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Translate the items and write “C” for countable and “U” for uncountable
/fruts/ ə
/ˈvɛdʒtəb lz/ /mit/ /ˈpoʊltri/
Banana Celery Beef Chicken Water BrBiscuits
Banano C Apio U Carne de res Pollo C Agua U Galletas C
Apple Corn U Chicken legs Bottled water Am Cookies
Manzana C Maíz U Pork Piernas de Botella de
Pineapple Broccoli Carne de pollo C agua C Crackers
Piña C Brocoli C cerdo U Chicken wings Juice Galletas C
Pear Cauliflower Bacon Alas de pollo C Jugo U Ketchup
Pera C Coliflor C Tocino U Duck Apple juice Salsa de
Avocado Spinach Ham Pato C Jugo de tomate U
Aguacate C Espinaca U Jamon U Turkey manzana U Mustard
Melon Eggplant Lamb Pavo C Coffee Mostaza U
Melón C Berenjena C Carne de Café U Mayonnaise
Watermelon Lettuce cordero U DAIRY Chocolate Mayonesa U
Sandia C Lechuga C sausage PRODUCTS Chocolate U Ice cream
Lemon Cabbage /ˈsɔsɪdʒ/ Milk Am Soda Br Helado C
Limón C Repollo U Salchicha C Leche U Gaseosa U Popcorn
Orange Onion Cheese Cola Palomitas de
Naranja C Cebolla C SEAFOOD Queso C Cola U maíz U
Tangerine Green onion (Comida de Butter Tea Potato chips
Mandarina C Cebolla larga C mar) Mantequilla U Té U Papas fritas U
Grapes Garlic Fish Yogurt Diet cola Pasta
Uvas C Ajo C Pezcado U Yogurt U Cola dietética Pasta U
Cherries Cucumber Salmon Cream cheese Lemonade Soup
Cerezas C Pepino C Salmón C Queso crema U Limonada U Sopa U
Mango Tomato Tuna *Eggs Jelly
Mango C Tomate C Atún U Huevos C Gelatina U
Papaya Potato Sardines Butter
Papaya C Papa C Sardinas U Mantequilla U
Blackberries Beans Trout /traʊt/ Peanut
Moras C Fríjoles C Trucha C Maní U
Strawberries Green beans Shrimp Peanut butter
Fresas C Judias verdes U Camarones C Mantequilla
Blueberries Peas Lobster de maní U
Arándanos C Alverja – Langosta C Cereal
Raspberries Chícharos C Crab Cereal U
Frambuesas C Carrot Cangrejo C Sugar
Zanahoria C Azúcar U
Rice Salt
Arróz U Sal U

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