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Table of Contents
1. We Are Funnel Hackers And These Are Our Stories……………..…..…..…..…....4

2. The Identity Shift……………………………………………………..…..…..…..……14

3. The Power of Vulnerability…………………………………………..…..…..…..…...19

4. Conversation Domination………………………………………………..…..…..…...25

5. Funnel Hacking a Blue Ocean……………………………………….…..…..………33

6. The Ultimate Funnel……………………………………………….....…..…..……….43

7. Documentary Funnels……………………………………………….…..……………49

8. Unique Webinar Funnels…………………………………………....…..…..………..54

9. The Hidden Funnel…………………………………………………..…..…..………..61

10. Redemption Funnels………………………………………………...…..…..………..64

11. Before the Funnel Begins…………………………………………...…..…..………..67

12. Four Levels of Value……………………………………………………..…..………..70

13. Multi-Dimensional Follow Up Funnels……………………….……..…..…..……….73

14. Bio-Hacking Energy For Entrepreneurs…………………………...…..…..………..79

15. The Billionaire Code…………………………………………..…….…..…..………...84

16. Unlimited Traffic Through The Dream 100………………….………..…..…………90

17. Unlimited Traffic In Just 3 Days……………………………….…...…..…..………..93

18. High Ticket Secrets………………………………………….…...….…..…..………..98

19. The 12 Month Millionaire…………………………………………....…..…..………104

20. False Beliefs………………………………………………….……….…..…..……...106

21. Getting More With Less……………………………………..……...…..…..……….117

22. Tony Robbins …………………………………………………………………..…….122

We Are Funnel Hackers and These Are Our
Russell Brunson

Russell decided to hold this year’s event in Disney because Russell had heard
an amazing story about him. On Walt Disney’s deathbed, a reporter laid down in the
bed next to him and Walt was looking at the ceiling showing him his vision of his place,
with rides, restaurants etc. The same place where the event was held at, 5 years before
it was even built. He has been describing his role he’d play in the future.

When it finally opened, one of the reporters said “It’s a shame Walt didn’t get to
see this”. But the original reporter responded “You don’t understand, he did see it. He
saw it years ago before it even happened”. The way to truly live life is in your vision and
that even on your deathbed you’ll whisper it into another person’s ear so it will survive

ClickFunnels is more than a software company, we are changing people’s lives.

Most of our businesses are built out of something painful in the past. We heal our

wounds and tell our story for the benefit of other people. An example is Paul & Stacey
Martino. They were having troubles with their own marriage many years ago, and
Stacey realized that she had to change. Because of that, over the last 15 years they
ended up helping over 10,000 couples save their own marriage.

Another example is Annie Grace who was working in corporate America and was
told she needed to drink socially as part of her job dealing with business associates.
She became addicted to alcohol and decided to break the chains of addiction. She
shared her message of success and is helping tens of thousands do the same.

Pamela Wible is a doctor who, while going through medical school, discovered
that doctors have the highest suicide rate of any profession. She has a business that
addresses this issue and has saved hundreds of doctor’s lives, and they in turn are able
to impact tens of thousands of people.

Tim Ballard runs Operation Underground Railroad which is an organization

Russell has gotten behind. This organization rescues children who are caught up in sex
trafficking rings. He has saved over 1,000 children and has assisted in arresting more
than 433 under age sex traffickers around the world.

That’s why the Funnel Hacking team does this, to impact thousands of lives. Ask
● What’s your vision?
● What are you trying to create?
● Who do you want to serve?

When Russell’s focus was shifted from how much money he could make to these
questions, that’s when the money came for these people, after that shift.

The theme of this year’s event is based on this quote:
“Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The
round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently.
They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You
can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only
thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push
the human race forward. While some see them as the crazy ones, we see
genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change
the world, are the ones who do.

Russell favorite quote is by Winston Churchill: “To each there comes in their
lifetime a special moment when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered
the chance to do a very special thing, unique to them and fitted to their talents. What a
tragedy if that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that which could have
been their finest hour.”

When ClickFunnels was created, their vision was to free all entrepreneurs to
share their gift with the world, so that you can focus on changing your customers lives.
When Russell met Todd Dickerson, they spent a lot of time and Todd coded what
eventually became ClickFunnels. When ClickFunnels was launched:

● In Year 1 they had 10,043 users

● In Year 2 - 20,195 users
● In Year 3 - 50,737 users
● As of February 2018, we have 60,193 active members.

As a group, ClickFunnels users have joined the 3 Comma Club as they have
processed over 1 billion dollars in sales. There are 15 other countries in the world

whose GDP is not as high as that! So far 258+ people have made it into the 2 Comma
Club. And 17 people have qualified for the 8 figure award!

This is the Funnel Hacker’s Vision.

How do you go from 1 million to 10?

What’s your role, after outsourcing? The thing that makes us awesome is the
same thing that makes us terrible. Quite a few people in the room had more than one
business. You get excited with your first million dollar business and then want to create
another one. You start to do it over and over again. This was Russell’s life for 10 years
of his life. His first business made 3 million dollars a year and he couldn’t figure how to
scale so decided to launch another one, but then the first one fizzled.

The next year, he launched 12 new businesses but found himself asking how his
business was still only doing 3 million dollars again? If you look at great companies,
they blow up the companies, get everything in place and then they kicked out the head
guy (like Apple).

Russell realized that the skills they have to go from 0-1 million is one thing but in
order to scale, they needed to switch roles and responsibilities after that with the
Creativity Switch.

● What is my unique ability?
● How can I focus only on that?
● Switched from launching several new businesses to growing one business.

If we switch our creativity from developing business after business to switching to front
end offers, back end offers, etc. we can grow a single business better.

There are different focuses for different parts of your business journey.

From $0-$1 million (What & How)

● WHAT you’re selling and how are you going to sell it? (Offer) Your only job is
this, don’t focus on hiring employees, buying desks etc.
● HOW you’re selling it (Funnel)

When you get the right What and How, you’ll get to 1 million fast. That’s when you’ll
know you’ve figured it out. That’s how you know that the market wants what you’re
selling. Everyone has different ways to sell, webinars, tripwires, high ticket offers, etc.

Russell’s Expert Secrets book tells you how to figure out the What and the How. At
this point, you need to focus on just One Core Funnel and offer. When they launched
ClickFunnels it took 6 variations of the funnel, and they finally went from 0-1 million in
one week. You’ll get bored with it before the market does. Your ability to get to 7 figures
is in direct correlation to being able to focus on one funnel.

The Value Ladder (from the Dot Com Secrets book) is all about where you are
going, not where you’re starting.


What’s the core thing you want to sell? Something that is infinitely scalable - that’s
where you start. Russell’s Inner Circle members know he has a have to get to
at least a million dollars before you can create something else. Just focus on that one
thing for the next 12 months. It’s so much easier to double down on one thing than to try
to do a million things at once.

After your initial funnel is working, it’s key to build up pressure, so when funnel
number two is released, people will go crazy for it. Typically your backend funnel comes

Funnel Hackers You Know -

One of Russell’s ClickFunnels users went from 0-$1 million in 5 months. He got a
little tipsy and posted this video in the FB group to thank Russell. Russell ending up
using the video as an ad and has since sold thousands of books and received millions
of views.

Jaime makes her own soaps, lotions etc. She had her what but needed to figure
out her how. Some people wonder if it’s possible to do a perfect webinar when selling
products? But Jaime went from 0 - $90,000 in sales and they have been blowing up
ever since doing her perfect webinar on a Facebook live webinar.

If you put it out there, the market will tell you if you did it right. If the market tells
you that you failed, come back again. That’s the game. Liz had a goal of $50k in 30
days. It would take more than 30 days to figure out the what and how. When she got it
right, she went from 0 to the 2 comma club almost overnight. Natalie came to an event
last February. She launched an ebook and went from 0 to the 2 comma club in 4

There over 258 other stories here in this room. If it doesn't work, don’t get
stressed out. Even Russell had to do 6 funnels before it worked. It was so worth it!
You’ll make more when one funnel hits than you’ll make more in your lifetime otherwise.

The Creativity Switch - this is what took Russell to the next level.

Russell felt he had have to shift his creativity as an entrepreneur.

Jay Abraham told him that there are only 3 ways to grow a company:
● More customers - Acquisition Funnels
● Get customers to spend more money - Ascension Funnels
● Get customers to buy more often - Monetization Funnels

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Acquisition Funnels
Russell considered ways to increase people coming to his offer and thought,
“What if I build more front end acquisition funnels?” So he launched his Dotcom Secrets
book. The goal of the book is to get people to know they need ClickFunnels. He wrote
the next book to acquire customers in again. The book funnel is probably one of the
hardest funnels to get to work.

After people starting seeing ads for his webinars, that’s when he wrote the book.
A common mistake is that people create a value ladder and add more and more things.
A business should create one core offer, one backend offer and stop there, don’t create
anything else on the value ladder after that.

After Russell launched his book, he wanted to get more network marketers to
use ClickFunnels. He messaged Julie Stoian and they put together a book to market to
the network marketing industry. He also has an e-comm funnel book. Create different
funnels to market to different segments of your market. Remember, after you create the
backend to your value ladder, you should never touch is again, ever. Focus your
entrepreneurial creativity on creating really fun front ends.

Ascension Funnels

Russell learned this concept from Bill Glazer when he was in the GKIC program.
If you were in the program they focused on shifting you from one level to the next. The
only goal was to get people to ascend. Last year, at the ClickFunnels event they did a
presentation called follow up funnels. The entire goal was to ascend people from
ClickFunnels to Actionetics. Approximately 20% of customers have ascended up to that.
They make more from Actionetics than from ClickFunnels now. He didn’t have to re-sell
them anything because they were already ClickFunnels users.

Think about “How do I serve my customers more to get them at a higher level?”
Create ascension funnels to service them at a higher level. Focus your entrepreneurial
efforts on these type of products.

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Monetization Funnel
Initially you’re offering them an opportunity to switch from one thing to another,
for example Funnel Scripts, Funnel University, etc. Think “What else does my audience
need to be more successful?” We created these things to help them on their journey.
They opened up their core offer first, then focused on their backend offer, then focused
on the frontend. That’s the focus hierarchy.

More Funnel Hackers: Brandon and Kaleigh

They went from zero to a million, then a million to ten, now they are on a journey
from ten to a hundred million. If you reverse engineer their process, they followed it this
plan to a T. They launched a webinar that gave you lifetime access for $150. They grew
it to over 1 million dollars before they focused on the next thing. Then they thought how
can they better serve their customer and opened up a supplement company. The
pressure had been building for so long, it just blew up once they launched it. You need
to do a live webinar once a week before you make one million dollars. If you do it live,
your audience will tell you how to figure out the What and How. After they launched the
supplements, they focused on coaching.

Alex and Laila launched their new company in April. They have gone from 0-10
million since April. That’s gotta be a record. They did their core offer, then blew up with
the backend. The path and the process is still the same.

● Focus on the What and the How
● Transition your creativity to figure out ascension, monetization and acquisition
● To go from $10-$100 million, you need to focus on Mass Traffic.

Think about...What kinds of ads can I make that make people go insane? (for
example, Russell made an ad where he lit his Expert Secrets book on fire). Another

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video promoting the book including him with his famous potato gun. Remember, when
you get to that point, you don’t need more offers, focus your energy on more creative
front end offers.

If you look at 4 years ago, there were only 1-2 people within ClickFunnels making
$1,000,000. As a community we are all growing together. Focus on where you’re at,
build that piece out and the market will tell you when you’re ready to transition.

We’re not normal, most people don’t wake up in the morning figuring out how to change
the world, how to sell more products. We’re different and that’s good.

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The Identity Switch
Kaelin Poulin

Kaelin Poulin (A.K.A. The LadyBoss) has built a paid community of over
100,000+ women who are all interested in losing weight. But not just any
community...Kaelin has grown her business to over 8-figures by harnessing how to
create a true cult-ture.

Her book Big Fat Lies was a huge success. Then came Lady Boss swag, labs
and coaching. This identity shift is what caused her customers to buy from her over and
over again and they love doing that. Three years ago, she was transitioning out of an
old business, was missing car payments and broke. These numbers are possible for
every one of you.

Anyone can sell something once. But you want to get your customers to buy from
you over and over again and have them be excited about doing it. You can build a huge
business and make a huge impact once you’re able to do this.

You have to remember your customers are real people and it's your duty to sell
to them over and over again. If you don’t, they will go back to the old ways and habits.
If she doesn’t continue to resell to her customers it’s a difference of life and death (from
people returning to an unhealthy lifestyle).

What's the repercussion of you not selling to them over and over? Loss of health,
loss of money? There’s a reason they convert 10% of every email into a customer, their
new swag sells out in 10 minutes, they have 1.2 million unique engagements in the paid
group every month. 50% of their community is active every day.

Her customers sell for her on FaceBook live. She went from zero and broke to an 8
figure business. It's also because of “Cult-ure”.

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How many have overlooked the culture and community of your business? It's
more than just about you, you don’t create the culture, every one of your customers,
every support person you have, every affiliate you have creates the culture.

How you attract your Cult-ure?

This is the foundation of your community. You have to divide your customers up
front, from the crowd or else they will divide themselves inside of your community.

You have to figure out who you want in you tribe and who you don’t want. Make a
list of who you want and who you don’t want and share it with your customers.

This your club and you get to pick the people and don’t feel bad about it. It allows
you to be the real you. Unless you divide, you’re going to have everyone and you’ll feel
trapped. She doesn’t ever have to apologize. She can go in her group and pray for
people and that’s ok, because that is part of the personality of the tribe she wants to

Identity Shift

We have to step them out of their own identity and step them into their new one.
You have to create what you want them to be. It can’t be the “Me Show”. The customers
can’t relate to that, “I’ll never be like her”. You have to come up with an “I am a…”

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statement. I am a Lady Boss. Come up with one or two words. For example - “I am a
Funnel Hacker”.
Create the Manifesto

Spend time really thinking about who you want and thinking about who you want
them to become. Her husband hit record button on the phone and they talked about
what it means to be a Lady Boss. Then they had it transcribed. Her customers print it
out, hang it on their mirror, and they print it everywhere.

This is lifeblood of your group, it’s important that you don’t just throw it together.
What were your a-ha moments, what did you need to know? They made phone screen
savers, etc. to remind their customers. “This is who I am now” so they connect to her.

Their new identity and the changes that are occurring are connected to her and
her brand. Which is a good thing only if you are going to commit to helping that person.

Next, step them into their new identity with their personal power statement. Using
your manifesto, create a personal power statement your customer will read every day.

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They will know their goals and create their why. It’s very powerful when your customers
reads it to themselves every day.

You’ve created the framework of who they are becoming. Be very careful of your
words that you use. Give them their cape (super power) - think about what are the
things they struggle with most, how can you take those and turn them around to come
up with the things to say to themselves. You can see the pitfalls coming. They have
Lady Boss clothing. It’s not clothing, its a cape! When they put it on they become
different, like Superman.

It reminds them every day how empowered they are to do what they need to do,
where they are at their journey and keep moving forward. Each time they put it on they
are proclaiming their identity in you. It’s like saying “I’m American”. It will help them do
the impossible.

With their identity shift, think about what are the tools you can give them? It’s not
the name, it's the culture, the community, how they feel. They become a new person
and are connected to you.

They were 2 years into their business before they implemented this. Once you’ve
bonded something to a person, it's there forever. They buy because they know they are
a Lady Boss and it’s part of who they are, and it makes them feel good about

How are they doing they going to be inspired to get their results.

Remember these things:

● Care about your customer.
● Create your T chart, who you want and don’t want.
● Create the “I Am …” statement and your manifest
● Create your power statement and give them a cape.

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You’re a Lady Boss now and this is how you deal with it. Every day we take them
into that next step into being a Lady Boss and into their weight loss journey.

If there’s anything you take away, just Do What Russell Says. He’s made the road
for you and parted the sea. Don’t reinvent the wheel, all you need to do is follow the
system. People ask them all the time how they did it and that’s what they did. Don’t try
to recreate the wheel. Just know it's possible.

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The Power of Vulnerability
Natalie Hodson

Natalie Hodson, owner of a brilliant weight-loss business, struggled with

constantly molding herself into this ideal image for her followers: the perfect body,
perfect six pack abs, perfectly toned arms.

Even though she literally postured herself into this image of a perfect woman, her
business struggled because her audience was so small. One day, she created a video
that showed herself when she happened to be at her most vulnerable and the response
was overwhelming.

It all started when she joined a free program to be held accountable to lose
weight. The group shared real photos and things they were struggling with each day,
and the group grew. Before long they had 1,000 in the group. She was the moderator of
the group and cheering everyone on and felt committed to do it.

She had awesome results, and people started sending her PM’s on Facebook,
so she started a public page in order to communicate as well as a blog. She shared
every single step of her journey and people were invested in that. She would share
good healthy recipes, even the horrible ones as well. She would share her frustrations
(about bringing kids to the gym for example) and would share how to eat healthy when
on a budget.

She didn’t even realize that she was giving people the reality of what was going
on in her life. After a while reached out to her and she got to meet
Arnold Schwarzenegger.

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Soon after a video she had posted of her bending over, holding her waist went
crazy viral. She started to feel the pressure to keep performing. It made her feel better
and people seemed to like it. She thought, she’s not just a stay at mom, and felt like she
needed to be an expert, because she was somebody in the fitness industry. That’s
when everything went wrong.

She tried way too hard to be the expert. When she stopped showing the reality,
her numbers dropped. She didn’t know where to go next and thought her opportunity
was over. She went back to the drawing board and looked at her past blog posts. She
decided to recreate that and figured out the pattern which had a 4 step system which
surrounded vulnerability.

The Formula - How to make viral posts/videos

At first, she would take a pretty photo, start with the vulnerability stuff and went
into selling the program. But when she tried to recreate the vulnerability it didn’t work.
She needed a new strategy to capture those moments.

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Vulnerability is the ultimate human connector. When you are the one being
vulnerable, it makes you feel small and scared but when you’re talking about it to
everyone else it makes you look strong and courageous. When you’re down, people
want to help you and relate to you.

