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I would like to thank the Diagnostic Imaging Department 560 for giving me the
opportunity to work directly and practice at the clinic. I have learned a lot of useful

3.1. Knowledge and language skills:

During the past 4 weeks of internship, I have learned a lot of medical knowledge and
practical experience on the job. I was assigned as an assistant. Here I have the
opportunity to learn about my agile code of conduct and work attitude. Since then, I
have not only improved my weaknesses but also broadened my social relationships
and gained more confidence in communication.

These are extremely valuable experiences for me. In addition to new knowledge, I
also had the opportunity to improve my foreign language skills through translation,
which helped me improve my reading and writing skills. This is a useful experience
for my future work.

3.2. Soft skills:

In addition to practical knowledge, I also learned soft skills during my internship. For
the medical profession, professional knowledge is very important, which is the
foundation for you to apply in your work. However, to complete well, you cannot lack
the necessary soft skills including teamwork skills, presentation skills, communication
skills or independent working skills... This can be formed. in your daily life, but also
you will be trained while sitting in the school chair.

In the medical field in particular, you will have to deal with a lot of patients. With
many ages, coming from many regions, personalities and have different occupations.
So with each case you need to know how to behave and apply your skills.

Those who are not trusted by the patient, it is also difficult for you to complete the
task well. In the event that a small negligence occurs, the patient may not be satisfied
and may be under a lot of pressure from public opinion. Can be learned with many
soft skills such as: listening skills, communication skills, teamwork skills and also
self-study skills. With the medical profession, you have to spend a lot of time at work,
sometimes sacrificing personal interests. Therefore, for those who enter this
profession, they must also determine the ideology. Know how to balance work and
family or economic problems, entertainment…. own.

Experts say that soft skills in medicine are not only necessary for students, but you
also have to learn in the classroom from people with many other professions. Thereby,
it will help equip you with the necessary skills to serve the job.

Overall, this internship was a great and rewarding experience. I can conclude that I
have learned a lot while working in the radiology department. And I am extremely
grateful to have the opportunity to practice at the Department of Radiology. The
technical aspects of my work were not perfect and could be improved with enough
time. Nothing is easy for anyone, what we should do is live right and live well.
Compete in a fair and healthy manner. The two main things I learned about its
importance were time management skills, teamwork skills, and self-motivation. The
training session ended with a lot of memories and emotions. Other than thank you for
everything, what else can I say? Thanks everyone.

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