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Appendix B

Given the amount of commercial space and traffic, the public impact and concern as

possibly quite high. Changing the infrastructure and layout of the street will impact not only the

local residents, but also the commuters and other users. With this higher level of impact, there

could be a greater possibility for involving the public, and larger ramifications for non-


List of Stages and Levels


For the first stage, planning, the goals are that the Rosewood/SE 162nd Ave community

will participate in the co-designing the street prototype, and recruiting participants on the

planning committee representative of the diversity in the neighborhood. Better Block PDX will

partner with stakeholders from the Rosewood community and PBOT to facilitate and co-design

street prototype of 162nd. This will include providing capacity-building opportunities for those

unfamiliar with transportation planning projects to authentically participate on the level of

partnership. The public participation should be broad and inclusive, and at the level of at least

involvement, if not collaborative or completely community member driven and decided.

This stage should start with the organizers reaching out to the community members–

starting with Rosewood Initiative and the potential partners as outlined in the contacts. Then,

“snowball” style of contacting could be used, where community organizations refer other

potential partners and individuals, who then in turn, refer others. Additionally, to reach those less

connected through already-existing organizations, public notices and flyers can be used, posted

around the organizations and in public-facing areas.

After the initial recruitment, larger engagement is still happening as a designated

committee meets to begin planning. The committee could meet weekly, and should be the

primary-decision makers, especially moving forward into implementation. Committee members

should remain fairly consistent, but some fluctuation is welcomed, to account for competing

obligations and newer members joining.


For the 2nd-indentified stage, implementation, the goals are that the Rosewood community

will participate in implementation of the street prototype, including the building and community

feedback collection. Better Block PDX will partner with stakeholders from the Rosewood

community and PBOT to execute the vision of the co-designed street prototype. This includes

providing capacity building opportunities for those unfamiliar with transportation planning

projects to authentically participate on the level of partnership. For those already part of the

process, participation will be at the level of collaborating and/or deciding, and members of the

larger community will be involved at the level of involvement or collaboration.

Here, the main goal will be to actually implement the plan (the result of the 1st stage),

with planning members actively involved in the set-up and the event itself. Other members from

the larger community around Rosewood and SE 162nd Ave should also participate, and the

number of people involved should be greater than the planning stage, especially for the event

days. “Snowball”-style of involvement could work, with planning members inviting people they

know, and so on, as well as flyer and other paper materials. Public-facing promotional materials

should be easy to read, being more readable and concise, and with information available in other

languages (or at least contact for where to get the information in a different language).

Finally, in the third stage of evaluation, the goals are that the Rosewood community

members will meet with key decision makers on 162nd to deliver the results of the pop-up style

prototype. If prototype is viable, as determined by evaluation criteria, the prototype will inform

the final design. Better Block PDX will partner with stakeholders from the Rosewood

community and PBOT to ensure evaluation criteria is followed, and that the results are

communicated in a culturally relevant manner.

The evaluation should be done in a collaborative manner, with more formal organizations

then moving forward, so the later stages of evaluation may be closer to consulting or even

informing. This stage should involve those who participated in the planning process, so they can

best make the determination. Earlier evaluation should involve members of the larger community

who attended the event, and this can be done by a simple feedback survey or related form.

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