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Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins

Application of Microencapsulated Synbiotics

in Fruit-Based Beverages
Camelia Rovinaru 1 & Diana Pasarin 1

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2019

In the last years, demand for functional products containing both prebiotics and probiotics (known as synbiotic) has increased,
which stimulated their incorporation into other food matrices than milk-based ones. Synbiotics improve gut functionality as well
as respond to the increasing demand of consumers who have become aware of the health benefits of a proper diet. The most
important criterion for preserving consumer acceptance in such products is maintaining the minimum viability and activity of
probiotics from the beginning of production to the end of shelf-life. For their viability, fixation and multiplying within the host,
several solutions have been proposed including the fortification with prebiotics and microencapsulation of prebiotics along with
probiotics. The challenge of microencapsulation is to protect the probiotic cells in foods that are not usually considered their
vehicle, such as fruit matrices. It is generally known that different prebiotics may exert different degrees of protection on the
entrapped bacteria cells. For food products, such as fruit beverages, few works exist that investigate the functionality of synbiotic
microcapsules in protecting the survivability of probiotic cells during processing and storage. This article provides an overview of
this novel trend based on a review of relevant literature. The article summarizes the synbiotic concept, challenges for synbiotic
formulation in fruit beverages, and future perspectives.

Keywords Fruit beverages . Lactic acid bacteria . Microencapsulation . Prebiotic . Probiotic . Synbiotic

Introduction According to the World Health Organization (WHO) ex-

pert group, probiotics are defined as “live micro-organisms
Functional products represent a novel trend in the design of which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a
healthy foods and the largest and growing market segment in health benefit on the host” [3]. As such, the use of the word
America, Europe, Asia (i.e., Japan) and Australia [1]. Among “probiotics” can suggest a beneficial health effect on human
functional ingredients, prebiotics and probiotics are preferred subjects. European national regulatory authorities forbid the
by consumers who have become aware of the role of diet in use of the word “probiotic” since it embeds a non-validated
conferring health benefits. Prebiotics are indigestible or low- health claim. So far, EFSA has rejected more than 500 probi-
digestible food ingredients that selectively promote the growth otic health claim applications on the basis of a lack of charac-
and activity of one, or a limited number, of the beneficial terization of the microorganisms and because the increase in
bacteria in the intestine. The basic criteria for prebiotic selec- healthy gut flora is not considered a health benefit. The
tion are resistance to digestion in the upper sections of the upgraded Propionibacterium freudenreichii W200 would be
gastrointestinal tract, selectively fermentation by potentially the first strain with an approved health claim, implying the
beneficial intestinal microbiota, beneficial effect on the host’s first probiotic that can truly be called a probiotic [4]. Even if
health, selective stimulation of growth of the probiotics, and the health claim incorporated in the definition is not properly
stability in food processing conditions [2]. investigated, products found on the market are sold with this
Selection process of new probiotic organisms involves
safety criteria (history of safe use, human or animal origin,
* Diana Pasarin precis diagnostic identification, absence of pathogenicity, in-
fectivity, and virulence) and functionality criteria (tolerance to
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Chimie si low pH in the stomach and to bile salts in order to reach the
Petrochimie, 202 Spl. Independentei, 060021 Bucharest, Romania gastrointestinal tract; capacity to adhere and ability to colonize
Probiotics & Antimicro. Prot.