Don’t be afraid to be real and share. Being real and sharing, be honest, show
behind the doors. Sometimes it might be easier for woman to feel vulnerable than men.
For example, look at Conor McGregor. There are other MMA fighters, but he’s at the top
of social media because he’s not only a good salesman, but he shows everything, how
he was super poor, went through struggles, etc.

Look at Russell - on his podcasts, he told the painful story of how he got kicked
out of his office, all the desks were being sold and he did the webinar that changed
everything. How many of us could relate to that? How are we going to pay our bills this
month? Provide for my family? You know his ups and downs.

Authenticity is kind of a buzzword right now. Humble bragging is not real. Real
vulnerability is like “I was at the gym today, saw my ex’s girlfriend and I felt horrible”.

Then there’s the other movements, you know the ones...#grind #savages
#hustle, etc. Nobody hustles 100% of the day. We know you are also netflix binging but
you don’t put that on Instagram.

Just show more of the real moments and more people will get invested on
sharing the entire journey. The system is not how to make fake content look real.
Write it down when you are in a vulnerable moment. And It’s ok to share.

Pull out your phone, shorthand the exact real raw moments so you won’t forget
them. If you try to recap it later, it will never come out the same.

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If this is something that you are really feeling insecure about, you can share after
you work through it. Like bankruptcy for example, you can talk about the shame and
embarrassment and talk about it later. Being real, honest and sharing the raw parts of
your life act as a magnet.

There are some things that aren’t meant to be shared, use your best judgment on
that. Your audience will say “Me too!” and it causes them to trust you and they can
relate to you. When people trust you they will buy from you.

You can be professional on your site and posts. But on your instagram stories
you can be real. For ex. Russell’s info is like this. His stories and podcasts will show
that. You get 2 shots - your site and your behind the scenes.

All the new apps are geared towards being real, like Instagram stories, Snapchat.
Facebook Live. People want to be talking live with you.

When you drop a post, people can go back door and see how it actually
happened. 90% of your posts have to be actual good content. Use Russell’s tips from
the Expert Secrets book. You have to be good at what you do and you have to deliver.

Four Step System for writing real and vulnerable posts

1. Start off with what you are struggling with. (examples, feeling not enough,
insecure, body shame, failure, not being a good enough dad, not provide enough
for your family, a breakup...whatever the hard, struggle feeling is)
2. Show grace in your posts
3. Relate it to other times in your life when you have felt the same way and how you
were able to work through it then.
4. This is what I did to work through it or this is what I am going to do to work
through it (stay positive and bring it back full circle).

Without step 4 you’re just Tom Cruise jumping on the couch.

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Examples of what not to do when it doesn’t work - when Tom Cruise was
jumping on Oprah’s couch...or Britney Spears shaving her head...or when one of the
Bachelor show girls is crying non-stop on the show.

So this method works great to get raving fans but how do you monetize it? Well
for Natalie, she had a video that went viral when she peed her pants while exercising.

She went through her blog posts and partnered with a doctor friend to deal with
this issue. Keep it positive and give a solution at the end. They sold a $37 dollar e-book
and sold over one million dollars in just 4 months because she was willing to be

If you're looking for a blue ocean you need to think about the things that nobody
else wants to talk about. Take all your moments in your life where you felt raw and
vulnerable and you can strategically use it to create a movement and impact people.

Start small, baby steps. That’s when people buy in and go on the journey with
you. It gives you the relatability. Anybody can be an expert. You drawn them in because

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of your stories and you are real. When you're willing to talk about the real moments,
people will buy from you.
Share the ups and down. Share the hard stuff, the things no one wants to talk
about. When you look back on your life, you don’t want life to be a straight line. The
downs are the things that give you credibility. No one tells all the good stories when
you’re older. Begin documenting right now. Drop your ego, be real with your audience.

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Conversation Domination - How to Get
Clients to Addictively Watch You On
Every Platform They Live On
Russell Brunson

Since they’ve launched ClickFunnels there have been 37 people who have tried
to take down ClickFunnels since they’ve started. Russell has tried to make so much
noise so that no one can compete. You want your message everywhere!

Gary Vaynerchuk video - Just like in this video as Gary explains it, if you think
about today’s phones it is like the television in 1965 and televisions are the radio.
History loves to repeat itself. Youtube, Instagram and Facebook are the 3 major
networks. There will be more channels built on the phone platform. You need to figure
out the channels where you can be the star of that network.

When Russell met Tony Robbins 10 years ago, he said he got his start with
infomercials when there were only 3 channels. He was everywhere and dominated all of
them. We have this unique opportunity now, to build a huge brand across these new
channels. You want to try to dominate the entire conversation in your marketplace.

With the history of television, first they had to get tv’s in people’s homes, then we
had 3 channels and each channel had individual shows. Today, it's similar, people
already have phones in their pockets. They already have the channels (apps). We need
to create and promote our own shows.

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Whoever has the best distribution will win. For example every shark on Shark
Tank has a distribution channel. Build your own and you can sell whatever you want.
For your first distribution list, you need an email list. You should average a minimum of
$1 per name per month. This is the low end if you’re really bad at it. That’s the key to
distribution, you are building lists.

Next is social lists - messenger lists. You need both messenger and email lists.
Do not rely only on one distribution channel. How do you build your distribution?

There are 3 types of traffic:

1. Traffic you control

2. Traffic you don’t control
3. Traffic you own, there you can do anything you want.

With traffic you control, you’re sending it to some type of funnel typically and
there you get their email address. There is a new feature coming out in ClickFunnels
called Opt-In Bumps where no longer you just get their e-mail but you get their
messenger as well. Now you’ll have two distribution channels at the same time.

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Russell was listening to a Brendan Burchard radio ad, where he talks about
giving away his book, The Motivation Manifesto. He asked people to send a text and
when you sent it, you were directed to a link to his funnel.

It took humans out of the sales process. For example a Facebook ad would say:
“Here’s my free book, if you want a free copy, message me on Facebook and I’ll send
you the link.” Now you have them on your both your email list and Facebook list.

The goal of ads is to build your distribution. (email, messenger, new Actionetics
MD) What are the goals of distribution? To sell stuff! You want to convert traffic that you
don’t control into traffic that you own. There are some issues with regular distribution. If
you email once a day, there’s an unwritten rule to stick to that. Messenger and text
messaging should be even less.

The goal outside of selling is to build the shows on your channel. Use the
distribution to build the podcasts, a Facebook following, a YouTube following etc. You
are building your platform, your personal shows on your phones.

How many people remember a show “Celebrity Apprentice”. When Arsenio Hall
was on it, they were doing a fundraising activity and he couldn’t raise any money. He
said something that was really powerful to Russell “When I had my own show, everyone
returned my calls.” If you don’t have a platform it's going to be harder and harder.

Different Platforms

Instagram - this is your reality show. Think The Bachelor, Survivor etc.
Facebook - this is your talk show. Think Ellen, The View, etc.
YouTube - this is the sitcom, like Friends, Seinfeld, etc.
Podcast - this is the radio show like Howard Stern, Glenn Beck.

There are other channels coming. Be aware of those so you can jump in quick.

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Russell looked at Twitch recently. It's the ESPN of our phone. They watch each other
play video games. It's the sportscenter of our phones.

Can you build a channel like that for your business?

Why build multiple shows? How many of you like to read blog posts? How many
like to watch YouTube videos? People like to listen to podcasts. So there’s a variety of
people for each channel. There’s crossover but not everyone likes all the channels.

Which one do you think is the most important for your conversation? Russell
thinks Instagram because you can literally do 50 episodes a day. It's your own personal
reality show. Russell documents everything. That intimacy is one of the best platforms
he’s seen and there’s a relationship/connection with the attractive character,. When he’s
on Instagram, he’s home with his kids, etc. and there’s a different levels of intimacy.

You can also document the journey. Russell has been documenting this event and
guarantees there will be lots of people buying tickets for next year’s event after watching

At the end of the video, you can say “Swipe up” (if you have at least 10,000
followers) and it takes them to any website you want. If you have less than 10k
followers, you have to say “Link in Bio”.

There are huge benefits of having your own reality show. You can have product
placement. If he’s filming in his office, he can have the 2 Comma Club Award on the
wall behind him and talk about that.

You can presell content - I’m working on a blog posts, etc, they are part of the
creative of the content with you. They watch 3 or 4 stores and want to watch the end
result. You can push to your other content.

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You should use your email and messenger to build your channel up. Inside all your
channels you have all types of episodes. And when something goes live, for example if
they are listening to the podcast they will already hear it and if not, then those who
follow on Instagram will be pushed back into the channels.

Check out Russell’s Instagram to get an idea of how he does this.

If you get a lot of views in beginning on Instagram, it spikes. The algorithm will
reward him. Most times you write a blog post or email no one cares. But if you talk
about it live, they are part of it with you and will be more engaged and care.

Check out 1,000 True Fans article by Kevin Kelly. If you have 1,000 true fans, that is
enough to make a living.

Post on Instagram with your kids, your pets, swipe to get tickets to events, talk about
podcasts, videos, etc. All day long people take breaks and check their phones. Your
people will be connected to you 50 times a day.

Gary Vaynerchuk also has a good example, follow him on Instagram to see how he
does it.

Push to different content and different things you are selling. The goal of your reality
show is to get them to build rapport, get them to your content.

How do you build to 10,000 followers?

● Use your original channels to push them to Instagram.
● You can target people who are most likely to buy your products with paid “swipe
up” ads
● Dream 100 (get distribution from others) pay people to post stuff, partnerships,

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Instagram is hashtag based, it’s like a filing cabinet, your posts are the papers. You
can use hashtags based on location, event, brand, community or on trending stuff. It’s
all about figuring out where the conversation is happening and plugging in.

Russell’s trick to 3x-ing his views - everyone once in a while, he says in his video
that his publishes in his Instagram feed “If you want to see behind the scenes, click on
the link. Make sure you watch my show…” and people will tune into his InstaStories
more often.

One thing to stress, don’t build all channels at once, find one to be really good at one
first. Facebook is more like a talk show. They want interaction, engagement, comments.
Opening monologue, tell your story, Q&A’s, build rapport, etc.

Pro’s - it’s fast, targeted

Cons - it’s a news feed platform, then it disappears fast, people don’t go back to to
watch it again.

Use Facebook to build your Instagram channel, then use Instagram to post to
your reality show.

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YouTube - it's going to be a better longer term play, since Facebook is changing
things around lately. People will re-watch your videos (like Seinfeld, etc.) and the video
views grow (unlike disappearing on Facebook).

There are 2 types of videos - discoverable and engagement. Put one of each out
each week.

Discoverable - the goal is to get people to discover you, to subscribe to your channel.
You are focusing your video on an actual keyword phrase. Ask them to subscribe.
Russell uses the vidIQ tool, a free Chrome plug in to funnel hack videos. Then reverse
engineer with your own videos.

Engagement - people who already follow you and you want to create more rapport with
them. Check out Russell’s Funnel Hacker TV episodes to see behind the scenes
videos. Russell’s Why entrepreneurs suck at vacations video is an example of a fun
video that people will watch over and over again.

Radio Show channel - like Russell’s podcast -

Russell loves them because they are the most intimate. When people are
listening to podcasts they are usually unplugging from everything else and it's you in
their head talking to them. Its powerful. Everyone should have their own podcast.

They will also become your best buyers and are worth more money to you.
People who listen to podcasts make more money per year. Don’t just do a Q&A show,
people want to get to know you also. Tell your story.

Record your podcast in the same way as how they are listening. For example,
Russell would record his podcast while driving in his car. Create your podcast in the
same way they would consume it.

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Use podcasts to share your beliefs and observations, what you’re learning about
your topics and let your customers always be on the edge of discovery with you. Talk
about your “Why”. People will binge listen to you.

“If you like this, go back and listen to all my podcasts from the beginning”
Russell also ended up putting their podcasts on MP3 players to send to customers.

See how Russell did this with his Marketing In Your Car Podcast here.

Announcement: ClickFunnels now has a stats app available on both Android and

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Hacking a Blue Ocean

Russell Brunson

Day 1 was all about building community, tribe and dominating the conversation.
Day 2 is what specific funnels can I use to crush it. Remember, one little funnel hack
can make you 1 million dollars.

Besides the use of ClickFunnels to make money, but there’s so many lives you
can touch to make them better. Every time you build a funnel, that has at least 100
visitors to the funnel, they donate $1 to World Teacher Aid.

Funnel Audibles - How to Nail it so You Can Scale It

You need to be ok with the fact that the first time you launch, it may not work.

Russell brought his dad on the stage. He tells the story of when he was growing
up he expected to be the state wrestling champ, but it didn’t happen. He was broken
and depressed after losing an important tournament as a 16 year old. His dad had
filmed the losing match and watched it over and over. They drilled every day for the next
4 months and 4 months later, in his junior year, he used the same move that his
opponent has previously used on him, to win and become the state champ.

Step 1 - plan on it failing and be completely OK with that.

Russell had the chance to interview Gary Halbert (check out The Gary Halbert
Letter to read all the letters). It had a profound effect. One good idea that occurs to you
while walking on a beach, properly executed is worth more than 10 lifetimes of hard

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Confusing funnels - if your funnels is too confusing it’s not a good thing,
complexity is not your friend in the funnel game. Having 8,000 variations back and forth
is not going to help you. There’s a big reason ClickFunnels is built to be simple.
Russell’s funnels are very simple and they make a ton of money.

The questions Russell gets asked all the time:

- How do I know if I have a winner?

- If I don’t have a winner, what changes should I make?

There’s only two numbers you have to understand - CPA (cost per acquisition, how
much does it cost you to get a customer) and ACV (average cart value, how much
money do you make from that person on average from inside your funnel).

Your goal is to make sure your CPA is smaller than your ACV.

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The Funnel Hacker Mindset:
Create something fast, don’t spent 10, 12 months etc.
- Most of your funnels will start off bad and that’s ok. You want to lose quickly so
you’ll know how to win.

Invest about $1,000 in traffic, create a funnel with the best possible version you
know. Set it to run for a few days, then the market will tell you if it works. The only
opinion you should care about is the customer’s. Don’t listen to anyone else but the
market, they will vote with their credit cards.

After that you stop, look at the analytics, decide what changes to make, make
tweaks and drive more traffic. Rinse and repeat. Usually after 2-3 times, you’ll have a
funnel that wins.

Russell showed an example of his Expert Secrets funnel example.

They looked at the variety of ads they run and figured out they averaged $9.17 to
sell an actual copy of the book. With their initial landing page they got 15.6% of the
people to give out their full shipping information, with an ACV of $0 so far.

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With Step #2 where they asked people to buy the product, they had a 3.5% follow
through, and their ACV was $22.38. Next they had an order form bump for $37 and
10.2% of the people took that, which added $3.77 to their ACV.

Next was the first OTO, and 11% took that which added $5.17 to their ACV. They
made a total of $22.10 for every book they sold.

After that, he looked at the numbers and figured out what to test first. Always be
thinking “How can I give myself a raise today?” You should think of this every morning
when you wake up.

A lot of people ask how many ads should you be running. The Experts Secrets
Funnel had lots and lots of ads because ad fatigue is real and even faster online vs

The 2nd Funnel Audible

Russell noticed Dean Graziosi is selling 4x as many books. He said that his
infomercial would last 18 months on average before he had to make a new show. The
average online ad only works for about 3 weeks. Russell figured out he needs to do 2-3
ads per week consistently, using lots and lots of creatives.

One of the first people Russell interviewed was Vincent James, a 28 year old kid
selling supplements through direct mail and who made one hundred million dollars.
Offline he feels like you can go forever, with direct mail, etc. With online, it costs too
Everywhere you go you should have your camera. Create creative all the time
and test it out. That’s how you will win at this game. CPA’s are going to change all the

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Russell felt the 10.2% was too low and the offer was confusing (customers were
seeing 2 things). The ad wasn’t impulsive enough, and he needed to make it simpler.
The backend product was not changed, he just reworked the ad to sell just one thing.
He simplified offer and it went to a 17.4% conversion rate and the ACV went up to
$33.94 with a total profit of $26.80.

He decided to add another upsell, went into the backyard and thought “What’s
the hook to his upsell?” Think about the process, what’s the hook? What’s the offer? If
someone bought the book, the first upsell was the audio book. He then realized a lot of
people are scared about being the expert, so what does he have to help with that?

Garrett White talked about the evolution of being an expert in 3 different

presentations, so his video upsell included Garrett’s presentation on that subject. He
played a piece of the presentation and asked ‘You guys want that?” Once that was
added, it added a 4.5% conversion, the total profit was $35.66.

The Third Funnel Audible

Russell wanted a better hook and to simplify the offer. He noticed if he can say
the word free 20x in a video, it converts better.

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When they bought the offer (the audio book), they got all these extra things for
free. “You get this for free, this for free, this for free…” All these free things had a really
cool story being it. He really talked up the free offers more than the audio book offer.
Get into why they should desire your upsell, why is that thing sexy? This bumped it up
to a 21.5% conversion rate. The ACV went to $47.55 and the total net was $23.76
(because the acquisition costs had gone up).

Fourth Funnel audible:

Next Russell thought, “What if at the end of the funnel, you do a thank you
webinar?” It ascends them up your value ladder. “Thank you so much for buying this
book, but I don’t want you waiting so right now we’ll cover ways to get you started.
Secret #1, Secret #2, Secret #3…” He talked for 45 minutes, and at the end sold
ClickFunnels right there on the thank you page at $2,000 a pop.

They did funnel stacking right there with a captive audience, pre-framed the cost
(How would you like to launch a business in the next 30 days for under $2,000?” By the
time they get to the pitch, thank you page webinar.

With the thank you page webinar, they had a .5% conversion for the thank you
page offer and ended up with $33.73 for every book they sell.

What if you don’t sell books? This works for all kinds of stuff. For example,
Jamie’s soap business. They were running 3 ads, selling a lotion bar on the front end
with a cost of approximately $10-$13. Their CPA was $14.61.

On page 1, they had their perfect webinar page for pitching their product with a 7.9%

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On page 2, they had their first product offer with 34.5% buying, and an ACV of $35.58.

1st upsell with 19% buying adding $4.73 to their upsell.

