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Name: ACEDO, Paul Yxone S.

Year and Section: MT3Bravo Date:


Course Met - 01
Overview of the history and elements of meteorology in relevance
to the maritime studies, different shipborne meteorological
instruments as to measure and observe weather conditions
accurately and appropriately to the passage


Discuss meteorological relevance in maritime studies, Discuss the

principles and uses of the common shipborne meteorological
Instruments, interpret the information and details obtained by
using meteorological instruments

Manuel P. Martin


1 .The _____ is probably the best guide to the direction of the center of a tropical
A.clouds C. swells
B.temperatures D. winds
2.Which is classified as middle clouds?
A. Altostratus
B. Cumulus
C. Cirrocumulus
D. Stratocumulus

3. Which cloud type is normally associated with thunderstorms?

A. Cumulonimbus
B. Stratus
C. Cirrus
D. Cumulus

4.Clouds that form as small white flakes of scaly globular masses covering either a
small or large portion of the sky are _____.
A. cirrus C. altostratus
B. cirrostratus D. cirrocumulus

5.DEW POINT It is the temperature to which air must be cooled to become saturated
by the water vapor already present in the air


1. Watch the video Introduction of Meteorology and Oceanography (put the link)
2. Write your summary below. Please write legibly

Meteorology is the scientific study of atmosphere and phenomena that

we refer to as weather. First discussed by Aristotle, 340 BC in his book
“meterologica”. Thermometers and Barometers were the instrument use in
17th to 18th century and in 19th century they uses synoptic meterology.

Weather refers to state of atmosphere at given time and place while

climate were aggregate weather conditions, based on observations
accumulated over decades. There are 4 Earth sphere: Geosphere,
Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, and Biosphere. Geosphere is the solid earth and a
depth of 6400 km and was divided to core, mantle and crust. Atmosphere is
the gas which envelope the surrounding the Earth. The interaction of Earth’s
Atmosphere and surface is the one that produces weather. It tackled also the
Vertical structure of the Atmosphere. Atmospheric pressure were defined as
the total mass of air above any level. There are layers of atmosphere, first is
being the troposphere- the bottom layer, where temperature decreases with
an increase in latitude. “Environmental lapse”, second is Stratosphere which
lies beyond troposphere and it was the boundary between troposphere and
atmosphere is known as tropopause. Mesosphere is the third layer and the
temperature decrease with the height until air the mesopause (80km) above
the surface. Fourth is the Thermosphere which extend in the outward from
mesopause and the temperature increase gain due to the absorption of
shortwave, high energy solar radiation by
Atoms of oxygen and nitrogen

In summary of the introduction of meteorology video weather has
elements and those are: Temperature, Air Pressure, Humidity, Clouds,
Precipitation, Visibility, and Wind.


Multiple choice write the correct answer on the space provided.

A 1. Anticipated movements of the tropical cyclone

a. Path c. Vortex
b.Trough d. Bar

C 2. This Device uses a partial vacuum that expands or contracts as a function

of changing atmospheric pressure. Same device as an altimeter in airplanes.

a. Wind Vane c. Anebroid Barometer

b. Anemometer d. Mercury Barometer

D 3. Device that utilizes the pressure air exerts on a column of mercury. At

sea level this pressure averages 29.92 inches.

a.Wind Vane c. Aneroid Barometer

b.Anemometer d. Mercury Barometer

B 4. It is a low pressure system, wind blows in a counterclockwise direction in

the Northern Hemisphere.

a. Anticyclone c. Monsoon
b. Cyclone d. Chinook

C 5. Seasonal land-sea breezes.

a. Anticyclone c. Monsoon

b. Cyclone d.Chinook


Write a short summary about the introduction of the above subject/Topic and why
Maritime students and professionals NEED to study about Meteorology and

The introduction of the topics in Module 1 explains the observable events of

Earth's atmosphere: temperature, air pressure, water vapor, and the gradients and

interactions of each variable, and how they change over time. An aneroid barometer

measures the distortion of an evacuated, sealed elastic capsule inside with change in

atmospheric pressure. Small changes in external air pressure cause the cell (capsule)

to expand or contract. A hygrometer is an instrument used for measuring the

moisture content in the atmosphere. It relies on measurements of some other

quantity such as temperature, pressure, mass or a mechanical or electrical change in

a substance as moisture is absorbed.

Maritime students and professionals NEED to study about Meteorology and

Oceanography because Weather is at the heart of any sailor. Most of the good

boating courses around the world will teach you the elements on your own, but you

will find that with a good basic knowledge of science you should be able to make

predictions about how things will turn out, as I did outside of day five. Weather

forecast. see you next saturday . Even if some sailors think differently, even those

who take motorboat courses have to learn almost as much as sailors. The weather

affects the handling of the boat and the sea could significantly slow down your

progress in a passage if it is too rough. Even if sailors in the open cabin of a sailing
yacht will envy the freezing rain when you sit in your centrally heated cabin, you will

have to make almost as many decisions about the weather as your fellow sailors.

Now another factor comes into play. Humanity is still fascinated by the age of

navigation, and modern sailing ships are becoming increasingly popular for pleasure

cruises in the deep sea. The priority in this type of sea travel is to maximize

passenger safety and provide them with an authentic sailing experience that requires

accurate and timely information on future wind and sea conditions. At the same

time, current fuel costs for motorized shipping, major concerns about CO2 emissions

from fossil fuels, and a likely growing shortage of such fuels in the coming decades

are driving marine engineers and designers of ships to review the exploitation of the

wind as a medium. to house large ocean carriers to drive at least partially. Several

different approaches can be considered here, but they all depend more or less on the

wind drives. The objective of these ships is to maximize the use of the wind while at

the same time providing the most efficient and cost-effective route while maintaining

the safety of maritime traffic.

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