some sites within the gastrointestinal epithelium, reducing protects bacterial cells against the damage caused by low
pathogenic adherence; the capability to survive, multiply, pH, bile acids, and digestive enzymes, and increases their
and maintain the metabolic activity; resistance to acids, hydro- stability and viability during processing and storage [16].
gen peroxide, and bacteriocins produced by endogenous in- The main challenge of microencapsulation is to protect probi-
testinal pathogens) [4–6]. otic cells in foods usually not considering their vehicle, such
The biological effects of probiotics are strain-specific. It is as fruit beverages, bakery, fermented meat products, and choc-
shown that probiotic strains have unique genetic traits that olate [17]. For such food products, few works investigate the
determine particular phenotypes. As such, the properties of a functionality of microcapsules in protecting cells. As a result,
genus or species could not be extrapolated to their strains, and non-dairy foods still represent only a niche in the market of
consequently, the characteristics of a probiotic are determined probiotic foods.
at a strain level. The strain can be identified using novel mo- The present review focused on the practicality of develop-
lecular technologies (16S r RNA gene sequence analysis, ing microencapsulated synbiotic fruit beverages, the survival
DNA-DNA hybridization) [7]. aspect of probiotic bacteria during storage, as well as chal-
In the last years, demand for functional products containing lenges in the synbiotic formulation of beverages and future
both prebiotics and probiotics (known as synbiotic) has in- perspectives.
creased, which stimulated their incorporation into other food
matrices than milk-based ones [8]. Therefore, the food indus-
try has an ever-growing interest in the development of non- Overview of Synbiotics
dairy synbiotic products to improve gut functionality, as well
as to respond to the increasing customer demand for new In recent years, consumers have expectations for the develop-
flavors. Fruits, cereals, vegetables, and soybeans have been ment of food products which offer not only beneficial nutri-
proposed as new matrices supporting synbiotics delivery in ents, but other innovative ingredients, such as prebiotics,
humans. Adding probiotic strains to fruit matrices rich in car- probiotics, or synbiotics. The synbiotic concept, introduced
bohydrates, dietary fibers, vitamins minerals, and antioxidants by Gibson and Roberfroid, refers to the association and syn-
offers specific health benefits [9, 10]. These matrices affect the ergism between prebiotics and probiotics that induce favor-
delivery of the total number of viable cells mL−1 product at the able effects on the host “by improving the survival and im-
moment of consumption, due to high level of organic acids plantation of live microbial dietary supplements in the gastro-
and a low pH, typically 2.5–3.7. The most important criterion intestinal tract, by selectively stimulating the growth and/or by
to preserve the consumer acceptance in such probiotic prod- activating the metabolism of one or a limited number of
ucts is maintaining the quantity and the minimum viability health-promoting bacteria, thus improving host welfare”
and activity of probiotics during processing, storage as well [18]. Synbiotics are much more than just a mixture of pre-
as at the end of shelf-life [9]. It is known that the major prob- and probiotic. FAO recommends the term “synbiotic” to be
lem for dairy probiotic products is the low survival rate of approached carefully only if the net health benefit is synergis-
probiotic bacteria during storage. The minimum recommend- tic. The microorganism must be selectively targeted by the
ed level of probiotic count in the food at daily intake, neces- prebiotic compound for the synergism to exist. Even in a com-
sary to provide a therapeutic effect, is usually 10 6 – petitive environment, the intended bacteria will be the most
108 cfu mL−1. In different products in Japan, the minimum likely to use the prebiotic.
viable level of 107 cfu g−1/cfu mL−1 of product is imposed, Probiotics are sensible to stomach acidity, the length of
which corresponds approximately to 109 cfu per portion of exposure to acid, and bile salts [5]. Prebiotic provides the
100 g of probiotic food/day. From a technological and cost- specific substrate to the probiotic for nourishment and protec-
effective point of view, the food industry respects the recom- tion. It supports the survival of the probiotic bacteria during
mended probiotic bacteria level of 106 cfu g−1 at the time of the passage through the upper intestinal tract in a sufficient
consumption, concentration at which beneficial health effects number to provide and modulate metabolic function, to im-
in humans are visible [11, 12]. plant in the colon and growth and with little or no stimulation
In the purpose of enhancing the viability of probiotics in of other microorganisms [19]. In the development of
the product and their fixation and multiplying within the host, synbiotics, the most important property is for the probiotic
several solutions have been adopted, among which we men- to exert a greater effect in the presence of a prebiotic than in
tion the fortification with prebiotics and microencapsulation its absence [20]. Due to this specific synergism, controlled
of pre- and probiotics. By adding prebiotics, a favorable ad- release of probiotics in the gut-specific site as well as the
aptation of the probiotic to the prebiotic substrate before production of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) in the most distal
consumption is developed; this leads to an increase of lactic region of the colon, known to be the site of origin of several
acid bacteria and bifidobacteria activity [13–15]. chronic diseases, the term “integrated synbiotics” is preferred
Microencapsulation technology provides a matrix that instead of synbiotics alone [21].
Probiotics & Antimicro. Prot.

