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The Journal ofofInfectious


Host and Pathogen Biomarkers for Severe Pseudomonas

aeruginosa Infections
Carlos Juan,1 Carmen Peña,2 and Antonio Oliver1
Servicio de Microbiología and Unidad de Investigación, Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Palma, Palma de Mallorca, and 2Servicio de Medicina Interna,
Hospital Virgen de los Lirios, Alcoy, Spain

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is among the leading causes of severe nosocomial infections, particularly affecting critically ill and immu-
nocompromised patients. Here we review the current knowledge on the factors underlying the outcome of P. aeruginosa nosocomial
infections, including aspects related to the pathogen, the host, and treatment. Intestinal colonization and previous use of antibiotics
are key risk factors for P. aeruginosa infections, whereas underlying disease, source of infection, and severity of acute presentation are

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key host factors modulating outcome; delayed adequate antimicrobial therapy is also independently associated with increased mor-
tality. Among pathogen-related factors influencing the outcome of P. aeruginosa infections, antibiotic resistance, and particularly
multidrug-resistant profiles, is certainly of paramount relevance, given its obvious effect on the chances of appropriate empirical
therapy. However, the direct impact of antibiotic resistance in the severity and outcomes of P. aeruginosa infections is not yet
well established. The interplay between antibiotic resistance, virulence, and the concerning international high-risk clones (such as
ST111, ST175, and ST235) still needs to be further analyzed. On the other hand, differential presence or expression of virulence
factors has been shown to significantly impact disease severity and mortality. The likely more deeply studied P. aeruginosa virulence
determinant is the type III secretion system (T3SS); the production of T3SS cytotoxins, and particularly ExoU, has been well estab-
lished to determine a worse outcome both in respiratory and bloodstream infections. Other relevant pathogen-related biomarkers of
severe infections include the involvement of specific clones or O-antigen serotypes, the presence of certain horizontally acquired
genomic islands, or the expression of other virulence traits, such as the elastase. Finally, recent data suggest that host genetic factors
may also modulate the severity of P. aeruginosa infections.
Keywords. Pseudomonas aeruginosa; virulence; biomarkers; antibiotic resistance; high-risk clones; nosocomial infections.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a ubiquitous microorganism, is one The versatility and adaptability conferred by the large pro-
of the most relevant pathogens causing human opportunistic portion (>8%) of regulatory genes encoded in its large genome
infections [1]. P. aeruginosa is a leading cause of severe nosoco- (>6 mega base pairs), its remarkable repertoire of virulence de-
mial infections, particularly in critically ill and immunocom- terminants, and its outstanding capacity to evade the activity of
promised patients [2, 3], and is difficult to treat because of antimicrobial treatments makes P. aeruginosa one of the most
its limited susceptibility to antimicrobial agents [4] and the feared bacterial pathogens [1, 7].
frequent emergence of antibiotic resistance during therapy [5]. In addition to the pathogen, the outcome of the infections is
Indeed, P. aeruginosa is the top pathogen causing ventilator- modulated by factors related to the treatment and the host. It
associated pneumonia and burn wound infections and is has been well documented that decreased antibiotic effectiveness
a major cause of nosocomial bacteremia, with a very high or delayed initiation of therapy may contribute to adverse results
(>30%) associated mortality rate [2, 3, 6]. Community-acquired [8]. Likewise, the severity of the underlying disease may be syner-
P. aeruginosa infections in immunocompetent patients are gistic with infection due to resistant organisms. Severity of acute
overall less prevalent, although the pathogen is a frequent illness presentation is associated with a higher mortality [2] and
cause of otitis externa (swimmer’s ear) and hot tub folliculitis. might be determined not only by P. aeruginosa virulence, but
Likewise, P. aeruginosa is the most frequent and severe driver of also by the interaction between the bacteria and innate immunity
chronic respiratory infections in patients with cystic fibrosis or host response, as well as by the complex combinations of genetic
other chronic underlying diseases, such as bronchiectasis and polymorphisms modulating human susceptibility to infections.
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [1]. Therefore, here we review the current knowledge on the potential
factors underlying the outcome of P. aeruginosa infections, includ-
ing the aspects related to the pathogen, the host, and treatment.
Correspondence: A. Oliver, Servicio de Microbiología, Hospital Son Espases, Ctra. Valldemossa
79, 07010 Palma de Mallorca, Spain (
The of Infectious Diseases®® 2017;215(S1):S44–51
Infectious Diseases
Journal of
© The Author 2016.7 Published by Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases Society
of America. All rights reserved. For permissions, e-mail
P. aeruginosa is genetically equipped with outstanding intrinsic
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiw299 antibiotic resistance machinery [7, 9, 10]. The production of an

