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Definition of Classroom Management

Classroom management is a combination of two words, namely the word management

and the word class. Management in English is termed Management, it means that the term
management is synonymous with management. The definition of management or
management in general is activities including planning, organizing, directing, coordinating,
monitoring, and evaluating.

While the definition of a class is a group of people who carry out joint learning
activities who receive learning and learners (Hamalik, 2007). While Ahmad (1995) said that
class is a study room and / or study group. A little more complex, Namawi (1999) views
class from two angles, namely: first; Class in a narrow sense, namely, a room limited by four
walls, where a number of students gather to take part in the teaching and learning
process. Second; Class in a broad sense is a small community that is part of the school
community which as a whole is organized into a work unit that dynamically organizes
creative teaching and learning activities to achieve a goal.  

Arikunto (2000) states that class management is the administration, arrangement or

arrangement of an activity (in general). So etymologically, classroom management can be
interpreted as an effort to plan, organize, direct, coordinate and control group learning
carried out by learners to achieve learning goals.

As for the notion of class management in terminology as expressed by Wilford (James

M. Cooper, 1995), class management is a complex set of behaviors where learners use to
organize and maintain classroom conditions that will enable learners to achieve learning
goals efficiently.

Meanwhile, Sudirman (in Djamarah 2006) "Classroom management is an effort to

utilize class potential." Classes have certain roles and functions in supporting the success of
the educational interaction process, in order to provide encouragement and stimulation for
students to learn, the class must be managed as well as possible by learners.

Based on these definitions, it can be concluded that classroom management is a series

of actions taken by learners in an effort to create a positive and productive learning
environment so that the teaching and learning process can run according to its
objectives. In other words , classroom management is an effort to empower class potential
through a set of learner skills to create a conducive, positive, and productive learning climate
and control it in case of disruption in learning to optimize the learning process so that
satisfactory results can be obtained.

Starting from this definition, in essence, classroom management is carried out to

support a higher quality learning process. Here are some of the essence of class
management, among others:

- Classroom management is a series of learner actions shown to encourage

the emergence of expected behavior, create good interpersonal relationships and positive
socio-emotional relationships, and create and maintain productive and effective classroom

- The purpose of classroom management is to create and maintain classroom

conditions that allow an effective learning process to take place. Learning objectives are to
help learners achieve learning goals. 

- Classroom management is an important aspect of the learning process. Effective

classroom management is a prerequisite for pigs to create an effective learning process. 

B. Classroom Management Objectives

The purpose of class management according to Sudirman (in Djamarah 2006: 170) is
essentially contained in educational goals. The purpose of classroom management is to
provide facilities for various student learning activities in the social, emotional, and
intellectual environment of the classroom. The facilities provided allow students to study
and work. The creation of a social atmosphere that provides satisfaction, an atmosphere
of discipline, intellectual, emotional development, and attitudes and appreciation for
students. Meanwhile, Suharsimi Arikunto (in Djamarah 2006: 178) argues that the purpose
of class management is so that every child in the class can work in an orderly manner so that
the objectives of teaching are achieved effectively and efficiently.

The general objectives of class management are:

 A gar teaching can be done optimally, so that teaching objectives can be achieved
effectively and efficiently.
 To provide convenience in efforts to monitor student progress in their
lessons. With classroom management, it is easy for teachers to see and observe every
progress / development achieved by students, especially students who are classified as
 To make it easier to raise important issues to be discussed in class for the
improvement of teaching in the future.

While the objectives of class management are specifically divided into two, namely:

Goals for students:

 Encourage students to develop individual responsibility for their behavior and the
need to control themselves.
 Helping students to identify behavior in accordance with class rules and
understanding that the teacher's reprimand is a warning and not anger.
 Generating a sense of responsibility to get involved in tasks and activities held.

Goals for teachers:

 To develop understanding in the presentation of the lesson with fluent opening

and speed.
 To be able to realize will be the needs of students and have the ability to give
clear instructions to the students.
 To learn how to respond effectively to disruptive student behavior.
 To have a more comprehensive remedial strategy that can be used in relation to
student behavior problems that arise in the classroom.

So, class management is intended to create conditions in the class group in the form of a
good classroom environment, which allows students to do according to their abilities. Then,
with class management the product must be in accordance with the objectives to be achieved
and so that every child in the class can work in an orderly manner, so that the teaching
objectives are achieved effectively and efficiently and so that each teacher is able to master
the class using various approaches by adjusting existing problems, so as to create an
atmosphere that is conducive, effective and efficient.

C. Classroom management benefits
Classical guidance is presented by the counseling teacher by using several group
guidance techniques according to the needs of students by considering the dynamic
situation of the group to create benefits, including as a medium or media:
1. The establishment of an emotional relationship between the counseling teacher
and students that is educational and guiding.
2. The occurrence of direct communication between the counseling teacher and
students which provides opportunities for students to convey class problems or
confide in class.
3. The occurrence of face to face, dialogue and observation of the counseling teacher
on the condition of students in a classroom learning atmosphere.
4. Understanding of the thoughts, feelings, wills and behaviors of students as an
effort to prevent, cure, repair, and maintain development.
D. Types of services used in classical counseling
1. Mediation Services

Mediation services, namely guidance and counseling services carried out by

counselors (teachers) to two or more people who are in a state of not finding a match.

2.  Group conseling

           Group guidance services are guidance services provided to a group of students to

jointly solve problems that hinder student development

3.  Group counseling

           The next strategy in implementing the BK program is group counseling. Group

counseling is an effort to help students in order to facilitate their development and
growth. Apart from being preventive, group counseling can also be healing.

              Group counseling services, namely guidance and counseling services that allow
students (counselees) to have the opportunity to discuss and resolve problems they
experience through group dynamics. The problems discussed are personal problems
experienced by each group member.

4. Content management services

Content Mastery Service (PKO) is an assistance service to individuals ( individually or in

groups) to master certain abilities or competencies through learning activities. The
learned ability or competence is a unit of content which contains facts and data, concepts,
processes, laws and rules, values, perceptions, affections, attitudes and actions related to
it. By mastering content, individuals are expected to be able to have something useful to
meet their needs and overcome the problems they experience.
5. And information services

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