These bacteria strains must have the ability to ferment spe- Pleurotus mushrooms (pleuran), oligosaccharides from
cific prebiotics (oligosaccharides and polysaccharides) [22]. yacon root [30], and dragon fruit [31]. Some of the pre-
Unfortunately, probiotics are not usually combined with an biotics available in the international market are presented
appropriate prebiotic [23]. If in a product, for example, in Table 2.
fructo-oligosaccharides (oligofructose, FOS) prebiotic is There are probiotics that do not have to be combined with a
blended with probiotic Bifidobacterium spp., this combination prebiotic to function. A probiotic such as Ganeden BC30
is considered a synbiotic, but if the same prebiotic is combined (Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086) delivers the same health
with probiotic Lactobacillus casei the resulted product is not benefits even if prebiotic is not present (http://www.
synbiotic [24]. The known inulin fiber, in contrast to soybean
oligosaccharides (SOS), isomalto-oligosaccharides, or
lactulose, supports total bacterial counts, but populations of
Bifidobacterium spp. and Lactobacillus spp. strains are lower. Health Promoting Effects of Synbiotics
On the other hand, inulin, as compared to glucose, improves
stress resistance in Lactobacillus plantarum, whose adhesion The intake of a synbiotic food leads to a modulation of com-
to the enterocytes and mucosal cells surface through self- mensal microbiota composition and gut metabolic activities.
assembly and co-aggregation is about 10 times higher [25]. The representative metabolites whose change is associated
FOS sustains the growth of Streptococcus spp. populations with the ingestion of synbiotics are SCFAs (especially acetic
better than galacto-oligosachharides (GOS) or SOS. and valeric acids), methylketones (2-pentanone, 2,3-
Lactobacillus rhamnosus prefers monosaccharides and disac- butanedione), carbon disulfide and methyl acetate. The in-
charides as a growth substrate and Bacillus lactis prefers tri- crease of these metabolites suggests potential implications of
saccharide and tetrasaccharide fractions. Finding synergic the synbiotic food in health maintenance [35].
pairs to develop new synbiotics involves long-term screening, The health benefits claimed by synbiotics consumption by
that consists of tests in vitro and in vivo, both in animal and humans include increasing levels of strains of lactobacilli and
human, to demonstrate not only the effect of the prebiotic on bifidobacteria and gut microbiota balance, improving liver
the probiotic, but also the efficacy of the combination on the function (in cirrhotic patients) and immune-modulating abili-
host versus if they are taken separately [26]. ty, prevention of bacterial translocation and decreased suscep-
The widely used and well-characterized probiotic strains in tibility to pathogens in surgical patients [36, 37].
synbiotic formulations include Lactobacillus spp. and According to a report in Clinical Infectious Diseases the
Bifidobacterium spp., predominant and subdominant organ- benefic effects of probiotics is based on three mechanisms,
isms of the human gastrointestinal microbiota, used for many namely, antimicrobial effects by inhibitory substances
years as starter cultures in the production of milk and its de- (H2O2, bacteriocins, organic acids), enhancement of mucosal
rivative food products, as well as Streptococcus thermophilus, barrier integrity, and immune response modulation due to the
Saccharomyces boulardii, and Bacillus coagulans, classified probiotics’ ability to metabolize complex carbohydrates and
as generally safe (GRAS) microorganisms. Most currently to produce lactic acid and SCFAs, which are further used by
marketed probiotics (Table 1) suit these requirements. the host organism as an energy source. As supported by recent
Depending on the health of humans, the biological activity evidence, prebiotics are also able to increase the production of
of consumed probiotics may be altered and, therefore, they SCFAs (such as butyrate, acetate, propionate), compounds
must be transient in the host, which implies the need for re- which possess anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and anti-
peated administration for health effects [28]. carcinogenic effects [38].
Several studies have confirmed that using multistrain Also, synbiotics can be used as a prophylactic therapeutic
probiotics has a positive effect on health, due to the synbiosis strategy for goal 3 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
among strains. Among multispecies probiotic combinations (SDGs). They have potential clinical indications such as infant
used commercially there are mentioned: L. acidophilus + diarrhea and metabolic and inflammatory diseases in adults,
L. casei; L. rhamnosus + L. reuteri; VSL 3 (mixture of because they act through competitive exclusion of pathogens
S. thermophilus + L. acidophilus, L. plantarum, L. casei, and/or the secretion of metabolites that influence host physi-
L. delbrueckii subsp bulgaricus + B. breve, Bifidobacterium ology [39]. All these favorable effects occur when bacteria
infantis, B. longum); L. acidophilus + Bifidobacterium bifidum; that reach the intestine are alive and in high quantity, which
L. helveticus + L. rhamnosus; Bacillus clausii strains [5]. shows dependence on their metabolic activity. Following re-
The major prebiotics used are oligosaccharides like cent studies conducted on relevant bacterial species, some
FOS, GOS, xylose-oligosaccharides (XOS), SOS, raffi- soluble factors named postbiotics were isolated and character-
nose and stachyose, polysaccharides like inulin and re- ized. They are by-products resulting from prebiotic fermenta-
sistant starch, and some new emerging prebiotics like tion by the probiotic. Postbiotics include organic acids, en-
ulvan (from green alga Ulva rigida) [29], β-glucans from zymes, and carbon substrates and have been proposed as a
Probiotics & Antimicro. Prot.