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inducible AmpC cephalosporinase, the constitutive (MexAB- depending on the hospital and geographic area [22]. These con-
OprM) or inducible (MexXY) expression of efflux pumps, cerning resistance elements are strongly linked to the interna-
and the reduced permeability of its outer membrane are likely tional high-risk clones, particularly ST235 [23].
the mechanisms having a greater impact on the basal lower sus- Regardless of the involved mechanisms, the prevalence of
ceptibility of P. aeruginosa to antibiotics, compared with other MDR/XDR P. aeruginosa is certainly on the rise worldwide. Al-
gram-negative pathogens. though important geographical differences exist, and consensus
In addition to its remarkable intrinsic resistance, P. aeruginosa definitions (resistance to at least three of eight defined antibiotic
shows an extraordinary capacity for further developing resistance classes) have not been reached until very recently [19], the prev-
to all available antibiotics through the selection of mutations in alence of MDR P. aeruginosa has increased in the past decade
chromosomal genes. The main mechanisms for developing resis- and currently ranges from 15% to 30% in many areas [24–26].
tance to the antipseudomonal penicillins, cephalosporins, and Moreover, an important proportion of MDR strains meet the
monobactams, occurring in >20% of P. aeruginosa clinical iso- criteria of XDR (resistance to all but 1 or 2 of the 8 classes), lim-
lates, is the selection of mutations in peptidoglycan-recycling iting further our therapeutic arsenal. For instance, a recent large

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genes (ampD, dacB, and ampR) leading to the constitutive over- multicenter study of P. aeruginosa bloodstream infections per-
expression of AmpC [11–13]. Moreover, specific mutations formed in Spain revealed that 28% of the isolates were MDR and
in ampC have been recently shown to increase the resistance that, of these, 52% (15% of all isolates) met the XDR criteria,
of P. aeruginosa to antipseudomonal cephalosporins [14]. with most being only susceptible to polymyxins, amikacin,
Likewise, mutational inactivation of the porin OprD confers re- and/or the new β-lactam–β-lactamase inhibitor combinations
sistance to imipenem and reduced susceptibility to meropenem ceftolozane-tazobactam and ceftazidime-avibactam (unpub-
[15]. In fact, the prevalence of imipenem-resistant isolates fre- lished data).
quently exceeds 20%, and nearly all of them are OprD deficient
[11]. The mutational overexpression of one of at least 4 of the THE VERSATILE VIRULENCE REPERTOIRE OF
P. aeruginosa efflux pumps also plays a major role in acquired
resistance [11, 16, 17]. Even as an opportunistic pathogen of environmental origin,
In addition to efflux pump overexpression, fluoroquinolone P. aeruginosa has a notable number of virulence determinants
resistance in P. aeruginosa frequently results from target muta- and genes required for establishing infections, which are encod-
tions in topoisomerases, including DNA gyrase (GyrA/GyrB) ed in the core of its large genome and therefore shared by most
and type IV topoisomerases (ParC/ParE) [18]. Overall, fluoro- of the strains, independently of whether they are isolated from
quinolone resistance rates vary geographically but range from the environment or from infected plants or humans. Neverthe-
30% to 40% in many countries. On the other hand, the preva- less, particular P. aeruginosa strains may contain additional ge-
lence of polymyxin ( polymyxin B and colistin) resistance is still nomic islands, acquired by horizontal gene transfer and
very low (<5%) but has been increasing in the past years owing representing 10% or even more of the genome [27], which
to the frequent use of these last-resource antibiotics for the may include pathogenicity islands that further increase their
treatment of multidrug-resistant (MDR) and extensively virulence potential, such as PAPI-1 and PAPI-2 described in
drug-resistant (XDR) strains [19]. Polymyxin resistance most the hypervirulent strain PA14 [28, 29]. Moreover, up to 12
frequently results from the modification of the lipopolysaccha- P. aeruginosa genomic islands (PAGIs) have been described
ride (LPS), caused by the addition of a 4-amino-4-deoxy-L- so far, and many of them have been demonstrated to play a
arabinose moiety in the lipid A structure [20]. The underlying major role in virulence [30–32]. The expression of P. aeruginosa
mutations are frequently tracked to the PmrAB or PhoPQ 2- virulence determinants is tightly controlled by multiple cell-to-
component regulators, which lead to the activation of the cell communication signaling systems [33], as well as by
arnBCADTEF operon [20]. More-recent studies revealed that multiple 2-component response regulators that frequently
mutations in the ParRS 2-component regulator, in addition interconnect antibiotic resistance and virulence [34]. Supple-
to conferring colistin resistance due to the activation of the mentary Table 1 shows a summary of P. aeruginosa genes
arnBCADTEF operon, lead to a MDR profile caused by the involved in virulence, as well as the type of existing evidence
overexpression of MexXY and the repression of OprD [21]. (in vitro, animal model, or epidemiological).
In addition to frequent mutation-driven resistance, the P. aeruginosa is able to secret a large number of exoproducts
increasing prevalence of horizontally acquired resistance in that interact with specific host targets. Up to 6 types of secretion
P. aeruginosa is a growing threat. Indeed, the prevalence of systems, designated type I (T1SS) to type VI (T6SS), have been
the most concerning acquired β-lactamases, particularly class identified [35]. Among them, the T3SS is of paramount rele-
B carbapenemases (metallo-β-lactamases), including VIM, vance for P. aeruginosa virulence. There are 4 known T3SS ef-
IMP. and NDM enzymes, is increasing worldwide although fector cytotoxins: ExoT, ExoY, ExoS, and ExoU. While exoT and
with uneven distribution, ranging from <1% to close to 50%, exoY are detected in the vast majority of strains, exoS and exoU