2nd upsell with 34.3% buying adding $9.76 to the ACV.

Lastly, they have their final offer at 4.25% with adds another $3.07, bringing their ACV
to $55.15.

They added $40.54 per ad after tweaking and testing. Usually the crazier the ad the

Example of ClickFunnels user: They originally had $24.85 cost per registrant with
a 22.4% show up rate. Their original headline said “How to add 6 figures to your web
design business, by helping people get 5 star reviews….without selling and spending
lots of money”. They changed a headline and went to $5.84 per registrant with a show
up rate of 31.7%, after shifting to a curiosity based headline.

Instead of telling people what it is, tell them what it’s not. “How I added 6 figures
to my web company by adding one easy offer service and it doesn’t require cold calling,

39 | P a g e
spending lots of money, time or required added resources. And no it’s not Facebook
ads, SEO…”. The first time they ran the new ad with the new headline their cost per
registrant went down to $5.84 just by changing the headline to add curiosity. Their show
up rate increased as well.

Russell’s cost to acquire people to get to his webinar was $168 (to buy a product
that is $497 a year) and $329 bottom line. 33% converted during the replay.

How much do you spend for each application that comes through in the high
ticket business? It costs $63 on average to get someone to fill out application for their
coaching program. They used a simple 3 step funnel, first page with preliminary
information, next page they fill out the application and the next step we call them on the
phone. They averaged $1,300 on phone for every application they got, their CPA was
$63, so they made $1,237 per application.

After you nail it, then you can scale it.

James Friel example: He had the worst funnel of all time. Last year he got a call
from a friend who set up a funnel to set up a “Rose Club For Men” for guys who forget
to send flowers. It launched around Mother’s Day last year.

Their CPA was $23.27 at first, and had a 2 step order process. The first page
was a landing page with a 2 step optin with a 24.5% conversion of people giving their
email. The next step was free shipping and $19 for 24 roses.

The second page had different upsell offers. They got 0 upsells, and their CPA
was more than they were making. He’s thinking “Thanks Russell, I’m one funnel away
from bankruptcy.”

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He was trying to model the Fiberfix funnel. Russell looked at the funnel, said
everything was wrong with it. He told them if you’re going to model a funnel, you can’t
miss anything with all the steps.

He tweaked some things to model it exactly after that. He made the logo smaller,
added scarcity to the headline, pushed the main headline up, made a clearer message,
put a red bar above buy box.

The words in the field were changed to make the language friendlier. He
changed the button to the color green. Even the language under the button. All these
little things matter a lot. He said if you are going to model this funnel you need to
make it just like that. So he pulled up each funnel on two monitors and went through
pixel by pixel to make it more similar.

After the changes were made, he had a $2.72 earning per click and his ACV
increased to over $33.

His acquisition costs dropped when the conversions went up. He had a 63%
conversion on the FE opt-in, an increase to 10.74% on the buy, and 16.22% were taking
the upsell. That bumped them up to $33.48 ACV, a CPA of $16.77 with a $16.71 profit

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and they were actually making some money. Last month they made over $340,000 with
this funnel.
When you launch a funnel that’s not working, that doesn’t mean it’s not working,
you just need to dig in and improve it. If you don’t know what to tweak or test, find
someone else to look at.

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The Ultimate Funnel
Dean Holland

Here’s a unique headline Dean came up with: “How to Get Rich Online And Be
Miserable”. Fine, this is the wrong headline for your product, but this is what Dean could
have written from experience. How about “How To Attract Your Perfect Customers For
Free And Systemically Turn Them Into Dream Clients And Repeat Customers For
Maximum Impact And Profit.”

Dean quit his job to do this fulltime in 2009. You’d think he’d had it all, nice
house, great dog etc. But on the inside he was miserable and couldn’t quite understand
why. 6 years previously while he was in 20’s, he was $60k in debt and didn’t know how
to turn it around. When he did do it later, he was almost depressed. He had lost his
passion, which was very scary to him.

You generally only see the 5% of people’s amazing day on social media.

He realized how he ended up being miserable and unhappy.

1. Think of an idea for a front end product that you think is what the market wants
2. Build a funnel for the offer
3. Get traffic
4. Make sales, get customers etc.

When you start thinking of an idea that you think the market needs, you can end
up serving the wrong customers. There’s nothing worse than losing your passion for
your business. It’s like hanging out with people you hate every day if you attract the
wrong people.

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He had to get some help and had to get some help. He had to find his knight in
shining armor.

When we look at a value ladder, we look at it from the first step. The key is to start
your planning with the backend in mind. Where do I want to take people? Then you can
work towards the front.

If you know who what’s going to serve now, you know who that person is and can
figure out that front end product. If you’re bringing the wrong people through the front
you’ll be miserable. Once you are super clear you can deploy The Ultimate Funnel.

Customer Acquisition

You should seriously try and find the “Free + Shipping Funnel”, to find this to deploy
in your business. Like Russell’s book for example. They definitely work. In comparison
with a digital downloadable product, nothing compares. They noticed a difference from
1-2% to 18% in conversion with the same traffic.

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What if you can’t write a book? There’s “Free + Shipping” product ideas. You
could have your webinar transcribed and made into your book. Have your video loaded
onto a flash drive. Take your video content and repackage it into a different way.

Example: Dean did a free + shipping offer for his girlfriend’s makeup business.
They gave away makeup brushes that they had sourced from Alibaba that cost about
$.63 each.

Free + Shipping Funnel - Here’s the structure that that they use for every single
funnel and it works.
● Free plus shipping order form
● Have 2 upsells and a downsell, then the thank you page.

They have have a $97 offer, then a $297 offer and the downsell is the split pay. He does
that with every funnel.

The Ascension Funnel

Now that we know these are our ideal customers you can ascend your customers
to your next thing ASAP. For example, with the markup brushes, they knew they were

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their ideal customer and could sell them to a subscription box, or a membership site.
Even though the product was free, they are pulling out their card to pay for shipping.

The Thank You Page Webinar

Take a webinar and put it immediately on the thank you page as opposed to
telling them about the webinar in an email. Most people are going to land on the
thank you page, which is the most underutilized page in the funnel.

At the end of the webinar, get them to fill out an application and get on the phone
with them. Think of “What is the next thing I have to sell?” then present it on the

If you’re not comfortable doing a video, start with “Don’t go anywhere, let’s start
your training right now to get you towards your goals”. As opposed to “I’ve got a bonus
webinar for you”. The psychology is “this is part of my product, I better pay attention”
instead of that you are just selling them something else.

Thank you page webinar (approximately 60 minutes) -> Then the Application Page ->
(similar to Russell’s coaching application funnel) -> Then they get sent to “The
Homework page”. (bonus training and social proof testimonies).

You can use Russell’s Perfect Webinar program to do all of this.

Think of what’s the next thing you have to sell. Ascend them as soon as possible
while you have their attention.

Remove the noise from your funnel, focusing on moving them through the steps.
Have less offers. Keep following up, move them through the value ladder in the order in
which you’ve laid out, pushing people towards that “next thing”. That will serve the
customers by starting with the backend in mind. That has been a game changer. The
only reason for them not to take that next step is because you haven’t done something

46 | P a g e haven’t answered an objection, you haven’t explained it properly, etc. It has
to be for them, because you know they are the ideal customer.

Backend Funnel

This is the easiest part, because people have kept buying products at this point.
Keep serving your customers, because if you don’t, someone else will. For example,
Russell just doesn’t have Dotcom Secrets, he has the Inner Circle, events, coaching,

You should always have more to keep offering. Everyone’s business should have an
underlying continuity to it.

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How many attendees have bought Russell’s book, a ticket to an event, extras
etc. Will you buy more of ClickFunnels products? That is the ultimate funnel.

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Documentary Funnels
Nick Daugherty

Nick’s works with the team that created the documentary funnel “The Truth
About Cancer” which captured over 1.5 million leads, and generated over $20 Million.

Imagine creating just ONE piece of content that positions you as a TOP authority
in your field, while allowing your audience into your world in a way that’s fun,
educational, profitable, AND engaging all at the same time?

You don’t need expensive equipment. You don’t have to be a world-class

filmmaker. You don’t even have to have years of “on-camera” experience.

The Life Goals of the Entrepreneur

● I want to be an entrepreneur so I can be my own boss and make a lot of money
● So I can work then I want…
● So nobody tells me what to do…
● So I can afford the things I never had as a kid…
● So I have can have an extraordinary life.

It all comes down to, so I can give back. What if you didn’t have to wait 30 years,
what if you could make a lot of money and give back at the same time?

10 years ago, Nick was making a record, dreaming of being a rockstar. He started a
blog, called “Nick’s Journey: How to get a record deal in 30 days”. He met some
amazing people who took him under their wing.

He met two amazing people, Mandi and John, both who eventually passed away
due to cancer. Nick had built an agency and got clients who included the author Jackie
Collins. They had 6 NY Times best sellers. She also died of cancer in 2015.

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His wife suggested they watch “The Truth about Cancer”. It was shown as a series
of 9 episodes for 9 nights in a row. They gave away it for free, but they only had 24
hours to watch each episode. At end they asked people to buy DVD’s to support the

In the fall of 2015, they made 8.8 million dollars, in 2016 9.8 million in 10 days. It
was the biggest launch ever in natural health.

In January 2017, they launched the Truth about Cancer, and spent $250K on FB
ads. They had 340k unique visits and made 500K.

They did 5 more relaunches in 2017, mostly to cold traffic and ended up with 900K
leads with a $4.94 earning per lead and a $2.55 cost per lead.

Next he thought “What else can we do?: and launched “The Truth about Vaccines”.

- They got 650K leads, and made $5.96 per lead.

- This vaccine argument ended up with private meetings with Congress.
- Here’s how and why it works, there’s a deep psychology behind it. Urgency and
scarcity are built in.

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- There’s the time compression element, if you put people into a room, you feel
emotionally bonded to those people and have transitional moments.
- There’s a temporary escape from reality built into it. It's kind of like summer
camp. In the beginning you weren’t sure you wanted to go and by the last day
everyone doesn’t want to leave.

Documentary Series Funnel

Pre-launch you are building a buzz, getting people psyched about it.

On the confirmation page, there’s a “Refer a friend” button. Who do you know
that needs this information? If you have a message you believe people need to know,
ask them for help to bring people in.

You are getting people to consume day after day and push for the sales at the

Each episode should have an anchor theme. Theirs was “Us vs. Them”. It’s a
very powerful story. Put Facebook comments below each video to get people to talk

51 | P a g e
about it. You’re slowly indoctrinating people day after day. That’s what happened to him,
he wanted to be a part of it and keep it successful.

With the video optin page and a compelling trailer, you are taking people on the
journey. They were told “It’ll be free and you’ll find hidden information you won’t find
anywhere else”. Put social proof at the bottom with share numbers, etc. When they did
this, the social widget didn’t go past a million at first, they had to contact their tech
people to add another digit.

Don’t assume people will show up and watch it. Continue selling them on why
they need to watch it, ask them to mark their calendars, incentive people to share it,
upviral it. “If you share it with 5 people we’ll give you X” (a t-shirt, etc.)
Have a big countdown before it starts to generate anticipation.

They used a soft sales pitch, with the first cart closing Friday at midnight. The
orders crashed the website and they opened the series back up so people could binge
watch with a “hidden weekend”. The second cart closed on Sunday at midnight

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This is the future of mass movement. It’s mission based with a bigger goal than
just making money. It’s called a wake-up funnel. Think of the impact ripple effect and
the legacy we’re leaving behind.

What if you’re not a filmmaker? Neither were they. If you have a why that’s big
enough, and you will be able to figure it out. Russell is not a filmmaker either, but you
can find someone to partner with. There’s a lot of filmmakers in school who will do it for
cheap money.

They were able to reach 10 million people launching the series that way.

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Unique Webinar Funnels
Jason Fladlien

Webinars make money! This works for information products, coaching, software,
etc. You become The expert in your field, you become legendary which allows you to
make even more money. It’s Jason’s favorite way to get new customers. The quickest
way to get something to get someone to spend $1,000 with you is with a webinar.
Rapid Crush has had total sales totaling almost $10,000,000 using webinars.

Recommendation: Check out Russell Brunson’s Perfect Webinar. He uses the exact
sequence he teaches to sell from webinars and the stage. In fact, he used the Perfect
Webinar script to sell over 10 million dollars from the stage during this event. It’s well
worth the investment (I own it and use it as well).

The Standard Webinar Funnel

This is perfect for new product launches.

Registration Page

You’ll have your registration page, it looks like an event page not a squeeze
page. Don’t say give me your email, but come to this free event. Use scarcity to get
people to take action. Write bullet points, “blind bullets”, “The one single thing you can
do on a webinar that will create more buyers than most people do, would you like to
know what that is?, etc. Not to short, not too long, the goal is not sign ups, its show ups.

Thank You page

Sell the email to create an inbox relationship. Show them they opted in and you
and I are now friends, show them what to expect. Tell this this is not a normal

54 | P a g e'll be able to do something and get a result that you wish to have.
Create commitment to establish consistency.

“What I need from you”...this creates compliance. “I need your attention, I need
you do…” If they do a small compliance they are more likely commit to do a bigger one.

Use testimonials, it’s the most effective way to prove you can help people with
what you teach.

The Product Sales Page

It's all focused on the explanation of your core offer, here’s what you get and
here are the bonuses which take up 80% of the page. What you get for free is so much
more and that’s why they take up more space. What you get for free is this much! Finish
it with a guarantee and a call to action.

In general, they will do a replay page. Make the free webinar expire at the same
time as your office expires, or whatever scarcity tactics that you employ.
Delay the button to show up when the offer is revealed. If your offer comes in at 53
minutes and 54 seconds, then that’s when you should show your offer.

Check your mobile - super important! Make sure it makes sense. This accounts
for 50% of traffic. Have a thumbnail that sells that click, because mobile doesn’t
autoplay video. Have strong multiple CTA’s. “Go to right now, sign up
right now, you need to enter your email, click on that button right now, etc.” Make sure
the URL and button functions as well.

Edit it to start strong, not with a sound check or warm up. Most people open it by
saying “We have Steve from Virginia...etc.” It’s boring. Edit the first 5 minutes, watch

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your bounce rates lower.
“Ok we are going to beginning recording, we will take a 5 second break.then start.”

Promotion Sequence
Day 1-3: mail audience to the registration page
Day 4 - 6: mail to replay page (twice on day 6) AM and PM. Typically 50% of your sales
will occur on the last day.
Day 7: offer closed (take the God approach, on day 7 you rest

You can run this exact same funnel to the exact same audience 3 times a year
and get almost the exact same conversion. It’s perfect for webinars you’re sick of doing
live because any money is better than no money.

What about cold traffic? This is when we use The Evergreen Funnel.

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The registration page looks similar but we sell the timing, 15 minutes or less, pre-sell
even less and focus more on getting the opt-in more. It’s essentially:

Headline, Gigantic Countdown Timer, Opt-In.

The timing sells the optin, not the copy.

Keep it clean, test, test test. Unlike live webinars, these webinars can be
optimized every single day. Once they optin they go to a waiting room page where they
will hear you talk and get excited about the video. For 9:59 or less they will hear you talk
and get them pumped.

Use full motion video if you can to get them excited and get people to connect
personally with you if they don’t know who you are.

Use your testimonials, they are very effective. Stress the timing, “The webinar is
almost here!” Then they are automatically forwarded to the broadcast page. Remove
video controls including pause controls! Remember it's a streaming webinar and it
doesn’t have a play button. Remember mobile, as that can be more than half your

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For live webinars people will typically log in on desktop, for replays typically they
will be on phone. Future pace “Here’s what I’m going to share on this webinar” Consider
chat so interaction can occur.

You’re not actually interacting with them, you’re getting them to click and interact.
“Does this resonate with you?” “What’s your favorite thing so far, type it in”.
When you start pitching on your broadcast page, the reveal today on this webinar goes
away and in its place is the offer. It’s the same offer as before.

Now you have the flexibility of rebranding this and calling it a replay page if you
wish to. Keep it low tech efforts. If you don’t currently have Funnel University Scripts,
say “Chat is currently unavailable due to technical issues.” If you don’t have
ClickFunnels Pro Tools where you can run your webinar very often, you can run it three
times a day with ClickFunnels. Six times a day is preferable or at least four. A strong
webinar will work with a weak funnel better than a weak webinar will work with a strong
funnel. It’s hard to cook a good meal with bad ingredients, so we want both.

I talked Jamie into giving anyone who buys these notes a special deal – instead
of $37 a month or $247 a year, you can get access to CF Pro Tools for a one time
fee of $297.

You get that special deal by going here:

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The NDA Webinar Funnel

This is only for people who have customers and it’s only for your best customers.
Figures out who spends the most money with you. It’s only for your most high ticket
offers. This works perfectly if you’re tired of closing on the phone one to one.
How do you reach the people who have lots of money and have no price resistance?
They don’t come to webinars. They are too busy making money to study how to make

The registration page is short and to the point. The design is different, it’s subtle
but it looks different from your other pages. If you have a special page that it’s only used
for this one occasion, it tells your audience something special is going to happen. Keep
it blind. Don’t let them know up front that there will be an NDA on the next page that
they will sign.

“NDA - please read carefully. You are not registered until you agree to the
terms.” Stand behind it. If someone does share it, they will let them know. It’s a gimmick
of course, but it’s the best kind because it’s true.

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When you say “It’s time for you to get your hands on this...” keep it simple so
they can sign up as fast as possible.” This is where you can finally show them how the
sausage is made.

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The Hidden Funnel
Rachel Pedersen

Six years ago, she was a single mom living on welfare. She was in the middle of
a custody battle, had to move in with family members. Last year she was sitting in the
audience just like most people here today. Lady Boss Katelin really inspired her and in
the past year from last year's event to now, she’s taken her business to a whole other
level. She is the founder of Social Media United.

Everything changed since that last event, she has traveled the world, she has
been published online and in print publications. It all began with The Hidden Funnel.

When she got into digital marketing she felt it was so “salesy”. She wondered if
there were people like her out there. She decided to be public with that. She told her
story of her romance with her husband and it was a story of vulnerability. It reached
11.3 million people, had 59,000 shares, got over 260,000 reactions and it was picked up
by all the media. The relationship funnel was born. It's not about the sale, its about
people. This works!