Table 1 Commercially available

probiotic strains [27] Bacterial strain Company Country

L. rhamnosus GG Valio Dairy, Helsinki Finland

Lactobacillus delbruekii subsp. Meiji Dairies Corporation Japan
bulgaricus 2038
Lactobacillus johnsonii Lal Nestle, Lausanne Switzerland
L. casei Shirota Yakult, Tokyo Japan
L. casei CRL-43i Gilliland (La-Mo) Chr. Hansens (Horsholm) Denmark
L. casei DN 014001 Danone Le Plessis-Robinson (Paris) France
Lactobacillus reuteri SD 2112 BioGaia, North Carolina USA
L. plantarum 299 V Probi AB, Lund Sweden
Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM Danisco Rhodia Inc., (Madison WI) USA
Lactobacillus acidophilus SBT-2062 SnowBrand Milk Products Co.Ltd., Tokyo Japan
Bifidobacterium longum SBT-2928 Snow Brand Milk Products Co., Ltd., Tokyo Japan
Bifidobacterium longum BB536 MorinagaBifidusMilk Industry Co. Ltd., (Zama City) Japan
Bifidobacterium breve Yakult Yakult, Tokyo Japan
S. boulardii Biocodex, Seattle USA
S. thermophilus 1131 Meiji Milk Products, Tokyo Japan

safer alternative for clinical applications, especially in chronic independently [42]. Moreover, microbial analysis was either
inflammatory conditions, where the results obtained with absent or non-strain specific [43], which led to conflicting
synbiotics did not yield satisfactory results [40]. observations. Future comparative studies must consider not
The review of published results on the health effect of only the effect of prebiotic on probiotic, but also have to offer
probiotics and synbiotics reveals that there is a lack of studies an understanding of the mechanisms of action and changes
performed until now on the development of synbiotics. that occur in the host microbiota when they are used separately
Though the results from animal studies are of great interest, or together, to elucidate how the benefits are achieved [44].
they are not always transferable to humans, due to differences
in their gut microbiome and pathophysiology of different dis-
eases. Also, the in vivo effectiveness of synbiotics has not Current Research in Microencapsulated
been intensively studied to date; there are only a few human Fruit-Based Beverages
clinical trials [41]. Several meta-analyses suggest preliminary
promising capacities to modulate microbiota composition and Nowadays, worldwide, the market for synbiotic products is
seem to be active in the amelioration of some immune-related dominated by milk-based products. Due to consumer concern
and obesity-associated disorders, but in most trials the pro- about the foods they ingest and their benefits on health, there
and prebiotic treatment effects were not determined is a growing trend for the development of synbiotic food

Table 2 Food grade commercial prebiotics in the international market [32–34]