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are nearly mutually exclusive. The presence of exoS is found in appeared to show certain similarities to those typically resulting
58%–72% of the isolates and is typically associated with an in- from adaptation to chronic infections [47].
vasive phenotype, such as that seen in PAO1 or PAK. On the
other hand, exoU is less frequent (in 28%–42% of isolates) RISK FACTORS AND HOST MARKERS FOR SEVERE
but associated with a highly cytotoxic phenotype, such as that
seen in PA14 or PA103 strains [36]. Although colonization usually precedes P. aeruginosa infec-
tions, the exact source and mode of transmission are often
INTERNATIONAL HIGH-RISK P. AERUGINOSA unclear because of its ubiquitous presence in the hospital envi-
ronment. As an endogenous source of endemic or epidemic
The global success of bacterial pathogens is expected to be de- infection with gram-negative bacilli, the intestinal reservoir is
termined by a complex interplay between pathogenicity, epide- central to the epidemiology of P. aeruginosa because prior rectal
micity, and antibiotic resistance [37]. The fitness cost of colonization is typically present in most patients developing in-
antibiotic resistance mechanisms [38], the existence of regulato- fections. In a recent prospective study, we assessed the temporal

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ry networks interconnecting resistance and virulence [34, 39], changes and the dynamic characteristics of intestinal coloniza-
and natural genetic engineering linking antibiotic resistance de- tion by non-MDR, MDR, and XDR P. aeruginosa [48]. Intesti-
terminants and clonal success through genetic capitalism [40] nal colonization occurred earlier for non-MDR P. aeruginosa
are thought to be the main elements of this intricate equation (Supplementary Figure 1), but the use of fluoroquinolones
[41]. For decades, multiple reports have warned of the occur- and carbapenems (including antipseudomonal carbapenems
rence of epidemic outbreaks caused by MDR/XDR strains with- but also ertapenem) promoted digestive tract colonization
in the hospital environment. More recently, concerning reports with MDR/XDR strains [48]. In the same prospective study,
have provided evidence of the existence of MDR/XDR global by means of serial active surveillance and genotypic studies,
clones disseminated in several hospitals worldwide that have we demonstrated that the risk of developing P. aeruginosa clin-
been denominated high-risk clones [23, 42]. ical infection among colonized patients is 15 times the risk
Typically, molecular epidemiology surveys of P. aeruginosa among noncolonized patients (Supplementary Figure 2), and
isolates recovered from nosocomial infections, as well as sur- genotyping revealed a high concordance between surveillance
veys of environmental isolates and those from patients with and clinical samples [49]. Thus, the study demonstrated that in-
cystic fibrosis, reveal a remarkable clonal diversity, with most testinal colonization is a key requirement for the development
isolates represented by single genotypes. However, further of P. aeruginosa infections.
analyses show that this is the case for antibiotic-susceptible In addition to pathogen-related factors (see below), poor out-
strains but not for MDR and, particularly, XDR strains. For ex- comes of P. aeruginosa infections have been associated with fac-
ample, a recent multicenter study of P. aeruginosa bloodstream tors related to host, such as the presence of underlying disease
infections performed in Spain revealed that nearly all of each [50, 51], the source of infection [2, 3, 52], and/or the severity of
