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Generalitat de Catalunya

Departament d’Ensenyament
Institut Obert de Catalunya
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2201 CFGM Sistemes microinformàtics i xarxes

Mòdul 11 – Anglès tècnic
UF1 – Anglès tècnic
(Curs 2019–20 / 1r semestre)

Aquestes respostes només són exemples. Altres també poden ser correctes, sempre que s’adequïn a la
tasca i siguin gramaticalment correctes.

1. Read the text beloy and answer the following comprehension questions with complete sentences.
[Total marks: 20; 4 marks for each correct answer]

• Chapter 3.1 La comprensió escrita, in 'Material complementari' in the box ‘Resources’ of your course

Google's Android and Apple's iOS

Google's Android and Apple's iOS are operating systems used primarily in mobile technology, such as
smartphones and tablets. Android, which is Linux-based and partly open source, is more PC-like than iOS, in
that its interface and basic features are generally more customizable from top to bottom. However, iOS'
uniform design elements are sometimes seen as being more user-friendly.

You should choose your smartphone and tablet systems carefully, as switching from iOS to Android or vice
versa will require you to buy apps again in the Google Play or Apple App Store. Android is now the world’s
most commonly used smartphone platform and is used by many different phone manufacturers. iOS is only
used on Apple devices, such as the iPhone.

iOS and Android both use touch interfaces that have a lot in common - swiping, tapping and pinch-and-
zoom. Both operating systems boot to a homescreen, which is similar to a computer desktop. While an iOS
home screen only contains rows of app icons, Android allows the use of widgets, which display auto-
updating information such as weather and email. The iOS user interface features a dock where users can pin
their most frequently used applications.

Android gets apps from Google Play, which currently has 600,000 apps available, most of which will run on
tablets. However, some Android devices, such as the Kindle Fire, use separate app stores that have a
smaller selection of apps available. Many originally iOS-only apps are now available for Android, including
Instagram and Pinterest, and Google’s more open app-store means other exclusive apps are also available,
including Adobe Flash Player and BitTorrent. Android also offers access to Google-based apps, such as
Youtube and Google Docs.

The Apple app store currently offers 700,000 apps, 250,000 of which are available for the iPad. Most
developers prefer to develop games for iOS before they develop for Android. Since a recent update, the
Youtube app has become unavailable on iOS, but iOS still offers some exclusive apps, including the popular
game Infinity Blade and Twitter client Tweetbot.

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The bottomline when comparing Google and Apple's app stores is that most popular apps are available for
both platforms. But for tablets, there are more apps designed specifically for the iPad while Android tablet
apps are often scaled up versions of Android smartphone apps. Developers at startups often focus on one
platform (usually iOS) when they first launch their smartphone app because they do not have resources to
serve multiple platforms from the get go. For example, the popular Instagram app started with iOS and their
Android app came much later.

A status bar runs across the top on both iOS and Android, offering information such the time, WiFi or cell
signal, and battery life; on Android the status bar also shows the number of newly received emails,
messages and reminders.

Comprehension questions:

1. Which operating system is more similar to a PC? In what sense?

Android is more similar to a PC because its interface and basic features are generally more customizable
from top to bottom.
La resposta a la primera pregunta es troba al primer paràgraf: ‘Android..., is more PC-like than iOs...’.
Unim la resposta a la segona pregunta mitjançant el connector ‘because’. A continuació, podem copiar la
resposta del text.
2. Why is it not advisable to switch from iOs to Android?
Because they have different apps, so switching from one to another involves buying new apps.
Responem a la pregunta ‘why’ amb ‘because’. Adaptem la resposta a la pregunta. Aquest és només un
3. List two differences between Android and iOs user interface.
One of the differences is that iOS home screen only contains rows of app icons while Android allows the use
of widgets, which display auto-updating information such as weather and email. Another difference is the
iOs user interface, which features a dock where users can pin their most frequently used applications.

Podem copiar la resposta directament del text. Però hem d’adaptar-les a la pregunta. Per això hem utilitzat
una frase introductòria: ‘One of the differences is that...’. En la segona part, hem introduït la segona
diferència amb una altra frase: ‘Another difference is...’