Prebiotic Manufacturer Product name Applications

Inulin Sensus, NL Frutafit® Beverages, infant foods, ice creamsconfectionaries, bakery products, etc.
Inulin Cosucra, Belgium Fibruline® Beverages, confectionaries, bakery products, breakfast cereals, etc.
Inulin Orafti GR, Belgium Beneo® Baked products, dairy alternatives, beverages confectionary, breakfast
cereals, soups, and sauces
FOS Sensus, NL Frutalose® Beverages, infant foods, confectionaries, ice creams, bakery products, etc.
FOS Cosucra, Belgium Fibrulose® Beverages, baby food, dairy derivatives, bakery, confectionary,
cereals, soups, sauces
FOS Beneo-Orafti, Belgium Beneo Raftilose P95 Beverages, baby food, dairy derivatives, bakery, confectionary,
cereals, soups, sauces
GOS FrieslandCampina Domo, NL Vivinal® GOS Infant formula
GOS ClasadoBioSciencesUK Bimuno® Drinks, bakery products, cereals, dietary supplements
GOS Yakult Honsha, JP Oligomate 55 N Dairy products
Probiotics & Antimicro. Prot.

products using non-dairy substrates. Fruit beverages are pre- temperature storage, as well as implications on organo-
ferred by a significant percentage of health-centric consumers, leptic aspects [53–56].
because of their lack of lactose and dairy allergens, soy, and Microencapsulation, however, does not always ensure an
cholesterol. As raw material for the production of probiotic/ increase in the viability of probiotics [57]. A successful way to
synbiotic beverages, different matrices such as mango, or- improve the viability and stability of probiotics in fruit juices
ange, apple, grape, peach, pomegranate, and watermelon have is coupling probiotic microencapsulation with prebiotics, a
been investigated [45]. Synbiotic fruit-based beverages com- process which is included in the synbiotic concept. Although
mercially available are scarce, and they represent only a small there is a great potential for the use of fruit juices as matrices
share of the market [46]. for microencapsulated synbiotics, only a few studies have
The survival of probiotics during the entire beverage- been reported; these studies focus not only on chemical and
processing operations, including storage, is a very important microbiological characteristics of substrate, but also to shelf-
issue to validate the benefits of probiotics in this type of prod- life and consumer acceptability.
uct. Fruit beverage manufacturers are confronted with factors Gandomi et al. [58] evaluated the viability of probiotic
that could limit probiotic survival, such as chemical parame- L. rhamnosus GG encapsulated with inulin in matrix of algi-
ters of juices (pH, titratable acidity, molecular oxygen, pres- nate and chitosan, in apple juice during 90 days storage at 4 °C
ence of salt, sugar, hydrogen peroxide, bacteriocins, artificial and 25 °C. The survival rate of encapsulated L. rhamnosus
flavoring, and coloring agents), processing parameters (heat GG was 4.5 times higher than that of free bacteria during
treatment, incubation temperature, cooling rate, packaging storage period of the juice at both 4 °C and 25 °C. The results
materials, and storage methods), and microbiological param- of this study suggest the protective effect of microencapsula-
eters (species/strain of probiotics, rate, and proportion of in- tion on bacterial viability. The presence of the chitosan mem-
oculation) [13, 14, 47]. However, the low pH of fruit juices is brane surrounding the alginate beads decreases the transition
the main drawback for the total viable counts and activities of of acids and flavonoids from the fruit juice into the beads, thus