susceptible isolate were represented by single genotypes, acute presentation [2, 3, 51, 52]. Table 1 summarizes the risk fac-
while clonal diversity was much lower among MDR and, spe- tors associated with mortality of P. aeruginosa bloodstream in-
cially, XDR strains [7, 8]. In fact, 73 of 81 XDR isolates (90%) fections as documented in a recent large multicenter prospective
belonged to just 3 clones, corresponding to the 3 major inter- study [53].
national MDR/XDR high-risk clones: ST111, ST175, and Regarding antibiotic treatment, several studies demonstrated
ST235 [24]. that inappropriate initial antimicrobial therapy [3, 52] was inde-
The interplay between virulence and antibiotic resistance is pendently associated with increased mortality. Thus, the presence
also a major point to consider: antibiotic resistance mechanisms of resistant strains reduces treatment options and enhances the
may (1) determine a biological cost compromising bacterial vir- risk of inadequate empirical therapy. Several authors recommend-
ulence, (2) have a positive or negative direct effect on virulence, ed empirical combination therapy in patients with known or sus-
and (3) be statistically associated to certain virulence traits [43– pected P. aeruginosa infection as a means of decreasing the
46]. One such example is the hypervirulent exoU+ T3SS geno- likelihood of administering inadequate empirical antimicrobial
type, which is linked to specific clonal lineages, such as the therapy; however, the limited number of drugs available increases
MDR high-risk clone ST235. Moreover, a recent study showed the complexity of management. Moreover, a recent prospective
that the 3 major high-risk clones are associated with a defined study [54] with P. aeruginosa bloodstream infections was unable
set of biological markers that, surprisingly, included defective to demonstrate a significant association between adequate combi-
motility and pigment production, as well as reduced in vitro fit- nation antibiotic therapy and survival (Supplementary Figure 3),
ness [47]. On the other hand, high-risk clones showed increased even in a subgroup of patients with septic shock.
biofilm formation and spontaneous mutant frequencies. The severity of acute illness presentation is known to be as-
Thus, the biological markers of P. aeruginosa high-risk clones sociated with a higher mortality rate [2], and it is possible that

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Table 1. Crude Analysis of Variables Impacting Mortality in sepsis is dominated by a hyperinflammatory state mediated by
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Bloodstream Infections a systemic production of cytokines (interleukin 1, interleukin 6,
and tumor necrosis factor α), which are required for adequate
Covariate Survived Died HR (95% CI) P Value
host defense against infection. Occurring almost simultane-
Subjects 449 (71) 183 (29) . . .
ously, the production of antiinflammatory cytokines (eg, inter-
Carbapenem 94 (21) 51 (28) 1.3 (.9–1.8) .11
resistance leukin 10) reduces local and systemic toxicity and serves to
Age, y, median 65.5 (54.5–76.5) 71.5 (60.5–79.5) 1.1 (1.0–1.0) .002 balance the inflammatory state. However, an excessive inflam-
Male sex 311 (69) 122 (67) 1.1 (.8–1.5) .60
matory response may progress to sepsis and, ultimately, to
Nosocomial/ 424 (94) 175 (96) 1.1 (.5–2.2) .80 multiple organ dysfunction syndrome; on the other hand, an
healthcare excessive antiinflammatory response may hamper the resolu-
Charlson index, 2 (1–4) 3 (2–5) 1.1 (1.1–1.2) <.001 tion of the infection [55]. Several researchers have shown that
median (IQR) the levels of both proinflammatory and antiinflammatory
High-risk 207 (46) 134 (73) 2.7 (2.0–3.8) <.001
cytokines may be correlated with illness severity and that

