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Film lndicotor

Accessory Shoe

Ropid Winding Lever

Film Counter

Finder Eyepiece

Rewind Button

Lock for
Comero Bock

Rewind Knob

Depth of Field
I ndi cotor
(s. p. 18)

Releose Button

Focusing Scole

Flosh Socket

Focusing Lever

Digitally signed by mike
Aperture Lever DN: cn=mike butkus,
o=orphancameras, ou=29,

Date: 2018.09.06 17:08:51
Broce Lock
lieferbor ouch mit verkriigbor ook met
ovoiloble olso with kon erhollos dven med

AGFA SOLAGON 122.0i 50 mm

AGFA SOLINAR l:2.8 150 mm



We would like you to moke friends with your new Korot 36, ond we therefore invite
you to go corefully through this instruction booklet with us.

It will be well worth your while, for once you ore fomilior with the vorious operotions
of your comero, you will soon toke successful pictures. The designers of the Korot 36
hove tried from the outset to moke the comero os fool-proof os possible. But remember,
otl the sqme, thot you ore hondling o precision instrument which needs o certqin
omount of core in monipulotion.

Devote o little time to your new componion right from the beginning. Stort off without
o film in the comero. Try focusing on vorious distonces, ond operote the ropid winder.
After only o few ottemps, you will be surprised ot the feeling of confidence in
hondling the comero so essentiol for toking octuol pictures loter on. Your Kqrot 36
uses the stondord cossettes of 35 mm. film for 36 or 20 or. 18 exposures 24x36 mm.
(opprox. 1 x1t/2 inches).


To open the comero bock, pull out

the smoll proiecting lotch (Fig. 1) in
the direction of the orrow. This is
eqsier if you press the bock ond
bgdy togelher'in the some wqy <ts
when closing the comero loter on.
No* open the bock, preferobly with
the cqmero lying lens down on
something soft.


The iwo spool chombers

ore now visible (Fig.2). The
emptv left hond chomber
tokbj s stondqrd 35 mm.
minioture film cossetfe, not
to be confused with the
spool-less Korot l 2 cossette
f6r only l2 exposures.
'this in You
connot use the
Korqt 36.

The riqht hond spool chomber contoins the built-in tgkg-uq spool. Before looding the
iii;,'fi;'ihi;"r&;i'uy its u_ppel rilt"A flonse until ihe'loirdins slit with the smoll
tooth is on top bs shown in Fig.2.

Fold_up the hinged flop (Fig._2) over the sprockel wheel, ond you ore reody to iood
the film. When inserting the fresh cossette preferobly in subdued light pull
out the rewind knob. When the cossette is - in position, push --fully
the knob bqck, turning
ii slightly ot the some time so thot it engoges the core of the cqssette spool (Fig.3).
Now guide the norrow tongue ot the beginning of the film into the slit of the foke-up
spool. Push in the film up to the second perforotion hole, hooking the smoll tooth of
the spool into the perforotion to onchor the film.


Turn the toke-up spool until the film is tout

(Fis. a).

Only obout o 3/e inch length of the Iwll

wi.dtb of the film should protrude from
the cossette.
Now you con close the comero
bqck. Butfirst fold d,own the
hinsed flap in the middle of the film
trqck over the film. The film must be
properly centred between the sides
of the film chqnnel, with the per-
forotion holes engoging the teeth
of the sprocket wheel.
Close the bock by firmly (but not
forc.ibly) pressing it ogoinst the body
until the lock engoges (Fig.5).


Finolly, set the film counter to "A" by pressing o finger on the milled button ond
turning it clockwise (Fig.6).
oPEN ING TH F.cAIERA: You.con only work fhe ropid winder rvhen the lens
:r^-::l"f:*-il q::l1io1,for picrure rokins- ere's9 the-rotch r".rro* i[L r"nl #;"i-i;
sprlng our (rn cotd weother you moy hove to ossist it by o gentle pull). See Fig.7.



Now you con get the looded film reody for the first exposgle. -lu$ .bock the ropid
;;;"; *itn-i"Ji
thumb or index fing.9r for will g" (F-iq,8)..This odvonces the
frlm ond oi tti" some time outomoticdlly tensions the shutier. Fully depress the releose
button with the tip of your index finger (Fig.9).

