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 89


 n. : Ignorance.   or  n. : Trick-

 ery, guile, fraud. Sorrow, untruth-
 n. : Ignorance,  fulness.      a cheat.
the 
fetters of ignorance.  n. : A forest. 
 n. : An ignorant person, one  n. : A small earthen pot with a
without knowledge. large mouth. 
 : Trial, proof, examination, adj. : That. afterthat.
experience.   before that. 
: Then. Afterwards. go  the day before that preced-
there.  previously, be- ing yesterday.
fore that.  n. : A loft in a house, under
  or  (contraction of the roof.
 they say) : It is said  n. : Rice wetted, parched
they say.   they say and flattened.
he is come.
 adv. : Thus, so that, accord-
 or  n. : A loft under the ing to  acv. If so. 
roof of a house.
 adj. : Like that, such.
or n. : The  
spreading hogweed.
or : Contraction of or
 n. : A stuff used to rub upon (intensive of My good
the head to clean the hair.  woman !  is he
  Plu.  gone, ma'am ?
  : To prevent, stop, n. : The sole of a shoe or slipper;
hinder, check.  Preven- hide: leather, Card, pasteboard. A
tion; hindrance. part or division. 
 n. : Quick time in music. 
 n. : The act of wandering  n. : A certain game played
about.  travel in foreign with four shells. 
parts. 
 : The notched extremity of a   n. : A chamber built over the
bow.  gate of a fort. 

Brown's Telugu - English Dictionary

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