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Welcome to Frontier Hobby Supplies Ltd, your number one source for all things for Wargaming

Bases & Hobby supplies. We are dedicated to giving you the very best of with a focus on Bespoke
handmade bases, Resin bases, Kit Bashing, basing & terrain features & high-quality diorama products
from around the world.

Founded in 2020 by Matthew Harz-Biggs & Chris Kilpatrick, Frontier hobby supplies ltd is striving to
become supplier of Quality products & Quality service and a one stop shop for you to get products
from around the world at great prices. When Chris & Matt decided to start Frontier Hobby Supplies
they felt they could offer the Wargamer, Collector or Diorama maker, something that new in what
looks like a saturated market. We are will be looking to bring in other professionals to offer you not
just product but to options to have your figures painted, diorama’s commissioned, high quality
bespoke made basins & painted resin basis not just the normal fair.
We are not aiming to be the cheapest supplier but the provider of the best quality products from
around the world, and are thrilled that we're able to turn our passion into our own website.

Matt has been an Wargamer for as long as he can remember.

Starting with Airfix WW2 and Napoleonic’s 1/72 figures when he was 5 or 6 then moving on to
building and painting terrain for them to fight over in the 1980’s and later moving onto 15mm metal
miniatures. Being a child of the cold war and his father being in the military his first wargaming
obsession that of modern warfare started and his love of all things Soviet with a collection of 6mm
70’s and 80’s models one a 1 to 1 around Corp level numbers.

Matt is now an eclectic gamer but in the 80’s & 90’s he played and collected mostly historical figures
and wargames playing many, many rules sets but also played a lot of GW box games such as Blood
Bowl V1 and Dark Future to name a few and a lot of AD&D.

Not really playing anything that wasn’t historical and had gun powder weapon’s involved until recent
times he expanded his horizons again in the last 5 years with the likes of the excellent Burrows and
Badger rules and dark age and medieval rule sets. His favourite period is feudal Japan and plays Test
of Honour weekly.
Running Frontier Hobby Supplies Ltd is a dream come true as he can fulfil his love of all things bases
that finishes the story of the model that can be missing when you just paint miniatures and pop
them onto a standard looking base. He follows the motto faces and bases.

We hope you enjoy our products as much as we enjoy offering them to you. If you have any
questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us

Chris & Matt

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