Moke onother blind. gxposure in the some woy; i. e. wind ond releose. The film counter
now points to the division before No.1


The Korot 36 contoins o clever locking mechonism which prevents double exposures
ond blonk fromes. After every exposure the releose button is locked, o.nd..only works
ogoin ofter the film hos been odvonced by one frome by meons of the winding leverl

The movement of the winding lever ot the some time outomoticolly tensions the Compur
shutter. The shutter speed should therefore be set beforehond.
This is essentiol for the 1/aoo second setting. Once the shuller is fensioned, the resislonce of the
Uuiif-in odditionol ipring ii-very hord ld ovlrcome when setting the shulter speed to 1/roo second.

.100set the shutter speed,

To furn the outside milled ring with the figures 1 2 5 10 25 50
250 500 on it iFig. i01. These numbers signify froctions of o second; for instonce,
2 stonds for o rlz seco-nd,50 for 1/ro second, ond io on. Set the required speed.ogoinst
the block triongulor index mork on the neighbouring milled ring,(1/ro second in our
illustrotion). Th; "8" setting serves for time exposures with o tripod.
All the scoles of the Korot 36 con, incidentollY, be reod off from obove.
The Synchro-Compur shutter of the Korot is speed .synchronized, ond, corries o flosh
socket for conneciing o flosh coble, os well os o synchionizing lever with two po^sitions,
"X" ond "M" (see iliustrotion on poge 16). qllows the.use..of oll types of. flosh. qt
the fostest shutter speeds. How ii works'is described in detoil in ihe speciol section
on Speed Synchronizotion on poge 26.

qt ;l itr i:l

iir !l
:at !1


FtG. r0

ffi;, T; "W
;;:t:a !q! itE

Aperture Lever '*,lffi -;r",'

Focusing Lever 'ffiffi :.;-;,fffi
li li:; ;;l;i ;:i;;;

ru"11 "*

:1q ! ! ! ! :! :!!:!:::

! :ii !: ! !!:!a
! : :!!: ! : :!! ! :! !!
: ! t

Flosh Socket

Focusing Scole
Tosetthe operture, move the operture lever (Fig. l1). This moves o smoll poinier over the
operture scole corrying the following operture numbers, 2.8 4' 5.6 8 'll 16

APERTU RES. Before choosing the right operture we hove to go into o little more
detoil obout the woy it works. The roys -oming from the subieci firit meet the lens oper-
ture which ot o lorge opening lels thiough o i'ot, ond qt o smoll opening o litile, of'the
light folling,on it. The omount of light tionsmitted is, however, olwoys"only o froction
of thot reo-ching ihe lens.
The fig.ures on the operture scole os listed obove ore so orronged thot, beginning with
the full opening f 12.8, eoch succeeding number holves the effeitive light pdssed."
EXPOSU RE TIME. The omount of. light required to reproduce o given subiect on
the film is fixed. The exposure time ond operture ore therefore dependoit on eoch other.
In choosing the operture qnd shutter speed we hove to preserve this relotionship:

High ope.rture numbers coll for slow shutter speeds (long exposure times) ond low oper-
ture numbers need fost speeds (short times).
For instonce, your exposure toble moy indicote on-exposure of 1/,x second of operture 8.
lf, however you wont to use l/so second to ovoid comero shoke, the operture must let
more lig,ht through to the lens to compensote for the shortened'exposure time. There-
fore set it to the lower number 5.6.


