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Journal of Thermal Stresses

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Fractional Ultrafast Laser–Induced Thermo-Elastic

Behavior In Metal Films
a b c
Magdy A. Ezzat , Ahmed S. El-Karamany & Mohsen A. Fayik
Department of Mathematics and Sciences, Faculty of Sciences and Letters in Al
Bukayriyyah, Al-Qassim University, Al-Qassim, Saudi Arabia
Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Nizwa University, Nizwa, Oman
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt

Version of record first published: 27 Jun 2012

To cite this article: Magdy A. Ezzat, Ahmed S. El-Karamany & Mohsen A. Fayik (2012): Fractional Ultrafast Laser–Induced
Thermo-Elastic Behavior In Metal Films, Journal of Thermal Stresses, 35:7, 637-651

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Journal of Thermal Stresses, 35: 637–651, 2012
Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0149-5739 print/1521-074X online
DOI: 10.1080/01495739.2012.688662



Magdy A. Ezzat1 , Ahmed S. El-Karamany2 , and Mohsen A. Fayik3

Department of Mathematics and Sciences, Faculty of Sciences and Letters in
Al Bukayriyyah, Al-Qassim University, Al-Qassim, Saudi Arabia
Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Nizwa University,
Nizwa, Oman
Downloaded by [Duke University Libraries] at 07:14 19 July 2012

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Alexandria University,
Alexandria, Egypt

In this work, a new mathematical model of modification heat conduction for an

isotropic generalized thermoelasticity is derived using the methodology of fractional
calculus. Some theorems of generalized thermoelasticity follow as limit cases. An
ultrafast fractional thermoelasticity model utilizing the modified hyperbolic heat
conduction model and the generalized fractional thermoelastic theory was formulated
to describe the thermoelastic behavior of a thin metal film irradiated by a femtosecond
laser pulse. The temporal profile of the ultrafast laser was regarded as being non-
Gaussian. An analytical–numerical technique based on the Laplace transform was used
to solve the governing equations and the time histories of the temperature, displacement
and stress in a gold film were analyzed. Some comparisons have been shown in figures
to estimate the effects of the relaxation time and fractional order parameter  on all
the studied fields.

Keywords: Femtosecond laser; Fractional calculus; Laplace transform; Metal film; Modified
fractional heat conduction; Numerical results; Thermoelasticity

The so-called ultra-short lasers are those with pulse duration ranging from
nanoseconds to femtoseconds in general. In the case of ultra-short-pulsed laser
heating, the high-intensity energy flux and ultra-short duration laser beam, have
introduced situations where very large thermal gradients or an ultra-high heating
speed may exist on the boundaries. In such cases, as pointed out by many
investigators, the classical Fourier model, which leads to an infinite propagation
speed of the thermal energy, is no longer valid [1–4]. Researchers have proposed
several models to describe the mechanism of heat conduction during short-pulse
laser heating are useful for thin films [5].
When a metal film is heated by a laser pulse, a thermoelastic wave is
generated due to thermal expansion near the surface. This wave propagates into the

Received 6 July 2011; accepted 16 February 2012.

Address correspondence to Magdy Ezzat, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Education,
Alexandria University, Alexandria, E1-Shatby 21526, Egypt. E-mail:

638 M. A. EZZAT ET AL.

film [3]. The thermoelastic coupling problem associated with this has been studied
extensively; for example, McDonald [6] has studied the importance of thermal
diffusion in thermoelastic wave generation. Wang and Xu [3] have studied the stress
wave induced by Pico and femtosecond laser pulses in a semi-infinite metal by
expressing the laser pulse energy as a Fourier series. Chen et al. [7] have investigated
the deformation in metal films subjected to ultrafast laser heating by considering the
dual-hyperbolic two temperatures and hot-electron blast models, and found that the
non-thermal damage could be the dominant mechanism in ultra-short laser-material
Differential equations of fractional order have been the focus of many
studies due to their frequent appearance in various applications in fluid mechanics,
viscoelasticity, biology, physics and engineering. The most important advantage of
using fractional differential equations in these and other applications is their non-
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local property. It is well known that the integer order differential operator is a local
operator but the fractional order differential operator is non-local. This means that
the next state of a system depends not only upon its current state but also upon
all of its historical states. This is more realistic and it is one reason why fractional
calculus has become more and more popular [8–10].
Although the tools of fractional calculus were available and applicable to
various fields of study, the investigation of the theory of fractional differential
equations are started quite recently by Caputo [8]. The differential equations
involving Riemann–Liouville differential operators of fractional order 0 <  < 1,
appear to be important in modeling several physical phenomena [9] and therefore
seem to deserve an independent study of their theory parallel to the well-known
theory of ordinary differential equations.
Fractional calculus has been used successfully to modify many existing models
of physical processes. One can state that the whole theory of fractional derivatives
and integrals was established in the second half of the 19th century. The first
application of fractional derivatives was given by Abel who applied fractional
calculus in the solution of an integral equation that arises in the formulation of the
Tautochrone problem. The generalization of the concept of derivative and integral
to a non-integer order has been subjected to several approaches and some various
alternative definitions of fractional derivatives appeared in [11–15].
In the last few years, fractional calculus was applied successfully in various
areas to modify many existing models of physical processes, e.g., chemistry, biology,
modeling and identification, electronics, wave propagation and viscoelasticity
[16–19]. Fractional order models often work well, particularly for dielectrics and
viscoelastic materials over extended ranges of time and frequency [20, 21]. In heat
transfer and electrochemistry, for example, the half order fractional integral is the
natural integral operator connecting the applied gradients (thermal or material) with
the diffusion of ions of heat [20]. One can refer to Podlubny [9] for a survey of
applications of fractional calculus.
A quasi-static uncoupled theory of thermoelasticity based on fractional heat
conduction equation was put forward by Povstenko [24]. The theory of thermal
stresses based on the heat conduction equation with the Caputo time-fractional
derivative, is used by Povstenko [25] to investigate thermal stresses in an infinite
body with a circular cylindrical hole. Povstenko [34] considered the generalized
Cattaneo-type equations with time-fractional derivatives, the proposed theory

interpolates the Lord-Shulman theory and the thermoelasticity without energy

dissipation of Green and Naghdi.
Sherief et al. [26] introduced a new model of thermoelasticity using fractional
calculus, proved a uniqueness theorem, and derived a reciprocity relation and a
variational principle. Youssef [27] introduced another new model of fractional heat
conduction equation, proved a uniqueness theorem and presented one-dimensional
application. Ezzat [28, 29] and Ezzat and El-Karamany [30] established a new model
of fractional heat conduction equation by using the new Taylor series expansion of
time-fractional order which developed by Jumarie [31].
El-Karamany and Ezzat [32] introduced two models where the fractional
derivatives and integrals are used to modify the Cattaneo heat conduction law
and in the context of the two-temperature thermoelasticity theory, uniqueness and
reciprocal theorems are proved, the convolution variational principle is given and
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used to prove a uniqueness theorem with no restrictions imposed on the elasticity

or thermal conductivity tensors except symmetry conditions. El-Karamany and
Ezzat [33] established the uniqueness theorem, reciprocal theorems and convolution
principle. The dynamic coupled and Green-Naghdi thermoelasticity theories result
as limit cases. The reciprocity relation in case of quiescent initial state is found to
be independent of the order of differ-integration [32, 33].
The current manuscript is an attempt to derive a new theory of
thermoelasticity using the methodology of fractional calculus theory. The new
mathematical model established reduces to the more models as special cases [33–35].
The fractional thermo-elastic characteristics in a metal irradiated by a femtosecond
laser pulse with a non-Gaussian temporal profile are investigated. An analytical-
numerical technique based on the Laplace transform is used to solve the governing
equations [36]. Numerical results for temperature, displacement and stress in
physical space-time domain have been obtained for a gold thin film material and
have been presented graphically. Some comparisons have been shown in figures to
estimate the effect fractional-order parameter on all studied field.


The governing equations of an isotropic homogeneous elastic medium in the
context of generalized magneto-thermoelasticity take the following form:
1. Equations of motion have the form

jij + Fi = üi  ji = ij (1)

2. The mechanical stress tensor

ij = 2eij + ekk ij − ij T − T0

ij  (2)

3. The Strain–displacement relation are given by the relation

eij = u + uji
2 ij
where i j = 1 2 3 refer to general coordinates.
640 M. A. EZZAT ET AL.

