for
5. Produce and document a treatment its use and definitions of terms follow Biological and Environmental Risk
plan that includes chemical therapy here and are briefly summarized in the Factors (Pathological Factors)
appropriate to the caries risk level. second page of the form (FIGURE 2). The following are biological and
6. Prescribe and/or provide chemical environmental risk factors that have
therapy for the patient that includes been shown to be statistically related
fluoride with or without antibacterial to caries risk:9,18
therapy based upon the caries risk level. The CAMBRA system has a. Heavy plaque on the teeth. This
7. Use minimally invasive restorative been shown to be highly simple measure, as observed by the
procedures to conserve tooth structure clinician, has been shown in our clinical
predictive of future caries
and function. outcomes studies in thousands of patients to
8. Recall and review at intervals in three different studies, be a strong indicator of cariogenic bacterial
appropriate to the caries risk status. featuring thousands of activity and is strongly related to ongoing
9. Reassess and document caries caries.9,17–19 Note: At the time of writing,
risk level at recall and modify the there is no validated chairside test
treatment plan as necessary. commercially available for measuring
The first four steps of the process cariogenic bacterial levels. Therefore,
comprise the CRA, which identifies clinical Disease Indicators cariogenic bacteria counts have been
status, pathological factors and protective Disease indicators are these eliminated from the CRA form
factors to provide an individualized, overall clinically observed results of previous in this revised version, although a
portrait of caries risk (TABLE 1). In the and/or ongoing dental caries placeholder has been retained in
following steps, that risk assessment, in destruction of the tooth mineral: TABLE 1 to allow for a quantitative
turn, informs the development and a. Observed cavitation or radiographic bacteria test to be added back at a
implementation of a personalized caries evidence of progression into the dentin. later date when an evidence-based
management plan. Hence, CAMBRA is a b. White spot lesions (that are new or test becomes available.
two-phase process involving both CRA and active) on smooth surfaces. b. Frequent snacking on fermentable
management of caries as a biologically c. Radiographic evidence of carbohydrates, at least three times daily
determined, clinical disease. Steps 1, 2 and noncavitated demineralization into the outside of meal times.
3 are familiar elements of any conventional enamel (usually by bitewing radiographs). c. Use of medications that induce
oral examination and form the basis of the d. Existing restorations placed due to hyposalivation. Xerostomia
CRA. Steps 2 and 3 provide a list of what caries in the last three years for a new is a side effect of some of the
are called “disease indicators,” which are patient or in the last year for a patient of most commonly prescribed
simply clinical signs of the presence of record. A new patient becomes a patient medications and risk of dry
caries, most likely ongoing over time. of record after the first visit and mouth increases with the number
of medications prescribed.20


Updated CAMBRA* Caries Risk Assessment Form for Patients Aged 6 through Adult (January 2019) (Refer to Figure 2 for
details and instructions for use; available in its original form as a patient download at and on page 38.)

Caries risk component Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Disease indicators Check if yes
1. New cavities or lesion(s) into dentin (radiographically)
2. New white spot lesions on smooth surfaces
3. New noncavitated lesion(s) in enamel (radiographically)
4. Existing restorations in last three years (new patient) or the last year (patient of record)
Biological or environmental risk factors Check if yes
1. Cariogenic bacteria quantity — not currently available
2. Heavy plaque on the teeth
3. Frequent snacking (> 3 times daily)
4. Hyposalivatory medications
5. Reduced salivary function (measured low-flow rate)**
6. Deep pits and fissures
7. Recreational drug use
8. Exposed tooth roots
9. Orthodontic appliances
Protective factors Check if yes
1. Fluoridated water
2. F toothpaste once a day
3. F toothpaste 2X daily or more
4. 5,000 ppm F toothpaste
5. F varnish last six months
6. 0.05% sodium fluoride mouthrinse daily
7. 0.12% chlorhexidine gluconate mouthrinse daily seven days monthly
8. Normal salivary function
Final Score: Column 1 total Column 2 total Column 3 total
Yes in Column 1: Indicates high or extreme risk
Yes in columns 2 and 3: Consider the caries balance
**Hyposalivation plus high-risk factors = extreme risk

Final overall caries risk assessment category Extreme ❐ High ❐ Moderate ❐ Low ❐
*CAMBRA is a registered trademark of the University of California, San Francisco

d. Reduced salivary function In the risk-assessment procedure, any indicates hyposalivation, depending on the
(low flow rate) by observation items on this list with a positive response drugs used. “Meth mouth” is an extreme-
(dry mouth appearance are marked with a yes (TABLE 1) in the caries-risk situation. Older people almost all
and symptoms) or by appropriate column. Each yes adds to the have exposed tooth roots, indicating more
measurement (stimulated risk level. Items a and b can be modified attention is needed to fluoride and other
flow rate less than 0.5 ml/ by behavioral management. A yes to items preventive measures. Orthodontic
minute) — hyposalivation. c and d will normally indicate extreme risk appliances, such as brackets, automatically
e. Deep pits and fi ssures. if other risk factors and disease indicators place the patient at
f. Daily or regular use of suggest at least high risk. Deep pits and least into moderate risk. Orthodontic
recreational drugs. fissures suggest the use of preventive appliances lead to preferential growth
g. Exposed tooth roots. sealants (depending on the age and risk of cariogenic bacteria during the time
h. Orthodontic appliances. status of the patient). Item f, most likely, of the orthodontic treatment.21

Determining the caries risk as low, moderate, high or extreme

Add up the number of “yes” checks for each of the disease indicators (Column 1)
and risk factors (Column 2). Offset this total by the total number of “yes” checks
for protective factors (Column 3). Use these numbers to determine whether the
patient has a higher risk-factor score than a protective-factor score or vice versa.
Use the caries balance to visualize the overall result and determine the risk level:
g. Uses 0.12% chlorhexidine
gluconate mouthrinse daily for one
week each month as prescribed
for caries control or other proven
antibacterial treatment.1
Biological factors
h. Has normal adequate
Disease risk factors salivary flow and function by
indicators inspection or measurement.
Each of these items with a positive
response receives a “yes” score.
Note: Xylitol use is no longer listed as a
Caries progresses No caries protective factor in this revised CRA
version as the evidence is limited.22 For
patients with high-frequency carbohydrate
consumption, xylitol gum or lozenges can
This enables a determination of low, moderate or high risk determined by the be considered as substitutes for
balance between disease indicators/risk factors and protective factors. The “yes” fermentable carbohydrates.
indications are also used to modify behavior or determine additional therapy.
In addition to counting the “yes” checks as described above, the following three modifiers apply: Determining the Caries Risk as
1. High and extreme risk. One or more disease indicators signals at least high risk. If there is
Low, Moderate, High or
also hyposalivation, the patient is at extreme risk. Even if there are no positive disease indicators the
patient can still be at high risk if the risk factors definitively outweigh the protective factors. Think of
Add the number of “yes” checks for
the caries balance: Visualize the balance diagram as illustrated above.
each of the risk-factor and protective-
factor columns. Use these numbers to
2. Low risk. If there are no disease indicators, very few or no risk factors and the
determine whether the patient has a
protective factors prevail, the patient is at low risk. Usually this is obvious.
higher risk-factor score than a protective-
3. Moderate risk. If the patient is not obviously at high or extreme risk and there is doubt
factor score or vice versa. This enables
about low risk, then the patient should be allocated to moderate risk and followed carefully,
a determination of low, moderate or high
with additional chemical therapy added. An example would be a patient who had a root canal
as a result of caries four years ago and has no new clinical caries lesions, but has exposed risk determined by the balance between
tooth roots and only uses a fluoride toothpaste once a day. risk factors and protective factors. The
yes indications are also used to modify
behavior or determine additional therapy
F I G U R E 2 . Instructions for using the caries risk assessment form.
(see below). The use of a modified
(Available in its original form as a patient download at and on page 39.)
caries balance (FIGURE 2) to visualize the
caries risk and the contributions
Protective Factors established that twice daily of disease indicators, risk factors and
Protective factors are environmental provides considerable added protective factors will be helpful.
factors or chemical therapy that helps benefit. If the patient provides ■ High and extreme risk. One or more
to swing the caries balance to caries a yes to question c, a yes should disease indicators signals at least high risk.
prevention or reversal. The most important be marked to question b.) If there is also hyposalivation, the patient is
factors that are proven effective are: d. Uses a high-concentration at extreme risk. Even if there are no positive
a. Lives, goes to school or works in a prescription (5,000 ppm F) disease indicators, the patient can still be at
fluoridated drinking water area. fluoride toothpaste twice daily. high risk if the risk factors definitively
b. Uses a fluoride toothpaste e. Has had fluoride varnish applied outweigh the protective factors. Think of the
once daily. in the last six months. caries balance: Visualize a scale (FIGURES 1
c. Uses a fluoride toothpaste at f. Uses 0.05% sodium fluoride and 2 ).
least twice daily. (It is well mouthrinse daily.


