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Written by: Amar Tufo,

(BA) archaeologist,
6. September 2020

Who was Abdi-Ashirta?

In this short article, check out brief biography of Abdi-Ashirta, king of ancient

Syrian land of Amurru (1400 BC), the most wanted man on Ancient Near East

at the time.

Abdi-Ashirta was a king of land of Amurru in 14-th century BC. Back then,

land of Amurru covers most of modern day Syria. Most what we know of Abdi-

Ashirta comes from El-Amarna letters written by pharaoh Amenhotep III and

Amenhotep IV. The letters tells us that Abdi-Ashirta was a great and powerful

ruler who manage to make land of Amurru into powerful kingdom trough his

military campaign against the city of pharaoh.

In just two years, Abdi-Ashirta manage to capture several cities under Egyptian

control such as Batruna, Shigata, Arwad, Shumur, Ulasa, Bitarha, Tyra, Sydon,

and others, eventually provoking the pharaoh Amenhotep to send his troops into
Syria on the call of Rib-Hadad, king of Gubla, on the Lebanon, to capture and

stop Abdi-Ashirta. King probably dies several days in Shumur before arrival of

pharaoh army, which allows his son Aziru to take the throne of Amurru as a

next king.

[+] Reference

[1] The story of Metusalem

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