Every person has a story, and a dream. What if we could understand what they
want, what keeps them awake at night? Relationships transform the way you sell your

Think Skyscrapers vs. Empires - so many people are building skyscrapers. She
wants to build an empire with the help of her community. Empires are massive.

If you are willing to build relationships you will have something that no one can
steal from you. She worked to understand her students’ needs and provided it for them.
Then she saw other people buying into the vision. Last year she had a tiny list, 3,200
people. She was on the leaderboard against some of her marketing heroes during the

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Expert Secrets contest. Someone unleashed a bunch of trolls on her during the contest.
She showed her audience that she was upset, showing them its ok to be scared and
she could make it through and so could they.

When you truly value your customers and clients, you're able to give in a better
way, and care about their business in a different way. It was transformational.
This last holiday season, one of her students tragically lost her dad. Her students are
service providers and her community came together to pay for her mortgage for several
months. It was not that hard, she just told her students’ story and it was like a village
coming together to help.

This has happened over and over again. They bought into the vision that starts
with the relationship funnel. When you build trust on every level, it makes your people
want to run up the value ladder. Who are your people? Your list is not just a list, those
are people. People with visions, goals...and we have the ability to support that.

When you have the relationship in place, it makes it so easier to know what to
build next. When you build the true relationship funnel into your business, you will build
your empire.

Your people will say “they cared when no one else did”. “She knows my name.
She remembered my birthday”. It will impact the way you see the entire world. When
other people lead with a sale - you nurture.

When others are pushing sales over and over, email your list and ask them how
they are doing. Say “Reply to this and tell them you will read each one.” When others
flash their Stripe accounts - you flash a smile. When everyone else is doing something
with success and you don’t, talk about it to your people. Ask them why they didn’t buy.

When others are constantly asking for money - ask where your support and
resources are needed. In her business, she made a decision to intentionally give back.

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There was a time where they had just $1,000 in their savings account. They couldn’t get
a credit card or a business loan. They realized that $1,000 was not going to save her
business. So they gave it away. It wasn’t easy then, but it did make the next give easier.
Start giving today.

When you bring your community together, it solidifies the issues and they are
bonded together. When others are constantly asking for sales, ask where your
resources are needed. This isn’t for you if you’re looking to break the record for the
fastest 2 Comma Club award. This is for empires, not just the skyscraper, that’s
massive and impacts tons of lives.

It’s a lot of work and is not in the ClickFunnels marketplace. But this is for you if
you are willing to put in the work and build an empire that’s farther reaching with a
sustainable business that no one will be able to take away from you.

Rachel implores you to take this one action step. As she took action that night
last year at a ClickFunnels event. She built a funnel that night that skyrocketed her
business from 370 to close to a thousand students that changed everything.

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Redemption Funnels
Dave 'Kombucha' Lindenbaum

Dave has been doing this for 13 years, but once he met Russell Brunson
everything changed. When he was 20, he had the opportunity to intern at Disney World.
He learned the power of giving people an experience. Be thinking “How can I heighten
someone’s experience”? At one of his jobs, he would measure kids for the Magic
Mountain ride to see if they were tall enough. While everyone else was giving high fives
after seeing the kids could make it, he would raise the stick, say “Sorry…” and “Just
kidding, you made it!” with great excitement. He was pre-framing, positioning before the
customer gets on the ride.

He was doing the hero’s journey when he started his kombucha company years
ago. He had a DIY gift kits company. They sold lip balm kits, etc. It took took him awhile
to get his bath bombs onto Amazon because it had the word ‘bomb’ in the name.
Tip: Make videos of your products, take still frames from the videos and you get great
photos as well.

People don’t go down your funnel, they go up. Even with a simple funnel, it's a lot
of work to keep pushing people up your funnel. There’s one thing you can do and it has
nothing to do inside your funnel.

We need to think outside the funnel. When he was 15 he worked at Chuck E.

Cheese's. It’s like the poor man’s Mickey Mouse. He worked at the redemption center.
In order to get the prizes, all the kids played skeeball to get the tickets. But they wanted
what the tickets represented.

It costs $40 to get that little parachute guy. Once they are at the center, they
have options, opportunity, offers. They come to get the parachute guy but see
something else. They don’t want to go back to get more tickets.

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You can just pay $X and upgrade to get the prize you want. That’s how
Redemption Funnels came about.

There’s 8 ways to take advantage of having redemption funnels work for your

Example: Selling on Groupon - he was told not to do it, you’ll never make money
there. He didn't make money on Groupon, made money from Groupon thanks to
ClickFunnels and redemption funnels.

There’s 4 types of traffic, hot, warm, cold and redemption traffic. Redemption is
different because it’s the only traffic that becomes a lead and a customer at the same
time, because it’s the only time when people buy before they are in your funnel.

Step #1: The redemption page

Most people sell on Groupon, they buy it at Groupon, and tells the seller where to
dropship, or maybe they give a generic coupon code or Shopify store. We are not doing
that, instead we are going to tell people where they are at. People are not used to it.
Use Groupon’s colors at the top of your redemption page. Pace then lead.

Step #2:

The page should say: Enter your Groupon voucher code. With ClickFunnels you
have text override to make it easier for the customer to understand the process. “Free
plus $9.99 S&H Groupon voucher applied.” Shoutout to Funnel Scripts. Clarity trumps
persuasion. Say “Double it” instead of “Go from 4 ounces to 8 ounces”.

Step #3

Have an image on the front page below the fold.

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Be intentional with your testimonials. “I got my package in time”, “Customer
Support was amazing”. Leverage things that people aren’t looking at but we want them
to look at in the future. Reduce sales friction and preframe what’s about to happen next.

If you understand the pre-frame, you’ll get a better conversion rate.

On the core offer page, use video! Shout out to for the opening
video. The video itself is a funnel. There’s different steps.

- Pace: law of familiarity, congratulate, use emotional storytelling, and educate

- Pivot: Acknowledge “Now I know this is not for everyone…”. Build curiosity.
- Lead: focus on the state of change. They are buying the thing they think they are
going to get from the thing.

When you match a physical product with a digital product, the magic happens. In
order to do that, we have to start thinking “outside the funnel”. There are thousands of
funnels with this opportunity.

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Before the Funnel Begins
Alison Prince

Less than 1 year ago, Alison didn’t even know about ClickFunnels. Today, she
has become one of the newest 2 Comma Club members, earning over $1 Million in
revenue with her funnel,

For the last 7 years she has been typing in her pj’s and decided to finally speak
on the stage. Her life has completely changed. Last year she was sitting in the
audience, had just learned who Russell was, and didn’t even know who Tony Robbins

She was a victim of the college = financial security life. She worked hard, got her
degree, and between she and her husband, their combined income was $9,000 when
they got married. She got a $28,000 per year job, but still qualified for food stamps. Her
husband graduated as a physical therapist, they had 4 kids, and were paying off student
loans. That’s when she started dabbling in e-comm. She didn't have any inventory so
she took some blocks of wood, put her kids pictures on it, and made them into
countdown blocks for birthdays and other creative and decorative things. In 24 hours
she sold $9,000 of blocks.

She kept doing it with other products over and over again. By year 2, she had
turned it into a multi million dollar business.

She trained her daughters how to do this process as well. She remembers her
daughter being upset that she couldn’t figure out how to open her locker and school,
and she told her not to worry, she had sold so many products she could hire someone
to open it (in jest). They did $100,000 in 9 months. She taught it to other family and
friends too. Built her own $0-100k system. She knew she could sell miscellaneous
things online but had a problem selling herself.

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She had tried it all - webinars, courses, gave technical steps, but had no
community, and was using software that didn’t fit her business. She was spending time
proving what she accomplished.

Her course started at $597, then she lowered the price. She had sold $24,000
combined at end of year of her course. Then in 2017 she found ClickFunnels. She was
at a conference in Vegas, and Russell was on last. She was too cheap to get the free
14 day trial. But she binged watched all his stuff, then decided to go all in. She
relaunched on March 20, 2017 with ClickFunnels.

She put together a perfect webinar (by telling stories). She utilized her
community based Facebook group. Then she doubled the price.

She allowed herself to be imperfect and made $26,000 off one webinar. She kept
going, felt fulfilled watching others get results knowing it’s a possibility. She celebrated
her success this year with the 2 Comma Award.

5 Secrets From 1 Comma to 2 Comma

1 - have a really good product, that others can duplicate and they can get results
from it. If you can’t see your own strengths, ask somebody. What have you been doing?
Use that.

2 - Test your product. Work on the teaching process. Walk the journey, know
where people will get stuck so you know where to help them. Document it.

Use every mistake, every hiccup and heartache to make the best course
possible. If you are having a hard time right now, document it. You’ll enjoy it when you
look back.

Create a cult-ure. Increase your price. Spoil your customers.

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She sent red notebooks when they signed up and hired staff to support them.
Invest in additional resources to help them become successful. Send them random

Her students call themselves the “Because I can” clan. Send them a free shirt
when they make their first dollar online. Talk about them, share their wins and make it
about them.

3 - Get over yourself, it's not about you, never has been. People need you. Don’t
let you stop you from helping others. Embrace the imperfections. In her top converting
video, she is wearing no makeup, and has her kids in it, showing that’s she’s real.

4 - Emotions and stories sell, facts don’t. They didn’t buy her facts, they related
to when her daughter couldn’t open her locker.

5 - Pick the right system (ClickFunnels) Pick one mentor, turn everyone else off.
You’ll get confused. Pick one and stay with them.

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Four Levels of Value

Myron Golden

There’s more than enough for everybody. If you haven’t created wealth yet, it's
not your fault. Everything we’ve learned about money is a lie.

Myron had polio as an infant. He did well in school all the way through...the third
grade. It went downhill from there. He pulled it together and graduated in a class of 2 -
he was the salutatorian and his brother was the valedictorian. We are told if you do well
in school, you’ll do well in life. That messes up both people who do well in school and
those who don’t.

Myron went off to college and met a girl, who later became his wife. One of the
things you gotta learn to do is use what you have. He didn’t have a lot of wealth, but he
did have a great way of talking and could write really great poetry. He wrote a poem to
his girl to win her over.

When his wife was 8 months pregnant, their water and electricity were both
disconnected. He drove a trash truck for $8 an hour. At night, he sold financial services
with his business. They’ve been married 32 years now. In his business he was horrible
at sales. He was so bad that it took a year and a half to make his first sale after making
presentations every day.

His first paycheck was $166.25 after one year. You need to last through the
learning curve. He stayed in the game long enough to learn the game.

You want to tap into the secret that wealth is a value proposition. You have to
realize that a legitimate value exchange is created by bringing value to other people.

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Secret #1: Value is in the eye of the beholder.
Secret #2: Focus on others (the marketplace) not on yourself. No one can do my
thing better than me. I get to use the thing I’m king over to do better for the benefit of
other people.

Secret #3: The essence of money is spiritual not material. The $100 dollar bill is
worth more because of the value it carries. The message makes it spiritual and
valuable. Your money is not backed by gold. Also, because of the faith it creates. It
represents something that’s not there. You have money because of something you did
for someone else. You must focus on someone other than yourself in order to earn it.

The key to making more money is creating and offering more value in the

There Are 4 Levels Of Value

How much money you can earn will be determined by what level you offer on.

The key is not working harder on your current level of value, it’s creating and
offering more value in the marketplace. How much money you make is determined by
what level you offer value on. This is far more important than how hard or long you

Level 1 - implementation (lowest level), think janitor, painter, landscaper, etc.

You’re the person that does the thing. Min. wage to $80,000 a year. The lie is they
beLIEve that the key to success is hard work. Most think they have been dealt a bad
hand and they are victims of circumstances. They are victims of the lie they believe.
Most of the things you believe about how things work is because of the lies you believe.
The market place doesn’t value implementation as highly as it does the other 3 levels.

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Level 2 - Unification, you manage the people who do the thing. You make more
money at this level because you keep the people from killing each other. They believe
more education is the key to success. $40,000 to $250,000 a year.

Level 3 - Communication - You mouth is the tool you use. You’ve got to master
conversations that create cash flow. It's not a conversation to other people about you.
You need to talk to them about them. They need to know that you care about them. The
truth is the quality of your life is the quality of your communication. People like singers,
actors, politicians, authors, sales people, etc. Because of the internet and ClickFunnels
we can operate as we choose.

Level 4 - Imagination. The resource you use if your mind and your money. At
this level you will make $1 million a year and up. Your mind is the greatest resource you
have for making money. When you think about Apple people say Steve Jobs was
responsible for it. But Steve Wozniak was the one who invented the Apple computer.
You have to learn how to use your mind to come up with ideas that will serve others.

You need to use your mind for learning. The purpose of learning is mastering. Do
your webinar 100 times so you can master it. It means being able to execute it
effortlessly. You must learn to use your mind so you can receive. One of the biggest
reasons people can’t learn is learning they already know.

When you are learning:

1. Receive - be teachable, open up your mind no matter how much you know.

2. Perceive - be observant

3. Conceive - be creative

4. Retrieve - be practical, go back and take all the little pieces, you’ll be able to come
up with something the world has never seen.

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Multi Dimensional Follow Up Funnels
Russell, Todd & Ryan Montgomery

How to win the battle of attention so you can change the lives of your customers
with the products and services that you sell.

The average attention span these days is only 7 seconds. Last year we talked
about Follow Up Funnels. This presentation is part two of that.

With over 60,000 users, 20% of ClickFunnels have upgraded to Actionetics.

Facebook Messenger and other platforms are growing rapidly. Someone in the Inner
Circle group posted that their Messenger open rates were 635% better and CTR were
3800% better than email.

Tools have come out, costs have gone up. Its creating mass confusion for
customers. Their mission at ClickFunnels is to make things simple - to free all

All the tools in Actionetics tie into the 3 types of traffic.

Traffic you control, you don’t and traffic you own.

Traffic Type #1 - Traffic you control into traffic you own

Facebook Optin is a tool that allows you to click one button and opt in with your
Facebook email. It's worth 80 times more money than a regular email address. This
works in conjunction with the Facebook Optin Bump which allows you to put a checkbox

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below the sign up and collect both Facebook and email permissions at the same time. It
makes it easy to grab two distribution channels at once.

Traffic Type #2 - Traffic we don’t control

This is something like blogs, etc. Pop in desktop notifications that pop in on side
of your browser. Deliverability rates are insanely good with these. They wanted to figure
out a way, where during a campaign on day 1 they get this email, day 3 they get a
notification on their browser, day 5 they get this messenger notification, etc. Desktop
notifications is now built into ClickFunnels as a third distribution channel. They work on
mobile as well. You can now mix email, Facebook and desktop notifications as well into
your campaign. Now you can have this single funnel that sends out consistent
messages through all these channels.

Traffic Type #3 - Traffic you own

Now what to do with all this traffic, people they get distracted, etc. How do we
make sure to get our message in front of them - with follow up funnels.

Don’t hide it - what if we let them know they are on a marketing sequence and
make it so fun, they beg us for any missing information. Isn’t that a better way to
communicate with your audience? They have been testing product launch style follow
up funnels. This is the first message your getting, this is the second, etc. so they are
anticipating your messages.

Next, they stepped and thought “What if my mom is coming to this page and
decided to she going to be confused with the message?”

Take them by the hand with a logical progression of indoctrination. Tell them
what to expect, what to do. “Go watch this video….do this that you know this,
this is why you need my book, here’s the next step” Keep it simple. Give them 1 mini
task each day.

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Example: they tested this two years ago with the 21 day ignite funnel sequence. People
were sharing it, begging to find it. Day #1, “Congratulations. First step, go create a
ClickFunnels account for free. You did that, Congratulations. Day 2, did you know
there’s a 12 minute video inside, go watch that and I’ll give you a free t-shirt…” Their
attrition rate dropped. People would call their office if they missed a message.

The primary delivery method for their follow up funnel, so they will email daily.
The problem is that not everyone gets every email.

Messenger is used to re-engage weekly, if they haven’t opened message 1 and

2, etc. here’s the links to what you missed.

Desktop to push out messages. If they didn’t open the emails or messenger chat,
then push it front of their browser and make sure they see what you want them to see.

At ClickFunnels, we are now our own email service provider. You don’t need
another service like Sendgrid, etc. When you switch to Actionetics MD, it will be same
cost as Sendgrid. They have partnered with Sendgrid now and they have the same
deliverability. You’re not going to get shut down, they love marketers and they support

You'll get the first 5,000 contacts for free then just one cent per contact per month after
that. You should average $1.00 per month per contact if do this wrong.

They tested the email service with a list of over 100k and the open rates were
increased to 18%. This is important because the email services watch this and if you get
a higher open rate they will give you a bump. We built it into the app to be able to watch
the engagement of your users and allow you to send to users that are only engaged.
You can look at all types of engagements, opens, people who click, people who buy
things, etc. By doing that we are filtering out potential spam complaints, etc.

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If you buy your domain through them and add email, it's a simple one click process.
There is a big focus on making the email editor even better.

Another feature is push windows, allowing you to pick time and date to push
emails in the contact’s time zone.

If you have action steps in a follow up funnel and add a step in the middle, it will
automatically re-adjust the steps to include that new one.

Ex: If you say “Friday night this expires” it will pause everything else in the follow
up funnel, give them the email Friday night and then move them to the next part of the
sequence at the right date and time. You’re laser targeting and it makes the sequencing
so much more powerful.

Email stats - they track the revenue for every email you send back to your
funnels. You’ll be able to see money from which link, funnel, and email at a glance. It
will drill down, here’s which stuff they bought, etc. Here’s how much money you made
from all the different funnels so you know which ones are working.

Facebook Social Messenger - They built their own simplified version of

ManyChat to build engaging FB sequences. Now you can see which Facebook
messages are driving revenue. It ties everything together...if they didn’t open the last
email, remind them with Facebook messenger.

Facebook social rules - you can set different filters, different conditions. If they
didn’t do this step then, send them here...

With the Messenger editor, you get a live preview of what the message will look
like. You can create messages with buttons, ask questions, etc.