Caries Self-Management Menu of Options (See below for patient handout download option.)
Protective factors Use an antibacterial When possible, drink 2 tsp. baking soda in 8 oz. Brush at least 2x daily with a
mouthrinse/ fluoridated tap water or water for buffering fluoridated toothpaste
fluoride mouthwash fluoridated bottled water
Fermentable Reduce frequency of Substitute xylitol-based Reduce frequency of sugary
carbohydrate changes processed starchy snacks products for fermentable snacks
Sugar control options Eliminate or reduce frequency Dilute juice; exercise portion Read labels for sugar content
of sugar-sweetened beverages; control; limit to meal time if
limit to meal time if at all at all
Oral health lifestyle Daily plaque removal Keep all oral health
reinforcements appointments
Goals to go How important it is (1–10) How likely to accomplish it (1–10)


Menu of Options
Q Keep all oral health
.) Chemical Therapy Needed According
Caries Self-Management
Q Track goal progress
as a download .org/CAMBRA2
to the Caries Risk Assessment
The following guidelines have been used
1450–fl uo ri de ppm and proven by a practice-based clinical trial

fluoridated 1000 5000fluoride

and by outcomes assessment in thousands
Use antibacterial

of patients.9,23 Chemical therapy, such as




fluoride toothpaste, must be included in the


SUG AR Y treatment plan for all patients (even low

fluoridated tap water

risk).24 Fluoride-containing agents are likely



bottled water

to be sufficient to maintain a healthy caries
2 . baking soda in 8 oz. water for

balance in low-risk or moderate-risk


Q at least 2x daily with a


carbohydrate changes

of processed starchy

Q Reduce frequency

snacks C

Substitute xylitol-based products

for fermentable carbohydrates

Q Limit snacking on fermentable of

carbohydrates to 2x or less outside

meal time of sugary snacks

Q Reduce frequency


Sugar control

Q Drink water or milk instead of sugar-

sweetened beverages;

limit to meal time if at all

to beverages

Q Do not add sugar

Q Dilute juice with water; exercise

control; limit to meal time if at all

for sugar

Q Read nutrition labels

Oral health lifestyle


Q Daily plaque removal

Q Choose healthful snacks

The needs additional therapy to keep ■ Alternative 1: Over-the-counter
moderate them where they are, or better, to fluoride toothpaste twice daily
Moderate- -caries- move them to low caries risk. Two plus 0.05% sodium fluoride
Caries-Risk risk alternatives are given, depending on mouthrinse daily at night. The
Chemical patient the level of compliance.
patients. Restorative work as needed will be patient should also be counseled
to reduce between-meal
Self-management goals or limiting sugary drinks, and number each goal.

included in conjunction with the chemical

therapy. The restorative work, which is snacking and to conscientiously
follow this regimen.
two goals, such as buffering How

typically needed in high-risk patients, must be

Alternative 2: Prescription
Select likely to accomplish

done according to the principles of minimally ■

high-fl uoride (5,000 ppm F)

invasive dentistry.25 The biggest issue related

toothpaste at least twice daily plus
important it is __________

to success of the CAMBRA treatment is

counseling on reducing between-
Q Goal 1: How likely to accomplish

compliance with the chemical therapy,

meal snacking of fermentable
(1—10) How

especially when it is home-use. It is essential

carbohydrates (substituting with
it is __________

to work with the patient through motivational

xylitol-containing lozenges or
Goal 2: How important

interviewing and counseling so that they use


Example of a pictorial check sheet used to assist the home-use regimens as prescribed or the candies). This regimen is very
patients in setting their self-management goals therapy will not be effective. simple and is recommended
for caries management (courtesy of Pamela
for those who may not comply
Alston, MPH, DDS). Available as a handout at and on page 42.
Low-Caries-Risk Chemical Therapy with the toothpaste plus fl uoride
The guideline is to “keep it simple.” mouthrinse as in Alternative
Whatever the patient is doing appears to 1. The disadvantage is the need to
■ Low risk. If there are no disease
be working. If the plaque levels are low, prescribe the fl uoride toothpaste
indicators, very few or no risk factors and
oral hygiene looks good and the patient and the additional cost. The
the protective factors prevail, the patient is
uses a fluoride toothpaste daily, then the advantage of this second
at low risk. Usually this is obvious.
recommendation is simple: “Keep doing alternative is the simplicity
■ Moderate risk. If the patient is not
what you are doing and use an over-the- of the protocol and better
obviously at high or extreme risk and there
counter fluoride toothpaste (1,000–1,450 likelihood of compliance.
is doubt about low risk, then the patient
ppm F) at least twice daily.” Recall for a Recall at six-month
should be allocated to moderate risk and
follow-up visit at 12-month intervals. intervals for follow-up visits.
followed carefully with additional chemical
therapy added. An example would be a
patient who had a root canal as a result of
caries four years prior and has no new
clinical caries lesions but has exposed tooth
roots and only uses
a fluoride toothpaste once a day.

High-Caries-Risk Chemical is to be continued for at least a High- and Extreme-Caries-Risk

Therapy year until the disease is controlled Patients — Guiding Principles
The high-caries-risk patient must have and the risk level is lowered. In the case of high- and extreme-
antibacterial therapy to lower the bacterial Recall at four- to six-month caries-risk patients, their caries
challenge. Fluoride alone, at whatever intervals for follow-up visits. progression cannot be controlled by
concentration and frequency, will not be conventional fluoride therapy and
enough and the caries will continue to Extreme-Caries-Risk Chemical conventional restorative work alone. All
develop. The best proven antibacterial Therapy clinical studies on such subjects clearly
therapy currently available is chlorhexidine The extreme-caries-risk patient show major caries progression in spite of
mouthrinse (or gel). It is not ideal, as it is must have antibacterial therapy to lower combined fluoride and restorative
only partially effective. It was proven the bacterial challenge. Fluoride alone, therapy. Therefore, antibacterial therapy,
effective in two clinical trials provided a at whatever concentration and dietary modification, fluoride therapy and
specific regimen is used.1,23 New and better frequency, will not be enough and the minimally invasive restorative procedures
therapy will be available in the future. SDF caries will continue to develop. The must all be used in combination to
has recently gained popularity and therapy is the same as for high risk manage dental caries in high- and
guidelines for use in young children have (including antibacterial therapy) plus extreme-risk patients. In extreme-risk
been published.26 There are several additional buffering. patients, pH control must also be added
systematic reviews on SDF,27–29 but it has a. Fluoride varnish applied in the clinic as described above. In cases where
severe staining as a side effect and can at the time of the clinical visit and patients do not appear to be responding,
only be used in limited settings. reapplied every four to six months (for additional therapy may be needed, such
Hypochlorite (bleach)-based antibacterial children and adults). as home-use fluoride gel, additional
caries rinse is also marketed, but at the b. Brushing with a prescription, high- antibacterial therapy such as SDF and,
time of writing there is no published clinical fluoride (5,000 ppm F) toothpaste, at least very importantly, additional help to assist
trial demonstrating its efficacy and there twice daily, plus counseling on reducing the patient with compliance.
may be safety concerns for use in children. between-meal snacking of fermentable
New antibacterial agents are in carbohydrates. Implementation in a Clinical
development, specifically for caries control, c. Rinse for one minute once daily for Practice Setting — Patient and
but none are currently available. one week each month with 10 ml of a Practice Commitments
As of the time of writing, the chlorhexidine gluconate mouthrinse Implementing the CAMBRA system
following is the proven chemical (0.12%). This should be done at least one delivers to dental practices a new
therapy for high-caries-risk patients.1,9 hour apart from the fluoride toothbrushing, capability to manage caries and infl
There are three components: preferably last thing at night before bed. The uence patient behavior. While the
a. Fluoride varnish applied in the clinic regimen is to be continued for at least a CAMBRA system involves changing
at the time of the clinical visit and reapplied year, until the disease is controlled and the patients’ mindsets and attitudes, it may
every four to six months (for children and risk level involve changing dental team members’
adults). is lowered to moderate or low. mindsets and attitudes as well. With
b. Brushing with a prescription, high- d. Rinse ad libitum throughout the day training and coaching, support and
fluoride (5,000 ppm F) toothpaste, at least every day with a baking soda solution made encouragement, dental staff members
twice daily, plus counseling on reducing fresh daily (2 teaspoons in 8 ounces (250 can learn how to interview patients
between-meal snacking of fermentable ml) of water). effectively using motivational interviewing
carbohydrates. e. In cases that are not responding, (MI) skills and gain self-satisfaction using
c. Rinse for one minute once daily for consider adding the home use of fluoride them. They can learn how to assist
one week each month with a chlorhexidine trays with 5,000 ppm F gel for five minutes patients in setting self-management
daily. goals and achieving them. They can
gluconate mouthrinse (0.12%).1 This should
be done at least one hour apart from the Recall at three- to four-month build on their skills in delivering oral
fluoride toothbrushing, preferably last thing intervals for follow-up visits. health education tailored to patients’ oral
at night before bed. The regimen health literacy levels.

