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Question Stem Which of the following quadrilaterals doesn’t exist?

Option A A convex quadrilateral with all interior angles equal

Option B A concave quadrilateral with all interior angles equal

Option C A convex quadrilateral with all interior angles unequal

Option D A concave quadrilateral with all interior angles unequal

Key B

Explanation This question tests the understanding of regular and irregular, and convex and concave

A regular polygon has all sides and angles equal.

A convex quadrilateral can be described as a quadrilateral with all angles less than 180°.

Such a quadrilateral can be regular or irregular.

A concave quadrilateral has one reflex angle. If all its angles are to be equal, it means it
will have FOUR reflex angles: which means the sum of interior angles will be >360°, which
is impossible.


Question Stem Which of the following represents the ratio of the sum of the exterior angles to the sum of
interior angles of a quadrilateral?

Option A 1: 1

Option B 1: 2

Option C 2: 3

Option D 3: 2

Key A
Explanation This question tests the understanding of interior and exterior angles of a quadrilateral.

A polygon with ‘n’ sides can be divided into (n-2) number of triangles, as given below:

Thus, the sum of interior angles of a polygon with n sides = (n-2) × sum of angles of a
triangle = (n-2) × 180°
Further, exterior angle of a polygon = 180° - interior angle.
=>1st exterior angle + 2nd exterior angle + … + nth exterior angle = (180° - 1st interior
angle) + (180° - 2nd interior angle) + … + (180° - nth interior angle)
=> Sum of all the exterior angles = n × 180° - sum of all interior angles
=> Sum of all exterior angles = n × 180° - sum of all interior angles
= n × 180° - (n-2) × 180°
= 360°
Ratio of sum of exterior angles and sum of interior angles = 360 ° / [(n-2) × 180°]
= 2/(n-2) = 2 : (n-2)

The ratio of the sum of the exterior angles to the sum of interior angles of a quadrilateral (n
= 4) = 2 : (n-2) = 2 : (4 - 2) = 1: 1


Question Which of the following quadrilaterals (all named ABCD) is NOT necessarily a trapezium?

Option A AB || CD , AD = BC

Option B AB = CD and AD = BC

Option C AB = BC and CD = DA

Option D AB || CD , AD > BC

Key C

Explanation This question tests the understanding of trapezium.

A trapezium is a quadrilateral with one pair of opposite sides parallel (the other pair may or
may not be parallel).

If one pair of opposite sides are parallel and the other pair of opposite sides equal, the
quadrilateral may be a parallelogram or an isosceles trapezium.

If both pairs of opposite sides are equal, then it is a parallelogram.

If adjacent sides are equal, then it is a kite.

If one pair of opposite sides are parallel and the other pair of opposite sides unequal, the
quadrilateral is always a trapezium.


Question Stem Which of the following quadrilaterals is ALWAYS also a kite?

Option A Rhombus
Option B Rectangle

Option C Parallelogram

Option D Trapezium

Key A

Explanation This question tests the understanding of the quadrilateral called kite.

A kite is a quadrilateral with two distinct pairs of adjacent sides of equal length.
For example, if ABCD is a kite, then either one of the following is true:

● AB = BC , and CD = AD
● BC = CD, and DA = AB

Now, as the rhombus has all their sides equal, the requirements of a kite are always
fulfilled by it.


Question Stem The diagonals of which of the following quadrilaterals (all named ABCD) are always

Option A ∠​A = ​∠​B = ​∠​C = 90°

Option B AB || CD and AD || BC

Option C AB = CD = BC = AD

Option D AB = BC and CD = DA

Key A

Explanation This question tests the understanding of various quadrilaterals.

A quadrilateral with three angles equal to 90°

Let A, B,C and D be the four angles.
According to angle sum property,

∠​A + ​∠​B + ​∠​C + ​∠​D= 360°

=>90° + 90° + 90° + D = 360°
=> ​∠​D = 90°
=> The quadrilateral has all angles same.
=> The quadrilateral is either a square or a rectangle.
They both have their diagonals of the same length.

A quadrilateral with two pairs of equal sides

This quadrilateral can be either a kite or a parallelogram. They do not necessarily have
equal diagonals.

A quadrilateral with all sides of equal length.

This quadrilateral is either a square or a rhombus.
A square always has equal diagonals but rhombus doesn’t have.

A quadrilateral with adjacent sides of equal length.