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Clickbots optins - Imagine you have an ad that says, “If you want my book,
message me right now. They message you and asks where should it be sent?” It pre
populates their Facebook email address and they just have to click on it.

Desktop messenger built into Chrome and android - You’ll be able to push a
message to pop into their browser or phone. You’ll be able to put in a link as long as
they click the link, you can message them whenever you want. You’ll also get a preview.
The rules that you are building apply across the board. You can push the same
message across all the platforms.

Funnel Messenger - You can use this to say “The cart’s closing you, should buy
this right now…” You can send messages directly into your funnels and across any one
of your pages.

Retargeting messenger - this has all the cool stuff you can include in your
follow up funnels now. You can move people from list to list inside of your campaigns
and have your ad showing up in Facebook messenger right along with the other things
they have purchased.

There are also other variations of services you can plug in such as text
messages, voice broadcast, direct mail, etc.

Quantity limiters - allows you to set a real live countdown timer with the number
you set as you are selling.

Top of the hour webinars - they tested quite a few variations, top of the hour,
watch yesterday’s presentation, every 15 minutes, etc. The ‘Every 10 minute webinar’ is
crushing it now. You can set up any variation you want. By adding this one piece, it has
more than doubled their conversions.

FOMO Funnels, where the funnel expires (like the documentary series).
Someone registers, and this page is here for only 24 hours and is disappears.

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Apple/Android Pay - providing an option as a one click purchase is hands down
the best option. 53% of ClickFunnels traffic now is mobile. The nice thing is people
won’t have to return to their desktop to purchase. Paypal integrations are also being
rolled out.

New Shopify integrations are being rolled out as well.

New control room - it shows you all your info, what’s working and not, has a
checklist that walks you through setting up your funnel, has all the analytics, etc.
everything you need.

New ClickFunnels app. The goal is to bring everything into the app, you will be
able to launch funnels from the app down the road.

All these services talk to each other, instead of using separate services.

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Energy for Entrepreneurs
Anthony DiClementi

Anthony spent the last few years doing things that put him into danger, he did a
120 hour water only fast, did plunges into freezing Lake Michigan, etc. In 2011 he felt
horrible physically, he couldn’t get out of bed, just like Charlie Bucket’s grandparents in
Willy Wonka. He saw 11 doctors within 12 months. He realized he was trying to
outsource his mind and body and said there had to be a better way.

There’s a big difference between chronological age and biological age. A 38 year
old could have cells that are like a 28 year old or a 60 year old. We have 2 options, we
can live old and die young or live young and die old.
Some of the warning signs he experienced:
● If you wake up exhausted after full night sleep
● Afternoon energy dip
● Anxiety low mood
● Difficulty focusing
● Hard time losing weight?
● Decreased sex drive, fatigue, stamina loss

Anthony figured out everything is energy and had an epiphany. He looked at people
who were doing extraordinary things, and decided he had to make the smallest changes
that made biggest results. He finally took his life back and got his productivity back. No
matter where you are you have control over your health and it’s only limited by your skill
set. The health span of where we are today is beyond 150 and he would like to take as
many who want to come along.

More energy = longer life. Inside our cells we have mitochondria that make energy in
form of ADP. The mice with the best mitochondria lived 36% longer. Your body is one

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integrated system. There was an article in Time from 2015 that discussed how a baby
born today could live to be 142 years old.

In 2014 he took the last of his Amex balance and started working with Russell. In
one of the scariest moments of his life, he was free. They started working together and
became friends. Russell spoke to him about being tired and asked for his help. The rest
is history and he’s changing the world.

Russell has helped him far more. We all have angels here on earth and Russell is
there. The life you want, the marriage you want, the business you want is all fueled by
your energy production. They are 10% of our body weight. Some cells have thousands
of them.

Now we have amazing technology, we have gadgets and tools available to track
biomarkers such as heart rate, pulse, temperature, weight, blood, labs ,reaction time,
sleep tracking, etc.

“What gets us in trouble is not what we don’t know, it's what we know for sure that just
ain't so” - Mark Twain

Myth #1 - Avoid the sun

The Journal of the American Medical Association in 1944 named the sun, air and
sea are the trifecta of health. The sun is the greatest energy source in our solar system,
everything here depends on it. But what about sun cancer? When it's applied to science
it doesn't hold up. For every 1 skin cancer death, vitamin D would have prevented 30
more. Just be careful not to burn.

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Myth #2 - radiation from phones and microwaves are safe
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy, frequency
and vibration” - Tesla

Phones and wifi emit microwaves. We are experiencing the largest population
shifts in years. Wireless and bluetooth devices are everywhere. Cell towers are
biological kryptonite. We can’t see it, but only 5-10% experience symptoms of not
feeling quite right when they are around these things. The power output will be
continued to be increased until it’s affecting all of us. Even those who are not
experiencing symptoms are being affected. Cell phones and wifi decreased ADP.
There was a 1965 Nobel prize winner who discovered anything found to be true for e-
coli translates to results to humans. Another study found that dell phone radiation
boosts cancers rates in animals.

Steve Jobs didn’t let his kids use iPad. It’s history repeating itself like cigarettes
in the 60’s. There is a trillion times more radiation today than 100 years ago.
Autism, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s rates are going way up of this things we cannot see.

There are ways to protect yourself

- EMF Protection from phones.

- Steviosides has been known to protect, it’s a natural calcium blocker.
- Xanthohumol is a flavonoid that protects your DNA.
- Molecular hydrogen gets into our cells that can protect our mitochondria.
- Hydrogen water
- Ketones are the 4th macronutrient after proteins, carbs and fats. You can drink
them to increase your energy.
- Keep your phone in airplane mode in the morning until you think of your most
important task of day.
- Kill news feed on Facebook.

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- Meditate or do breathing work, it slows cellular aging. Two programs that are
great are Headspace (app for your phone) and Holosync.
- Low intensity cardio helps with short term memory and boosts mood more
- Sauna - one hour of sauna 2x day produced 16x more growth hormone
- Joovv light, because red light increased ADP
- Cold water therapy

Low oxygen = low energy. Use the Tummo breathing technique to increase your
energy, metabolism, improve your response to stress, etc.

Breathing technique - How to Tummo

You want to inhale, bringing air into your belly while gasping belly, inhaling with
your mouth open, making a sound like you are in awe. Repeat that for about 2 minutes.
Keep the time in between breaths shorts. Only release about 20% of your air in
between. When you do a gig inhale, squeeze your perineum and abs sending your
energy up.

Keep inhaling, it should feel like work. If you are not feeling it increase the
cadence. You body will get used to it. You are going for the feeling of heat in the belly.
Try to get to that state where you feel a little light headed, tingly. Keep your head, neck
and chest aligned to allow that oxygen in.

From changing oxygen composition in the body, we have higher oxygen blood
saturation levels. There should be a gentle release at the end, let your whole body
relax. Imagine the relaxions traveling down through your body. Focus and notice what’s
your mood. Take a big deep breath and hold it. Now squeeze all your muscles. Ascend
your energy up to the top of your head from your belly. Let it go and relax.

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The Billionaire Code
Alex Charfen

Russell told Alex that he should do a podcast last July, and it has had over
255,000 downloads in over 65 countries. Momentum: his podcast is for the
entrepreneurial personality type.

As entrepreneurs, we tend to focus on the wrong things at the wrong time. He

wanted to study what made successful people successful. The people who create
greatness in the world are different. We don’t feel happy and sad like everyone else.
When we create momentum when we are happy. When we are not moving forward
we’re sad. We are driven by one thing - momentum.

There are three stages of momentum. First, when we are getting what we want,
we feel alive. The second step is when we are facing resistance, when we don’t have
what we need. And all we need is to be able to see a tiny light at the end of the tunnel.

We step towards that light and create. Lastly, when we are in constraint, all kinds
of bad things happen. When we feel we can’t move forward, that is when we break
down. We feel like we can’t see the next step, can’t create momentum, and feel
chemically challenged. We are part of that small part of the population that is
physiologically sensitive, momentum based beings who are highly reactive to constraint.

Are you an entrepreneurial type?

There are 4 types of people:

1 - Caretakers (people who like to take care of other people) Do you enjoy changing
bed pans? Then that’s you.

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2. Communicator - people who like to talk and share and communicate. Do you enjoy
small talk?
3. Coordinator - people who like details, fine print, contracts. They love all the red tape,
etc. how many of you enjoy being on a committee?

4. Evolutionary Hunter - you are always on the hunt, every time you approach a goal, it
loses its importance. We are the smallest population that is meant to keep the drive
alive. That's why we get up every morning, come back to the present and insists it
becomes real.

We are pre-programmed every day to do more, give back, share more, and have
a desire for the contribution we want to make. We don’t have the infrastructure to make
the contribution we want to make.

After reading obsessively to see what successful people did to create that path to
success, if you look at thousands you start seeing clear patterns in the path they took.
We call this The Billionaire Code.

9 Levels of Entrepreneurial Success

First level: Seeker is a beginner entrepreneur, who makes $0-$40k per year,
there are 16 million in the US today. With your time you are just dabbling, you need to
resolve your self identity. You have too many projects. The fallback question they
always ask: How do I stop the pressure and noise in my life? You need to pick a team,
your biggest needs are keystone habits, daily planning, personal care, setting
outcomes. To graduate you have to understand who you want to serve, figure out your

Next level: Starter. They make $40K - $100K. There are 6 million in the US. Your
time is part time, your focus is market identity, fallback question is “What is wrong with

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me?” Your team is you, to graduate you need to create and monetize value and start
selling consistently.
Next level is: Promoter - $100-$300K. There are 1.7 million in the U.S. Your time
is full time, your need to commit, your primary focus is lead generation, you need to
identify your market, your team is you and an assistant, maybe contractors and your
biggest need is to generate leads and convert consistently. Focus on one and make it
work. Your fallback question: “How do I get ahead?”. To graduate, generate leads
consistently and let it grow.

Next level - Builder $300K - $1 million. There are 1.9 million in the U.S You feel
trapped because you’re working overtime. Your fallback question is “How to get further
ahead?”. Your biggest need is to leverage sales, so you can get over 7 figures. To
graduate you need to build systems and processes around what you do well.

Next level - Operator $1-3 million, there’s only 700K in the U.S. You need to
delegate your time. You need to focus on delivery system so people keep getting a
consistent product from yor. Your fallback question is “How does my team get further
ahead?” With ClickFunnels you can get to 1 million by yourself. Your primary focus is
delivery systems, that team you are building is your first solidified team around you.
That one Single Team that is going to help you grow. If you hired anyone you are
ahead of the world. To graduate, build a team and train them what you need them to do.

Next level - Leaders $3-$10 million dollars, there are only 300k in the U.S.
People are getting past this club in less than 3 years with ClickFunnels. Your time is
spent on delegating success instead of delegating time. Your primary focus is
transformational leadership. Show clear outcomes and coach successfully along the
way. Your fallback question is “How does my team get ahead?” Help them create
momentum. Your biggest need is scaling a team to consistently deliver. To graduate, to
recruit and develop a leadership team to graduate.

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Next level - Owner: $10 - $30 million, there are only 100K in the U.S. Your
primary focus is the culture, recruiting and team development. Your fallback question is
“How does my team get further ahead?” Your team is now an executive team and
leadership teams. You have multiple levels of leadership. Your biggest need is in
scaling leadership systems and duplicated decision making over a larger population. To
graduate you need to grow a leadership team than can create a second level of
leadership in this company.

Next level - Investor $30-$100 million dollars, only 70K in the U.S. At this point,
you coach and support your team to maximize their return on time. You will have
leaders who will consistently use your methods and show people how to behave in your
company. Your primary focus is to scale and expand. Your fallback question is “How do
we help others get ahead?” Your lead your team executives, departmental and
leadership teams, and the biggest need is to grow a leadership development system.

Next level - Entrepreneur. $100 million dollars in revenue, only 22K in the U.S.
Your time is given to investing and giving away leveraged time. You have influence and
people will pay to be in the same room as you. Your primary focus is to maximize
legacy and contribution. Your fallback question: “How do we help everyone?” At this
point your team is a full conglomerate team. Your biggest need is to grow your legacy.

As you go down this path, at every level you change what you’re focused on.
This is how we create success as entrepreneurs. We all have access to the
ClickFunnels effect, it’s insane what this system allows us to do. The reason you see
folks in ClickFunnels, it’s an accelerator past the Billionaire Code. With a very small
team and barely an infrastructure, you can get to $3 million. If you can access your
clients, turn the dial up, you can do this with ClickFunnels.

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As you transition through the Billionaire Code, there are 4 major transitions:
● From apprentice to promoter full time.
● Transition to leveraging your time, once you get to a million
● When you have to buy as much time as you can. It’s all about getting time back,
being more present.
● When you transition into building your legacy. Far too many people start working
on legacy projects in the beginning. Start it after you can fund it yourself.

Anyone who says your business can go on autopilot is wrong. What they’re telling
you is they’re not going to let you grow. The more he read about successful people the
more he found they were like him.

Four Important Steps (The Billionaire Code is for your company, this for you)

Step 1 - You must lower the pressure and noise in your life. In order to be
successful you must do this. Write down everything in your life that it bothering you, little
and big things both. The things in your life are either giving you momentum or taking it
away. Cut out everything that is not giving you momentum.

Step 2 - You have to ask for protection and support, the entrepreneur’s dilemma.
We need far more help, any request for help leaves us feeling vulnerable but you must
get over it. ‘Fake it til you make it’ is bullshit. If you're not telling people what's going on
the right thing is not going to show up. When you are transparent the right help shows
Step 3 - We try to learn everything ourselves and isolate. Your strengths and
abilities will go up when we absorb, experiment. We will be better everything we do
when we do this.

Step 4 - Make your greatest contribution. It's really about making the change you
want to make in the world, start a business and fund a charity. Capital flows to the great

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contributors, so make a massive contribution and you’ll get all the money you want,
that’s what we do as entrepreneurs. As you grow your business, create success, make
your greatest contribution...if your business is broken and if things go well it always will
be. People like us don’t build perfect systems, we build adaptable systems that will grow
over time. We don’t build companies, we build companies. We were meant to change
the universe.

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Unlimited Traffic Through
The Dream 100
Dana Derricks

Dana is in the Inner Circle, is a 2 Comma Club award winner, has written 6 books
and 2 courses, sells his books at a 16% margin. In his natural environment, he wears
bib overalls, and put his goats in the back of his car. He’s pretty frugal, but twice a year
he will buy “something stupid” like a nice car. He bought a Challenger and took the
goats for a ride with him.

On Amazon, have you noticed there are all capital letters on the listing page?
Has anyone seen home page of ClickFunnels? You start at the top as a cold lead and
by the time you get to the bottom you’re in the Inner Circle.

The Dream 100 was created by a man named Chet Holmes who was working for
a magazine and was in charge of selling advertising. He funnel hacked before it was a
thing. He saw who was buying advertising to competitors and made a Dream 100 list of
those advertisers and relentlessly pursued them. After the 4th month, it hit. In just over a
year, took his magazine from last to first.

The guy who took the Dream 100 to recruit affiliates was Russell. He has built
the fastest growing, non VC backed fastest growing software in history.
Dana originally tried everything else for a decade and nothing else worked. He could not
figure out how to get paid ads to work. He launched a Facebook ad, went out of the
room and saw that $1,000 had disappeared. Over half of ClickFunnels traffic comes
from the Dream 100. (Read page 259 in Expert Secrets.)

Why isn’t everyone else doing this? Well, for several reasons. Most of the people
that are doing this and are killing it, we don’t shout it. Or people don’t know what to do

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with it. Or you’re already doing it. He was doing the Dream 100 before he know what it
In high school, he created a list of where he wanted to go and reached out to
recruiters. Eventually the principal said it was getting disruptive because so many
coaches reached out to him. He’s the only person in his school’s history to get an
athletic scholarship to college. At his senior banquet no one clapped when they called
out his award, everyone was jealous. Fast forward to a few years ago…

He met Russell, launched his first webinar. He was a freelance writer for a long
time but got burnt out and wanted to trade time for $$. He was super excited, wanted to
buy Facebook ads, got people to register and it bombed with no sales. He didn’t want to
quit, bought double the ads and it bombed twice as hard. Dana wanted to give it one
last try, and he asked someone to promote it to his list. He sent a bunch of traffic and
leads for free and they did 6 figures. He filled up his car and he and his fiancé shipped
out all the packages.

He made more money that day than any day prior. It was the same exact
webinar. This is implementation at its best. After that webinar he was so busy packing
boxes and shipping, he didn’t keep an eye on something. He had broken his merchant
account. They refunded everyone after the books were on the way. He ended up getting
about half the people to pay for the books after all that.

How much cheaper is it to sell the same thing to someone who has already
bought? Tix times cheaper. Cold traffic to non buyers sucks. We can leverage our
existing relationship with their audience and use their built-in credibility to make it

He doesn’t sell things. Look at pharmaceutical drugs. They don’t sell them, they
prescribe them through the doctor. We trust the doctor and we walk past 10 different
options and pay for the drugs. There’s ho hard sell, you just say “Take my money.”
Russell doesn’t hard sell either.

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Find someone to prescribe for you, using the Dream 100 list. He put Russell on
the top of his list years ago. He first thought about erasing it - he’s just a goat farmer
from Wisconsin. When he got to Utah, he got Russell to wear bib overalls. It’s your turn
to write your Dream 100 story. Unlimited hot traffic is waiting for you on the other side.

Russell covered the Dream 100 concept in extreme and actionable detail during
his 2015 Funnel Hacking Live Presentation. You can grab those notes (and every other
presentation since the beginning of Funnel Hacking Live) here:

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Unlimited Traffic in Just 3 Days
Peng Joon

*** This was one of the best (and fastest) presentations at the event. I personally
reached out to Peng and he was kind enough to share his slides with me. Since I got
them the day of the notes release, I will be sending a future update with my personal
breakdown at a later date (I’m guessing in time for our April 10th recap call). I will email
them directly to you, you don’t need to do anything to receive the update. If you email
me asking for an update I will make sure you get the update last and your family says
mean things about you ;)

Peng Joon is the #1 affiliate marketer for the book “Expert Secrets”. With over
1.7 Million followers, and a 3.3 Million post reach, Peng has mastered the art of driving
traffic. Instagram, etc...). It’s basically survival of the fittest.