probiotics [48]. The acidity of fruit juices caused by high level limiting the adverse effect of said juice on encapsulated pro-
of organic acids which drop the pH and affects probiotic bac- biotic bacteria. With respect to pH changes of the apple juices
teria. In an environment of low pH, the cells cannot survive containing free and encapsulated bacteria during storage at
because, on the one hand, the energy provided by ATP for both temperatures, there was a decrease in pH following the
maintenance of the intracellular pH is increased and, on the addition of inulin. The pH of the apple juices containing en-
wide side, the ATP deficit affects the other cellular functions capsulated probiotic bacteria decreased, but less than pH of
[49]. Also, in relation to the chemical composition of the the juices containing free bacteria and inulin. Inulin has a
juices, it is mentioned that insufficient quantities of peptides slight acidic behavior when dissolved in water and free
and free amino acids in juices affects metabolism of probiotic probiotics release lactic acid during storage. This post-
cultures and their viability during storage [50]. In fact, the acidification of the probiotic products during storage is an
protective effect of proteins on probiotic bacteria was con- important challenge for commercialization. This study has
firmed in a study by Nualkaekul et al. [51]. shown the possibility of using apple juice as a matrix for
It is known that probiotic viability is strain-dependent, delivering microencapsulated probiotic bacteria to humans.
which means that only certain bacteria that are able to keep Apple juices containing encapsulated bacteria had acceptable
their viability for an acceptable shelf-life are selected. Some sensory properties.
probiotics, in particular, strains of Lactobacilli (L. plantarum, Another study [59] investigated microencapsulation of
L. acidophilus, and L. casei) not only tolerate a low pH rang- B. coagulans IBRC-M 10807 in a pectin (pec)-based
ing from 4.3 to 3.7, but also grow in the fruit matrix, resulting bionanocomposite improved with nanochitin (NC),
in good viable counts. Bifidobacteria strains, even at a pH nanolignocellulose (NLC), and bacterial nanocellulose. The
about 4.6, are less tolerant [47, 52]. In any case, this behavior evaluation of the survivability of probiotic under simulated
differs depending on the type of probiotic. gastrointestinal conditions and in peach juice was carried out
Because the low pH of fruit juices is a great challenge, over 5 weeks storage at 4 °C and 25 °C. In the juice containing
microencapsulation in different polysaccharides and probiotic cells microencapsulated using pec-NC-NLC matrix
protein-based systems is considered a way to preserve, the decrease in the survivability was of ~ 2.98 ± 0.02 log
protect, and maintain the viability rate of probiotic cells (cfu100 mL−1 juice) for juice stored at 25 °C and ~ 2.66 ±
above the critical threshold of 106 cfu mL−1 and to en- 0.04 log (cfu100 mL−1 juice) for the juice stored at 4 °C.
sure their controlled delivery in the gastrointestinal tract. The highest survivability obtained by this matrix was ~ 68%
Using fruit beverages as a matrix, many experimental ± 0.1, in comparison to the free cells (~53% ± 0.3) at the end
studies have investigated the effectiveness of encapsula- of storage period at both temperatures. The microscopic image
tion on the survival of probiotic microorganisms versus of pec-NC-NLC matrix highlights a surface morphology rel-
free bacteria during gastrointestinal transit, at low- atively smooth coherent, compact, and wrinkled, without
Probiotics & Antimicro. Prot.