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Origin of bacteremia unbalanced inflammatory response is a strong predictor of
Urinary tract 142 (32) 28 (15) 0.4 (.3–.7) <.001 mortality [56].
Vascular 100 (22) 21 (11) 0.5 (.3–.8) .002 In the case of P. aeruginosa infection, much influence on dis-
Unknown 99 (22) 71 (39) 2.0 (1.5–2.7) <.001
ease outcome has been mainly attributed to different bacterial
Respiratory 34 (7.5) 39 (21) 2.5 (1.8–3.6) <.001 phenotypes. However, host genotype is an important determi-
tract nant factor in human host susceptibility to major diseases, in-
Abdominal/ 54 (12) 10 (5.5) 0.5 (.2–.9) .02
biliar cluding infection [57]. There is increasing evidence that some
Soft tissue 11 (2.5) 9 (5.5) 1.6 (.8–3.1) .17 interpopulation and interindividual differences in the attack
Others 9 (2) 5 (3) 1.3 (.5–3.1) .60 rate and prognosis of specific infectious organisms are due to
Clinical presentation inherited genetic variants and, for the most part, to multicom-
Pitt score ≥ 2 139 (30) 132 (72) 4.5 (3.3–6.3) <.001
plex genetic traits ( polygenetic traits) [57, 58]. An efficient ex-
Shock/MODS 68 (15) 92 (50) 4.2 (3.1–5.6) <.001
initial perimental method to dissect complex genetic traits still needs
Shock/MODS 38 (9) 97 (56) 7.7 (5.7–10.4) <.001 to be established, but recently, a new community resource—
at 48 h
Collaborative Cross mice—has been implemented as a common
Adequate 290 (70) 106 (64) 0.8 (.6–1.1) .19
empirical platform for mammalian complex genetic traits. This innovative
model system can potentially reproduce the variable responses
Adequate 241 (57) 97 (67) 1.5 (1.1–2.1) .02
treatment in of disease severity observed in humans during a specific infec-
first 24 h
tion and has demonstrated that host genetic factors determine a
Additional therapy 166 (37) 33 (18) 0.4 (.3–.6) <.001
differential response to P. aeruginosa airway infection [59].
Data are no. or no. (%) of patients, unless otherwise indicated, and are from [53].
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; HR, hazard ratio; IQR, interquartile; MODS, multiorgan PATHOGEN PHENOTYPIC AND GENETIC MARKERS
dysfunction syndrome.

Among pathogen-related factors influencing the outcome of

P. aeruginosa infections, antibiotic resistance, and particularly
the different presentation is determined not only by the MDR/XDR profiles, is certainly of paramount relevance. In-
P. aeruginosa virulence factors produced, but also by the inter- deed, delayed adequate antimicrobial treatment is one of the
action between the bacteria and host’s innate immune response, main risk factors for mortality during acute P. aeruginosa nos-
as well as by the complex combinations and variations of host ocomial infections, and resistance to first line antibiotics, such
genes. as carbapenems, as well as MDR/XDR profiles, obviously in-
Innate immune cells recognize microorganisms through crease the chances for it to occur. Likewise, second-line antimi-
sensing of common microbial structures known as pathogen- crobial agents, such as colistin, might not be as effective or safe
associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). Receptors on the sur- as the first-line treatments. Thus, it is perhaps not surprising
face and in the cytoplasm of immune and nonimmune cells, that carbapenem resistance and MDR/XDR profiles are well-
known as pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) and nucleo- documented risk factors for mortality in P. aeruginosa (blood-
tide-binding oligomerization domain-like (NOD-like) recep- stream) infections [2, 3, 51, 53, 60]. However, the real impact
tors, recognize and attach to PAMPs. Activation of NOD-like of antibiotic resistance in the severity and outcomes of
receptors through PAMPs leads to the formation of a multipro- P. aeruginosa infections, besides the effect on appropriate ther-
tein complex called the inflammasome, which contributes to the apy chances, is not so well established. It is known that antimi-
production of proinflammatory cytokines. The early phase of crobial resistance may frequently determine a fitness cost, thus

