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Activity Guidelines and Evaluation Rubric –Task 2:Writing Production


Wilmer Yesid Buitrago Arévalo.



Mariana Juneth Orduz.

English B1


Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia - UNAD





 What is your job?

I am a Policeman

 Where do you work?

I work in the metropolitan pólice of Tunja, in tunja it is very cold but it is a very cozy city

 What responsibilities do you have a work?

I am resposible fot the safety of the people of Tunja

 Describe your activities at work. Do you like your job? Yes,

No. Why?

I patrol the city streets, I like my job because I can Help people

 Describe your skills and weaknesses for this job.

I am caring person, I like to listen to people who ask me for Help. I

Don´t like injustice.

•What was your first day at work like?

My first day of job was a bit stress ful because I was nervous and

eager to know where I was going to work

• Do you have or know about any superstition in your


In my work we entrust ourselves to God



 What is your study?

I am a study of psychology

 Where do you study?

I study at the UNAD

 What is your favorite subject?

My favorite subject is neuropsychology I like all the functions and

structures of the brain

 What are your responsibilities at university?

I like to the resposible and develop my activities with time and I like

to Help my classmates.

 Describe your activities at university. Do you like your

career? Yes, No. Why?

I like to read the History of psychology, I`m messy and I need to

learn the APA rules.

I really like my career because I feel that through psychology I can

help people who need it.

 Describe your skills and weaknesses for this job.

I like to help my colleagues. I do not like that some of my classmates

do not comply with their deliveries for collaborative work because

this affects us all

 What was your first day at university?


My firts day at university was exciting because I was making my

dream of studing psichology.

 Do you have or know about any superstition in your


The only superstition I have is to have a cup of coffee before starting

my activities.

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