pores and cracks. This is due to the formation of hydrogen and that inulin is an accessible source of carbon for cells activity. A
ionic bonds which connected polysaccharides of the pec- study by Takagi et al. [62] showed that L. delbrueckii grows
nanofibers together in a three-dimensional uniform arrange- faster in the inulin enriched media. In the first phase, the bac-
ment. The lack of breaks in the matrix suggests the physical terium imports inulin into its cells and then consumes it intra-
isolation and protection of probiotics against the low pH of cellularly. Sensory evaluation assessed in the second week of
peach juice. In terms of pH changes in synbiotic peach juice, storage noticed differences in terms of odor, taste, and overall
no statistically significant variation of pH was observed over acceptance between the synbiotic fig juices and control. The
storage period. Sugars or oligofructoses from juice can be lower score for the overall acceptance of synbiotic juice com-
metabolized to organic acids by B. coagulans IBRC-M pared to control is probably due to the L. delbrueckii DSMZ
10807. But the microencapsulation matrix probably limited 15996 metabolites, including lactic acid, that have a negative
the diffusion of juice sugars into the matrix. Also, prebiotics effect on the aroma and taste of the product.
from matrix composition are not easily metabolized. Another Masking medicinal flavor of probiotic strains by adding
important aspect relates to the micro-scale average size of the tropical fruits or by microencapsulation of synbiotics would
matrix, which cannot be detected in the mouth, what is of great be alternatives for the improvement of fig juice organoleptic
importance for sensorial acceptance. It is concluded that this attributes. Thus, fig juice could be used as a suitable matrix for
bionanocomposite has the ability to protect and deliver live obtaining a functional synbiotic beverage [61].
probiotic cells in the harsh environment of peach juice to the Prakash et al. [63] studied the feasibility to develop a
consumers. synbiotic litchi juice containing probiotic L. casei 359 micro-
Krasaekoopt and Watcharapoka [60] reported the addition encapsulated in whey protein concentrate (WPCP) along with
of GOS and inulin prebiotics during microencapsulation of prebiotics including gum acacia, inulin, or FOS. The study
L. acidophilus 5 and L. casei 01 in alginate beads coated with was carried out to evaluate the viability, physicochemical,
chitosan. The viability of microencapsulated probiotics with and sensory analysis of synbiotic litchi juice. The survivability
prebiotics introduced in orange juice was determined at refrig- results, after 4 weeks of storage, has shown that the WPCP in
erated storage for 4 weeks. Significant results were obtained combination with inulin has recorded the highest value of 8.12
when using GOS as a prebiotic. At the beginning of storage, log cfu mL−1 of litchi juice, followed by the mix between
cell count of microencapsulated probiotics without GOS was WPCP and FOS (7.42 log cfu mL−1). The data suggest that
8.3–9.4 log cfu g−1. Although the number of probiotics with- inulin, during the encapsulation process, acted as a
out GOS was higher, the presence of GOS 1.5% enhanced the thermoprotector for the cells over the drying process and pro-
growth of entrapped cells by approximately 0.4–1.1 logs in vided tolerance to probiotic cells.
orange juice until the end of the storage at 4 °C. The numbers The rheological properties, performed at two temperatures
of L. acidophilus 5 encapsulated with GOS constantly in- 10 °C and 20 °C respectively, suggest the shear-thinning be-
creased, the loss being only 0.2 logs versus initial load. For havior of the juice drink. FTIR spectroscopy of the probiotic
L. casei 01 entrapped with GOS 0.6 logs reduction was found. litchi juice showed that the whey protein, and all prebiotics
The difference in growth between the two strains of were retained as such in the microcapsules after spray drying.
lactobacilli could be due to the prebiotic GOS which only Considering sensory scores for quality properties of litchi
stimulates the growth of L. acidophilus 5. There has also been juice, the sample containing inulin had a higher acceptability.
an increase of about 0.2% in the acidity of the orange juice. It Fratianni et al. [64] have tested the ability of probiotic yeast
is assumed that probiotics use GOS, and organic acids pass Saccharomyces cerevisiae var. boulardii, microencapsulated
into juice. The results of this experiment highlight the protec- with inulin—xanthan gum—alginate, to grow in berry juice
tive role of GOS in microcapsules over harsh conditions of and survive 4 weeks at 4 °C. Microencapsulation increases
orange juice. yeast cells viability after fermentation and storage, compared
Other work [61] has been carried out to develop a synbiotic to the free yeast (7.59 log cfu mL−1 versus 6.98 log cfu mL−1,
fig juice. Adding probiotic (L.delbrueckii DSMZ 15996) and respectively). Microencapsulation of S. cerevisiae var.
prebiotic (inulin) in fig juice resulted in a functional food boulardii with a prebiotic is considered a novelty for two
which was evaluated 4 weeks. Viability of probiotic was de- reasons. First, this yeast is not long resistance to low pH.
creased with a rate lower in the synbiotic sample, where viable Secondly, this study revealed that synbiotic microcapsules ab-
cell counts from 8.5 log cfu mL−1 reached 7.49 log cfu mL−1, sorb from the berry juice a certain amount of anthocyanins that
compared to probiotic juice (6.59 log cfu mL−1) at the end of are cleaved into simpler molecules in the intestine, with ben-
cold storage. Causes of reduction in probiotic viability could eficial effects on human microbiota. The results obtained may
be acidity, the presence of oxygen in the juice, or the low level be the starting point for the development of new functional
of nitrogenous compounds. Past studies have shown that inu- products based on microencapsulated probiotic yeasts.
lin has a protective and enhancing effect on probiotic viability. To sum up, fruit juice type selection is a key factor for the
The protective role of inulin could be explained by the fact stability of added probiotics. Maintaining the viability at least
Probiotics & Antimicro. Prot.

