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pateranand The

Table round

a Choice
for the future
Evolving democracy

a new field of play

Our Task in this time

As the inheritors of the Earth, ours the responsibility to ensure the Yet all that we have gained amounts to nothing more than a theoretical
inheritance we leave for our children and in turn our children’s children, education, and before us now lies a practical exam - to salvage
is a world worthy of the deed. Yet what has come to our hands is a everything - with no second chances.
battered, tarnished and a much-diminished jewel. It is time to demonstrate that we are worthy of our place on our planet
Earth. That we can meet the challenge before us, and turn the tides that
Our task in this time is one of redress, to halt the damages that threaten threaten to engulf life’s future. This is the calling of the modern world.
life’s future and to implement changes for a sustainable future. The
restoration of the jewel is an imperative we cannot ignore, and we must So to begin the task before us it is essential we establish a New Field of
overcome any and all restrictions that hamper us from implementing Play, a field to claim the Peoples Right to Act. That with the application
real positive processes of change. of collective, intelligent and compassionate thought we can implement
directly processes of change separate from our existing but restrictive
So let us make space for action because we cannot rely on the powers social structures, and in so doing establish a new paradigm to enable
that be to give us room or a share of responsibility. Let us create new unburdened forward growth, implementing new ideas and constructs,
opportunities and progress forwards responsibly, aware that any for an holistic journey to the future.
alternative must be made in an open, cohesive and acceptable way,
because we cannot afford to replace one dead-end route with another. With inclusive processes of reappraisal we need to revalue all that we
are and have made, as we require a thorough examination and
As History has provided an education, we should be encouraged to revaluation of all our involved and complex processes, because only
make new choices, and it is Our Task in this time, to demonstrate we then can we expect any effective and enduring choices for a
have indeed benefitted from histories lessons. self-determined and sustainable future.

to salvage everything
with no second chances
For a journey towards an acceptable
and self-determined future

The Pateran and the Table Round is a mechanism to enable the New However, as a mechanism, the Pateran and the Table Round is an evolv-
Field. To allow intention to be focused creatively, to explore and ing concept, representing a transitional vehicle of change, because as
implement new processes for change, and to demonstrate just how far yet we do not know the real requirements of the journey ahead. Yet it is
co-operation and intention can travel. A journey towards an acceptable a vehicle that offers an adaptable means of beginning. An independent
and self-determined future - that any inheritance we leave behind is form specifically focused on the present and the
worthy of the deed. necessity for establishing sustainable choices for the future.

To stand in the New Field is to choose to participate in an extensive The Pateran is the mechanism of change, the Tables Round, the tools
experiment for change, a process of new tools and choices, of interactive of the mechanism; the New Field the opportunity for the choices we
projects and opportunities, an on-going activity for the winning of hearts make.
and minds.
It is a process to empower individuals, and to strengthen and build
It is a non-aggressive, social and democratic revolution, a dynamic communities. A considered mechanism for the equitable redress of
experiment for an evolution of our democratic forms, to explore power and the rebalancing of true wealth, and to initiate a different way,
and create opportunities for new processes of governance and promoting inclusive and dynamic processes for an extensive revaluation
self-determination, processes dependent upon diversity, inclusivity, and of our accepted social and economic structures. Claiming room for the
most essentially, a profound willingness to trust, because only through people to play, to begin healing the hurts of our ravaged world, to say
trust and the recognition of Intention inherent within all process, may that we do care and we do hope. And that actually we do have the power
focused and progressive creativity steer a course to eventual redress. to do something beautiful.

that any inheritance we leave behind

is worthy of the deed.
A self-governing, inclusive
open platform for change

So for those who truly do care, there is an imperative to act effectively. Yet what is needed most is truly difficult to gain, to embrace fully and
Yet we remain separate and divided without recourse beyond limited aspire to greater levels of trust. Because it is time to pull together,
established norms, and any real desire for effective positive action is we require of ourselves integrity, honour and most essentially, the
hampered or forestalled by the complexities of our own social willingness to trust. United by our common necessity for
constructions. immediate and effective action.

Let us also give thought that any short term considerations- even for The Pateran and Table Round is a tool to enable these essentials to grow,
long term imperatives, will not lay the foundations for a a mechanism to deal with the immediate and lay the foundations for a
self-determined positive future. Because without involved progressive creative future. A self-governing, inclusive and open platform for
and extensive deliberations we run the risk of exhausting good change, creating space for people to come together in a safe, dynamic
intentions through hammering on a door forever reluctant to open, and and constructive way, to allow focused co-operation without the
run the risk of untempered, non-constructive flagrant upheaval necessity of compromising or loosing ones independence of thought.
simply because of frustrations and disappointments of interactions with
intransient, traditional, complicit systems. There is no need to change minds to new ideologies, nor desire to
convert or implement some new system of belief, because we are greater
Yet for the restoration of the Jewel we must overcome any and all when our diversities interweave, when difference and dialogue informs
restrictions that might keep us from exploring positive processes of and encourages creativity irrespective of beliefs or opinions held.
change. We must apply our intelligence with wisdom, and put aside our
fears, and our simple lack of will. We need to talk and work together, So many desire more, justifiably- but until we are able to unify our
placing trust in our own and the abilities of others. positivity we remain the pawns of selfish,and inconsiderate players.

we are greater when our

diversities interweave
A place of many paths and stories
to enable process of future hope

So we require a place of many paths and stories, where all that we have The Circle of Law offers structure for interaction. Each Circle
learnt has opportunity to be expressed and find form in many and varied consists of sixteen people, eight women and eight made seated in
ways. because it is our individuality and the integrity of our own balanced pairs. This balanced structure is fundamental, as women and
thoughts that will ultimately strengthen our abilities to function men are balanced equally in life, so should any form of self government
collectively,- without limiting ourselves by parameters defined by any reflect that balance.
group, structure or organization.
The Table Round provides a point of focus that formally anchors the
Before us lies a great task, to use the time available to enable processes human structure of the Circle of Law, and the associated symbolism of
of future hope. A task that our many diversities will at times hinder but the Table Round provides a basic set of guide lines without need for an
will also inform and educate. It is a task that has become a duty pursuant imposition of some arbitrary set of rules.
for the ultimate survival of ourselves, our children, and the increasing The ideals of Truth, Justice and Equality inherently recognised with
fragility of Earth’s ability to sustain life as we know it. Round Tables, through myth and narrative, taught from early
formative years, when high ideals found root more easily, have anchored
The Pateran and Table Round, as a mechanism of change, is established firmly in our individual and collective consciousness.
on two fundamental concepts, it employs essential elements of the
Circle of Law,- a form of democracy, evolved over many hundreds of These two traditions together find form in a modern context as the
years,- as practised by many Native American Tribes, overlaid with the Pateran and Table Round.
inherent symbolism and promise of The Table Round from the Arthurian They provide a Point of Focus for interaction, offering opportunity for
Tradition. community and dialogue, a mechanism for uniting intention with reality,
These two elements provide the basis for a process of that communication can lead to extensive process of dynamic
self-determination, a decentralised power system encouraging social creative possibility.
interaction and creativity, whilst regenerating and building community
through inclusive and dynamic interventions for change. Yet it is just a tool. It is with the people that the future can be found.

A point of focus
for intention to grow to reality
The Pateran
the table round
one Table, Many TABLES, a web of interaction
A New field of play

The Pateran is the mechanism of change

the Tables Round, the tools of the mechanism
the New Field for the choices we make

we do have the power to do

something beautiful

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