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The Examination Rules


——Excerpted from “The Regulation on the Management of Undergraduate Course Assessment (Revision)”



The examinee shall voluntarily obey the administration of the examiners

and shall not for any reason interfere with the performance of their duties

and shall not disturb the order of the examination room.






Examinees should present their student ID or student card to take the test
at the specified time and place. Those who do not have the required

documents may, prior to the examination, have a temporary identity

certificate issued by College of International Education (signed by the

counselor and stamped with the official seal of the College on the photo)

and take the examination with the temporary identity certificate.

Examinees should take the initiative to cooperate with the examiners in

the identification verification and personal belongings inspection.







Examinees are allowed to bring only necessary test supplies, such as blue

(black) ink pens, ballpoint pens, signature pens, pencils and erasers,

drawing instruments, and calculators without storage, programming, or

query functions. For closed-book examinations, no books, manuscript

paper, materials, mobile phones, correction fluid, correction tape and

other non-exam-related items shall be brought into the examination room.

In case of an open book examination, no books, materials or mobile

phones other than those prescribed by the teacher or the examiner may be

brought into the examination room. If any of these things are brought in,

they shall be placed at the lectern or designated positions before the test
as required by the examiners.

(四)考生应在开考前 10 分钟进入考场,按照监考员的安排入


Examinees should enter the examination room 10 minutes before the start

of the test, sit according to the examiners’ arrangement, place their

credentials in the top left corner of the desktop for verification.

Examinees are not allowed to change seats without permission.


定的空白区域答题,在规定区域以外或者草稿纸上作答的一律无效 ,


After the examinee receives the examination paper, he/she shall fill in

his/her name, student number and other information accurately and

clearly in the designated position of the examination paper before the

examiners verify the certificate. Examinees shall answer questions in the

blank areas specified on the examination papers. All answers given

outside the prescribed areas or on the scratch paper shall be null and void.

The back of the examination paper can be used for calculation, the test

paper and draft paper are not open.The examinees shall not separate test

paper from scratch paper.

(六)开考 15 分钟后,迟到的考生不准进入考场参加考试(按

旷考处理);开考 30 分钟后方可交卷离开考场。

15 minutes after the test, late candidates are not allowed to enter the

examination room to take the test (this will be regarded as the absence of
the exam). Examinees can hand in their paper and leave the examination

room after 30 minutes from the start of the examination.




During the examination, no special circumstances, examinees in principle

must not leave the examination room, otherwise they have to hand in

their examination paper before they leave. Examinees are not allowed to

re-enter the examination room after they have handed in their papers.
They are also not allowed to stay around the examination room or talk

with each other.






The examinees must keep quiet in the examination room. These acts are

forbidden during the examination, including: smoking, shouting,

whispering, glancing left and right, gesturing, doing sign and

entrainment, passing notes, peeping, copying or deliberately letting others

copy, passing the test papers, swapping the test papers, passing the

stationery and supplies, bringing the examination paper and scratch paper

out of the examination room, taking the test for someone else or having

someone else take the test for the examinee.




As soon as the end of the test is over, candidates should stop answering

questions and stop writing, and put the papers on the table after finishing,

by the invigilator to collect one by one, check without error before

leaving the examination room one by one.



Examinees who do not abide by the Examination Rules, do not obey the

supervision of examiners and other exam staff, have violation of

discipline, cheating and other behaviors, shall be dealt with in accordance

with our school's "student violation handling measures".

Disciplinary Measures for Students of China University of
Petroleum (Beijing) (Revised) excerpt
第四十二条 违反考试纪律者,依照下列规定给予处分:
Article 42 Anyone who violates the discipline of examination shall be
punished according to the following provisions:
(1) Any of the following ACTS in the examination room shall be regarded as
an violation of examination disciplines:
1. 无故迟到 10 分钟以上进入考场;
1. Arrive at the examination room at least 10 minutes late for no
2. Carrying things other than those prescribed into the examination
room or failing to put them in the designated place, and failing to follow
the advice of the examiners;
3. Failing to take the examination at the prescribed seat and not
obeying to transfer as required by the examiners;
4. Answering questions before the start of the examination or
continuing to answer questions after the end of the examination;
5. Peeping, whispering, or exchanging code signals or gestures during
the examination;
6. Making noise, smoking or carrying out other behaviors that may
affect the order of the examination room within the forbidden scope of the
examination room or educational examination institution;
7. Entering or leaving the examination room without the consent of the
8. Taking the examination papers, answer sheets, scratch papers and
other examination papers out of the examination room without the consent of
the examiner;
9. Writing the name, examination number or marking information on the
answer sheet in writing with a pen or paper other than the one prescribed
in the examination paper or in a place other than the one prescribed in the
examination paper;
10. Failing to put the examination document on the desk and refusing to
show it when asked by the examiner;
11. Staying in the examination room or looking through others' papers
after handing in the examination papers, and not listening to the
examiner's dissuasion;
12. Other violations of the examination rules that have not yet
constituted cheating.
(2) cheating in an examination is one of the following ACTS:
1. Taking the examination with written materials related to the test
content or electronic devices that store materials related to the test
content in violation of the provisions;
2. Plagiarizing or assisting others to plagiarize exam answers or
materials related to the content of the exam;
3. Using communication equipment during the examination;
4. Deliberately destroying examination papers, answer papers or
examination materials;
5. Passing or receiving things or exchanging papers, answers or drafts
without permission;
6. Other cheating.
(3) Any of the following ACTS found after the examination shall be
deemed as cheating in the examination:
1. During the marking process, it is identified as identical by
relevant departments or teachers;
2. Participating in cheating in a gang;
3. Other behaviors that should be considered as cheating.
(4) One of the following ACTS is serious cheating in examinations:
1. Taking the test instead of someone else, or finding someone else to
take the test instead of the examinee his/her self;
2. Selling test questions or answers to others for profit, or other
ACTS of serious cheating or disturbing the order of the examination room;
3. Robbing or stealing others' examination papers or answers or forcing
others to provide convenience for plagiarism;
4. Organizing a gang to cheat;
5. Using mobile phones and other communication tools to cheat.
(5) Dealing of examination violators