DEPTH OF FIELD. In oddition to the exposure, the operiure olso determines the
zone of shorpness in front of, ond behind, the focused distonce. Smoll opertures
(stoppinq down) oppreciqbly increose this zone of shorpness, giving whot is colled
i;."i,i djpth of fie|il. The depth of field olso increoses the.forther oyoy the subiec-f is
f-rom. the cqmero. The operiure ond the distonce focused on ore therefore the two
foctors governing the defth of field. The resulting zones of shorpness for the vorious
settings ore given in the toble on poge 35.
Controry to the illustrofions on the inner poges of this instruction booklet the new model
of Koroi 36 hos, insteod of o depth of held ring, o depth of field indicotor os shown
in the figure below.
Two sets of operture numbers ore orronged symmetricolly. to -the left ond. right of the
focusing morli. The corresponding divisi5ns, [ointing to ihe focusing-scole, show. th.e
limits oT the zone of shorpness of ony settingj. ln oul illustrotion the focusing scole is
set to l0 feet.
By following the lines corresponding to the
lwo figures B, we thus see thot the depth of
field of operture 8 extends from 6 to qbout
20 feet, or ot operture ll from 5 to obout
30 feet.
For the soke of clority the indicotor hos
been colculoted for o circle of confusion of
1/soo inch (0.05 mm.). The figures given ore
therefore on the generous side, ond for more
occurote work thevolues of the Depih of Field
Toble (pog" 35) should be used.
To increose the reodiness for oction of the Korot under'good lighting conditions ond to
I you set ihe pointer of the operfure lever to the red dot between 8 ond 11, ond the
focusing- s^cqlg to the l0 feet or 30 feet mqrk
depth of field zones: - olso in red - you obtoin the following
Focus on 30feet: Everything shorp from l5feet to CC.
Focus on l0feet: Everything shorp from Z to 15feet.


The view ond rongefinder
is very eosy to use. Hold
the eye close to the eye-
piece, ond get hold of the
focusing lever with the
second ond third fingers
of the left hond (Fig. 12).


F rG. r3/r4

lf you pull this lever up or down, you will notice thot the imoge seen through the eye-
pi6ce is split horizontolly in the middle. As soon os the two holves ioin up, the comero is
focused otthe correct distonce os shown by Figs. 13 qnd 14. The distonce is olso shown in
the smoll cut-out on the lens ponel. You con, of course, equolly well focus in the reverse
order: estimofe the distonce, set the lens, ond check through the rongefinder whether the
setting is correct. With horizontol shots focus on verticol lines, with verticol shots on
horizontol lines of the subiect.

THE PARALLAX ERROR. The finder shows o reduced imoge of the subiect qs it will
oppegr on With close-ups, however, the view of the finder does noi correspond
exoctly with the film imoge, becouse the finder is situoted obove the comero lens. In
proctice this is only noticeoble with subiects between 3 ond 6 feets owoy. To compen-
sote for.the.error, goinJ the c-omero slig.htl.y up for horizontol shots, ond'turn it sligjhtly
in the direction of the finder for verticol pictuies.

Just before toking the picture.check the setting of the operture, shutter speed, ond
distonce. Pull out ihe ropid winding lever once more os for <is itwili go, or described on
poge 12. This odvonces the film counter to No. 1, tensions the shutter, ond of the some
time odvonces the film by one frome.
The rewind knob turns every time you odvonce the film, do not therefore hold it
while winding.


Fig.12 shows the best woy of holding the Korot 36. Grip the comero with both honds,
leovin-g the r.ight i.ndex._finger free to operote the releose button, while the finger tips of
the left hond hold the focusing lever for ony lost-minute focusing odiustmentithot'moy
be required.


Fig.'15 shows the mosi convenient position
of the honds for uprighf pictures. Moke sure
thot the left hond holds bock the lid of the
ever-reody cose to prevent itfrom obstructing
the lens. With both cqmero positions ii is up
to you whether you put the left or right
eye to the finder eyepiece; the importont
thing is to stond firmly, hold the comero
steo"dy, ond smoothly cind gently press the
releose button right home.



Pull bock the lotch, o1d pu,$ the.lens ponel bock into the body pressing evenly on the
left ond right hond edgei (Fig. t6).



This feoture is intended to oid your me-
mory ond to show whot type of film you
hove in the Korqt ot ony time. Moke it
o hobit, therefore, to set the film indicotor
immediotelv ofter loodinq the cqmero.
Turn ihe mitlea ring protiuding from the
edge of the body next to the rewind knob
(Fig.l7). The following signs will then op-
peor in turn in the little window:
I 40 100 160 ASA

film speeds. In oddition there ore olso the following morkings for the vorious types of
Agfocolor film:

F3' : Reversol colour, doylight type film ??' : Reversol colour film, or,tificiol light type

Col : Col
Negotive colour film, doylight type NT
Negotive colour film, ortificiol light type


When the film counter indicotes No.36, the film hos
been odvonced for _the lqst exposure: To unlood,
remove the comero from the ever-reody cose, oftei
unscrewing the screw of fhe bottom.
The film now requires rewindinq. To moke this
911sie_r..holf pull up the rewind knob to its first stop
(Fis. l8).