Implementing CAMBRA into practice at each patient encounter. While not their ability to make changes. YouTube
goes smoother when the entire team is reimbursable by payers, reporting the videos and continuing dental education
engaged, kept informed and able and Current Dental Terminology (CDT) courses/webinars can assist with didactic
encouraged to give input and feedback. Code for motivational interviewing, training in coaching techniques.
Making decisions as democratically as D9993, can be used to document how Another key decision relates to how the
possible helps to keep the team providers are utilizing MI with patients therapeutic products will be made available
invested. Decisions principally involve to improve their oral health outcomes. to the patients. Options include writing
how to incorporate CAMBRA into the A prepared outline for each type prescriptions. If the patients will receive
workflow. CAMBRA does add time to the of CAMBRA visit (initial, recall, prescriptions, the dental staff will need to
patient visit and this requires scheduling treatment) and standard talking points make sure the selected pharmacy actually
adjustments. Whether the additional promote visit consistency for all stocks the products. Another option is to
time is significant or nominal depends patients. Scripting patient education dispense the products at the practice, either
upon the dental team members’ helps to keep the visit on track, but by selling them on a retail basis or on a fee
communication proficiency and time- scripting must also allow for differences basis using CDT code D9630. The option to
management skills. With training and make the products available gratis, although
experience, both improve over time. very generous, does not necessarily lead to
The questions on the CRA form are a commitment by the patients to use them.
asked in an open-ended fashion using MI Patients are more likely to Even if the practice does not want to charge
tactics. MI is a way of creating effective take self-responsibility and full price, a nominal fee reinforces the notion
dialogue with patients so patients will to the patient that the products have value. If
make sustainable health
share genuinely their health the CAMBRA therapeutics are dispensed at
behaviors.30,31 Open-ended questions behavior changes when they the practice, dental staff will need to find the
require more time, thought and effort for select goals that they believe time and space to maintain the inventory
patients to answer, but they elicit helpful and follow rules for dispensing the
are important and achievable.
insights. Sometimes ambivalence to prescription drugs.
making health behavior changes Taking care to tailor the delivery of
surfaces. MI guides patients through information to patients’ oral health literacy
their ambivalence. The interviewer’s affi in patients’ oral health literacy levels. A levels improves patient understanding.
rmations are designed to empower CDT code, D9994, has been added in A concise written summary of patients’
patients by helping them to recognize the dental case management series to self-management goals is helpful for
their intrinsic strengths. The interviewer’s document patient education to improve postvisit recall. TABLE 2 is an example of a
refl ective listening allows patients to oral health literacy. With attention to check sheet that can be used to assist
clarify misinterpretations and add more time management, the added visit patients to determine their specific goals.
depth to their responses. Summaries by length does not detract from overall Although the entire dental team is
the interviewer are a way of pulling practice productivity. When all clinical involved, dental practices may benefit
together the information gathered during staff members are trained on the from having a CAMBRA champion helping
the CRA in order CAMBRA system, any available staff to drive the implementation process. The
to guide patients toward action. member can be deployed to perform CAMBRA champion may be a dentist,
The benefits of taking time to parts of the CAMBRA component of the dental assistant, dental hygienist or dental
perform the CRA using MI skills are that patient visit. care coordinator. The CAMBRA champion
patients are more likely to take self- In the course of CAMBRA visits, staff will identify resources, such
responsibility and make sustainable health will invariably encounter patients who will as CAMBRA webinars, YouTube videos and
behavior changes when they select goals struggle to make changes and adhere to continuing dental education courses,
that they believe are important and their caries self-management goals. With arrange lunch-and-learn meetings, speak to
achievable. Sometimes patients prefer to coaching, dental staff members can learn dental supply representatives about new
break goals into incremental steps; in such how to help patients who have low self- products, function as a troubleshooter and
cases, progress is monitored efficacy, that is, little confidence in keep the team motivated. It behooves


the CAMBRA champion to take the time application.32 For the clinician today, no Many existing anticaries therapies
to check in with staff during staff meetings single existing method perfectly predicts rely on routine patient engagement in
and informally. The CAMBRA champion future caries. The CAMBRA risk home care. Poor adherence often
should stay sufficiently attentive to the assessment and management guidelines undermines what would be effi cacious
clinic environment to identify opportunities offer a straightforward protocol, grounded in treatments, but achieving lasting
and barriers proactively evidence, but are not intended to be behavior change at the individual
to support long-term sustainability of prescriptive. Adding clinical reasoning and patient level is notoriously diffi cult.
the CAMBRA system in the practice. judgment allows the clinician to work Motivational interviewing in dental
When patients understand caries as a collaboratively with the patient settings has demonstrated success as
chronic disease and adhere to their to develop a caries management plan a communication strategy to promote
personalized caries self-management plans, that accounts for individual patient patient behavior change.31 Further
the behavioral changes they make are likely preferences, life situations and goals. effort is needed to enhance training
to be more sustainable. They are more The effectiveness of anticaries and educational opportunities for
motivated to keep their appointments and chemical therapies will improve with integrating motivational interviewing
complete their treatment plans. They don’t techniques into dental practice.
want to face recare due to failure In addition to helping each individual
to manage the aspects of caries disease patient, dental professionals can support
that are within their control. The reward For the practicing broader health-promoting policies
for staff is satisfaction in successfully dentist, implementing in their communities. For example,
providing high-quality, evidence-based, dentists can be effective advocates
up-to-date evidence- for community water fluoridation and
patient-focused successful dental care.
based approaches is reducing sugar consumption. The
Future Directions in Caries key to providing patients World Health Organization guidelines
Management and Risk Assessment for limiting sugar consumption were
with the best possible care.
Risk-based noninvasive caries based partly on evidence that lower
management, as embraced in CAMBRA, sugar intakes would dramatically
effectively and significantly lowers the reduce tooth decay worldwide.35
occurrence of new caries lesions in better treatments to manage plaque One of the barriers to adoption of
continuing dental patients. However, biofilms and reduce cariogenic bacterial the CAMBRA system, or other similar
CAMBRA falls short of eliminating caries challenge. Classic 20th century systems, is that reimbursement by
risk entirely. Additional research and experiments underscored the importance insurance carriers is currently very
emerging therapies aim for future of lactobacilli and mutans streptococci in limited for dental providers for doing
advances. For the practicing dentist, caries development; yet, species-specific CRA and the related chemical therapy
implementing up-to-date evidence- therapies, such as an anticaries vaccine, and patient guidance. This situation is
based approaches is key to providing have not proven successful.33 Modern changing as evidence accumulates.
patients with the best possible care. concepts view the oral microbiome
CRA is strongly predictive but is not as an interconnected and dynamic system Conclusions
deterministic: Even with widely vetted CRA featuring symbiotic relationships between This paper provides a practical,
instruments, some patients who appear to microbiota, the host and the oral straightforward, evidence-based
be low risk will develop active disease, environment.34 In this model of oral health update for the clinician to use in
while not all patients who seem to be high and disease, newer therapies will seek to practice for patients aged 6 through
risk are destined to have cavities. Recent modify the microbiome itself (e.g., adult. The evidence described here
developments in personalized dentistry, probiotics or prebiotics), modulate biofilm
consists of a wide body of background
notably the incorporation of genetic growth and metabolism or manipulate the literature, two clinical trials1,9,23 and
information, promise new, precise insight oral environment (e.g., enhance saliva several clinical outcomes studies in
into caries risk but may be many years and/or host defenses), leading to a health- thousands of patients.9,16–19 Use of this
from practical promoting balance.34 updated CAMBRA tool allows

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study: Further developments in caries risk prediction.
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An Updated CAMBRA*
Caries Risk Assessment
Tool for Ages 0 to 5 Years
John D.B. Featherstone, MSc ,PhD; Yasmi O. Crystal, DMD, MSc;
Benjamin W. Chaffee, DDS, MPH, PhD; Ling Zhan, DDS, PhD;
Francisco J. Ramos-Gomez, DDS, MS, MPH

A B S T R A C T This paper provides a practical caries risk assessment (CRA) tool for

use by the clinician in caries management by risk assessment (CAMBRA) in 0- to 5-

year-olds that updates the original tool published in 2007 and reviewed in 2010.
This CRA incorporates evidence-based research from recent implementation studies
and is the basis of a risk-based disease-management model that targets individual risk
factors, as fluoride therapy alone may be insufficient for high-risk patients.

