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“By the power of earth make thy plants thrive.

”Klyra chanted while opening her cat-liked shaped

eyes .After stealing some glance at her wilted orchid, she slightly stroked her hair.”That was not
right?”she mumbled sadly.

Klyra is a girl with wavy black hair and loves magic. She watches fairy tales since young and wishes to
become a mage. She came from a poor family .Therefore she wants her parents who sacrifice their
live to raise her to be happy.

“Ping” a notification popped off on her phone .She casually picked her phone to read it. Her face
went blank as soon as she read it .It was a message from an unknown.”Look, I am going to make this
simple for you, you got three wishes .Deal or not?”

Various of question crossed her mind.”Is it real. Wait! How can I believe it?”She cannot make up her
mind .Out of the blue, a phrase popped in her mind.”It would not hurt to give it a try, right?”

Her mind went blank for a second. She thought about it for a while. “If it is true, I get something .If it
is not, I get nothing.” A smile cracked on her face. She quickly picked her phone and was about to
start texting.

She then stop and think for a second time.”What am I going to ask for?” Tick tock tick
tock….Numerous time went by and she still have not came up with anything. She takes this chance
seriously and wanted to use it wisely.

“Klyra! Have not you finish revising your studies? Your final exams are around the corner!” A familiar
voice came up .It was her mother. Her mother’s nagging made her realized something.

She went back to texting that”Genie”.”Hey, I am not sure if you can make it come true , but I will still
give it a try. I want to be smart,” she texted, short yet clear order.

After she send her message, she completely forgot about that incident. She hit the sack early ,
because she have school the next day. The strange thing that happen the next day is , she
understands every single thing her teacher teaches her. Even she herself was surprise. Not only that,
her mathematics teacher praises her for solving a hard question!

She was floating over the moon . Getting praised by teacher means a lot for her. She was very
excited to tell it to her mother . Unfortunately, her mother did not believe her. “A genie?” She asked
as Klyra nodded. Perhaps her mother was having a stressful day , she let out all of her anger on Klyra.
“Get out of your non-exist imagination world , will you!” she shouted.

Klyra busted into tears and ran into her tiny room. “Am I not allowed to be happy?” she murmured
while sobbing. “Ping!” Another notification popped out. It was from her class monitor on her class
group chat.”I am really sorry to say this. Our mathematics teacher, Miss Sarah had been injured on
an accident on her way back home.”

“What? Miss Sarah? The teacher who praised me?” She went back to her chat with that “Genie”. She
started to get suspicious of him. ”Is that because of me,” she thought.

(570 words)

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