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           During the online writing course I learned new concepts and how to better my

writing. Throughout the course we covered the rhetorical triangle, persuasive

techniques, analyzing ads, different writing techniques, how to revise and give peer
reviews, and so much more; we did this through assignments, readings, discussions,
and live sessions. Knowing these skills relate to my own academic and professional
goals because in any job or class I take I will need writing and for that reason I want to
be an amazing writer. I also enjoy writing and find it interesting so I try to practice new
ways and techniques to better it. How the items in my portfolio are related is that I did
them in the course and each writing piece was made while learning about a topic, like
advertisement analysis or integrating quotes. In each assignment I learned new
techniques and skills that better my writing and it is shown through the items shown in
my portfolio.  

           Throughout the course my class and I did peer reviews, meaning I would review
and give feedback on my classmates' work and they would do the same for me. The
instructor would also give feedback on my work and this really helped me. In my peer
reviews it would state if the structure of my essay was correct, if my thesis statement
made sense, and it would even state if I have any grammatical errors or bad word
choices. Being able to detect these errors in my peers' essays has also really helped
me detect it in mine as well. The instructors' feedback has helped me a lot with my
overall writing. Subsequently, comments made by my instructor and peers have helped
me revise my work by pointing out errors or anything that needs changing. Knowing
what needs to be worked on helped me learn how to do this on my own writing. 

            Overall, my writing has definitely changed for the better during this course. I now
know how to properly revise my writing, how to analyze advertisements know different
persuasive techniques, what logical fallacies are and how to detect them, and more;
which all add up to my improvement. Although my writing has improved, I will continue
to work on revising my paper, inquiry and analysis, integrating quotes, authorship, and
the writing process as a whole. All items in my portfolio exhibit my development. Lastly,
now that I have some distance from these pieces, I have new insights about my writing
that I have never seen before. If I take my time, use different techniques and skills make
different drafts, revise, and so forth, then I can make an amazing paper.

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