John D.B. Featherstone,

MSc, PhD, is dean emeritus
Dentistry in Bound Brook,
N.J., has been in private
Ling Zhan, DDS, PhD, is an
associate professor in the
Francisco J. Ramos-
Gomez, DDS, MS, MPH, is
Early childhood caries (ECC) in young
and professor emeritus at the practice for more than 25 division of pediatric dentistry a professor in the section
children aged 0 to 5 years continues
University of California, San years and has published at the University of of pediatric dentistry at the to be a major problem, negatively
Francisco. His 44 years of numerous papers. Conflict California, San Francisco, University of California, affecting the well-being,
research has included caries of Interest Disclosure: School of Dentistry. She is a Los Angeles, School of development and growth of children
prevention and management. None reported. practicing pediatric dentist Dentistry. He and their families.1,2 Severe cases of ECC are
He has received numerous with a prevention-oriented is the executive director for
very difficult to manage and are often
national and international Benjamin W. Chaffee, philosophy. Her research the UCLA Center for
DDS, MPH, PhD, is interests include clinical and
accompanied by future decay.3–5 Assessment
awards and has published Children’s Oral Health and
assistant professor of oral translational research in the director of the Pediatric
of the risk level for future occurrence
more than 300 papers and
book chapters. epidemiology and dental caries prevention, especially Dentistry Advanced Clinical of dental caries lesions is an important first
public health at the on microbiological aspects of Global Training program. He step in managing dental caries and
Conflict of Interest University of California, caries. has pioneered protocols in monitoring oral health improvement over
Disclosure: None reported. San Francisco, School Conflict of Interest early detection, early
of Dentistry. Research
time. Successful management of ECC
Disclosure: None reported. intervention and prevention
Yasmi O. Crystal, DMD, interests include tobacco- of early childhood caries.
requires a risk-based approach to formulate
MSc, is a clinical professor of related behaviors, caries Conflict of Interest an individualized treatment plan using a
pediatric dentistry in the management and oral Disclosure: None reported. chronic disease management model, which
College of Dentistry at New health disparities. Conflict
aims at targeting the risk factors (biological,
York University. She is a of Interest Disclosure: *CAMBRA is a registered
diplomate and examiner for None reported.
environmental and social) that contribute to
trademark of the University
the American Board of California, San Francisco
the establishment and progression of this
of Pediatric Dentistry. Dr. multifactorial disease. This individualized
Crystal is the founder of treatment plan should include behavior/
Comprehensive Pediatric


80 ■ Low risk   ■ Moderate risk   ■ High risk

Percent with cavitation at follow -up

lifestyle modification (for diet improvement,
less sugar intake and plaque control)
and nonsurgical caries management,6,7 in 40
addition to appropriate restorative work.
The caries risk level determines the 20
personalized caries-management
approach for each patient. Personalization
further takes into consideration the
behavioral barriers of the individual child 0
0–5 yr 6 yr–adult 0–5 yr 6 yr–adult 0–5 yr 6 yr–adult
(their level of cooperation for restorative
treatment and home oral health care) and Caries risk at baseline
the social context of the child and family.
For decades, there have been numerous FIGURE 1. Percent cavitation 6 years to adult and 0 to 5 years. Percent of patients with cavities for each risk category
attempts to provide methodology to predict (low, moderate and high) at follow-up, based upon provider-assigned caries risk at baseline. The 0-to-5-years groups are
future dental caries, to assess caries risk and from Chaffee and co-workers.31 The 6-years-to-adult groups are from Doméjean and co-workers.30
to manage the disease process.8–11 There are

many publications related to these topics, many investigators, we proposed the in the UCSF pediatric dental clinics
including those for children aged 0 to 5 “caries balance” as a clinically oriented are summarized here as the basis
years.6,7,12,13 It is not the aim of the present way of evaluating the continuum between for the updated CRA that follows.
paper to review these published works. progression or reversal of caries in the An evaluation published in 2016
The purpose of this paper is to provide mouth.22–25 Driving this continuum described the importance of individual risk-
an updated, evidence-based, practical CRA is the balance between the biological assessment items in relation to providers’
tool for use by dental practitioners for young caries risk factors (pathological factors), CRA decisions and clinical outcomes.31 This
children aged 0 to 5 years. The procedures which are, primarily, cariogenic (acid- study assessed the relative importance of
and philosophy known as caries producing) bacteria, fermentable 17 CRA items, for children aged 6 months to
management by risk assessment and carbohydrates and salivary dysfunction, 72 months, in dental provider’s decision-
abbreviated to CAMBRA were published in and protective factors, which are making regarding CRA and in association
the Journal of the California Dental with clinically evident dental caries at follow-
sufficient saliva, antibacterial agents and
Association in 2007 for patients aged 6 up. At baseline, 3,810 children were
remineralization that requires calcium,
years through adult14,15 as well as for young phosphate and fluoride. assessed and follow-up data were available
children aged 0 to 5 years16 and have been for 1,315 after four to 36 months. The CRA
utilized for more than 15 years in the Caries Risk Assessment for Ages procedures used to assess low, moderate,
teaching clinics of the University of 0 to 5: Evidence to Date From high or extreme risk were as published
California, San Francisco, School of UCSF Clinical Outcomes Studies previously by Ramos-Gomez and co-
Dentistry (UCSF)17 and at the University of Assessment of caries risk for each workers.6,16,32 Extreme risk was defined as
California, Los Angeles, School of Dentistry patient is essential as the basis for the high risk plus hyposalivation. The 17 CRA
pediatric dental clinic as well as several management of dental caries for patients of indicators are listed in
community health centers in California. 18,19 all ages.26,27 Caries risk is the likelihood of
the patient having new caries lesions (white TA B L E 1 andcan be categorized to align
Caries Balance as the Basis for spots, cavitated lesions) in the near future. with the American Association of Pediatric
Caries Risk Assessment The CAMBRA system has been shown to Dentistry risk-assessment item types:
Many papers have contributed to our be highly predictive of future caries in three biological and environmental risk factors,
understanding of the overall mechanism different studies, totaling more than 20,000 protective factors and clinical indicators. A
of dental caries and the roles of fluoride patients, provider-assigned risk category (low,
and other agents in the management of for the age group 6 years through adult moderate, high or extreme) was strongly
the disease process.20,21 Based upon and for the age group 0 to 5 years. 17,28–30 associated with follow-up decay (F I G U R
decades of research on dental caries by The results of the outcomes studies E 1 ). There were very few



Caries Risk Assement Components as Currently Used in the

UCSF Pediatric Dental Clinics for Patients Aged 0 to 5 ***

Baseline CRA item Column 2*** Column 3***

Column 1*** CRA items statistically CRA items by random
significantly related to forest analysis
decay at follow-up independently related to
P < 0.05 decay at follow-up sedation) and the cumulative restorative
Risk indicators treatment of the remaining 750 treated in
Low socioeconomic status YES the conventional clinic setting was assessed
in the analyses. All patients had a CRA at
Frequent snacking YES YES
baseline and risk was assigned according to
Caregiver or sibling has tooth decay YES
the published procedures, based upon the
Bottle used that is not water or milk** ** provider’s judgment after evaluating the
Bottle used continually 17 CRA indicators as shown in TABLE 1 ,
Bottle used in bed COLUMN 1. Of the 750 children included, at
baseline, 21 percent were classified as
Special care needs
low risk, 25 percent as moderate, 53
Inadequate saliva flow percent as high and 1 percent as extreme.
Salivary reducing medications YES Nearly all children received fluoride
Protective items varnish (FV) at baseline. Thereafter, high-
risk children were intended to receive FV
Community water fluoridation
every three to four months (for those who
Drinks fluoridated water attended follow-up visits) and every six
Brushes daily with fluoride toothpaste months for moderate-risk children. FV was
Fluoride varnish in past six months not indicated for low-risk patients.
Risk category was associated with the
Caregiver uses xylitol
cumulative mean number of treated teeth
Clinical disease indicators
over two years, namely 0.53, 1.02 and
Evident tooth decay or white spots YES YES 4.47 for low, moderate and high/extreme,
Heavy dental plaque on the teeth YES YES respectively. Receiving any treatment was
Recently placed restorations (past two years) YES YES greatest for high/extreme-risk children
but not statistically significantly different
* Use of a bottle that contains fluids other than water or milk was significant in a later clinical outcomes study.29
***CRA items are based upon Ramos-Gomez et al.6,7,16 Column 1 lists the 17 CRA items utilized in these clinics.
between low-risk and moderate-risk
Column 2 highlights the seven CRA items found statistically significantly related to decay at follow-up (n = 3,810 at children. More than 50 percent of the
baseline; n = 1,315 at follow-up) in Chaffee et al, 2016.31 Column 3 highlights the four CRA items found cumulative restorative treatment performed
independently associated with decay at follow-up by random forests analysis in the same study.31
in the high-risk group was done in the
first 190 days after assessment, presumably
reflecting existing treatment needs at the
extreme-risk patients (2 percent), so they follow-up decay (TA B L E 1 , COLUMN 3). time of CRA, a time period in which the low-
were combined with high-risk patients. Four items were evident – decay, heavy and moderate-risk groups required almost
F I G U R E 1 also
shows similar results for dental plaque, recent restorations and no restorative treatment. The respective
ages 6 through adult CAMBRA CRA for frequent snacking – with baseline evident increments for low-, moderate-and
comparison.17 Both studies showed very decay being the strongest predictor. high/extreme-risk groups from 190 days to
good assignment of caries risk by multiple A subsequent clinical outcomes study two years, which presumably is a better
providers using the CAMBRA procedures. in the UCSF pediatric dentistry clinics measure of new caries lesions after the
Of the 17 CRA indicators used in children examined cumulative dental treatment initial CRA, were 0.51, 0.89 and 2.11, clearly
aged 0 to 5 years, seven were statistically (restorations) over two years in children showing a continuing need for restorations in
significantly associated with decay at initially aged 6 months to 72 months in the high/extreme-risk group in spite of
follow-up (TA B L E 1 , COLUMN 2). In further relation to baseline CRA indicators.29 Of fluoride preventive measures (figure 2 in
assessment of the data using random 2,188 available patients, 919 had no Chaffee et al.29). As in the previous study,
forest analysis, only four of those seven follow-up exam and 1,260 returned for heavy plaque, obvious decay and recent
baseline CRA items were independently follow-up. From those, 519 were excluded restorations were strongly associated with
associated with (treated under general anesthesia or subsequent decay. Caregiver/sibling decay,


low socioeconomic status and bottle use

with nonmilk or nonwater were also
significantly associated with subsequent
decay. However, it should be noted that FIGURE2A. FIGURE2B.