Content multiplier formula

Step 1 - spend 3 days shooting 120 videos. Begin with the end in mind. Think
about titles that you know will convert before shooting videos. “This video will make you
want to start your own business”, “This video will make you want to lose carbs” etc. The
way to make it good is to have a polarizing message. A safe message is “Here's how to
make more money”. A good hook is “Here’s the real reason you are broke”.

Find a list of articles that has great engagement. You can analyze posts on
different pages to see ones have the most views and engagement by checking out:

When you make your videos, make sure you are consistent with your messaging.

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Step 2 - You want to have your team or assistant if you have one, implement
everything else. Have videos on a shared network like google drive and separate them
into different categories, such as “completed”, “posted” etc.

Step 3 - Your videos are repurposed into Instagram, YouTube, blog posts,
Facebook, etc. Get the videos transcribed (with a service like, because these
transcriptions are going to be used elsewhere.

Step 4 - Edit the videos on the different platforms. From this point on, remember
this is something your team should be doing for you. You’re going to have subtitles in
the videos, put frames on the videos, you’re going to expert them so they are ready to
be posted on Facebook.

Social media platforms requirements - have the different video dimensions available.

Examples of video on different platforms

All the videos will go on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Instastory but even
though you use all these places they are staggered at different times. People will see a
reason for following you across all these various platforms.

Once the videos are up on YouTube, make sure they are unlisted at first. Next,
create a playlist for all of these videos that’s not yet posted. Then have all your videos
on Facebook cued up. Schedule these posts for the next 1-3 months. (With most of
Peng’s videos, about 5% of them take off).

For Instagram, once you have videos created, 2 months later it will go up on
Instagram. You can’t schedule Instagram posts but you can use the MeetEdgar app.
You still have to post it when the times comes so get someone on your team to handle
it. The video that is posted on Instagram has actually already appeared on Facebook
earlier, 2 months ago. Your Instagram video has to be 59 seconds or less, so your video

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creator needs to create a different version that fits into this time frame. Then from the
videos you can create Instagram stories (these are 15 seconds long each). Post these
throughout the day.

Step 5 - Create quote cards, which is a photo with your pic and a quote. Take the
biggest takeaways from your videos and create quote cards with them. Upload them
into folder, use an image of yourself, you can use Canva , Picmonkey or Post
them throughout the day, create an excel file to track postings.

Have your bank of quote cards that has been shared to your team and cue them
up on Facebook with a description. These are all scheduled beforehand. On Instagram
post the same quote card as Facebook, again posting them 2 months apart. Same thing
with Instagram stories, upload the quote cards for stories as well. Remember your
audience won’t remember and even if they do, it will be reminder as you are being
consistent with your message.

Step 6 - create a blog post from the transcription from your videos. Post on your
branding site or blog so you get the long term SEO. Then on your YouTube channel,
edit the descriptions so it links to your blog post and change the privacy to public. You
now have a longtime content strategy.

Step 7 - Make a long form blog post. Take the transcription, post it to WhatsApp
Messenger and use lot of emojis within the total transcription. This is powerful because
it looks like you just sat down on your phone and typed up your thoughts. Put this on
Facebook and Instagram as well. Put a link to YouTube on your Facebook post or
whichever channel you want to build your audience to.

Step 8 - Use Instastory for polls, giveaways, highlights, swipe ups (after you get
to 10K followers), add a CTA.

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Timing - On Facebook, post 4 times every day, when it comes to stories, you
need to create content that matches the context of the platform. For example on
Instagram document your day. People want to see the daily stuff that you’re doing.

Step 9 - What’s the purpose of building this following? When you are starting out,
initially the reach is not going to be that big. When you get views, you can run
retargeting ads to people who watch at least 50-75% of your video. This is very
powerful. We have always learned that the first thing you want to do is capture
someone’s email, but it is getting more expensive and harder to do.

People are a lot more reluctant to give out email now. If you start off relationship
by giving value first, people will trust you more. Boost your videos to the people who
have consumed content in the past. For example, his video “7 figures and still poor” had
13 million views. He would target people and say “I noticed you watched my video on 7
figures and still poor, if you want to change the quality of your life, you might want to join
on my upcoming webinar”.

Always be Marketing! Constantly be thinking about how your book would look
like. For example, he just launched a book and took it to Disney World and took photos
of him everywhere with his book, in front of rides, with Gaston from Beauty and the
Beast, etc. He would always think how would his ad look like in each photo. With the
Gaston photo it would say “Gaston would have closed better if he had read this book”.

The Long Term Plan - Journey to 100k followers. Once you start posting videos,
you want to boost your video views. Use a plugin to invite people who liked your video
to also like your page. If you have less than 100k followers, Facebook allows you to do
this. You want to get verified because once you get verified, your chance of getting
shutting down gets much lower. The easiest way to get verified is, once you get to 100k
followers, take your book and and/or write a book (it doesn’t have to be long, even 50-
100 pages). Put it on Amazon and make it into #1 in 5 different, drilled downed

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categories. Take a screenshot and submit it to Facebook and that’s how you get

The #1 thing that stops people from implementing is you have to do step 1. You
can’t skip it or outsource it. His first product was in World of Warcraft. When he got his
first break, he didn’t have the confidence to market himself. He thought who’s going to
buy from him? He marketed under a pen name “Tony Sanders” (a combination of Tony
Robbins and Colonel Sanders). Life was good until Aweber shut him down with a list of
650K people and he couldn’t get a backup copy of the list. There’s no talent to this, it's
just good habits.

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High Ticket Secrets
Alex & Leila Hormozi

Alex and Leila have mastered high ticket funnels and sales. In the past 6 months
they have launched a brand new company, setup the high ticket funnel, trained a sales
team and hit the "2 Comma Club" from 0 in LESS THAN 60 days! The price-tag stung
a little. It filtered out the tire-kickers. But it also got his serious clients to stop playing

His clients have had amazing successes, $47K in the first 20 days, $27k in a
single day, etc. These guys were selling “B to C” services not “B to B”. Alex is a former
gym owner, and in the start, he didn’t have enough money to buy for sandbags, etc. and
over time ended up with 6 gyms by age 27, with a 100% off the cash flow of business
generated. He met his wife Leila, who had previously lost 85#, and wanted to help
people online with weight loss, but wasn’t sure how to reach the people she wanted to
reach. Alex offered to help her when they were dating and told her to use ClickFunnels.

He asked her to help him launch gyms and she kept saying no until she saw the
ad that said he had 191 signups in 19 days @$500 each. The ad was made not at a
gym, but at a house. They started processing the payments, and it ended up being
$95,500. She left her job and spent the next 10 months “launching gyms” across the
county. Gym Launch Secrets was born.

#1 - High Ticket Funnel Math

You can sell anything one time. With their highest ticket program ($35,000/year),
they only have a .3% churn on. It allows you to outspend everyone and out-result
everyone else in your market. If you want to take the island, you burn the boats. What
you should be asking it not how do you sell it, but how do you fulfill it?

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They have a $16K front end offer and the average income of a gym owner that
they serve is $19K at year. He asks for all of the year’s paycheck up front, so they are
actually burning their customer’s boat for them. The person who purchases is going to
execute for sure. They have to finance those people but hey have a 4% no payment
rate for a program that only 6% have the cash to pay for. Meaning it's do or die when
they sign up.

Why should you be selling high ticket? Well for example, say you are selling a
time management course for $39. If you were to sell a time management course for
territorial sales reps it might sell for $99. If you were to sell a time management course
for territorial sales people who sell to department stores and garden centers it might sell
for $400. Same course, ten times the price.

Niche pricing makes the customer assume that you can solve their problem
better than a generalist can. The territorial sales rep that reads that sales page is going
to think “Yes, that’s for me” rather than the one for just time management. We know our
customer’s business inside and out and we know it actually works. We can outspend
equipment dealers, other gurus, alarm system companies etc., anyone who is selling to
a gym owner. Because we can serve that guy more than anyone else. They seek to
protect gym owners from everyone else. You have to be pulled by your avatar. You
need to love your customer, and care about them more than anyone else does. Once
you release this in your business you can be the dominating force overnight.

#2 - High Ticket Sales Theory

High ticket funnels are the easiest ones to build. They are only 2 pages, there are
no upsells, no downsells, no webinars, no emails, no follow ups. You got the first page
which is the application page with a headline “Looking for new clients?”, etc. and then
social proof. The second is where you schedule them, give them the next steps. The

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beautiful thing about this is this little two step sequence you can fit anywhere inside of
your funnel. This can be fit anywhere into your funnel. This simple funnel can transform
your business overnight.

“Amazing results, check it out before applying, download you case study.” You’re
just giving them a taste. When you sell high ticket it’s ok if you suck at funnels. You
have so much room for error acquisition because your costs are basically irrelevant.
He’s spent less than 1% of his revenue generated on Facebook ads. They only work
with people who can work with 50 clients rights away.

If you spend $1,000 on ad spend and you close 10% on and 10% on the follow,
you get 10 to 1 back, and can spend $50 per opt-in.

If you are not a Facebook ninja, you should definitely be selling high ticket as
long as you're awesome at what you do. How do you get them to give you money? Sell
the vacation, not the plane flight. You don’t sell the TSA check-in, the turbulence, etc.
You don’t sell the modules, your pixels, etc.

Sell the final destination, you always sell the same thing. The difference is the
level of service and how they want to get there. If you are selling a trip to Maui, do they
want to get there on a boat or a private jet? Everyone eventually gets to Maui, the only
difference is the speed and mode of travel. When you’re selling it’s always assumed you
are solving the problem, the only variable is the speed of how they get there.

Closer formula: Clarify, Label, Overview, Sell, Explain, Reinforce “CLOSER”

- Clarify why they opted in/showed up
- Label them with the problem you plan to solve
- Overview of their past pains/problems
- Sell them the vacation/solution
- Explain away their concerns
- Reinforce their decision

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All the sales are from the singular concept of promise. They sell the same thing as
most people, i.e. they are going to get more customers, make more money etc. But how
do they sell so much more than others in the same space? It’s because they understand
two basic questions.

If XYZ does what is says I say it does, is it worth how much I am asking for it? This
is where you build value. The easiest way to build value is to say they won and reinforce
what they are buying. Keep repacking it until it becomes ridiculous to say no, building it
up with emotion. “So you’re telling me, if you buy this, you’ll live longer, all your children
will live longer, all your grandchildren will live longer?....Now wouldn’t it be worth
$39.97?” Ask them what is it they want to happen? Repeat back their answers to them.
Use humor.

With B2B that first sale is easier to get, “Well this makes you $100,000, is it worth

The second question (which no one ever asks) - they think they need to promise
harder but they don’t. The only thing left is whether they believe you. “What would you
need to do or what would you need to see to believe this opportunity is meant for you?”
The beauty of this is it’s not a yes or no answer. HOw do you get someone to believe?
Do I need to show you 10 gym owners, 100 gym owners, 1,000 owners that have
succeeded? At what point is your lack of belief more reasonable than that who have

Ask #2 how do you make someone believe?

Part 3 Sales Tactics:

The belief of the prospect is directly correlated with your own conviction. A sale is
always made on every call, either you sell them on your conviction or they sell you on

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their excuses. Someone asked “How do you overcome self-doubt?” at one of the inner
circle meetings. We outwork their self-doubt so that it would be crazy for them to think
that it wouldn’t work because they did it so many times. They worked for 3 months
revising their products, so other people could replicate their system. It needs to be

How do you get them to believe in you? You have to be the most convicted, so
you can translate your belief into them. It’s an exchange of energy. Look at your biggest
and best buyers and at looked at their experiences coming into their business so they
could then reverse engineer them.

Their ideal client process: It’s not hard to sell to someone who has consumed so
much high-quality stuff...don’t put out an excess of crappy free content. That’s one of
the #1 mistakes marketers make. Put out your secrets. The majority of your prospects
will perceive you based on your free stuff.

Content distribution is the long game, because people can look back and see all
the quality things you’ve been putting out. It's better to put out quality over quantity.
Make your free stuff better than anyone’s paid stuff. How can a prospect have an ideal

Step 1 - They get a Facebook message from the salesman after they opt-in. No
automation or bot, but a message from real people.
Step 2 - They get added to free Facebook group.
Step 3 - Their salespeople tag them in valuable content posts that are specific to their
individual problems.
Step 3.5 - Your pinned post in your group should have your keystone content.
Step 4 - They are sent a ‘too legit to quit’ page prior to giving them a call.

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They thought how can they have an ideal selling concept in person? They put
their best results on the walls at the gym, yelp reviews, before and after pics, etc. They
have overwhelming visible social proof. This includes specific social proof around
perceived obstacles. Instead of overcoming your customers perceived obstacles let
your customers do it for you. Customers can see people who look just like them and
they can relate to their perceived obstacles (there’s no one with a body like me, but
there’s a photo right there on the wall).

Cold traffic virtual sales room is where they are sent after
they get on the phone with a salesperson. They are told to reach out to a couple of the
customers they have helped to hear their experiences, the good and the bad. It’s
reinforcing, and no matter what their excuses are…”I have a fulltime job, I don’t have a
big facility, etc.”, they can find a similar person who has the same experience but has
succeeded. All of this hinges on your ability to product the results you promised.

One of the most underrated things is you can be good at selling, but you need to
be better at fulfilling. You start by working for free. They did it for 28 gyms for free and
got them amazing results. They engineered an organic buying experience. They feel
like someone referred them, not like they saw an ad. You create your prospects by the
experience that you put them through. Pre-frame that they are already excited and have
consumed your content. Their only questions is how do I get started?

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The 12 Month Millionaire
Russell Brunson

Russell introduced his “Justice League Team” consisting of: Stephen Larsen,
Julie Stoian, John Parkes, James P. Friel, and Alex Charfen.

Building a business comes in different phases. If you miss one of the phases, the
next one becomes even harder. You want to create an offer that’s so irresistible.

Stephen Larsen: He learned about the concept of plato o plomo, and he started
reading Dotcom Secrets, while he was in the army. Russell said it's not up to you to be
successful, choose someone who’s already an expert and hack it. In Expert Secrets he
said to create something new. Use the two books to your advantage.

Step #1 - The Dotcom Secrets part first.

The Core of a Funnel

It’s not about how the page looks.

1. An offer (vehicle)
2. Belief (story)
3. Your dream customer is already consuming both. The decision is already made.
Your opinions do not matter. This game is more about becoming a good
detective than a genius creative.

Choose a red ocean such as health, relationships, or wealth. Think of these markets
as desires, outcomes and tie the message to one of them. Fit your business to one of
the 3 markets/results you’ll be selling.
Funnel hack to answer these questions, “What is my customer’s current vehicle?
What offer are they buying? What’s their belief? How are they buying it?

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Now we apply step #2 the expert secrets side.

Create an offer (not a product) If you don’t sell an offer your only option is to
compete on price. The market will tell you what to do. It’s a formula, get out of
your head. How you use the data from step 1 to create step 2

Now I know what their belief is (i.e., this Gillette razor will give me the outcome of
wonderful relationships)

- Next is the internal-based beliefs (insecurities) Will I cut myself? Will I shave
correctly? You have to identify that. They are throwing excuses out.

- Identify external-based belief (excuses)

Take your main product + and add a vehicle based product (Funnel scripts for
example) Match the product with the belief. That's how you make something so
irresistible because the value is so huge.

A new niche is created when you deliver a new offer to reach their desired results
and a new belief to support that vehicle.

“There is no relationship between being “good” and getting paid...However there’s a

huge relationship between being good at marketing and getting paid.” - Joe Polish

Stephen has made $151,649 since Jan. 1st with his new product.

If you don’t have an amazing offer, your funnel won’t work.

Next guest Julie:

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She was asked, if your life depended on creating a funnel, what would you do?
She did everything right growing up, was #1 in her class, graduated with $80k in debt,
had kids, one was born with a heart defect. She went through a divorce, got pregnant
again. Then she discovered Russell. Funnel building would be the skill that would
change everything.

Put your offer to the test: what are your competitors doing, what kind are they
using? How expensive is your offer, if it’s more expensive you need to build trust. Lastly,
what kind of salesperson are you?

The Presentation Funnel: do you use a webinar or a VSL? The whole point is to
build trust and authority so they are ready to buy. The funnel scripts webinar is an

The Unboxing Funnel

1. Free + shipping
2. Self liquidating offer

Lead with the sexy first piece and sell it well.

In Jaime’s funnel she puts the sexiest part in the front and adds the upsells.
Once you decide which type of funnel you will use, you need 5 building blocks.

1. Style/placement

Will it be a presentation funnel, buy now or a call? If it’s less than $2 you can get
away with a buy now button.

With an unboxing funnel you must understand the solve/agitate cycle.

2. Hooks and Headlines

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- It's the most important part of your copy.
In a presentation one you need one big hook and headline.
- With a unboxing you need one for each step for the funnel.

3. Stories
With a presentation funnel, use epiphany bridge stories, create the ah-ha
moment. With an unboxing funnel, use the star, story, solution script and bring up the
attractive character.

4. Irresistibility
With the presentation funnel, use the perfect webinar stack, and the trial closes.
With the unboxing funnel - use scarcity, discounts, flash sales.

5. Follow up
With the presentation funnel - indoctrinate them live with the unboxing funnel, it's
all about the abandoned car. She started building funnels for all sorts of people in all
different niches. Then she did it for herself and made it into the 2 comma club.

John Parkes: Next up is phase 3 where you need traffic.

What would you do to get traffic over 30 days? His story, in April 2017 they were
making a video for ClickFunnels and it had to go viral. Figure out who you are going to
target. Go back to the red ocean, data tells the real story. That is where you go fishing,
in that ocean.

They crowdsourced the creative. It’s way cheaper to test before you launch. They
ran 3 isolated tests with a different thumbnail/image, headline copy and video intro.

Next, the 10 different images (with the prospector). It was 200 dollars to run the
ads to test. They tested different headlines and found the winner: “This gold digger got
rich painting nude squirrels.”