FtG. 18

Depress the rewind button in the bottom of the

comerq with the left thumb, ond keep it depressed
while turning the rewind knob clockwise until the
film is fully rewound (Fig.19).

G. l?

This is noticeqble by o slight resistonce ofter o little while os the film leqves the ioke-up
spool. Corefully continue rewinding, ond of the some time try wheiher you con turn the
rewind knob when you let go of the rewind button. Stop rewinding ot this point.
Remember thot your photo deoler still hos to develop the film, so do not let the beginning
of the film disoppeor oltogether in the cossette.

Now open the comero bock os described on pog_e 5, Fully pull out the rewind knob to
its second stop to remove the cossette (see Fig.3). Wrop it up in o light-tight pocking
stroight owoy, ond mork it oppropriotely os exposed. Before closing the comero bcrck,
make swre that the hinged flap over tbe sprocket wheel is t'olded down.


The different flosh lomps ovoiloble vory in the following chorocteristics:

l. Their flosh durotion,

2. Their light output,
3. The time token from the moment of firing until they light up.

The speed synchronized shutter ollows for these chorocteristics.

Where the synchronizqtion is preset, the flosh lights up ot the moment when the shutter
blodes fully.opqn. This synchronizotion, known ds X-synchronizqtion, worki, how-
ever, only with the slower shutter speeds, e.g. rlzs second.

In oddition to this setting, speed-synchronized shutters hove o second one, known os


While the X-synchronizotion is preset, M-synchronizotion deloys the opening of the
shutter blodes by severol milliseconds, ond thus qllows the use 6f flosh *itn tnl fostest
shutter. speeds. This technique uses powerful flosh bulbs which require o certoin firing
deloy before they reoch their peok brightness. When set to M, the shutter mokes the
necessory ollowonce for this deloy, ond ensures thot the full light of the flosh folls within
the period when the shutter is fully open even ot the fostest shutter speeds.


The previous remorks indicote thot,..ot o.nyrote !n^ ttts beg^inning, X-synchronizotion is

.oiidr to hqndle. With ; flosh bulb'like thd Speed-Midget ISM) yo.u. gonqtoke, synchroni-
zed flssh shots of 1/s; second. The short durotion of the flqsh wtthtn sllgntly longer
shutter timl will olso copture subjects with moderote movement, such os
children "*porrre
ot ploy.
push the flosh plug from the flosh gun over the flosh socket on the shutter. Set the little
iun.n-"iiino i"u& to X or M; the-shutter tokes core of the rest. The tqble on poge-29
si""r trltleloils of the required synchronizing settings ond possible shutter speeds
X ond M synchronizotion with mosi usuol types of flosh.


The exposure for o flosh shot depends on the distonce of.the.subjectsos well os on the
ry'p"";ifL;fr rt"a. n"i"r-to-ttie'aoto sheets enclosed with the flosh lomps for further

The Kqrot 36 is fitted with on occessory shoe to toke q flosh gun.

Flosh Dotq
Suitobte shutter speeds ond corresponding synchronizing settings with the Synchro-Compur shutter

Flosh bulbs
X-Synch ron izotion M-Synchron izotion
Clossl MokelType
"i osrom x-p xo-F r- F2 F1, F2
Generol Electric
G. E. C.
r l-r/60
Nof suitoble

Mozdo (B. T. H.)