the use of milk in a bottle overnight and F I G U R E S 2 . Images from two children, each of whom are at high risk of developing caries in the future.

nursing on demand in the presence of However, their clinical management would differ due to the extensive needs of the child in image 2B.

cariogenic bacteria provides a prolonged

acid challenge that increases the risk for discussion of self-management goals. prior to the clinical examination.
caries and should be strongly discouraged. 3. Conduct a clinical examination in an 6. Produce and document a caries
The significant associations in the age-appropriate way: knee to knee or management plan that addresses all
previous two studies form the basis with the child sitting on their own, the risk factors that may contribute to
for the updated CRA form presented ideally with the parent being able to be the development or progression of
here. As there was very limited data shown the findings. Start with detecting disease for that specifi c patient,
for the extreme-risk category, this and recording presence of plaque, including lifestyle and behavior modifi
updated version of the CRA will use ideally with a visible plaque index cation for caregivers and the child to
three risk categories for 0- to 5-year- score (VPI), and showing parents the achieve plaque control and diet
olds, namely low, moderate and high. problem areas. This answers the improvements.
heavy-plaque question in 7. Prescribe and/or provide chemical
Caries Risk Assessment — TA B L E 2 , COLUMN 2.Follow with a therapy for the patient that includes
Practical Stepwise Guidelines toothbrush prophy to remove debris fluoride, with or without antibacterial
The following step-by-step guide is for and clean surfaces for better therapy, based upon the caries risk level
use of the CAMBRA system with young visualization during the exam, and the age of the patient. Details are
children aged 0 to 5 years. Details are showing parents the proper described later in this segment. Consider
given in the following sections. The brushing technique. The use of a integrating motivational interviewing
updated 0- to 5-year-old CRA procedure flosser for interdental plaque principles with caregivers and patients
(TABLE 2 ) identifies low, moderate and high removal, when appropriate, should (when age appropriate) to set up
risk for this age group. CRA takes place as also be demonstrated. achievable goals for home management
part of the regular comprehensive or 4. From the intraoral examination, detect plans.6,7
periodical oral exam in the following and record caries lesions from their 8. Develop a restorative treatment plan
sequence or in a sequence that suits the earliest stages (white spots, which can that takes into consideration age,
workflow of each individual practice be arrested or reversed by behavior (cooperation for treatment
or practitioner. The CRA is the basis remineralization) to advanced caries delivery), health status and social
for formulating an individualized (cavitation). From radiographical determinants, favoring minimally invasive
caries management treatment plan. examination (if available depending on restorative procedures to conserve tooth
Here are the steps in the process: the child’s age and cooperation), detect structure whenever possible, restoring
1. From the medical, dental and social and record radiographic decay. function and aiming at providing that
histories reported, compile relevant data to 5. Assess and document the caries risk patient with the means to achieve
record in the CRA form as low, moderate or high utilizing data adequate plaque control.
(TA B L E 2 , COLUMNS 2 and 3). from the complete CRA form with data 9. Establish periodicity of recalls and
2. Talk to the caregiver (mother or included in Columns 1, 2 and 3 of TA B L E review at intervals appropriate to the
other caregiver) to make sure all 2 . The procedure is further described caries risk status to continue active
questions listed in the CRA form later in this segment and in TA B L E 2 . surveillance of noncavitated lesions,
are answered (TA B L E 2 , COLUMNS 2 With children aged 0 to 5 years, the provide in-office preventive measures
and 3). The discussion will include questions will likely be answered and reinforce behavioral changes and
the risk factors and protective adherence to
factors, leading to the subsequent
clinical exam and later to a


Updated CAMBRA*** Caries Risk Assessment Form for Patients Aged 0 to 5 (January 2019)
(Available in its original form as a patient download at and on page 40.)

Caries risk component Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

Biological or environmental risk factors* Check if Yes**
Frequent snacking (more than three times daily)
Uses bottle/nonspill cup containing liquids other than water or milk
Mother/primary caregiver or sibling has current decay or a recent history of decay
(see high-risk description below)
Family has low socioeconomic/health literacy status
Medications that induce hyposalivation
Protective factors** Check if Yes**
Lives in a fluoridated drinking water area
Drinks fluoridated water
Uses fluoride-containing toothpaste at least two times daily — a smear for ages 0–2 years and pea sized
for ages 3–6 years
Has had fluoride varnish applied in the last six months
Biological risk factors — clinical exam* Check if Yes**
Cariogenic bacteria quantity — Not currently available
Heavy plaque on the teeth
Disease indicators — clinical exam Check if Yes**
Evident tooth decay or white spots
Recent restorations in last two years (new patient) or the last year (patient of record)
Final Score: Column 1 total Column 2 total Column 3 total
Yes in Column 1: Indicates high risk
Yes in columns 2 and 3: Consider the caries balance
Final overall caries risk assessment category High ❐ Moderate ❐ Low ❐ ***CAMBRA is a registered trademark of the University of California, San Francisco

*Biological and environmental risk factors are split into a) question items, b) clinical exam.
**Check the “yes” answers in the appropriate column. Shading indicates which column to place the appropriate “yes.”

Determining the caries risk as high, moderate or low Protective

Biological and
1. High risk. If there is a “yes” in column 1 (one or both disease indicators), the factors
patient is at high risk. Even if there are no “yes” disease indicators the patient can
still be at high risk if the risk factors definitively outweigh the protective factors.
Mother or caregiver with current or recent dental decay most likely indicates high
Disease risk factors
caries risk for the child. Use the “yes” checks for each of the risk factor and
protective factor columns to visualize the caries balance as illustrated below. The
balance clearly to the left indicates high caries risk, whereas clearly to the right the
risk level is low.
2. Moderate risk. If there are no disease indicators and the risk
factors and protective factors appear to be balanced, then a
Caries progresses No caries
moderate caries risk determination is appropriate. If in doubt, move
the moderate to a high classification. Additional caries-related components for caregiver/patient
3. Low risk. If there are no disease indicators, very few or no risk counseling • Frequency of use of fluoride toothpaste and amount
factors and the protective factors prevail, the patient is at low risk. • Use of silver diamine fluoride in appropriate cases
• Dietary counseling to reduce frequency and amount of
Any items checked “yes” may also be used as topics to modify behavior fermentable carbohydrates, especially sucrose, fructose (high-
or determine additional therapy. Use the following modified caries fructose corn syrup) and continual fruit juice (e.g., apple juice)
balance to visualize the overall result and determine the risk level: • Bottle used continually, bottle used in bed or nursing on demand
• Child has developmental problems/child has special care needs (CHSCN)
• Inadequate saliva flow and related medications, medical conditions or illnesses
F I G U R E 3 . Instructions for using the caries risk assessment form. Self-management goals (discussed and agreed with parent/caregiver)
1. _________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________
***CAMBRA is a registered trademark of the University of California, San Francisco