4. The equation of energy when the heat source is taken into account is:

T ˙ = −qjj + Q (4)

5. The entropy may be written in terms of temperature in an isotropic media, as

 = E + ekk  (5)

where = T − T0 is the temperature deviation of the medium from its natural

state assumed to be such that  /T0   1.
6. Generalized Fourier’s law [35] is

qi x t + 0
= − i (6)
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Applying the new fractional Taylor series of time-fractional order  [31] to

expand q xi  t + 0
and retaining terms up to the first order in the thermal
relaxation time 0 , we get
0  qi
q x t + 0
= qi x t
+  0 <  ≤ 1 (7)
! t
where o  1 is the thermal relaxation time.
Eliminating between Eqs. (4) and (5) and using Eq. (6) , one then obtains a
non-Fourier formula of heat conduction in which the evolution equation contains
a fractional-order derivative with respect to time [29]. That is
0   e
 ii = 1 + cE + T0 − Q  (8)
! t t t

where the Caputo fractional derivative is given by the relation [8]

1  t f x̄ 

D f x̄ t
= t − 
− d  ∈ 0 1 (9)
 1 − 

7. The temporal profile of the laser pulse is non-Gaussian and given by the
Jt t
J t
= 02 exp −  (10)
tp tp

where J0 the intensity which is defined as the total energy carried by the pulse
per unit cross-section of the beam, For gold, this time constant is 0.75 ps [37].
8. According to Tang and Araki [38], The thermal conduction in the beam can be
modeled as
1−R x
Q x t
= exp − i J t
 i = 1 2 3 (11)
x0 x0

In the above equations a comma denotes material derivatives and the

summation convention are used.


To investigate the ultrafast laser-induced thermomechanical response, an
ultrafast thermoelasticity model, utilizing the modified fractional heat conduction
model and the generalized fractional thermoelastic theory, is formulated in this
section. Let us consider local irradiation of the front surface of a metal film by a
laser pulse with a non-Gaussian temporal profile. The size of the spot irradiated and
the lateral dimensions of the film are much larger than the film thickness. Therefore,
the problem can be treated as a one-dimensional problem.
The film thickness is L and the x axis is defined as being in this direction. Then,
the governing equations of ultrafast thermomechanical response for a homogeneous,
isotropic, fractional thermoelastic medium is given
1. Equations of motion have the form
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2 u 2 u 
 =  + 2
− 3 + 2
T  (12)
t2 x2 x
2. The normal stress along the x-axis is given by the constitutive equation:

xx =  + 2
exx − 3 + 2
T  (13)

3. The uni-axial strain considered here is

exx =  (14)
where uis the lattice displacement. Thus, the lattice dilatation e is obtained as

e = exx =  (15)
4. According to heat transport in the electron gas which is assumed diffusive
(following modified Fourier’s law) and the neglected effect of conduction through
the metal lattices due to the optical depth (of laser penetration) in metals, the
modification fractional heat transport equation in the context of generalized
thermoelasticity is
2  0 1+ cE T0 1 0 
= + + e − 1+ Q (16)
x2 t ! t1+    ! t

5. The thermal conduction in the beam can be modeled as a one-dimensional

problem with an energy source Q x t
1−R x
Q x t
= exp − J t
x0 x0

To transform the preceding equations to dimensionless forms, we define the

following non-dimensional quantities

x = C0 0 x u = C0 0 u t = C02 0 t tp = C02 0 tp  0 = C02 0 0 

642 M. A. EZZAT ET AL.

ij = ij /  + 2
 Q =  a = C0 0 L x0 = C0 x0 (18)
k 2o Co4

where c02 = +2

, 0 = CE

Substituting from Eq. (18) into Eqs. (12)–(17) and dropping the primes for
convenience, we obtain the following set of nondimensional equations:

2 u  2 u
− = 2 (19)
x x t
2  0 1+ u 0  t t
= + +  −  1 1 + exp − −  (20)
x2 t ! t1+ x ! t tp2 tp
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xx = −  (21)
2 T0
where  = C02 0 k
, 1 = J0 1−R

k 0 x0
,  = x/x0 .


In this work, the governing equations are solved by taking the Laplace
transform of Eqs. (13)–(16) with respect to the variable t. The Laplace transform
rule with the Caputo derivative, which is defined as

LDC g t
 = s ḡ s
 − g k
s−1−k  n − 1 <  < n (22)

where s is the complex transform parameter and ḡ s

is the Laplace transform of
g t
We use the Caputo fractional derivative omitting the index C. For simplicity,
the problem considered here is a metal film that is initially unstrained, unstressed
and at temperature T0 throughout. Thus, one has the following initial conditions:

x t
t=0 = 0 x t
 = 0 (23)
t t=0

u x t
t=0 = 0 x t
 = 0 (24)
t t=0


xx x t
t=0 = 0 (25)

from Eqs. (21) and (23) we can get

x t
 = 0 (26)
x t=0

For the boundary conditions, assume that the thin film is attached to a rigid
substrate with constant temperature (namely the ambient temperature). Heat losses
to the front surface is assumed to be negligible during the ultra-short laser heating
process, implying that

= 0 (27)
x x=0

The back surface is assumed to be isothermal, that is

x=a = 0 (28)

where a is the dimensionless thickness.

