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Creative Writing - page 1

Final Examination

 Any form of cheating means a failing grade in this examination.
 Read and follow the directions carefully.
 Do not write or put markings in the test questionnaire.
 Write your answers neatly in your answer sheet. NO ERASURES.

Match each word in Column A with its meaning in Column B. Write your answer in CAPITAL LETTER.

Column A Column B

1. tragedy A. revel or celebration

2. action B. tragedies written during the Elizabethan England
3. catharsis C. written in the style/form of the ancient Greeks and Romans
4. classical tragedies D. an emotional purification or relief
5. romantic tragedies E. things said or done by the characters
6. act F. introductory section of a play
7. cast G. group of actors that comment on the play
8. prologue H. long speech by an actor speaking to himself
9. narrator I. same as audience right
10. tragedy J. conversation in a play
11. dialogue K. a funny or amusing play
12. scene L. major section of a play
13. chorus M. long speech from one actor to other actors
14. comedy N. actor who speaks only to the audience about the story
15. aside O. sides of the stage not seen by the audience
16. monologue P. a play with a sad or unhappy ending
17. wings Q. humorous actions or words put in a serious play
18. soliloquy R. section of an act
19. comic relief S. lines not heard by other actors on stage but heard by other
20. stage left T. all the actors in a play
U. events that have taken place in the past
Creative Writing - page 2


Inside the word box are terms related to drama. Choose the word/s that best answers each of the following
items. Write your answer in your answer sheet.

 three units reversal foreshadowing Deus ex

 arc protagonist inciting incident conflict
 surprise monologue flashbacks complications
 music action back story
 soliloquy double plots aside stakes

21. It is when the main character finally realizes the reality of the situation.
22. A Greek practice of physically lowering a “god” to the stage at the end of the play to solve all the
problems; today it refers to a contrived element in the plot used to resolve a problem.
23. The opposing objectives of the protagonist and the antagonist.
24. It causes conflict by introducing new characters, information, or events.
25. These are events that have taken place in the past.
26. It is when the actor speaks directly to the audience, but the rest of the actors on stage supposedly cannot
hear him.
27. It is sometimes called spine, story line, or through-line.
28. The character or situation that stands in the main character’s way.
29. These are things said or done by the characters to achieve their objectives.
30. Dramatist's instructions, describing how the work is to be performed or staged.
31. It is after the audience has a sense of expectation, events happen that are not expected.
32. A speech delivered by an actor when she/he is alone.
33. These are portions of an act.
34. The main character of the story.
35. It is when the actor delivers a speech in the presence of the other characters that listen, but do not speak.
36. In drama, this can help psychologically to establish the setting.
37. The first scene opening in the middle of the action.
38. The event that launches the protagonist and gets the plot going.
39. These are hints at the future that can build anticipation and tension in the audience.
40. A part of a story, a movie, or a drama that describes or shows something that happened in the past.


Choose the letter of the word or phrase that best answers each of the following items. Write your answer in

41. Drama is distinguished from fiction because its fundamental expression comes through _________.
a. set design
b. character dialogue
c. character action
d. three dimensions
Creative Writing - page 3

42. Aristotle created a list of elements called _______ about the nature of drama, particularly tragedy.
a. Rhetoric
b. The Poetics
c. On Sense and Sensible
d. On Interpretation

43. Which is not one of the elements of drama?

a. plot
b. dance
c. language
d. spectacle

44. The _____ is the spine of the play.

a. plot
b. protagonist
c. set design
d. script

45. A reversal is when a character either fails or succeeds is also called ______.
a. peripety
b. soliloquy
c. three units
d. stakes

46. The visual elements of a performance including scenery, lights, costume, and movement of actors are
referred to as ______.
a. scenes
b. spectacle
c. theatrical conventions
d. technical theatre

47. ______are written by, about, or in the style and form of the ancient Greeks and Romans.
a. Romantic tragedies
b. Classical tragedies
c. Revenge tragedies
d. Domestic tragedies

48. _______ are characterized by plot lines or revenge and sensationalized murders.
a. Romantic tragedies
b. Classical tragedies
c. Revenge tragedies
d. Domestic tragedies

49. ________ relies more on wit and wordplay than on physical action for its humor.
a. High comedy
b. Low comedy
c. Commedia dell’arte
d. Slapstick comedy

50. A farce that involves pie-throwing, head-swatting and other violent actions intended to be humorous.
a. Regular comedy
b. Slapstick
c. Burlesque
d. Comedy of Manners


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