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Aimee B.

Dador BSA - 1201

Reaction Paper


I. Introduction

Ever since the world has been created, war is a crucial part of everyone’s life.
With or without blood scattered and running on the dusty ground, battles between people
and even countries serves as burden to the citizens as well as to a country’s economy. In
contrary, war is one of the important factors why people become united and why
countries build strong relationship with others especially to those powerful countries like
United States. Group of people who fight together are more likely to perceive themselves
as belonging to a common culture. Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, a group which is
known as ISIS is considered to be a powerful force living against the government. Iraq
has been a home of battles that brought fear in some people and pushed others to make

II. Summary

It was 2011 when the war between tribe people in Iraq and Al Qaeda had reached
its end through the help of military forces from United States. Prime Minister Maliki, the
new elected leader of the new and democratic India has suffered from the regime of the
old leader, Saddam Hussein, and believed that he has better plans for the development
and peace. People started to protest when the vice president, Tariq Al Hashemi, together
with his bodyguards were arrested and sentenced to death because they are suspected for
terrorism. As a result of the fear that Maliki had gathered on his past experiences, he put
in prison the people from Baghdad, who are called Sunnis, who are suspected in
subversion without proper process. The Shia militia were very violent with the Sunnis.
The issue reached Al Qaeda and when its leader, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, was released
from imprisonment, he sent his people to Syria which, that time, suffers from a
breakdown. Rebels of Iraq took the advantage to build a group with Syria to fight for
their rights and it is when ISIS has risen. They bombed prisons to free innocent people
but used measures of violence to whoever comes in their way. ISIS become more
powerful when a lot of people joined them. Maliki asked former U.S. President Barack
Obama for help but only air strikes is what United States could offer. Even the Iraq
military forces did not want to meddle because they are losing hope. ISIS built territories
in Iraq and even Syria. As the group became more powerful, they also became more
violent. The roads have dead bodies instead of vehicles, people lie down in sand with
their hands bounded in their back, gunshots echoing everywhere but Maliki continues to
fight instead of accepting his loss and leave the government and give back the rights of
the citizens. The battle lasted for two years and took almost a year before the government
declared that ISIS is under control.

III. Recommendation

In the movie documentary, “The Rise of ISIS”, the voices of the persons involved
are clearly heard and it is in high definition but the informations seems limited because it
is only seen by the viewers through their imaginations and not merely acted. I would
recommend that the movie documentary should be filmed and make it a legitimate movie
so that a lot of people could understand it clearly.

IV. Conclusion

After watching the movie and observing its quality, I can therefore conclude that
it is a good documentary. It bestowed me knowledge about the ISIS group. If other
people will also watch this, it could help them understand why rebels exists within their
own countries. On the side of the story, it only proved that leaders are not always meant
for good intentions, they may also come with their own desires even if it costs the
country’s peacefulness. United States has a powerful military force but it cannot always
help other countries and risk their own citizens. ISIS, though executing immoral acts, can
prove that if people have the same ambitions or objectives, they can achieve unity. A
Viking Saying quoted, “It is better to stand and fight. If you run, you will only die tired”,
this quotation together with the movie implies that it is not wrong to seek for our
individual rights, we can stand and fight for it but not always through the use of knives
and bullets. We may have a lot of differences among other people but everyone must be
treated equally and in return, we are obliged to obey the rules/law that are being
implemented by the government for peaceful living of everybody.
V. References/Sources

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