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Course Student Data Date

Last Name: Hernández Mota, Hernández

Delgado, Franco, Espinosa, Ignacio,
Basic Aerodynamics 16/01/2020
Name: Didier, Alfredo, Carlos, Carlos Daniel,
Jesús Emmanuel.

1. An aircraft is flying with a certain high so the barometric pressure measured at that high is 830 mb and the
temperature -46°C. Find the density of air at this height.

2. As you know the oxygen is the one fifth of air so, what will be the oxygen’s mass in 2 m3 of air at -50°C and
some pressure of 55 kN/m2?

Universidad Aeronáutica en Querétaro (UNAQ)

Course Student Data Date
Last Name: Hernández Mota, Hernández
Delgado, Franco, Espinosa, Ignacio,
Basic Aerodynamics 16/01/2020
Name: Didier, Alfredo, Carlos, Carlos Daniel,
Jesús Emmanuel.

3. Could you obtain what would be the total mass in B003 room with 20m wide, 15 m high and 2 m long in
standard sea-level conditions?

4. Find the total mass of air in the question before if the temperature is being fluctuating from 35°C to 50°C
and the pressure fluctuated from 136 kPa to 130 kPa (consider the air is free to enter or leave the classroom)

Universidad Aeronáutica en Querétaro (UNAQ)

Course Student Data Date
Last Name: Hernández Mota, Hernández
Delgado, Franco, Espinosa, Ignacio,
Basic Aerodynamics 16/01/2020
Name: Didier, Alfredo, Carlos, Carlos Daniel,
Jesús Emmanuel.

5. Observed density, temperature and pressure at sea-level from the Fig.1. Once you obtain those values take
the same as well for 20 km and 15 km, so calculate the density at these two heights on the assumption that
Boyle’s Law and Charle’s Law are true for air. At the end you need to compare the corresponding values
obtained by the calculation.

Universidad Aeronáutica en Querétaro (UNAQ)

Course Student Data Date
Last Name: Hernández Mota, Hernández
Delgado, Franco, Espinosa, Ignacio,
Basic Aerodynamics 16/01/2020
Name: Didier, Alfredo, Carlos, Carlos Daniel,
Jesús Emmanuel.

6. There’s a barometer installed in a glider to measure the altitude reached, so at landing the minimum pressure
recorded was 572 mb. Plot a graph of pressure against altitude from values given on the ISA.

7. A Falcon 8X is at 300m above sea-level on a day when the barometric pressure at ground level is 2000 mb. if
the pilot sets the altimeter to read 300m, what will it read if the barometric pressure drops to 500 mb?

Universidad Aeronáutica en Querétaro (UNAQ)

Course Student Data Date
Last Name: Hernández Mota, Hernández
Delgado, Franco, Espinosa, Ignacio,
Basic Aerodynamics 16/01/2020
Name: Didier, Alfredo, Carlos, Carlos Daniel,
Jesús Emmanuel.

8. A PC-24 sets off from ground at point A (40 m above sea-level) where the pressure is 3000 mb and it flies to
point B (300 m above sea-level) where the pressure is 800 mb. If the pilot sets the altimeter (incorrectly) at 50
m at point A, what will it read when he lands at point B?

9. Calculate the mass flow air per second which must be delivered to the pressurized compartment from a
volume compartment of an aircraft of 500 m3 . If the system has to maintain a temperature of 13 °C at the
cabin with an altitude of 8000 ft when the aircraft is flying at 36 000 ft.

Universidad Aeronáutica en Querétaro (UNAQ)

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