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BUS 5113 Writing Assignment 2

Halo Effect, Selective Perception, Stereotypes- Their Effects on Attitudes, Perceptions, &


University of The People

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I have chosen three of the selected underlying factors that govern people’s attitudes, perceptions, and

behaviors within an organization; Halo Effect, Selective Perception, & Stereotype. As we dig deeper into

the cognitive systems that people, sometimes unknowingly, rely on to make decisions I’ll be sharing my

own personal challenges.

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The Halo Effect: According to writers at The Economist, “The existence of the so-called halo effect has

long been [recognized]. It is the phenomenon whereby we assume that because people are good at

doing A they will be good at doing B, C and D (or the reverse—because they are bad at doing A they will

be bad at doing B, C and D)” [ CITATION The09 \l 1033 ]. We often shortcut our opinion of someone

based on one event, action, or ability.

As a teacher, I try to be conscious of this but sometimes it still happens. Recently, I had a student in my

Accounting I class who did horribly last semester. His attendance was poor and the work, he simply was

not getting it. This semester he was placed in my class that operates a school spirit store. As the store

accountant (his classmates elected him, he was not my choice), he has done exceptionally well. He will

now stay late and come early to make sure the debits and credits are balanced and is working with the

school clerk on a deposit process.

Had the decision been left to me, he would have not been the store accountant. I can only reflect on

what would have happened to him academically and socially had I made that decision. For me, it

reinforced the importance of big decisions being group decisions. My reflex decision was the epitome of

the Halo Effect.

Selective Perception: As a child growing up, there would be times that my mother would tell me things

to do or not to do and the opposite of her desires would happen. For example, she might say when you

get home clean your room, wash the dishes and then you can go play. My playtime gets interrupted.

You see, my room is stellar, but the dishes are still piled up in the sink; I didn’t hear that part. She would

tell me, amongst other things, I was suffering from “Selective Hearing”.
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My mother’s diagnosis of selective hearing is closely related to selective perception. Selective

perception is the process of how an individual will remember/see/hear/recall the details they agree or

are easily acceptable to them. As Portes puts it, “Using selective perception people tend to overlook or

forget information that contradicts their beliefs or expectations”[ CITATION Por17 \l 1033 ].

Stereotype: Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines stereotype as “a standardized mental picture that is

held in common by members of a group and that represents an oversimplified opinion, prejudiced

attitude, or uncritical judgment”[ CITATION Mer \l 1033 ]. Usually a stereotype is based in a true

experience with a member of a group exaggerated to represent all that group. That group could be

based on gender, sexuality, or most common in American history.

I attended a predominantly white university (PWI) for undergrad. Being a person of color, I was a indeed

a minority. Although there were many African American (AA) athletes attending the university on via

scholarships, I was not. The university recognized me with an academic scholarship. I recall one incident,

thought there were countless, were upon introducing myself to white peers and they’d ask what sport

team I was a part of. The first few times this happened it went right over my head. It wasn’t until years

later that I truly understood the magnitude of ignorance AKA stereotyping.

In conclusion, these underlying factors will always exist. Within an organization, we can avoid the

negative outcomes of these cognitive factors by including people of varying backgrounds and cultures in

decision making.
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Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Definition of Stereotype. Retrieved from Merriam-Webster:

Portes, D. (2017, 12 14). Selective Perception and Leadership. Retrieved from MRG People:

The Halo Effect. (2009, 10 14). The Economist.

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