106–107cells mL−1 and the activity of probiotics in fruit bever- it into the product [48, 70]; (g) obtaining probiotics to be done
ages at the end of shelf-life are two important criteria that must in a cost-effective way that will ensure probiotic viability over
be taken into account, knowing the low pH is a drawback. In shelf life. Incorporation of pre- and probiotics in diverse food
the formulation of the synbiotic microcapsules, it is essential to vehicles requires changes to the product and technological
combine the bacteria strains with the specific prebiotic for process that may bear the risk of modulating the probiotic
obtaining synbiotic effect. The impact of prebiotic on the phys- functionality, as suggested so far mostly by in vitro testing.
ical properties of capsules (size, integrity) must also be taken Consumers are confused and skeptic about numerous probiot-
into account. Combination of probiotics with prebiotics could ic strains and health benefits of each. Consumers need to be
be a dietary strategy which modulates commensal microbiota convinced that the functional beverages they buy contain the
composition and metabolism with health effects. claimed quantity of probiotic cells and prebiotic, a major issue
The evaluation of sensorial profile of fruit juices supplement- for a long-term profitability of synbiotic beverages [71]; (h)
ed with microcapsules as well as details about microcapsules changes in sensory properties of juices due to the presence of
size and their behavior in liquid food matrices (sedimentation, microorganism strain in the juice, storage temperature, addi-
optical residues) are, so far, found in few reports. Also, the tion of other compounds, could negatively affect the overall
viability of bacteria under conditions of storage and commer- acceptance. The sensory alteration of juices can be masked by
cialization at ambient temperature must be investigated [65]. the addition of pleasant aroma, flavors, and volatile com-
Utilization of synbiotics in fruit beverages continues to pounds [72].
gain interest and popularity among consumers. Another currently challenging task is the demonstration of
probiotics beneficial health effects in humans by development
and validation of biomarkers of health and disease. For this
Challenges for Formulation of Fruit Beverages purpose, it is necessary to know the mechanism of action of
with Synbiotics probiotics for identification of bioactive molecules in probiot-
ic products, to evaluate the food matrix effects on probiotic
Formulated synbiotic fruit beverages must deliver health ben- functionality, and to set up pre-trial functional tests with pre-
efices, nutrition, a sensory profile accepted by consumers, and dictive value. As such, it will optimize the selection of probi-
convenience for commercialization [66]. When designing this otic bacterial cells and technological parameters. All these
new generation of functional beverages some challenges need investigations help to undertake large and long-term animal
to be considered: (a) uses of specially selected probiotic cul- and human proof-of-concept trials for supporting and demon-
tures, because not all lactic acid bacteria can survive in acid strating potential health claims [13, 73].
environment [67]; (b) combination of probiotics with an ap-
propriate prebiotic; (c) establishment of proper bacteria level
required to have a beneficial effect and delivery system [68]; Future Perspectives
(d) in the strain selection process to take into account safety
features to avoid the potential interactions with other classes Current trends dictated by changing consumer needs and in-
of ingredients which produce biogenic amines. The criteria for creased interest towards healthier foods indicate a great oppor-
selection are GRAS status, desirable antibiogram profile, non- tunity for using novel, economic, and technological matrices
pathogenic (even to immune-compromised hosts), and non- to develop healthy functional products [48]. These potential
inflammatory microorganisms. The European Community heterogeneous matrices opened to innovation, require assess-
proposed a system for a pre-market safety assessment of se- ment of efficacy, and safety for their consumer acceptance and
lected microorganisms from a defined taxonomic group that market launch [70]. A prominent feature in their marketing
leads to a “Qualified Presumption of Safety (QPS)” [68]; (e) to strategy will be the approved specific health claims and con-
be considered the effect of the processing steps on viability. sumer awareness [13].
The low pH value combined with long storage periods affect An area of emerging interest which opens up new possibil-
the viability of most probiotic strains, especially those ities for the synbiotics application in food sector is nanotech-
representing anaerobic bifidobacteria, which need a good ox- nology. The application of nano-encapsulated probiotics is
ygen barrier packaging material. From a technical perspective, currently in the development, but requires precaution regard-
the probiotic strains' survival dictates the type of synbiotic ing their impact on environment and human health [74, 75].
product to be developed [69]; (f) determining in the product For the technological functionality, in the last years, genome
the added bacteria population to understand their mechanism sequencing of representative lactic acid bacteria with health-
of action, to elucidate more specifically what kind of benefit promoting effects in consumers have been reported. The gene
every strain gives [68]. In order to have a competitive advan- expression profile is a tool for a better understanding of phys-
tage on the market, it is of great importance to confirm the iological characteristics and identification of novel genes
functional properties of the starter culture before incorporating (stress and acid tolerance genes) [76, 77].
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