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SpaceClaim Interface Manual VirtualMotion, Inc.


1. Required System Environment ....................................................................................................... 2

1.1. ANSYS Motion ....................................................................................................................... 2
1.2. SpaceClaim ............................................................................................................................. 2

2. How to use ...................................................................................................................................... 3

2.1. Import CAD in SpaceClaim to Motion ................................................................................... 3
2.2. Replace CAD in SpaceClaim to Motion ................................................................................. 4

SpaceClaim Interface Manual VirtualMotion, Inc.

1. Required System Environment

1.1. ANSYS Motion

ANSYS Motion must be installed.

1.2. SpaceClaim1

SpaceClaim must be required v8 or later installed.

SpaceClaim is the trademark of ANSYS Inc.

SpaceClaim Interface Manual VirtualMotion, Inc.

2. How to use

2.1. Import CAD in SpaceClaim to Motion

1. After installation of Motion, Motion tab is created in the top of SpaceClaim menu bar.

2. Use Open button to automatically export CAD to Motion.

The parameters of Import window are as follows.

Parameter Description
1. Rule of
Use to set the rule of rename of imported rigid body.
Use to import CAD.
2.1 New
If Motion is not running, it will be automatically executed. And then
CAD will be imported into a user defined new file in Motion.
2. Types of
2.2 Select File
If Motion is not running, it will be automatically executed. And then
CAD will be imported into a selected file in Motion.
2.3 Active File
Use to import CAD after running Motion. CAD will be imported into an
activated file in Motion.
3. Settings Use to run Settings window.

SpaceClaim Interface Manual VirtualMotion, Inc.

4. Motion
Use to select the target Motion version.

2.2. Replace CAD in SpaceClaim to Motion

1. Use to replace Rigid and EasyFlex body of Motion

The parameters of Replace window are as follows.

Parameter Description
Use to replace CAD of Motion’s Rigid and EasyFlex body.
1.2 Select File
1. Types of If Motion is not running, it will be automatically executed. And then
replacing CAD will be replaced at a selected file in Motion.
CAD 1.3 Active File
Use to replace CAD after running Motion. CAD will be replaced at a file
in activated Motion.
2. Settings Use to run Settings window. This is the same as Import window.


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