The front surface of the film is stress free and the back surface is fixed. That is,
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−  =0 (29)
x x=0


u x t
x=a = 0 (30)

Hence, we obtain
2  ¯
− s 2
ū =  (31)
x x
2 u 1
− 1 s ¯ = 1 s − 1 exp −
1 (32)
x2 x 1 + stp
xx = −  (33)

where 1 = 1 + !0 s
Eliminating ¯ between Eqs. (31) and (32), we obtain
 4  2  
D − s + 1 + 
s1 D2 + s3 1 ū = 2 exp −

where D = d/dx, 2 = 1 1
x0 1+tp2 s
In a similar manner, we can show that ¯ satisfies the equation
 4  2  
D − s + 1 + 
s1 D2 + s3 1 ¯ = −3 exp −

1−x2 s2

where 3 = x 0 2 .
The general solution of Eqs. (34) and (35) for  = x/x0 ≥ 0 is
ū  s
= B1 e−k1  + B2 e−k2  + e− (36)
k12 − 1
k22 − 1

¯ 3 e−
= A1 k12 − s2
e−k1  + A2 k22 − s2
e−k2  − (37)
k12 − 1
k22 − 1

644 M. A. EZZAT ET AL.

where A1  A2  B1 , and B2 are parameters to be determined from the boundary

conditions and k1 and k2 are the roots with positive real parts of the characteristic
k4 − s2 + 1 + 
s1 k2 + s3 1 = 0 (38)

where k1 and k2 are given by

s 1

k1 = s + 1 + 
1 + s2 + 2s  − 1
1 + 21 1 + 
2 (39)
s 1

k2 = s + 1 + 
1 − s2 + 2s  − 1
1 + 21 1 + 
2 (40)
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Substituting from Eqs. (36) and (37) into Eq. (32), we get

B1 = −k1 A1  B2 = −k2 A2 (41)

From boundary conditions, it follows that

A1 = − 1
s k12 − k2


A2 = + 2
s k1 − k2

2 2


 = s3 k12 − k22
k12 − 1
k22 − 1
1 = k22 s 1 + 
1 − 1 + s − s 1
2 3
2 = k12 s 1 + 
1 − 1 + s2 − s3 1 (45)

k12 − s2
e−k1  − k22 − s2
e−k2  1 2 
= − k1 − s2
1 e−k1  − k22 − s2
2 e−k2 
s k1 − k2

2 2

 1 − s2
1 e−
− (46)
k12 − 1
k22 − 1

1   1 
ū  s
= −k1 e−k1  + k2 e−k2  + k1 1 e−k1  − k2 2 e−k2 
s k1 − k2

2 2

− e− (47)
k12 − 1
k22 − 1

s  −k   s2  
¯ xx  s
= e 1 − e−k2  − 1 e−k1  − 2 e−k2 
k12 − k2


 s 1 + 
1 − 1 −
− e (48)
k12 − 1
k22 − 1


This completes the solution in the Laplace transform domain.

Limiting Cases
Taking into consideration

f x t
− f x 0
 → 0

 f x t

f x t
= I −1 0<<1 (49)
t  
 t

 f x t
 = 1
where the notion I n is the Riemann–Liouville fractional integral is introduced as a
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natural generalization of the well-known n-fold repeated integral I n f t

written in a
convolution-type form as in Mainardi and Gorenflo [39]:
 t t − 
−1 

I  f t
= f 
d 
 > 0 (50)

I f t
= f t

We introduce the following limiting cases:

(i) Setting 0 <  ≤ 1, and = !0 into Eqs. (19)–(21), the results become reduces to
generalized fractional thermo elastic problem with one relaxation time which
proposed by Sherief et al. [26].
(ii) Setting  → 1, and 0 = 0 into Eqs. (19)–(21), results become the coupled
thermo-elastic problem [33].
(iii) Setting  → 1, and 0 > 0 into Eqs. (19)–(21), results become the generalized
thermoelastic problem with one relaxation time [35].


To invert the Laplace transform in the above equations, we adopt a numerical
inversion method based on a Fourier series expansion. In this method, the inverse
g t
of the Laplace transform ḡ s
is approximated by the relation
ect 1  ikt/t
g t
= ḡ c
+ Re e 1
ḡ c + ik/t1
 0 ≤ t ≤ 2t1  (51)
t1 2 k=1

where N is a sufficiently large integer representing the number of terms in the

truncated infinite Fourier series. N must chosen such that

ect ReeiNt/t1 ḡ c + iN/t1

 ≤ 1  (52)

where 1 is a persecuted small positive number that corresponds to the degree of

accuracy to be achieved. The parameter c is a positive free parameter that must be
greater than the real parts of all singularities of ḡ s
. The optimal choice of c was
obtained according to the criteria described in [36].
646 M. A. EZZAT ET AL.

