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Intermediate Two: Unit 10 Vocabulary

Creative – Someone who is creative has very imaginative or original ideas

Critical – Someone who is critical frequently expresses an opinion about something or someone; especially a
negative opinion; they often criticize things

Disorganized – Someone who is disorganized is bad at planning; he/she is the opposite of organized (able to
plan things carefully and keep things neat)

Efficient –Someone who is efficient is extremely productive; he/she can get the desired results without
wasting time, energy or money

Forgetful – Someone who is forgetful is very likely to forget things

Generous – Someone who is generous is very willing to help or give support

Hardworking – Someone who is hardworking always puts a lot of effort and care into his/her work

Impatient –Someone who is impatient not very willing to wait for something to happen; who becomes
annoyed at delays; opposite of patient

Level-headed – Someone who is level-headed is able to remain calm in difficult situations

Moody – Someone who is moody often changes from being happy to sad for no clear reason

Punctual – Someone who is punctual always arrives on-time, he/she is never late

Reliable – Someone who is reliable is trustworthy, someone you can depend on

Short-tempered –Someone who is short-tempered becomes angry very quickly and easily

Strict – Someone who is strict has demanding behavior and rules for other people (usually in a position of
authority); teachers, parents or bosses are seen as strict

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