SM 1-l lzr Not suitoble
I Westinghouse
Svlvonio SF
>z |
-'l ro
T lzr-r I too
, sl
li ps 4,25, 60
Generol Electric 1-r lza 1 lao-t ldoo
tvl G. E. C. No. 5, l l, 22
Mozdo (B. T. H.)
Press 25,
Sylvonio 40, 50, No. 0
lvonio No.2 l-1 lze 1/r o-1/r oo
ilips -PF3T[-
Phrlips rr tuu
Stello sF r00 'l-t/ro rlzt-llto
s Generol Electric No.50
Westing house
Sylvonio No.3
Exposure time
Electronic Flosh Units longer thon flosh
Deloy-free firing l-1/aoo Not suitoble
Reloy fired with 5 ms. 'l
deloy -1lr

Order No. 6750. Size l: Focusing
ronge 40 to 20 ins. (100-50 cm.).
Order No. 6751 Size ll' Focusing
rqnge 20 to 13 ins. (50-33 cm.).
Size I ond Size ll: Focusing
ronge 13 to l0 ins. (33-25 cm.).
ln photogrophing close-ups of smqll
subiects, Korot36 owners hqve hither-
to 'been limited by the neoresf
distonce of the focusing scole -
jt/r Feet (1 m.).

The opticol close-up focusing device AGFA KARAT P ROXIMETE R

now ideolly onswers the numerous requests for supplementor.y lenses for the Korot,
for it uses'the view- ond rongefinder in the normol wol, without porollox, down to
distonces qs close qs l0 inches (25 cm.).
This is ochieved bv fittinq q close-up lens in push-on mount over the comero lens, ond
o oiirr unit, conn6cted riith the cloie-up lensl in front of the fwo rongefinder windows.
The Korot36 thus remoins instontly reody for oction even of the closest subiect distonces.
One glonce through the finder sh6ws th6 exoct field of the subiect, ond ensures qccurote
focus os before.

The Korot 36 is equipped with the Agfo Anostigmot Solinor f 12.8 lens, hoving o
focol length of 2 inches (50 mm.). The lenses ore cooted to reduce reflections ot the
gloss surfoces to o minimum. The odvontoges of this treotment ore o certoin goin in
fhe effective speed of the lens, increosed brillionce, ond lost not_ leost, olmost complete
eliminotion of troubles coused by reflection from the lens surfoces (flore spots, scot-
tered light, etc.).

To cleon the outer lens surfoces use only o soft chqmois leother or o well-woshed linen
rog. Either must be obsolutely free from greose, soop residues, ond dust. Breothing
on the gloss to focilitote cleoning will not couse ony opprecioble horm. Never unscrew
the leni elements; if the interioishould ever need cleoning, get on expert to do it so
qs not to upset the fine correction of these high-operture lenses.

Remember thot o lens thot hos steomed up owing fo o sudden chonge of temperoture
will only cleor when the whole comero body hos reoched the new room temperoture.



To use deformed ond non-stondord cossettes is osking for trouble. With oll cossettes,
pirti.if"rf;;;fitiJ' ;;;;; r.[" rrr"-thot they qre ilot bent or domosed, ond 'thot
ihe film slides out eosily
during its movement
lf the film is too shori, the ropid winding lever. moy lock holf-woy.h_of?,"n.
*n"r oJvoncing ti'r; hi;-toi tne losi e"xposure. The some tol if you try to
tot" thon 36 on it' In such o cose
utilize the full t"ngth oi tfr" fiim to lui exposures.
never try ro forceYn" iiririt;;;; Bi'uo.[.-lnGod, rewind o short lenoth of the film
os described on pil"'iS, irrry'brriJrtit"''*i"ii"g i;;;;; ;"4 ih"n '."w'ind
the whole
film in the usuol woY.


Agfo filters help to ochieve occurote tone reproduction of the different colours'
r//e ,upply porollel. ground filters, evenly dyed- i1 the moss,. to sotisfy the most
strrngent ,"qr,r"r"ntsl fne/ ore ovoiloble'in the following depths:
Light yellow, medium yellow, yellow-green, ond oronge-red.
Colour filters noturolly require increosed exp.osures. These ore bestthe'film'
exp-r.essed UV Jlt"
filter foctors, which, however, forg"ly-J"p;;i-;; ihe sensitivity of Most film
'filters with their films'
monufocturers therefore enclot" toit"rt' ior the most usuol

Where no foctors ore quoted, the following doto will serve os o storting point for
ponchromotic moteriols.
Light yellow filter No. l: Foctor ].5-2x
Medium yellow filter No. 2: Foctor ,l.8 - 2.3 x
Yellow-gieen filter No. 71 : Foctor 2 x
Oronge-red filter No. 7: Foctor 4 x-2.5
Ask your.phgtg.deoler. for Agfo filters. in th-e. modern tronsporent screw lop coses, ond for the efficient
lens-hoods which con olso be used together wifh the filters.