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reducing virulence and consequently disease severity [61]. resistance and underlying disease: the risk fell steadily as the
However, this effect may vary significantly from one resistance number of comorbidities rose [53]. Indeed, a large number of
mechanism to another, and it may depend as well on the spe- deaths occurred within the first 24–72 hours after the diagnosis
cific genetic context of the involved strains. Although it is the of P. aeruginosa infection and were mainly caused by non-MDR
exception rather the rule, some resistance mechanisms, such P. aeruginosa [24, 53, 54].
as the inactivation of the carbapenem porin OprD, have been In addition to antimicrobial resistance, bacterial virulence is
found to enhance in vivo fitness and pathogenesis [46]. certainly a major driver of disease severity and outcome. As
Likewise, MDR/XDR international high-risk clones have been commented above, there are a large number of P. aeruginosa in-
found to show a reduced in vitro fitness and to be defective trinsic virulence factors that are fully required for establishing
in some virulence determinants, such as bacterial motility or infections. Moreover, the differential presence or expression of
pigment production [47]. Moreover, recent in vivo data using some of these virulence factors may determine major interstrain
a mouse sepsis model support these finding [62]. There are variability in virulence and, thus, potentially have a major im-
also some clinical data supporting potentially reduced pathoge- pact on disease severity and mortality. Among P. aeruginosa vir-

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nicity in resistant strains. The analysis of the mortality dynam- ulence determinants, the T3SS is likely the one more deeply
ics in a large cohort of P. aeruginosa bloodstream infections studied. A number of previous studies have evaluated the im-
revealed that, while carbapenem resistance (Supplementary pact of T3SS in the outcome of P. aeruginosa respiratory or
Figure 4) and MDR profiles (Figure 1) were associated with bloodstream infection [63–67]. Most of them have evaluated
late (30-day) mortality, the excess of mortality explained by an- whether the involved strains secreted (as evidenced by immuno-
timicrobial resistance was not evident during the first 2 days blotting) T3SS cytotoxins in vitro and concluded that strains
after onset of bacteremia, and an adjusted analysis with Cox re- that produced at least one of them, designated “secretors,”
gression showed a significant interaction between antimicrobial were associated with a worse outcome. Additionally, recent

Figure 1. Probability estimate for 30-day mortality of Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteremia according to resistance phenotype. MDR, multidrug resistant. Reproduced with
permission from Peña et al [24].

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data showed that the exoU+ genotype was associated with high- is apparently not a consequence of the presence of specific
er probability of developing pneumonia in patients with cul- clones. Overall, the exoU+ genotype was detected in 21% of sus-
tures of respiratory specimens positive for P. aeruginosa [63]. ceptible isolates but up to 34% of moderately resistant isolates.
In recently published work, we asked whether the T3SS geno- Regarding individual antibiotics among moderately resistant
type could be used as prognostic marker [24]. For this purpose, isolates, the prevalence of the exoU+ genotype was highest
we analyzed a large multicenter prospective cohort of individu- among carbapenem-resistant isolates (48% for imipenem), fol-
als with P. aeruginosa bacteremia. Multivariate analysis showed lowed by fluoroquinolone-resistant isolates (32% for ciprofloxa-
for the first time that the exoU+ genotype is independently as- cin) and cephalosporin-resistant isolates (31% for ceftazidime);
sociated with an increased risk of early (within first 5 days) mor- in contrast, the exoU+ genotype was particularly infrequent
tality due to P. aeruginosa bloodstream infections (Figure 2). In among aminoglycoside-resistant isolates (6% for gentamicin).
contrast, late mortality was not influenced by T3SS genotype Thus, our results supported and expanded recent findings sug-
but was significantly higher among patients infected by MDR gesting an association between the T3SS and fluoroquinolone
strains (Figure 1). resistance [63, 68–70], which is a major step forward for under-

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We also investigated the potential association between T3SS standing the interplay between resistance and virulence.
genotypes and resistance profiles [24]. Interestingly, we found On the other hand, the negative association between the
that the exoU+ genotype was significantly more frequent exoU+ genotype and XDR phenotypes was determined by the
among non-MDR strains. However, a closer analysis revealed widespread international high-risk clones ST175 and ST111
that the exoU+ genotype was positively linked to the moderately [47, 71, 72], which were all exoU−/exoS+. It should be noted,
resistant phenotype and negatively linked to the XDR pheno- however, that there is a third international high-risk clone,
type. Since clonal diversity was extremely high among the mod- the exoU+/exoS− ST235, that, although very infrequent in
erately resistant phenotype isolates, the excess of exoU+ strains our series, has caused numerous outbreaks worldwide and is

Figure 2. Probability estimate for 5-day mortality of Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteremia, according to type III secretion system exoU genotype. Reproduced with permission
from Peña et al [24].

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