Table 1 Values of the constants

 = 193 × 103 kg/m3 , T = 142 × 10−6 K−1 , ke = 315 W/m K, Ce = 21 × 104 J/m3 K,
Cl = 25 × 106 J/m3 K,  = 13846 GPa, and  = 2637 GPa.


In the present work, a gold film is subjected to femtosecond pulsed laser
heating, the mechanical and thermo physical properties of the film are as follows
[3, 7]:
The time duration and the energy intensity of the laser pulse are tp = 100 fs
and J0 = 134 J/m2 , respectively. The absorptive depth of the heat energy is x0 =
153 nm, and the rejectivity of the irradiated surface is R = 093 [7]. The ambient
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temperature is assumed to be room temperature, that is T0 = 300 K.

Figures 1–6 represent the temperature, the displacement and the stress of the
gold film subjected to femtosecond pulsed laser heating, Comparisons are made
between the theory of different value of relaxation times when 0 = 0 [33] and
0 = 002 [34] and the new model of thermoelasticity with fractional derivatives
parameters . The disagreement between three cases is more prominent in the
temperature, stress as well as displacement such that.
In Figure 1 describes the variations of the temperatures on the front surfaces
for metal of 0.21 m thickness verses  = x/x0 . We observe that for  → 1 (normal
conductivity), the result coincide with all the previous results of application that are
taken in the context of generalized thermoelasticity [34].
In Figure 2, for weak conductivity 0 <  < 1, the particle transports the heat
to the other particle easily and this makes the decreasing rate of the temperature
greater than the other one.
In Figures 3 and 4 describe the variations of the stress on the front surfaces
for metal of 0.21 m thickness versus  at different value of , the influence of the
modified fractional model affects on the stress as compared to older model for fixed
t = 02.

Figure 1 The variation of temperature vs. 

on the front surfaces for metal of 0.21 m thickness.
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Figure 2 The variation of temperature vs. 

on the front surfaces for metal of 0.21 m thickness.

Figure 3 The variation of stress vs. 

on the front surfaces for metal of 0.21 m thickness.

Figures 5 and 6 describe the variations of the normal displacement on the front
surfaces for metal of 0.21 m thickness verses , such that when the value of the
fractional order  decrease, the peak of the displacement increase the magnitude of

Figure 4 The variation of stress vs. 

on the front surfaces for metal of 0.21 m thickness.
648 M. A. EZZAT ET AL.
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Figure 5 The variation of normal displacement vs. 

on the front surfaces for metal of 0.21 m

Figure 6 The variation of normal displacement vs. 

on the front surfaces for metal of 0.21 m

the displacement, as first increase very rapidly with distance attains maximum value
and then gradually decrease to zero.
From the above discussions, the presence of both the relaxation time and the
fractional order parameter  has significant effect on the different field variables
of the medium, which has in some particle application can easily be taken under
consideration and accurately assessed.

The main goal of this work is to introduce a new mathematical model of
heat conduction with time fractional order  for fixed thermal relaxation (taking
the memory effect into our account) for isotropic material as a new improvement
and progress in the field of thermoelasticity. The reason for this development is that
a fractional model could describe simply and elegantly the complex characteristics
of a thermoelastic material. According to this theory, we have to construct a new

classification to the materials according to its fractional parameter  where this

parameter becomes new indicator of its ability to conduct the heat under the effect
of femtosecond pulsed laser heating.
In contrast to long pulse or continuous-wave laser heating, significant thermal
stresses can be induced in a free-expansion medium subjected to an ultrafast,
uniform volumetric laser heat source.

eij Cauchy strain tensor
x one-dimensional space variable
t the physical time
S the energy source of the laser pulse
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T the absolute temperature

T0 reference temperature
CE specific heat
tp the time duration of the laser pulse
x0 the absorptive depth of the heat energy
R the rejectivity of the irradiated surface
L non-dimensional film thickness

Greek Symbols
  the Lamé constants
 order of the fractional derivative between 0 and 1
T the thermal expansion coefficient
 mass density
o relaxation time
temperature deviation from T0
ij components of stress tensor
 = C 2T 0 k
0 0

p pulse
0 room temperature (300 K) or reference state

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