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Run the test and send them to a coming soon page when testing.
- Image - the best one performed 94% better
- Headline - best performed 113% better
- Video into - best one watched 25% longer

Let data drive the decision. They had 7 million views and it’s still going. Launch your
funnel with absolute certainty. Here’s he 98% split testing discount. For $20 put a
headline on an ad and you’ll know which one to run. Take split testing to the front and
save a ton of money.

Use the right creative on your funnels, ads and follow-ups. Not every fish bites the
same lure.

James Friel - Building a System

James quit his corporate job 6.5 years ago, which at the time was a major gravy
train. He could have been a CMO of a company that did 9 billion dollars in profit, but he
knew he’d be locked in, so he started a marketing agency and broke 7 figures within 1
year. He didn’t account for problems that came with success, was missing out on time
and freedom.

What you don’t know about systems is what’s keeping you stuck.

It's a combination of 3 things: People, Process and Tools all working together to
achieve a common result.

The myth of the apprentice. When we first start, we believe we need to find
someone just like you. What happens if they quit, get sick? It's not about cloning the
expert, let people play to their strengths.

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Mental bandwidth is a limited resource.
How can I create a process where I can manufacture my ideas? You shouldn’t
spend your mind thinking about where things are in the process. When we standardize
how we get something done we free up our creative resources to bring something to

Simplicity reigns supreme. The tool must adapt to you, not the other way around
Tools play a supporting role, not a leading role.

The Perfect Funnel System

Step 1 - the Bat Signal and meeting. When Russell clicks the bat signal, they all
get together on a zoom call, he explains what he wants, whiteboards it out, then the real
magic happens.

Step 2 - the Bat Signal template board. They took the entire funnel building
process and mapped it out step by step and broke things out into 6 different categories,
so when we start we are not thinking about how to get it done. We are manufacturing

Step 3 - Run the system. Created relay race cards. Created testing checklists
Pre-launch reviews

Last up is Alex Charfen

They did 1500 deals in 18 months with real estate, after selling his successful
business and over time had built a huge real estate portfolio. All of the properties they
owned were in ground zero, and went bankrupt in 2007. They even had to pawn his
wife’s ring as their properties were started to get foreclosed on.

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There are 2 types of urgency. When it's in the moment and short term, it stops
your momentum. Take that short term urgency and create a long term plan. When we
are excited about what we’re doing, it increased our awareness, decreases pressure
and noise and makes things easier. When you can show your team where you are
going, you take them out of short term emergency. 90% of entrepreneurs have no
forward looking plan.

Having a big goal, a purpose is not a plan it's a dream. When we don’t show our
team the plan, they don’t keep up with us.

You can walk up to a sports rookie and they know all the goals for their team.
They have that certainty that what they are doing today is taking them to the Hall of
Fame. You need certainty in the path.

The Hall of Fame is your client centric mission. You are building a mission
around your client. Look at your 1 year objective, then your 90 day targets. Then you
look at your monthly goals, then each week get together with your team and make
commitments. Then you have a daily execution.

Transactional vs. transformational

This is where you are going from telling people what to do to where you give
people the mission and outcome, and are coaching with success.

Within a year of getting their bankruptcy discharge, they had made a million
dollars. When they lost their properties, they had a woman deliver their foreclosure
paperwork. This lead to the creation of a certified distressed property expert product.
They trained 1500 real estate people to help homeowners in foreclosure. In their
second year they trained 10,000 and in the third, 15,000. Overall they sold just shy over
49k. In 2013 the US Treasury and one of the directors of foreclosure said their company
pushed the process of foreclosure 7-10 years ahead and 7 million homeowners were

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- Figure out your offer, then your funnel, get your traffic, get your system set up,
build a team to run those systems.

- One great funnel that is IMPLEMENTED is more powerful (and creates more
change) than 20 ideas spinning around in your head.

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Taking Action With a Sense of Urgency
Ryan Bowman

Today’s the day you change the world. When he got married they promised they
would live their life more curious than afraid. He knew he'd be an entrepreneur. Life was
good, but he questioned life and decided he wanted to be a professional golfer. HIs wife
asked to move to California. His wife got sick, and ended up with a flu that lasted 9
months. Five 5 years laters they had spent tens of thousands of dollars with doctors.
Ultimately in Feb. 2016 they got a diagnosis of late stage lyme disease, and finally got a

When his wife was very sick, they packed up their home, now in Chicago and
moved back to CA. At that time Funnel Hacking live 2017 came up, and he’s in the
crowd. His wife was still very sick, and he heard Garrett White speak and he ended up
talking briefly with him. When he got back home, he’s in a bank and in walks Garrett
White. He bought his book and reviewed it. Why are you doing this? Are you putting in
the work? Are you operating with urgency? In an instant, he became a different person.

An opportunity came up for lyme patients, a new type of clinic. They went
through the process. After 10 months, they have had some success. When you make a
decision and you become something else, it's much easier the next time. There was a
second where he thought “What do I do?”, but when your why is big enough, the
answers appears.

A friend mentioned a clinic in Germany where they were getting great results. It
would last for 3 weeks and costs $40k and they decided to go. About a year and half
ago he started having his own symptoms, because the disease had transferred to him.
He had to get the procedure as well and felt fine 5 days after. That treatment ended 2
weeks ago.

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Right now you are on that beach, you’ve got a decision to make. You can change
in an instant. It doesn’t matter what the obstacles are, you can change the world today
in an instant. You become the person who lives with urgency, treat it like it’s life or
death. This is your placa a plomo moment. It's your life, your legacy. What are you
going to do with this time? It’s that quick, you just decide.

It's something we all share, you’re right there. When he was in the FHL crowd, he
remembers thinking, he was in a place that was so way down, and people were up
there with their rewards saying “You just gotta try harder”. He remembers that feeling of
not knowing. That feeling that you have is the most powerful tool you have to truly
change the world.

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Breaking the Chain of False Beliefs
Russell Brunson

One of the core things in Expert Secrets is that people’s false beliefs are holding
them back. If you rebuild your story in your head, you can win. You have to know the
fast beliefs and stories that your audience have.

You can start building up an inventory of stories so you can destroy them. False
belief patterns. They have chains of false beliefs. Something happened in their life and
because of that they told themselves a story and that's what fueling them right now.
That story runs their life. What's your story that you need to explain to them to give them
a new belief.
Example: network marketing. Russell likes the network marketing idea. They
have a hard time because so many people have false beliefs around it. If I join NM I’ll
have no friends and my family won’t like it. Why? Because once they sign up they
contact all their friends, family, etc. They had previous bad experience with it. From that
bad experience, their story is hey if I was to join a NM company I’ll lose everyone I love.
Look at this, and say “Why don't I believe this?”

What is my story, which is more powerful than theirs? Well I joined up with NM in
the past and I felt the same way. One way I met this guy, and he had a ton of success
and this guy felt the same way. He started using the internet to get leads, from people
who were actually interested and they were excited to hear from them when they called.
All of a sudden their old story gets replaced.

This is how it works. What are all the false beliefs of your audience? Try to get
100 stories. He was telling these stories because he listed all of the false beliefs and
figured out why I don’t believe that anymore. Work through that process.

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For free videos on how to overcome procrastination and a 3 part video how the
LOA really works check this out:

Moral obligation - how many have a hard time with the concept of selling? One of
the reasons it was hard for him it was because he was convinced selling is doing
something to people. If you have something good, you have a moral obligation to sell is
to as many people as possible (King Solomon) Don’t buy into the lie that society tries to
perpetrate on us, that when you’re selling something you're doing something bad to

What does a tree have to do produce apples? All it has to do is be an apple tree.
You don’t get what you want, you get what you are.

1 - freeple people they want everything for free

2 - cheaple people they want everything that's cheap because they tell themselves they
can’t afford it.

People don’t buy what they can afford, they buy the things they want the most. IF
you want to change your family’s life, level up so you can learn how to use your mouth
and mind to create the wealth your family desires. The only thing that perpetuates
property is the expectation of property. These people ask the wrong question. For
example, what if it doesn’t work? You already know that what you’re already doing is not
working. You should ask instead what if this works? How much better is life going to be
when this work? Don’t ask the questions what if it doesn’t work, ask the questions what
if it does?

The very first temptation in the world was the temptation to focus on lack. God
told Adam and Eve you are freely to eat. The tree was in the middle, just one thing.
Devil said didn’t god say you can’t eat out of every tree? He took away one word. In
order for them to get to the tree they had to walk past all of their abundance to get to
their lack. They are both there, but you get the one you focus on.

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3 - Feeple people, who are willing to pay a fee.

4- Preeple people who are willing to pay a premium for the things you get

The Law of Advancement - In nature, what goes up must come down. For
example, you have a seed, It wants to be a tree. Before that little seed can grow up to
be a big tree, it has to grow, go down into the ground and be willing to cease to be a
seed. In order for you to become everything you can become you must be willing to stop
being what you have been so you can become all that you can be. It goes into the
ground, and stops being a seed. Then it grows up.

Tree grows up on a cliff, and eagle family comes there. Babies want to learn how
to fly. Mama eagle needs to help baby many times and finally baby bird learns to fly by
falling. Even an eagle, before it goes up it must go down. People live in a nest, the circle
of sameness. What percent of eagles learn how to fly? 100% But people...we have a
choice. While we fly, we grab onto the lowest hanging branch and crawl back up.
Anything that goes up has to go down.

If you are serious about advancing, you need to be ok with your income going

Two of the biggest expenses you have in your life. In education system we never
learn how to do the most important math. Why don’t teach us the rule of 72? Right now
in your life what are the 2 most expensive you pay for? Your 2 biggest expenses really
are taxes and ignorance about how to make $10,000,000.

Write down how much money you made last year. If you only made 80k you paid
920K you paid life for not knowing how to make one million. Do I want to pay life,
920,000 next year like I did last year?

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Get More With Less
Garrett White

Garrett White, is the author of Be The Man - Stop Lying, Start Leading Today.
You want to build big things, you’ve been trained for days given the tools and resources.
There was a vision placed in his heart years ago, it was commitment to be the truth of
who he was. He started with one simple game, tell the truth. You don’t have to be
Russell, or him, you will lose at that game. You have a calling because you were born.
The choice is simple.

Power - He wanted power, and thought it was complicated. His funnels work
because he works. He’s gone from $0-$100 million in 4 years. ClickFunnels works
because Russell and his team work. The only difference between 2 people is capacity.
Capacity is power. Like lifting a heavy weight. Power and capacity must be chosen
every day.

Production - if power is your capacity, then production is doing the thing. Russell
has done this for you.

Profit - your results. Every day he wakes up and accesses power and does stuff,
then profit shows up. Sitting and meditating on your next funnel are not nearly as
effective as building your next funnel.

His story was if “I can just get money again, then his marriage would be saved.”
At this point, this would be divorce #2. He had to reverse engineer his production. He
started looking at the result of money and went backwards. After connecting the dots,
he realized some important things. That his body either accelerated his production or
not. If you’re sick and tired, your production won’t be supported. Spiritually he realized
God was telling him he had a purpose. There were times when he felt like he was
spiritually on fire.

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Body, balance, being and business. He needed to work out, meditate, pray, and
connect with his wife and children first. His marketing is wrapped with an energy, there’s
what you hear him and say and what you feel him saying. He plays a game of power.
You get to a place when complexity doesn’t work, so they do simple things over and
over and it works. Take one funnel, one offer and maximize it to death. Test and deploy,
and when you fail which you will, you can’t default into the day. You need to have the
power to start over again. Most people don’t like you but if you’re one of them, you’re
screwed. This game is about putting yourself out there.

The “Core 4” - Body, Being, Being & Business

Body - fitness, every morning you gotta get your heartrate going and something
to make you sweat. Get up and move. Get out of your house and walk. If you move in
the morning you get ½ a point. Fuel - Garrett’s fuel intake needed simplifying. He met a
girl who was talking about green smoothies, and how they clean out your system. He
purchased a Vitamix blender, made a smoothie, felt worse initially but made it through
two weeks. He started watching his mind change, then he stopped for ten days and felt
bloated and horrible. He returned to the smoothies and got cleared up. If you take care
of your fitness and fuel, you get one point every day.

Being - Garrett had to get connected, your energy around the way you connect
with clients, and in your videos makes a difference. First things is meditation which is
hard for a lot of people. It's about connecting to you, is doesn’t matter what the process
you use to do it. When he gets challenged on what moves to make with his business he
looks inside. WUW was down because along the way he was guided. All of you have
been called to lead something that matters.

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If you are not getting the message on what to do next, it’s because you’re not
connected to yourself, you need to connect and listen to your inner voice. The simplest
form of mediation is just to breathe. Breathe in, hold for 5 seconds, release, and repeat.
Imagine what might happen if you were in this place when you tried to create. Your
body is weaponized, then drink your smoothie and sit down to create. Meditation is
worth another ½ point.

Writing down your memoirs is the other part to being connected. Garrett was told
he’s supposed to journal, but he didn’t care about his legacy when he was younger.
God is speaking to you, telling you opportunities. You hope things work out but you
need to take out an old school journal. Journal your vision, write about it, draw about it.
Draw out your funnels, your revelations. You can be inspired by others’ memoirs but
give yourself permission to feel your own truth. It’s not complicated, you know what to
do. You might get 15 different logos before you launch your funnel. By writing down
more revelations, you’ll hear the voice that comes to you to move you forward. There’s
a thing you need to start doing, what is it? You get another ½ point for writing these

Balance - Garrett was in a rough place in 2013, had lots of issues in his
relationship with his wife. He expected all these things but needed to make some
deposits. He decided he would send a message every day to her, with love, honor and
appreciation. He continued to send a text message every day. She didn’t respond for 7
weeks. He would do the same, sending messages to his son also. This, to a son he
didn’t raise who grew up in another country. No responses there either. Then he
realized that the guilt and shame he felt as a husband and father, which he felt
connected to, went away. There’s ½ a point. You need to do the same for your kids. He
finally heard from his son a few months ago, who wants to move in with him. He puts

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sticky notes on his kid’s doors, with love and appreciation message. You get ½ a point
to your wife/husband/significant other and ½ a point for your kids for a total of 1 point

Business - every day you're going to discover some things. Study Russell's
books, and if you’re a Garrett’s book as well. His wife became a businesswoman
because of ClickFunnels. She was a hairdresser at the time. She only read “50 Shades”
then Russell's book - both books improved his life

You set your alarm off every morning, read for 15 minutes each morning. When
you’re done reading you will know it and when you know it you will do it. You get ½ a
point for discovering stuff and ½ for sharing it with someone else. Every day we are
trying to get to 4. “If I hit my 4 before I hit the door to go to war”.

If you took an hour of power every morning for yourself and you have the ability
to connect with yourself you will be more balanced in your personal life and business.
Then the visions you see will for yourself will come to pass. Many people are so
wrapped up in trying to recreate stuff that you are missing the message you are called
to share. Every day wakes up and find the need to listen. Then go and do.

Garrett’s son came up on stage and told the story of how he’s always been told
what he should be doing. He had watched a lot of Garrett’s videos and the message he
got was that needed to do something for himself. He left his university to work for
Garrett’s team and has learned more in a few months than all the time at university.

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Everyday you wake up without the power, people lives are on the line. At the
beginning he thought it was God’s calling to save him, but he was being called to
liberate millions. There is a generation coming behind us who is lost and confused.
They are choosing sedation to manage that confusion. Every morning we need to
choose to start with the power and the path. The game you feel in your heart will
happen. He’s been here on stage since day one, from the beginning of Funnel Hacking
Live. You can choose the power or you will be replaced by someone who will.

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Keynote Speaker
Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins is an entrepreneur, author of 5 internationally bestselling books,

philanthropist, and the nation’s #1 Business Strategist. Through his audio and life
training programs, Tony has empowered more than 50 Million people from 100
countries to live an extraordinary life on their terms. In life, there is a science behind
getting everything that you want to achieve.

Russell started buying all of Tony’s products on eBay when he first discovered
him. Ten years ago he had a chance to meet him, and they said before you work with
Tony you have to come to one of his events. The experience changed his life. When he
did his first event 4 years, it was a dream to have Tony speak. He came last year and
Russell asked him again because he knows the effect Tony has with his talks.

There’s so much b.s. in the IM space. Strategies come and go but what you
value determines your thoughts, action and life.

Tony was involved in an Operation Underground Railroad project last year,

where they saved 36 girls lives. Most people are just doing it to make money and there's
nothing wrong with that. If you have got a family to support, when your goal is to help is
a community, you know the truth what drives you. The difference in his life was made
when he discovered how can he help humanity.

Motive does matter, people feel it even through your ClickFunnels. YOU are the
brand though your product. What’s the secret to wealth? - Add more value. If you do
more for others, year after year, 10 years from now you’ll surely arrive. Technologies
come and go, but the human spirit is what sells the spirit. Your job is to tell a better
truthful story. I’m gonna make more money not just for myself for the benefit of others.

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Even Tony does not stop growing, he still goes to events himself. What you’ve
done here you need to keep going. Keep scheduling your time to include events and

He went to Arizona recently and attended a session where electrodes are placed
in your head in a cold room and he learned how to think in an alpha mode. The more
you focus the less alpha you get. At the end of the first day, he wanted out but it made
his brain stronger. If you can keep a focus on something larger than yourself, it will
change the game.

He started writing a book on money, 5-6 years ago. He was meeting all these
millionaires and seeing how they were miserable. It just magnifies what you are like. He
was getting frustrated because the people were not even thinking about other people.
Motive matters. He revamped all his goals and decided if strangers cared about him and
his family ..When he was writing his book, he realized how many people were starving
in the US. He said he's going to feed 1 billion people over 10 years. This year, the 4th
year he is on track to feed 4 million people and on track to reach his goals.

Now that you're in the spirit of this you should grab a hold and run with it. Life is
about “we”. There's only so many homes, etc . All along the way, he’s provided water in
India, has planted more trees around the globe...he has a dozen goals like that. Has
made more money since he put those goals in place. It’s exploded to that level now that
his goals have exploded.