4. How many apps are available on Google Play?

There are 600,000 apps available.
Adaptem l’estructura de la frase a la pregunta, utilitzem ‘there are’ (‘hi ha’). Fixem-nos que en anglès
s’utilitza la coma (,) enlloc d’un punt (.) per escriure les xifres.

5. Which system do game developers prefer?

Game developers prefer iOS.
2. Read the text 3. Office automation in your textbook and make a brief summary with the main ideas
that appear in the text. [Total marks: 20]

• Textbook: Unit 2. Section 3.4 Summarizing a text, in your written materials
• Chapter 3.8 'El resum de textos' in 'Material complementari' in the box ‘Resources’ of your course website.
Write your summary here:

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The term ‘office automotion’ refers to the software used for office information, such as word processors,
spreadsheets and databases.
The word processors are used to write texts, create documents and store them. One of the advantages of
word processors is that you can introduce changes, correct mistakes or move entire sections of a text within
the same document or to other documents. Apart from that, most word processors allow the user to perform
other tasks like choosing font colours or inserting tables.
Spreadsheets are used for calculations. Values are introduced in cells, where formulas can be included in
order to establish links with other cells. The most powerful spreadsheets allow you to generate charts and
graphs from the data.
With databases, the information is organized in fields, which allow to quickly select specific data. A type of
database is hypertext, which is very useful to organize a lot of different types of information.

• Per resumir un text hem d’extreure primer les idees principals i descartar les secundàries.
• Cal organitzar la informació en diferents paràgrafs. En aquest exemple, hi ha 4 paràgrafs, el primer
introductori, i cadascun dels següents correspon a cada tipus de software.
• Podem utilitzar paraules del text, però cal evitar copiar frases senceres. És millor escriure frases
• Per tal de fer el text més entenedor, és recomanable l’ús de connectors. Els connectors d’aquest
exemple estan marcats.
• En textos informatius, és freqüent l’ús de la veu passiva. Les frases en passiva estan marcades.

3. Mark Davidson bought a Samsung Galaxy J8 smartphone, but it was faulty. That is why
he decided to write a letter of complaint to the company. Unfortunately, there are 10
grammatical mistakes in the email. Correct them:
[Total marks: 20; 2 for each correct answer]

• Textbook: Unit 2, section 1. Non-verbal communication – Grammar:
◦ The past simple and the past continuous
◦ Prepositions of time (I)
◦ Expressing dates and clock times
• Textbook: Unit 2, section 2. System and application software – Grammar:
◦ Present perfect
◦ Prepositions of time (II)
◦ Structure of the passive sentence
• Textbook: Unit 2, section 3. Office automotion – Grammar: Modal verbs
• ‘Material complementari’, in the box ‘Resources’:
◦ Chapter 2.4 La veu passiva
◦ Chapter 2.6 Els verbs modals
◦ Chapter 2.8 Els temps verbals: passat

Subject: Faulty smartphone

Dear friend (1),

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I am writing because one week already (2) I ordered a Samsung Galaxy J8 smartphone from
your store. I was excited when it has arrived (3), but very disappointed to find that the product
were (4) faulty and not the one I ordered! I hope you will replace it immediately.

In relation to the order, I was purchasing (5) this mobile phone through your website called
‘Best Appliances’ in (6) October 17th using my PayPal account. The order number is 5465486
and I am attaching a copy of my receipt.

The issue with the phone was that the front camera had not worked (7) and the internal
memory was 128 GB, though I ordered a 256 GB phone. The description of the item on your
website clearly showed it was a 256 GB phone, so I am sure this is a mistake that were make
(8) on your side while dispatching the product.

In my view, you cannot (9) agree to replace the phone according to the specification of the
order. Otherwise, I would like a full refund and I will contac PayPal if I do not hear back from
you in regards to this within a week.

Thank you for giving the matter your attention and I hope to hear your reply soon.