There are 5 kinds of disciplinary sanction: warning, serious warning, recording of demerit, academic

probation and expulsion.)

1. The violator of the provisions of paragraph (1) of this article
shall be given a serious warning;
2. Violation of the provisions of paragraphs (2) and (3) of this
article shall be punished with recording of demerit or above;
3. Students who violate the provisions of paragraph (4) of this article
shall be given academic probation or above; Students who take the
examination on behalf of others or who let other one take the examination
on behalf of him/her or sell the examination questions or answers to others
for profit shall be expelled from school;
4.在校期间作弊累计 2 次者,视情节轻重给予留校察看及以上处分。
4. Students who cheat twice in school shall be given academic probation
or above according to the seriousness of the case.
第四十六条 违反校纪者,有下列情形之一,应从重处分:
Article 46 Whoever violates the discipline of the university shall be
given a heavier punishment under any of the following circumstances:
(1) refusal to admit violation of discipline, to enter into offensive
and defensive alliances, or to threaten others to prevent disclosure;
(2) to retaliate against or threaten to intimidate persons concerned;
(三)在本校曾受过 2 次严重警告以上处分,第 3 次纪律处分时,一律给予开除
学籍处分。曾受过 1 次处分,第 2 次纪律处分时按照第 1 次已得处分和第 2 次应得处分
(3) he/she has received the punishment above two serious warnings in
the school shall be expelled from the school if he/she takes the third
disciplinary action. Once received a punishment, the second disciplinary
action according to the first punishment and the second deserved punishment
in the higher level of punishment aggravating the punishment;
(4) having committed the above violation of discipline twice, or
violating more than two (including two) provisions of these measures at the
same time;
(5) other cases that are subject to heavy punishment.
第四十七条 受处分者,同时受到下列处理:
Article 47 The recipient shall be concurrently dealt with as follows:
(1) during the punishment period, the punished person does not have the
right to participate in various awards and scholarship evaluations at the
school and college (research institute) level. Scholarship students'
violation of discipline will be reported to relevant scholarship
administration authorities according to regulations;
(2) the awarding of various degrees shall be handled in accordance with
the relevant provisions on the administration of school roll;
(3) if there are other provisions, they shall be handled in accordance
with the relevant provisions.
第四十八条 对于受到警告、严重警告、记过、留校察看的学生,处分期满后,
Article 48 A student who has received a warning, a serious warning, a
demerit record or a academic probation may, upon the expiration of the term
of punishment, seriously correct his/her mistake and show outstanding
performance in all respects, and may apply for discharge of the punishment
if he meets the following conditions:
(1) has not received any further sanction;
(2) to take an active part in voluntary activities and activities
organized by the university.
Under any of the following circumstances, the sanction shall not be
(1) having been subjected to administrative detention or criminal
punishment in violation of state laws and regulations;
(2) being expelled from school or failing to complete his studies or
dropping out of school;
(3) providing false materials or other fraudulent information.
The discharge shall be carried out in accordance with the following
(1) individual application. Students who meet the application
requirements shall submit their own written application to their school
(graduate school) after the expiration of the punishment period;
(2) democratic appraisal. The college (research institute) organizes
teachers and students representatives to conduct democratic evaluation and
form evaluation opinions;
(3) college decision. The College of International Education reviews,
the school approves the decision to rescind or not to rescind, and informs
the applicant of the decision.
处分期未满 12 个月的毕业生,可于毕业前提出申请。
Graduates whose disciplinary period is less than 12 months may apply
before graduation.

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