This quadrilateral is a kite. A non-square rhombus has distinct diagonals​: NEVER equal.


Question Stem One diagonal of a rhombus is equal to its side. Which of the following is the length the
other diagonal, if this rhombus is an irregular polygon?

Option A Half the length of its side

Option B √3/2 times the length of its side

Option C Equal to the length of its side

Option D √3 times the length of its side

Key D

Explanation This question tests the knowledge of properties of rhombus.

The figure of the rhombus is shown:
We know that rhombus is a parallelogram
Therefore opposite angles are equal and adjacent angles are supplementary.
∠ A = ∠C; ∠B = ∠D
∠A + ∠B = 180° => ∠A = 180° - ∠B = 180° - 60° = 120°
Thus, ∠ A = ∠C = 120°; ∠B = ∠D = 60°

As one diagonal is equal to the side of the rhombus.

Thus, ABC is an equilateral triangle.
Similarly, ADC is an equilateral triangle.

Now, the diagonals bisect each other at right angles, as shown here:
Thus, ABX is a right triangle.

Let the side of the rhombus be ‘y’.

=> AC = y, as AC = AB (which is a side of the rhombus)
=> AX = ½ of AC = y/2
=> BX = √(AB​2 ​ - AX​2​) = √(y​2 ​ - y​2​/4) = (y√3)/2 (Pythagoras theorem)
=> BD = 2BX = y√3 (BD is the longer diagonal)

Hence, the length of the other diagonal is √3 times the length of its side.


Question Stem Alex divided a square field into four triangular parts by connecting the opposite corners
with fencing. He planted one of the triangular fields with rice, and rest with wheat.

If the area of the wheat field is 2400 m​2​, what is the total length of fencing in m?

Option A 40

Option B 80

Option C 120

Option D 160
Key D

Explanation This question tests the understanding of a quadrilateral called square.

A square is a regular parallelogram as it has its all sides and angles of equal length.
The figure of the square field is shown below:

In the square field, AB = BC = CD = DA and AC = BD

Area of the field in which wheat is planted = 3/4th of the field.
2400 = 3/4 × 1/2BD​2
BD = 80
Total length of the fending = 2BD = 2 × 80 = 160 m


Question Stem P and Q are two tractors standing on two adjacent vertices of a rhombus-shaped field.
They start moving towards their respective opposite corners following the shortest paths at
speeds 4 m/s and x m/s, respectively. Both meet halfway after 40 seconds.
If the total boundary length of the field is 800 m, what is the speed of Q in m/s?

Option A 3

Option B 4
Option C 8

Option D 12

Key A

Explanation This question tests the understanding of a rhombus.

The shortest path between two points is simply the line segment.
Further, the line segment joining the opposite points of a rhombus is known as the
Thus, after 40 s, they both covered half the diagonals.
=> Half length of the diagonals = 40 × 4 and 40 × x = 160m and 40x m.

Also, as the diagonals bisect each other at right angles, the side and half-lengths of the
diagonals form a right triangle.

=> 200​2​ = 160​2 ​ + (40x)​2

=> 40000 = 25600 + 1600x​2
=> x = 3 m/s


Question Stem Which of the following trapezia may NOT also be a parallelogram?

Option A All its pairs of adjacent angles are supplementary.

Option B Both pairs of its opposite angles are equal.

Option C Its parallel pair of sides are of equal length.

Option D Its diagonals are of equal length.

Key D

Explanation This question tests the understanding of trapezium and parallelogram.

A trapezium is a quadrilateral with one pair of opposite sides parallel.

Every trapezium has two pairs of adjacent supplementary angles.

If a trapezium’s diagonals are equal, it can be an isosceles trapezium, but in general

parallelogram’s diagonals are not equal.


Question Stem Observe the following quadrilateral:

If AD||BC, which of the following can be the correct values of x and y, respectively?

Option A 5°, 60°

Option B 70°, 15°

Option C 15°, 70°

Option D 60°, 5°

Key D

Explanation This question tests the understanding of interior and exterior angles of a quadrilateral.

2x - 20° = x + 40° … (Alternate angle)

x = 60°
The sum of the exterior angles of the quadrilateral (ABCD) = 360°
(180° - 2x + 20°) + (x + 40°) + (y + 20°) +(3x + y -30°) = 360°
2x + 2y = 130°
120 + 2y = 130° … ( ∵x = 60°)
y = 5°

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