Hugs (10),

Mark Davidson

Add the correct words here:

Subject: Faulty smartphone

Dear Ms Watson (1),

I am writing because one week ago (2) I ordered a Samsung Galaxy J8 smartphone from your
store. I was excited when it arrived (3), but very disappointed to find that the product was (4)
faulty and not the one I ordered! I hope you will replace it immediately.

In relation to the order, I purchased (5) this mobile phone through your website called ‘Best
Appliances’ on (6) October 17th using my PayPal account. The order number is 5465486 and I
am attaching a copy of my receipt.

The issue with the phone was that the front camera did not work (7) and the internal memory
was 128 GB, though I ordered a 256 GB phone. The description of the item on your website
clearly showed it was a 256 GB phone, so I am sure this is a mistake that was made (8) on
your side while dispatching the product.

In my view, you should/ought to/have to (9) agree to replace the phone according to the
specification of the order. Otherwise, I would like a full refund and I will contact PayPal if I do
not hear back from you in regards to this within a week.

Thank you for giving the matter your attention and I hope to hear your reply soon.

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Sincerely/Yours sincerely (10),

Mark Davidson

(1) En els emails formals, hem d’escriure: el títol ‘Mr.’ per Senyor I ‘Ms.’ per Senyora + [cognom de
la persona].
‘Mrs.’ s’utilitza per senyores casades I ‘Miss’ per senyores que no estan casades, però
normalment utilitzem la forma ‘Ms.’ que no distingeix entre els dos casos.
Recordeu que cal utilitzar el cognom de la persona, no el nom.
(2) ‘one week ago’=’fa una setmana’. Per el context, amb el verb amb passat simple (‘ordered’)
veiem que ‘already’ (=’ja’) no té sentit, hem d’utilitzar ‘ago’.
(3) La frase és en passat simple: ‘I was excited when...’, per tant hem de seguir parlant en passat
simple, no podem utilitzar el present perfect (‘has arrived’), ja que no té sentit.
(4) ‘the product’ és tercera persona del singular, per tant, hem d’utilitzar la forma ‘was’, en comptes
de ‘were’.
(5) El ‘past continuous’ (‘was purchasing’) s’utilitza per accions en progrés en el passat o accions
incompletes. Aquesta és una acció acabada, així doncs, utilitzem el ‘past simple’ (‘purchased’).
(6) La preposició ‘in’ s’utlitza davant dels mesos, anys i segles, però quan parlem d’una data
concreta, utilitzem la preposició ‘on’.
(7) Cal mantenir el mateix temps verbal de la frase, el ‘past simple’ (‘was’). El ‘past perfect’ (‘had
not worked’) descriu una acció anterior a una acció del passat. Fixeu-vos que utilitzem l’auxiliar
‘did not’ per construir la frase negativa.
(8) Aquesta forma: ‘were make’ no existeix en anglès. Aquesta frase està en forma passiva.
Consta del verb ‘to be’ + participi. El subjecte és ‘mistake’ (tercera persona singular), I la frase és
en passat. Per tant, utilitzem la forma ‘was’ + ‘made’ (participi del verb ‘make’ (irregular)).
(9) ‘Cannot’ no té sentit en el context. Podem utilitzar altres verbs modals, com ‘should’, ‘have to’ o
(10) En l’acomiadament en emails formals utilitzem expressions com: ‘Yours sincerely’, ‘Sincerely’,
‘Yours truly’, etc.

4. Read the email in exercise 3 again. Complete the sentences below giving your opinion
about the issue.
[Total marks: 20; 4 for each correct answer]

• Textbook: Unit 2. Section 3 Office automotion – Communication: Expressing opinions
• ‘Material complementari’, in the box ‘Resources’: Chapter 3.4 Opinions

Example: (0) I think that ... I would call ‘Best Appliances’.

Write your sentences here:

1. I believe that there was a mistake in the dispatching department.

2. In my opinion, they have to replace the phone.
3. I’m convinced they will compensate you.
4. I don’t think I would buy anything else from that company.
5. From my point of view, this kind of mistake should be avoided.

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