prescribed daily home regimes. outside of meal times. caries process. However, as a social
10. Reassess and document the caries risk Frequent carbohydrate intake results in a determinant of health for many other
level at each recall and modify the caries prolonged acidic environment in the plaque diseases, it is one of several statistically
management plan as necessary. that dissolves the tooth mineral and can act signifi cant factors associated with high
Steps 1–4 comprise the CRA, which as a driving force to reinforce the overgrowth caries risk.29,31 Practitioners should
informs the development and of cariogenic bacteria and the suppression account for a challenging family
implementation of a personalized caries of oral commensal (beneficial) bacteria, socioeconomic context in formulating a
management plan. Hence, CAMBRA is a leading to future caries develop-ment.34 personalized caries management plan.
two-phase process involving both CRA and Fermentable carbohydrates such as Similarly, low health literacy is not
management of caries as a biologically sucrose, fructose (high-fructose corn syrup), a biological risk factor, but it is often
determined, clinical disease. Steps 1, 3 and glucose and cooked starch are included. associated with socioeconomic levels
4 are familiar elements of any conventional Fruit juice (e.g., apple juice) is an important and contributes to increased risk of
oral examination for this age group and form but often overlooked source of fermentable disease. Importantly, it is possible to
the basis of the CRA. Step 2 compiles a few carbohydrates among young children. educate the parent/primary caregiver
simple questions (as listed in the CRA form 2. Use of bottle or nonspill cup containing regarding caries and caries prevention.
in TABLE 2 , COLUMNS 2 and 3) liquids other than water or milk. 5. Use of medications that induce
to attempt to determine the cause of the This provides a continuous ingestion of hyposalivation.
ongoing disease or to determine whether it carbohydrates, such as from fruit juices, that Hyposalivation is a side effect of some
is under control. Those biological risk leads to a continual acid environment in the of the most commonly prescribed
factors that have been shown to be plaque. It should be stressed that the use of medications, such as those used to treat
statistically significantly related to ongoing milk in a bottle overnight and nursing on allergies, asthma, mental disorders and
caries in previous studies are included demand in the presence of cariogenic cancer.40 The risk of dry mouth increases
TABLE 2 is a ready-to-use CRA bacteria provide a prolonged acid challenge with the number of medications prescribed.
form that provides a visual summary of the that increases the risk for caries and should In the risk-assessment procedure, any
factors that contribute to the overall caries be strongly discouraged. items on this list with a positive response
risk assignment. Instructions for 3. Mother/primary caregiver or sibling has are marked with a “yes” (TABLE 2 , COLUMN
its use and definitions of terms follow current decay or a recent history of decay. 2). Each yes adds to the risk level. Items 1

here and are briefly summarized in the Presence of recent decay indicates and 2 can be modified by behavioral
second page of the form (F I G U R E 3 ). they have high levels of cariogenic management. A yes to item 3 may indicate
bacteria, especially mutans streptococci a potentially very-high-risk patient who
Biological and Environmental (MS), which can be transmitted to the requires additional care and therapy.
Risk Factors (Pathological child. Early colonization of MS by age 3
Factors) — TABLE 2, Column 2 will increase the child’s risk for Protective Factors —
Biological risk factors contribute directly developing caries.34,35 Current or recent TABLE 2, Column 3
to the initiation or progression of dental decay in the parent or caregiver is an Protective factors are
caries. They include an assessment of important indicator of potential high environmental factors or chemical
cariogenic bacteria and fermentable caries risk for the child. This becomes therapy that help to swing the
carbohydrates, the two required conditions more important in infants with few teeth caries balance to caries prevention
for dental caries.21–23,33 Additional factors present, where signs of additional risk or reversal. The factors included in
such as frequency of ingestion of factors are not yet evident, and the newly proposed CRA form are:
fermentable carbohydrates and salivary- is supported by the strong correlation 1. Lives in a fluoridated drinking water
reducing medications have been found in numerous studies.36–39 area.
established as important (TABLE 1 ). The 4. Family has low socioeconomic/ 2. Drinks fluoridated water.
following are the risk factors utilized in the health literacy status. The beneficial effect of drinking
updated CRA form. Low socioeconomic status fluoridated water is well established.
1. Frequent snacking on fermentable cannot usually be changed and is 3. Uses a fluoride-containing toothpaste at

carbohydrates at least three times daily not a biological contributor to the least twice daily.


The beneficial effect of brushing 2 to allow for a quantitative bacteria test to fi t into two overall descriptions as
with fluoridated toothpaste has been be added back at a later date when an evaluated in the outcomes
well established in numerous clinical evidence-based test becomes available. assessments over several years of the
trials and is a major factor in reductions 2. Heavy plaque on the teeth. original CAMBRA CRA form. They are
in caries over recent decades.41–44 The This simple measure, as observed strong indicators of ongoing disease.
American Academy of Pediatric by the clinician, has been shown in our 1. Evident tooth decay or white spots. This
Dentistry (AAPD) recommends the use clinical outcomes studies in children of descriptor includes:
of a smear of fluoride toothpaste for all ages and in adults to be a strong a. Observed cavitation or radiographic
ages 0 to 2 years and a pea-sized indicator of cariogenic bacterial activity evidence of progression into dentin.
application for ages 3 to 6 years. For and it is strongly related to ongoing b. White spot lesions (that are new or
children aged 0 to 6 years, it is caries.17,29–31 This factor may indicate a active) on smooth surfaces.
recommended that the parent/caregiver combination of items that include high c. Radiographic or visual evidence of
brushes the child’s teeth or supervises levels of cariogenic bacteria, ineffective noncavitated demineralization into the
toothbrushing twice plaque removal, food accumulation and enamel (usually by bitewing radiographs).
a day. Parent-supervised toothbrushing inadequate brushing with fluoride 2. Existing restorations.
with fluoride toothpaste at least twice toothpaste. Gingivitis, or gums that These are restorations that were placed
daily provides considerable added bleed easily, can be a sign of consistent due to caries in the last two years for a new
benefit greater than once daily.45,46 presence of heavy plaque in specific patient or in the last year for a patient of
4. Has had FV applied in the last areas and a clinical risk indicator record. For a new-patient visit, one or more
six months. related to the presence of plaque. of these disease indicators signals “high
The caries-reducing benefit of In the risk-assessment procedure, caries risk.” For a patient of record at a
FV is well established, including any items on this list with a positive follow-up visit, any new appearance of
when used in young children.47,48 response are marked with a yes (TA B indicators 1 or 2 signals “high caries risk.” If
Each of these items with a positive L E 2 , COLUMN 2). Each yes adds to present, hyposalivation will require additional
response receives a yes score in TABLE 2 , the risk level. Item 2 can be modified care and therapy.
COLUMN 3. by behavioral management. Determining the Caries
Note: Xylitol use by the caregiver Risk as Low, Moderate or High
is no longer listed as a protective Disease Indicators — Clinical 1. High risk. One or more disease
factor in this revised CRA version as Exam — TABLE 2, Column 1 indicators signals high risk. Even if there
the evidence of its antimicrobial This category replaces the “Clinical are no “yes” disease indicators, the
effects to achieve caries prevention Indicators” category from the previous patient can
CRA form. Heavy plaque on the teeth is still be at high risk if the risk factors
is limited for adults or children.49
not an indicator of disease, but rather is a defi nitively outweigh the protective
Biological Risk Factors — biological risk factor as described factors. Think of the caries balance:
Clinical Exam — TABLE 2, previously and likely indicates high levels Visualize the modifi ed caries
Column 2 of cariogenic bacteria as well as poor balance as shown in F I G U R E 3 . If
1. Cariogenic bacteria quantitative oral-hygiene practices. Therefore, it the balance is clearly to the left,
assessment. moves to the group of biological risk then the patient is at high caries
There is ample evidence that factors identified in the clinical exam. risk. Mother or primary caregiver
cariogenic bacteria levels are strongly Disease indicators are the clinically with current or recent dental decay
related to caries risk.12,50–52 However, at observed results of previous and/ most likely indicates high caries risk
the time of writing there is no validated or ongoing dental caries destruction for the child.
chairside test commercially available for of the tooth mineral. They do not 2. Moderate risk. If there are no disease
measuring cariogenic bacterial levels. contribute to the disease; they are indicators and the risk factors and protective
Therefore, cariogenic bacteria counts simply manifestations and clinical factors appear to be balanced, then
have been eliminated from the CRA form signs of the effects of dental caries at
in this revised version, although a different stages. Disease indicators
placeholder has been retained in TA B L E