Film Speed Scoles Compored


Exposure Index 2U 21o 22o 23o 240 25o 260 27o 28o 29o 300 3]0 3T 330 340 350 360 37',r


Exposure Index 8 l0 12 16 20 25 32 40 50 64 80 ]00 l2s 160 200 2s0 320 400
E uropeon
Schei n er 2y 30 310
230 240 250 260 270 280 3? 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 40
DIN o/ro ]0 il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Weston Nos. 6 8 rO 12 16 20 24 32 40 50 64 80 100 ]25 160 200 250 320

Gen. Electric 10 12 16 20 24 32 40 48 64 80 ]00 125 160 200 2s0 320 400 500

Europeon H & D I 300 r 700 2100 2700 3500 4400 s6c0 7200 91 00 I I 600

Relotive Exposure
requ ired 8.00 6.40 5.t3 4.00 3.20 2.56 2.00 ].60 1.28 1.00 0.80 0.64 0.50 0.40 0.32 0.25 0.20 0.16

Speed figures corresponding to the some film speed ore lisled underneoth eoch olher in the verticol columns.
The botlom row gives o comporison of ihe light required to expose films of difterent speeds. Thus o
25o BSI film needs twice os much light os one of 29o BSI (o difference of 30 BSI). In prociice this meons:
Either open up the operture by one slop, or use lhe
next slower shutter speed (double the exposure time)'

Depth of Field Toble For 50 mm. Agfo Solinor f /2.8 lens.
With the lens focused on
Aperture 3 f""r----T---3F f
f 12,8 2f 10sll'_3f 11la', 3t 4rl2' -3f7314't 3t10" - 4f 211+" 4tg3l4t, _513112/t 5t7rlzu _6f 5u
fl4 2f 10112" -3f 13ln' 313314" _3lg1lz', 31911o" - 4,l3rlo', 417r1r,, _.5 f 5,, 5f 5sl1'-617112,'
f 15,6 2f gsl4,'_3t2rlz,, 3t?'-3f 9tlz" 31gr1n',t - 4,f 4tlr't 416" - 5I71lz" 5f 3112u _6t1\u
f18 2f 9" -3t331q" 3t2u _3f 11t. 316t1nt'-4t6tln" 4t33l4u _5f l1rl4u 5f 112' -7 I43l4,t
f/l 1 2lg" _3t5111, 3lrlzu _4f 1114.. 3f 5u _ 4f 10t, 41l11o,, _gf tlr,' 4!9" _gf ltl2',
tt16 216t1r" -tf 8tlo" 2f 10rlz.'_4tSsl4u 312t1ru _5t4.' 3J93l4't _7 f 3rlzt. 4f lrlnt. _9ITlau

With lhe lens focused on

Aperfure l0feet I tsreet | 3Oteer I o(infiniry)
Everything will be shorp befween these limits:

f12,8 8112" -11 f 311t,' 12110" -18frlz" 22t 4314u _ 45I5rl4t. 87 t10" - o
rl4 8t7112" -11 t10314" 12f 1" -19 lgrla," 20f2112,'_5gf 3112,, 61 f 531q,,,-@
tt5,6 912,,-12t10sh" 11 f 2112" -22f 7s14" 17 119t1n,,_99t7,, 43f l'1,,- o
f/8 717" -14f 8rlz" 10f 1112/t _29 f _,. 5t2314,' -10191411." 30f0"- o
f/r I 5f 111|q" -17 f 10114,, 911 1n', _ 4417,' 12f lQlle,,- @ 22l4rle" - @
f lt6 6f ltl4" _27 t9114,' 7 1711r,, _ 431 f 6,,
10f2rla,,-6 1514112,'- 6

Circle of confusion : 0.03 mm.

This depth of field toble is colculoied for lhe highest stondord of neqotive definition (for biq enloroements).
Usuolly there.will lherefore be on opprecioble zone of occeptoSle definition ouiside ihe limTts giveh
in the toble obove.


657 ensl. - 0852 (EES)

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