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English Class # 1

Second Semester

Jaime Armando Matzir Umul.

1. Homework
Este es un repaso de los tiempos verbales que vimos el semestre pasado. Vimos 2 tiempos
verbales: Simple Present and Present Continuous.
A continuación, encontrarán un cuadro con varias oraciones; en la columna de la par, escriban si la
oración está en presente simple (SP) o presente continuo (PC). Si la oración está en presente
simple, en la última columna escríbanla en presente contínuo y viceversa. Observen los ejemplos.
Si tienen alguna duda, por favor diríjanse a su servidora por whatsapp. Les recomiendo que revisen
sus ejercicios pasados y su libro de texto.
A What are you doing? PC What do you do?
B He lives in Mexico City. SP He is living in Mexico City.
1 Maria eats Greek food. SP María is eating Greek food
2 Robert is reading a good book. PC Robert reads a good book.
3 Ming is listening to Chinese music. PC Ming listens to Chinese music.
4 I drive a bus. SP I am driving a bus.
5 We paint houses. SP We are painting houses.
6 She is playing the violin. PC She plays the violin.
7 Susan and I live in San Diego. SP Susan and I living in San Diego.
8 My parents are cooking in a restaurant. PC My parents cook in a restaurant.
9 George drives a taxi. SP George is driving a taxi.
1 She is selling cars. PC She sells cars.
1 Where does Linda live? SP Where is Linda living?
1 Where is Mario working? PC Where does Mario works?
1 Louise is calling Betty. PC Louise calls Betty.
1 Fred is watching TV. PC Fred watches TV.
1 They are fixing the windows. PC They fixes the windows.
1 What are you doing in Miami? PC What do you do in Miami?
1 She does her homework. SP She is doing her homework.
1 He paints his apartment. SP He is painting his apartment.
1 Patrick is feeding the dog. PC Patrick feeds the dog.
2 Their son is speaking Italian. PC Their son speaks Italian.
2 Willy and Sue are learning English. PC Willy and Sue learns English.
2 Brenda is visiting her friends. PC Brenda visits her friends.
2 I live in an apartment in the city. SP I am living in an apartment in the city.
2 Does Stanley cook Mexican food? Yes, SP Is Stanley cooking Mexican food? Yes, he is.
4 he do.
2 Are Mr. and Mrs. Baker working in a PC Does Mr. and Mrs. Baker work in a bank? Yes, they
5 bank? Yes, they are. do.

2. Vamos a ver unos puntos nuevos:

Les agradeceré que las oraciones de los ejercicios las entreguen en Word, ya que en el mismo
documento les enviaré las correcciones.
En las imágenes que aparecen a continuación, les explico los puntos nuevos.
En las oraciones con There is / There are (que en español significa HAY), se usan preposiciones=
En la oración: There are three chairs in the kitchen. La preposición es “in” que significa “en”.

Después de observar las imágenes que siguen, proceda a hacer el ejercicio.
Under In front of over Under on

Behind Between Next to In Over

On On Behind In Between

ON es sobre algo, tocando el objeto. OVER es sobre algo, pero sin tocar el objeto.
UNDER es debajo de algo.
Proceda a hacer las siguientes hojas de trabajo. Cualquier duda, por favor contacte con su servidora
por whatsapp y estaré gustosa en resolvérsela.

Are five on
Is In front of
Are four on
Is Infront of
Are five In
is Next to
Is Behind
Are five On
Is in
Are fifteen On
Is on
Are two in
is on
is on
Are six on
is Next to
There is

There is

There is

There is

There is

There is

There is

There are

There is

There three



between V

Next to
En el último ejercicio de esta hoja, la carita verde es TRUE (verdadero) y la carita roja es FALSE
(falso). No olviden entregar la tarea en Word.

There is
There are
There is
There are
There are
There is
There is
There are

Yes, there are.

Yes, there are.
No, there isn´t
Yes, there is.
Yes, there are.
No, there isn´t
No, there aren´t
No, there isn´t

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