neither a high-risk nor a low-risk plaque-control routines) and periodic management goals and recall schedules.
assignment is clear. In this case, evaluation of self-management goals in In evidence-based minimally
a moderate determination is conjunction with chemical therapy to invasive dentistry, which includes the use
appropriate. If in doubt, move the modify the oral pH environment, are of CAMBRA, fl uoride, sealants,
moderate to a high classifi cation. used to target the individual risk factors remineralization substances such as
3. Low risk. If there are no disease that can trigger the disease process casein phosphopeptide, prevention of
indicators, very few or no risk factors and on the individual patient (frequent early cariogenic bacteria colonization by
the protective factors prevail, the patient is snacking, bottle feeding, visible plaque xylitol product use for family members
at low risk. If the balance is clearly swung to accumulation, etc.).6,7,16 Several with caries and acid-neutralization
the right, the risk level is low. When publications describe in detail this style agents such as baking soda wiping after
evidence-based chairside quantitative of counseling and surveillance.6,7,19,32,55 meals/snacks, the patient/caregiver is
cariogenic bacteria tests become available, When addressing oral health in high-risk encouraged to assume responsibility for
a high cariogenic bacterial count will push a groups, early intervention and strategic the level of infection and is educated,
low-caries-risk individual to the high-risk disease management are key. The instructed and monitored in the proper
category. control techniques. It is the child who has
The yes indications are also used the disease, but it is the health
to modify behavior or determine professional’s responsibility to provide
additional therapy (as follows). the patient and parent/caregiver the
When addressing oral
appropriate tools to overcome it.
Caries Management Based health in high-risk groups, The following care pathways
on Risk Assessment early intervention and are summarized in TA B L E 3 .
CAMBRA therapies for older children
strategic disease
and adults place special importance on Low-Caries-Risk Management Protocol
chemical therapy, because placing management are key. If the plaque levels are low as an
restorations can restore tooth form and indication of adequate home care and fl
function but does not affect the risk uoride exposure has prevented signs of
factors that caused the disease, such as disease under their current dietary
a cariogenic diet or high levels of Disease Management and Risk Assessment conditions, patients should be praised
cariogenic bacteria in the rest of the module used in the UCLA and UCSF and advised to continue their daily
mouth.4,53,54 The most evident pediatric dentistry curricula stresses the routine. Chemical therapy indicated for
antimicrobial chemical therapy in children importance of early assessment, diagnosis infants and toddlers, namely in the form of
aged 6 years and older and in adults is and intervention as a means of oral disease fl uoride toothpaste, must be included in
chlorhexidine mouth rinse.17,53 However, prevention management.6,7,19,32,55 Early the treatment plan for all patients (even
use of chemotherapeutic agents in intervention and education are the most low-risk patients)41 in the appropriate
infants and toddlers requires special effective ways to prevent problems that amount (a smear or the size of a grain of
considerations due to toxicity/ safety and traditional infectious-disease models fail to rice for children 0 to 2 years and a pea-
behavioral acceptance issues. For this address, such as the epidemic of ECC. The sized application for 3 to 6 years),42,43 as
reason, in this age group, most of the UCLA and UCSF module provides pediatric it is likely to be suffi cient to maintain a
recommendations within dentistry residents with a background in healthy caries balance in low-risk
a caries management plan rely heavily on minimally invasive pediatric dentistry, patients. Fluoride-free “training
a chronic-disease management model, individual oral health assessment and toothpaste” should not be recommended
where different strategies, such as treatment for pregnant women, infants, as its use has not proven to have the
education about the disease process, children and caregivers. Central to this is the same therapeutic effect
motivational interview-style counseling (to use of the CAMBRA tool, which provides a as full-strength fl uoride toothpaste.
change diet practices and method of assessing caries risk in young Recalls for periodic reevaluation
children, thereby informing treatment plans, should be set for every six months,
self- where their preventive home-care


Summary of Care Paths for Caries Management Based on Risk for Children Aged 0
to 5 (modified from Ramos-Gomez et al., 2010 7)
Risk Diagnostic Preventive interventions Restoration
Periodic oral Radiographs Fluoride Diet Self- Sealants Existing lesions
exams counseling management
Low 6–12 mos 2–24 mos Brush twice daily with F No No No
Moderate 6 mos 6–12 mos Brush twice daily with F Yes Yes On enamel defects Active surveillance for
toothpaste¥ optimize F and pits and fissures developing lesions
intake£ FV every 6 mos at risk
High 3 mos 6 mos Brush twice daily with F Yes Yes On enamel defects Remineralize enamel-only
toothpaste¥ optimize F and pits and fissures lesions with FV; restoration of
intake£ at risk cavitated lesions or nonsurgical
FV every 3 mos caries management with ITR or
SDF as appropriate

High with monthly 6 mos Brush three times daily Yes Yes All pits and fissures Consider caries control prior
extensive with F toothpaste¥ to surgical tx; remineralize
existing optimize F intake£ enamel-only lesions with
disease FV every 1–3 mos FV; restoration of cavitated
Consider additional lesions or nonsurgical
therapies for caries caries management with
control* ITR or SDF as appropriate

¥ Smear of fluoride toothpaste for 0- to 2-year-olds, pea-size of fluoride toothpaste for 3- to 6-year-olds.
£ Recommend drinking fluoridated water (from tap or bottled), parental brushing, spit and don’t rinse toothpaste. * Wipe with
baking soda/xylitol, use casein phosphopeptide — amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP/CPP) paste. Abbreviations: FV = fluoride
varnish; ITR = interim therapeutic restoration; SDF = silver diamine fluoride; mos = months.

routine should be reinforced. Low-risk the caries process and counseled on In addition to the chemical therapy (fl
patients do not benefi t from in-offi ce fl strategies to improve their individual uoride-toothpaste recommendations
uoride applications.56,57 Radiographic dietary or home-care routines. and promotion of other forms of
examinations, if necessary (contact Fluoride-toothpaste recommendations fl uoride exposure as well as the use of
areas closed and not visible) and indicated previously should be agents that enhance remineralization
feasible (if patient’s cooperation allows), stressed, additional forms of fl uoride and acid neutralization or inhibit MS
should be performed at exposure (fl uoride in drinking water) transmission) and behavioral counseling
12- to 24-month intervals as per should be promoted and children at to improve lifestyle changes as
AAPD and ADA guidelines.58,59 moderate risk should be recalled at six- mentioned previously, patients at high
month intervals for monitoring of risk benefi t from additional in-offi ce FV
Moderate-Caries-Risk adherence to the improvement of diet applications at three- to six-month
Management Plan and home-care routines. These intervals. Therefore, three- to six-month
With no signs of caries lesions at patients will also benefi t from in-offi ce recall visits should include FV
any stage, moderate-risk children will FV applications at six-month intervals. application, reinforce self-management
present with several risk factors that Radiographic examinations should be goals to reduce specifi c risk factors,
indicate that their lifestyle routines can performed every six to 12 months. promote protective factors and perform
lead them to develop caries in the near active surveillance of lesions at all
future and that additional chemical High-Caries-Risk Management stages.
therapy could prevent frequent acid Plan Children with obvious signs of The caries management plan should
exposure from tipping the balance to caries at any stage and children with include a restorative treatment plan that
the establishment of disease. several risk factors and minimal fl uoride aims to limit tissue destruction, diminish
Caregivers and children (when exposure are at high risk of developing sensitivity to allow adequate plaque-
appropriate) should be informed on more lesions in the future (F I G U R E 2 ). control measures and restore

function and form, taking into illustrated in F I G U R E 2 B) may benefi t from that contribute to the establishment and
consideration the cooperation and intensive care including protective sealants progression of this multifactorial disease.
health status of the patient as well as in surfaces at risk. As studies show that This paper provides a practical evidence-
the family situation. Following supervised brushing achieves much higher based updated CRA tool for the clinician to
principles of minimally invasive prevention results than brushing alone,45,46 use in practice for young children aged 0 to
dentistry,6 the choice of restorative supervised brushing should be a major point 5 years. This updated CRA tool
treatment (which is typically needed in the counseling sessions. Brushing three incorporates evidence from recent
in high-risk patients) could include times a day (after every meal) and spitting implementation studies to be used as the
traditional restorative treatment the toothpaste with no rinsing61 are simple basis of such a risk-based caries
or nonsurgical therapies (interim strategies that may maximize the protective management treatment plan that aims to
therapeutic restorations with glass action of fl uoride in these children. restore oral health, as fluoride therapy
ionomer, caries arrest with silver alone is insufficient for high-risk patients.
diamine fluoride (SDF), etc.) after Additional possible antimicrobial This approach is considered standard of
careful discussion explaining to the regimens to consider are wiping/ care for children’s oral health. ■
parents the risk and benefits of each brushing teeth with xylitol62–64 and/ or
option and trying to delay or defer baking soda65–67 after feedings or AC K N OW L E D G M E N T S
more complicated and risky meals. Xylitol is noncariogenic and The many people who have contributed to the development,
utilization and the outcomes studies that have provided
procedures like sedation and/or baking soda is an effective acid- the evidence for the CAMBRA approach cited here are
general anesthesia. The informed naturalizing agent, which can effectively thanked sincerely. Thousands of patients have benefited to
consent of the parent is essential neutralize the oral environment and date. The authors would like to acknowledge their pediatric
dental programs at UCSF and UCLA that are teaching these
following this discussion and the have antiplaque and antimicrobial
modalities to the new generation of pediatric dentists in
laying out of recommended options. effects in children and adults.65–67 California, across the U.S. and globally.
For children with numerous cavitated
High-Risk Patients With lesions who may need multiple visits to
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2. Tinanoff N, Reisine S. Update on early childhood caries since the
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previously29 and the results of our and desensitization of lesions with no 3. Amin MS, Bedard D, Gamble J. Early childhood caries: Recurrence

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4. Zhan L, Featherstone JD, Gansky SA, et al. Antibacterial
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5. Foster T, Perinpanayagam H, Pfaffenbach A, Certo M. Recurrence
suffi cient to prevent future caries in three-month intervals to prevent new
of early childhood caries after comprehensive treatment with general
high-risk patients. A prolonged acidic lesions.68–71
This combination therapy can anesthesia and follow-up. J Dent Child (Chic) 2006;73(1):25–30.
environment in the plaque created by help to delay or defer more complicated 6. Ramos-Gomez FJ, Crystal YO, Domejean S, Featherstone JD. Minimal

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management protocols using caries risk assessment for infants and young
and poor oral hygiene leads to treatment under general anesthesia, which children. Br Dent J 2012;213(10):501–8.
microbial dysbiosis and serves as the is especially important for children under 3 7. Ramos-Gomez FJ, Crystal YO, Ng MW, Crall JJ, Featherstone JD.