Free cash flow is different than profit on paper. It's like working out. If you don’t
work out then do the Fit for Life, you’re going to have to keep at it every day. When
people talk about it's a dream - when you schedule it, it's real. Put yourself in a system
that guarantees long term success. When you constantly improve yourself this will

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Look at Warren Buffett who has said that his greatest investment ever made was
going to Dale Carnegie. Making an Investment in yourself is the best.

Carl Icann has produced even more than Warren Buffett. But when Tony went to
interview him, he discovered he wasn’t being very nice. He was told not to use cameras
or audio. He said “Use a bring pen and paper, you got 10 minutes.” His interview ended
up lasting 3 hours.

Motive matters, don't leave with just a strategy. Put yourself in environments that
are pre- organized. Your business training never stops.

Fundamentals and repetition are the mother of skill. Strategy is worthless if you
don't follow through.

There are 3 levels of mastery:

Cognitive mastery is when you understand it - you have intellectual

understanding. Knowing is not enough. Lots of people understand things, but
knowledge is not power, it’s potential power. The real power is execution.

Emotional mastery is when you feel so much emotion to what you learn that
you will follow through. Feel it! Where were you on 9/11? Everyone knows. But if you
ask where people were on 8/11, no one remembers because there is no emotion
attached to it. If you are female, you have a brilliant connection between events and
emotion. We all need to bring more emotion to something if we are going to actually
follow through. We think hearing is enough and we will remember it. But repetition is the
mother of skill. Why should you go to a seminar, when you can just read a book? It's like
swimming, you can’t just read a book. You need to go there and experience it to learn.
You’re 100 more timely likely to follow through. When you get enough emotion, ...if you

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Physical mastery - doing it constantly. You don’t have to think about it, you
embody it and own it in your physiology and it's your identity. It takes emotion and
repetition and energy, the most important ingredient. Pure energy is above a 10 from a
scale of 1-10. If you don't have enough energy your mind takes over. The lower the
energy the more the 2 year old brain takes over, and starts thinking about what you
should protect yourself from etc.

When your energy is high that goes away. If you’re truly in love, you’ll do
anything for someone. You’ll be dancing as you take out the trash. Do what you did in
the beginning of the relationship and the end of the relationship and you won’t have an
end. Fall in love with your customer and know what they love and fear. Life is the dance
between what you desire most and fear most. The more we know, the more effective we
will be in the process. We have to know what the choke hold is on any business. It’s
always the owner or leader and it comes down to psychology or skill. Skills are 20%,
psychology is 80% of the formula. You need to understand the power of energy
because you need energy to handle a challenge.

Where does energy come from? Not sleep or food. Digestion takes a lot of
energy. Psychology, mindset and habits make your energy. We all have a set to our
energy. If your going to let the external environment relate to your energy, your
business will fail. You need to fall in love with your customers and you will have raving
fans who do not go away.

The word competition in latin means to conspire together. By us competing we

conspire to make each other better.

Tony is obsessed with what makes the difference in the quality of people’s lives.
Why do so many people fail to achieve? And when those do achieve, why are they not
happy with those achievements? When he was young, his mom was an alcoholic, but it
made him a practical psychologist. He didn’t want to live in the past, he wanted to live

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for the future. Sometimes your worst days are your best days. The lack of food made
him wants to feed millions. They didn’t have the resources in his family.

You wouldn’t have started your business if you didn’t wake up. When you read,
especially biographies, you’ll think like they think and be empowered. Often people who
have been at a disadvantage end up in rehab. People who are beat up the most end up
changing the world.

For example, there was a child whose mom was only 13, there was no dad in the
picture, she become pregnant herself at age 13, but lost the baby. She ended up in an
institution, but only stayed for 4 nights. A man claimed to be her dad, and he changed
Oprah’s life forever. She started anew where there was no more victimization but
everything was about adding value. It's not biology that makes one’s destiny, it’s

These days, we have this whole victim mentality. Remember the twin brothers,
the Melendez’ who killed their parents? It took 2 jury trials to convict them. They said
they were abused. After that, Lorena Bobbitt came about. She claimed to be a victim
too. We tend today to look for an excuse. You gotta learn how to shift them and
yourself. Everything is just patterns. There are no broken people. There are certain
patterns that you don’t like because they don’t serve you in your business.

If you think the problem is you, it's hard to change yourself. Tony is very good at
changing people. He has not lost one suicidal case in all these years. Whether people
buy from you or not, they have a reason. If you can understand what’s below those
reasons, you can influence them in any way. If you want to take the island, you need to
burn your boats. Your mind will move you forward.

There are 3 patterns that control your life.

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1. Decisions are the things that are going to shape your destiny. Think - What are
you going to focus on? What you focus, that’s where your energy goes. The truth will
set you free! Do you tend to focus more on what’s missing in your life or what you have?
90% focus on what’s missing. It's not possible to stay happy with this viewpoint. What if
you have the achievers curse, i.e. you're always trying to get more, then you’ll be happy.
Once you get it you’ll be happy.

We’re all afraid we are not enough, and we won’t be loved. Our competitive
advantage is love. Most people have a pattern that will guarantee working harder but
not having sustained happiness.

As a baby you can be fat, toothless and bald and be loved. Try that at age 40.
We want to succeed to be enough and know that we’ll be loved. You gotta have more
than just achievement or you will be miserable even with more money.

It's not what you think is going to make you happy and fulfilled, it’s progress.
Progress equals happiness. If you sit at the table of success too long you will get bored.
The secret is to keep making progress. You want to make sure you take control of your

2. Do you focus on what you can control or what you can't control? 25% of those
asked focus on what they can’t, 75% focus on what you can control. That’s why you
came, you are going to keep growing, keep learning and succeeding.

3. Do you focus on the past, present, or future? The future is really valuable for
strategic planning. Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure. You need to focus
on the present as well. Remember the old adage of putting the air mask on yourself on
a plane before your child.

If you don’t find fulfillment, obtaining achievement will get old. The science of
achievement and the honor of fulfillment are two mastery lessons. When it comes to

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focus, if a person is always focusing on what’s missing and they are focused on the
past, they will be angry. Do you know someone who takes anti depressants and they
are still depressed? We in America pride ourselves on achievement but are not fulfilled.

Whatever you focus on you’re going to feel even more if it's not true. Imagine you
are waiting for someone to meet you for a dinner date. You show up and they are not
there. What are you thinking? They don’t care, and that is rude. Or perhaps they were in
an accident? If you think they were screwing around you’ll treat them badly when they
show. If you think they were in an accident you’ll treat them great when they show.

1. What are you going to focus on?
2 - What does it mean? Accident example.

If you think it's the end, are you going to behave in the same way? Some people
say “God’s punishing me, God’s challenging me, it's a gift from God” in response to a
problem. It all depends how you approach it.

Tony went to a racing schoo, and had a lesson to learn how to drive a racecar at
160 mph, which was scary. He originally drove as a passenger and was told by the
instructor he would do the same thing in 4 days. He was trained with a spin car at first.
He learned how to come out of the spin, which is one of the most important skills in
business, life etc. When you're driving every part of you will look at the obstacle, but you
really need to focus only on where you want to go instead. During the test, the instructor
pushed the spin, and he grabbed Tony’s face to turn him towards where he wanted to
end up, so you could unconsciously steer in that way. In the final seconds they gripped
and turned. After 5 or 6 times he learned. If you focus on what you really want, are you
guaranteed to succeed? No. But if you focus on the wall you are guaranteed to crash.
Meaning = emotion = life. If you have 10 million dollars, but every day you come up
with meaning….

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The quality of life is not your money, etc. You need to think about:
● What are you going to focus on?
● What does it mean?
● What are you going to do?

If we want to shape these 3 things, we need to train to stay at a higher level. You
want to push yourself to a 20 so that when you’re at a 10, that feels normal.

Whatever you continuously reinforce, you will become. Tony did not always have
this certainty, he had to train himself. Work harder on yourself than anything else.

If you are a leader your job is to influence. You have the ability to influence thoughts
feelings emotions and actions. To influence a another human ,you have to know what
already influences them. Most people try to influence people by what influences us.

How do we influence ourselves? By being in control of the state you are in this
moment, both your mental and emotional state. If you are feeling ultimately grateful, it’s
more powerful - your mind follows your state. If you’re going to shift, shift your state.
Moment by moment you are controlled by your state, long term you are controlled by
your blueprint which is your values, beliefs, expectations. Many of us have an out of
date blueprint. All the changes that you are looking for, happen at an altered state, a
high energy state.

The fastest way to change your state is your body. If you change your body first, the
mind will follow. The body is the answer. Emotion is what you're after. You don’t want
money, you want the feeling you think it’s going to give you. Freedom, comfort, the
ability to contribute more, fun, etc.

Overall patterns between people are identical. Stress is the achieve word for fear.
Who has things that you want to do but you are afraid of failing?

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What if a kid says something bad, you won’t care. But if an adult says it, you’ll feel
bad. It all comes down to you. Emotional fitness is what you want. It's a state. You can
be emotionally intelligent and know what to do, but don’t do it. Do you know someone
who is always worried? Our emotions are completely our patterns. We let the outside
world dictate it. If things don't go right, we are unhappy.

Whenever we get to what we think our best is, there’s always another level.

If you use more of the gifts that our creator has given us, you’ll experience more of
those gifts. In a heightened state you feel as if you can reach any goal.

Which would you rather have a $2 million business that makes $50 million a year or
a $50 million dollar business that makes $2 millions dollars a year? Bigger is not
always better. Both the impact and the true profitability is what really matters.
Emotional impact and financial rewards are disproportionate to the …

There are up times and down times to everything. You need to understand what you
are really after, the end results. You think you came here for your business but you want
is more control...when you finally achieve that goal, who is going to make you feel
good? You're going to make yourself feel that way. If that’s true, why wait?

If something bad happens, instead of saying someday you’ll look back and laugh at
this, why not do it now? We need to train our bodies to celebrate more often. Our
culture teaches us to not get too excited. How many people dampened it down to others
when you achieve something? It teaches your brain that you shouldn’t feel too good
when you achieve.

There’s one universal thing people celebrate - sports. People will go crazy
celebrating someone else’s victory but not their own. What if you took on a new belief
for your blueprint, “What if I don’t need any excuse to feel good”? What if you just felt

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good for no reason. Most people don’t need an excuse to feel bad. When people are
depressed we understand. If we’re excited, people think we are crazy.

If we want peak results we have to be in a peak state. It's not that you are so tired,
it's that you have been telling yourself the same story. If you want an extraordinary life,
you need to be in an extraordinary state all the time. Sigmund Freud wrote many book
and he was a genius in marketing. He didn’t come up with the concept of the
subconscious mind. He also understood how to get people to change by disrupting their
pattern and also used words that were very inappropriate for that time. Most of us use
softeners, because if we said words that depicted how we really feel we feel we have to
cover it up. But softeners are like taking drugs. If you numb yourself, you're never going
to change. Pain is useful if we use it. If we want to shift long term we need to learn how
to use pain and pleasure. Put yourself in that right state over and or again until it
becomes habit.

Think about Elton John, every time you see him it’s fresh. Even though he probably
goes through a time where he’s sick of singing a certain song. It’s all a habit, we all get
what we tolerate. You need to know how to shift things and put yourself in the feeling
you need.

If you want to get a new result/target of any kind, it requires new action. What type of
behaviors or action do you need? What people are capable of doing is amazing but
people are usually in the wrong state. Like dieting and losing weight for example. If
you’re trying you’re going to have a real problem. It's easy to diet if you’re in a
determined state. The new actions are effortless if you put yourself in the right state. If
you plant in the winter, you won’t be rewarded. You need to do the right thing at the
right time.

Tony met with Andre Agassi years ago when he was having troubles. He asked him
to see, feel and experience hitting the tennis ball perfectly 10 times. He was in the state.
He never thought about his wrist, which he was having problems with at the time while

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he doing that. You need to understand there are certain states, that no matter what, you
can’t function. When you walk and move, it goes away.

Tony showed him Andre a tape of himself at Wimbledon, and told him to notice how
he walked onto the court. He was focusing on why the guy even showed up, that’s how
certain he was he going to win. Then he showed him a tape in which he lost the
tournament and before it even began he could see that he walked out dejected. He was
focusing on the last time the opponent beat him.

But how can you change someone’s focus when you’re not even there? Questions
change focus. Or you can control by telling stories. If you talk to your audience about
your relationship with your mother, they will think about their own relationship. If you ask
bad questions, you’ll get bad answers. If you say “How come I can never lose weight?
How come bad things always happen to me?”

If you’re trying to not feel pride, you’re interrupting natural patterns to make you
grow. When you think of something that makes you feel proud, how do you feel? What
happens to your face? How do you breathe? What about feeling grateful about? How do
you feel when you think about something that made you laugh out loud? When you try
to feel a way and don’t feel it for real that’s called priming the pump. Just train yourself
to do it.

Think about how do you feel when you’re excited about something. A breakthrough
is a moment in time when the impossible become possible. The moment you say I do, I
quit, etc. Everything else is just preparation. The only problem some people have is that
they are professional educators.

How fast can you get in the right state? Literally in seconds. Think of an area in your
life where you struggled for quite sometime, and where you finally broke through and
you changed something. What made that breakthrough happen in that moment? What
made it possible for that breakthrough and made it stick?

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Most people wait for enough pain. We will do more to avoid pain than to get
pleasure. You want to put yourself in a system to make yourself better. The best
approach to success is to build a system to succeed. Think of people sleeping sideways
on chairs at airports because a lot of flights were canceled. But in some airports, they
have chairs with arms so people are unable to sleep that way. That is a new system. If
you want to make a change immediately, keep it simple. The more complex the less
likely you will follow through. Operate in a different way.

The breakthrough shorthand. If you want to to go straight through to a breakthrough,

do it in reverse order of importance.

Strategy. Example: losing weight. 70% of the U.S. is overweight. Everyone has the
information on how to lose weight, it’s not hard to find. It’s the last thing you need to
figure out. When you start with the strategy it sets up the mind.

Story. Ex: losing weight, people will say they have tried everything. It’s their story, its
a lie. People come up with stories, a belief you come up with over and over again. Take
Tom Brady for example. His story empowers him. No matter how many seconds are left
in the game, he’s always focused on winning.

Brand gives people certainty. It tells people they can do business with you. If you
can build a great story you can always find the right strategy. The story controls what’s
available to you. Why should I do business with you? A great salesman will get your
attention. It also connects them with a shared understanding of the problem. Highlight
the problem and say how you can solve it. The answer to that question needs to have
certainty on video, online as well as face to face.

State, it is the most important one to a breakthrough. If you’re in a lousy state, you’re
not going to follow through. When you’re crazy in love, what’s wrong with life? Nothing.
Retrain your brand. You want a financial, love, kid, and/or health breakthrough? Start
with your state. Then your story will come naturally. Then figure out your strategy.

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5 Keys To Building Your Brand
1 - Understand the power or identity. This is where the biggest rewards are. For
example. Tony’s name alone made some people want to come to this event.

2 - Come up with your initial articulation, why should people do business with you
versus anyone else in the industry. It’s got to be convincing. What’s the value you’re
going to add better than anyone else? Identify and articulate your competitive

3 - Practice communicating it congruently

4 - Live it! If you don’t live it, it won’t last. Today because of social media, good news
travels fast, bad news travels even faster.

5 - Market it. You got to get people to want to do business with you.

Think of companies that have a solid brand like Google, Uber, Apple, Coke. What
about Kleenex for tissues? Or Fedex? Even though these are brands, people still say
“Pass me a Kleenex” for example. Could you own the brand in your area? You have to
decide in advance that you will dominate everything in the industry.

You gotta build a brand beyond your age. The most powerful way to market
yourself is to give them an experience they won’t forget. Look for an experience where
you will give such value people will remember you.

Tony was working with a client in California. He was a realtor and there was a
trash strike. He picked up the trash in the most expensive neighborhood. He made sure
not to tell anyone about it though. Afterwards people eventually found out he had done
it, without bringing any attention to himself. 18 months later he had made $1.1 million in

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commissions, because people remembered him and eventually used him as their realtor
when they were ready.
Technology is starting to use us instead of us using technology. People have no
patience anymore. Your best life will come as you plant the seed of not only who you
spend time with, but even more importantly to decide that life is too short for you to
suffer. The human mind can always find suffering. Even Tony feels frustrated and angry
at times but he tells himself it's part of the process. If your happiness is dependent upon
others behaving in ways you think they should, you will be unhappy. 99% of people
believe their happiness is due to others behaving to ways they want.

He has a simple plan, life is too short to suffer and he’s going to live in a simple
state. When he gets happy he gets smart as shit. You have to decide that the ultimate
achievement is living in a great statement no matter how things go your way. Our
greatest gift is gratitude and giving back. Frustrations, stress, anger etc. are all forms of
suffering. The mind will think thoughts. What the most ongoing stressful thoughts you
have? We are the only creatures that can think a thought and get angry, excited etc. ;

Remember, you’re not the first person to think that thought. If you’re going to be
stressed at least come up with an original thought! You can be grateful for instead of
thinking that thought. What if for the next 10 days you didn’t tolerate any form of
suffering? Kill the monster while it’s little.

When you come to life in your mom, your life is measured by heartbeats. You
didn’t even have a brain yet, your heart was the highest form of intelligence. If you use
your heart properly it will change your brain. When you're frustrated your heart waves
and brain waves are all over the place. But when you are feeling gratitude and love,
they are in sync and aligned.

Put your hand on your heart. Feel your heart, think about how it beats all day
without you even asking it to. If you want to feel truly grateful think about how you didn’t

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even have to earn it to live. Feel the power, the beauty of your heart. Think of 3 different
moments you can feel grateful for. See what you saw back then, breathe the way you
were breathing back then. Fill up with gratitude, give yourself this gift.

Stack all those 3 moments together and magnify them. Give yourself this gift,
reach out and grab a moment of your life that you are proud of and as it touches your
heart, so it explodes. Keep reaching out for proud moments and bring it into your heart.
Feel all the gratitude, all the job all the pride.

Think of a moment for your future when you’ll be proud. Think of a moment you’ll
be grateful in the future. Think of “All I need to focus on is…” and let your heart answer
not your head. In that situation when you used to be stressed, your heart knows the

Always give more than you expect to receive!

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