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years of age. caries risk assessment. J Calif Dent Assoc 2010;38(10):746–
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L. Caries Risk Assessment Item Importance: Risk model. J Dent Res 1993;72(2):529–37. Needs. Pediatr Dent 2017;39(5):135–45.
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Age 6. JDR Clin Trans Res 2016;1(2):131–42. Caries risk assessment in a longitudinal discrimination Treatment Considerations in Children’s Caries
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dental care. Gen Dent 2010;58(6):505–17; quiz 18-9. clinical trial of anticaries therapies targeted according to risk THE CORRESPONDING AUTHOR , John D. B. Featherstone, MSc,
PhD, can be reached at
Self-management goals pictorial check sheet
and caries risk assessment forms
D f
C e
M 1C
U e
D n
9 a
Updated CAMBRA* Caries Risk Assessment Form for Patients Aged 6 e
Through Adult (January 2019) (Refer to the second page of this form for ri
details and instructions for use.) a
Patient name: Reference number: u
Provider name: Date: a
Caries risk component n
Disease indicators Check if ti
Yes t
New cavities or lesion(s) into dentin y
1. (radiographically) —
2. New white spot lesions on smooth surfaces
New noncavitated lesion(s) in enamel o
3. (radiographically) t
Existing restorations in last three years (new c
4. patient) or u
the last year (patient of r
record) r
Biological or environmental risk factors Check n
tly available
2. Heavy plaque on the teeth
3. Frequent snacking (> 3 times daily)
4. Hyposalivatory medications
5. Reduced salivary function (measured low flow rate)**
6. Deep pits and fissures
7. Recreational drug use
8. Exposed tooth roots
9. Orthodontic appliances

Protective factors Check

if Yes
1. Fluoridated water
2. F toothpaste once a day
F toothpaste 2X daily or
3. more
4. 5000 ppm F toothpaste
5. F varnish last six months
6. 0.05% sodium fluoride mouthrinse daily
0.12% chlorhexidine gluconate mouthrinse daily
7. seven
8. Normal salivary function

Column Column Column
1 2 3
Final Score:
Yes in Column 1: Indicates high or extreme risk
Yes in columns 2 and 3: Consider the caries balance
** Hyposalivation plus high risk factors = extreme
Final overall caries risk assessment category (check) determined as per
on next page



Caries Risk Assessment Form for Patients Aged 6 Through Adult (continued)

Determining the caries risk as low, moderate, high or extreme

Add up the number of “yes” checks for each of the disease indicators (Column 1) and risk factors
(Column 2). Offset this total by the total number of “yes” checks for protective factors (Column
3). Use these numbers to determine whether the patient has a higher risk factor score than a
protective factor score or vice versa. Use the caries balance to visualize the overall result and
determine the risk level:

Disease risk factors

Caries progresses No caries

This enables a determination of low, moderate or high risk, determined by the balance between
disease indicators/risk factors and protective factors. The “yes” indications are also used to
modify behavior or determine additional therapy.

In addition to counting the “yes” checks as described above, the following three modifiers apply:

1. High and extreme risk. One or more disease indicators signals at least high risk. If there is also
hyposalivation, the patient is at extreme risk. Even if there are no positive disease indicators the patient can still be
at high risk if the risk factors definitively outweigh the protective factors. Think of the caries balance: visualize the
balance diagram as illustrated above.
2. Low risk. If there are no disease indicators, very few or no risk factors and the protective factors
prevail, the patient is at low risk. Usually this is obvious.
3. Moderate risk. If the patient is not obviously at high or extreme risk and there is doubt about
low risk, then the patient should be allocated to moderate risk and followed carefully, with additional chemical
therapy added. An example would be a patient who had a root canal as a result of caries four years ago and has no
new clinical caries lesions, but has exposed tooth roots and only uses a fluoride toothpaste once a day.


Updated CAMBRA*** Caries Risk Assessment Form for Patients Aged 0 to 5 (January 2019)
(Refer to the second page of this form for instructions for use.)
Patient name: Reference number:
Provider name: Date:
Caries risk component Column Column Column
1 2 3
Biological or environmental risk factors* Check
if Yes**
1. Frequent snacking (more than three times daily)
2. Uses bottle/nonspill cup containing liquids other than water
or milk
3. Mother/primary caregiver or sibling has current decay or a
recent history of decay (see high-risk description on next page)
4. Family has low socioeconomic/health literacy status
5. Medications that induce hyposalivation
Protective factors** Check
if Yes**
1. Lives in a fluoridated drinking water area
2. Drinks fluoridated water
3. Uses fluoride-containing toothpaste at least two times daily — a
smear for ages 0–2 years and pea sized for ages 3–6 years
4. Has had fluoride varnish applied in the last six months

Biological risk factors — clinical exam* Check
if Yes**
1. Cariogenic bacteria quantity — Not currently available
2. Heavy plaque on the teeth
Disease indicators — clinical exam Check
if Yes**
1. Evident tooth decay or white spots
2. Recent restorations in last two years (new patient) or the last
year (patient of record)
Column Column Column
1 total 2 total 3 total
Yes in Column 1 indicates high risk
Yes in columns 2 and 3: Consider the caries balance
as illustrated on next page
Final overall caries risk assessment category (check) determined as per guidelines on next page


*Biological and environmental risk factors are split into a) question items, b) clinical
exam. **Check the “yes” answers in the appropriate column. Shading indicates which
column to place the appropriate “yes.”


Caries Risk Assessment Form for Patients Aged 0 to 5 (continued)

Determining the caries risk as high, moderate or low

1. High risk. If there is a “yes” in Column 1 (one or both disease indicators), the patient is at high
risk. Even if there are no “yes” disease indicators the patient can still be at high risk if the risk factors
definitively outweigh the protective factors. Mother or caregiver with current or recent dental decay
most likely indicates high caries risk for the child. Use the “yes” checks for each of the risk factor and
protective factor columns to visualize the caries balance as illustrated below. The balance clearly to the
left indicates high caries risk, whereas clearly to the right the risk level is low.
2. Moderate risk. If there are no disease indicators and the risk factors and protective factors
appear to be balanced, then a moderate caries risk determination is appropriate. If in doubt, move the
moderate to a high classification.
3. Low risk. If there are no disease indicators, very few or no risk factors and the protective
factors prevail, the patient is at low risk.
Any items checked “yes” may also be used as topics to modify behavior or determine additional
therapy. Use the following modified caries balance to visualize the overall result and determine
the risk level:

Biological and
✁ Disease risk factors

Caries progresses No caries

Additional caries-related components for caregiver/patient counseling

Frequency of use of fluoride toothpaste and amount
Use of silver diamine fluoride in appropriate cases
Dietary counseling to reduce frequency and amount of fermentable carbohydrates, especially
sucrose, fructose (high-fructose corn syrup) and continual fruit juice (e.g., apple juice)
Bottle used continually, bottle used in bed or nursing on demand
Child has developmental problems/child has special care needs (CHSCN)
Inadequate saliva flow and related medications, medical conditions or illnesses

Self-management goals (discussed and agreed with parent/caregiver)

1. _________________________________________
2. _________________________________________


Caries Self-Management Menu of Options (Also available as a download at

Protective factors
■ Use an antibacterial mouthrinse/
fluoride mouthwash
Drink fluoridated tap water or

WATER uoride

fluoridated bottled water

1000–1450 fl ppm

■ 2 tsp. baking soda in 8 oz. water 0. 12% 0.05% uoride

for buffering chlorohexidine sodium 5000

gluconate fluoride fl
■ Brush at least 2x daily with a
fluoridated toothpaste

Fermentable carbohydrate changes

■ Reduce frequency of processed
starchy snacks
■ Substitute xylitol-based products for
fermentable carbohydrates

■ Limit snacking on fermentable I



carbohydrates to 2x or less outside of C PRODUCTS

meal time
■ Reduce frequency of sugary snacks

Sugar control options

■ Drink water or milk instead of

sugar-sweetened beverages;
limit to meal time if at all
■ Do not add sugar to beverages
■ Dilute juice with water; exercise portion
control; limit to meal time if at all
■ Read nutrition labels for sugar content

Oral health lifestyle

■ Daily plaque removal
■ Choose healthful snacks
■ Keep all oral health appointments
■ Track goal progress

Self-management goals
Select two goals, such as buffering or limiting sugary drinks, and number each goal.
■ Goal 1: How important it is __________ (1—10) How likely to accomplish it __________ (1—10)

■ Goal 2: How important it is __________ (1—10) How likely to accomplish it __________ (1—10)


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