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Geotechnics for Sustainable Infrastructure Development - Geotec Hanoi 2016, Phung (edit).

ISBN 978-604-82-1821-8

Prediction of deformation for monopile foundation under

horizontal cyclic multi directional loading

Le Viet Hung
Technische Universität Berlin, Germany. E-mail:
Frank Rackwitz
Technische Universität Berlin, Germany. E-mail:

Keywords: FEM, ANSYS, HCA-model, cyclic loading, monopile, lateral loading, multidirectional
loading, simple shear test

ABSTRACT: This paper considers the effects of multi directional loading on non-cohesive soils using an
explicit accumulation model (HCA-Model). This is a model to describe the soil behaviour under cyclic
loading. It utilises the FE method which allows the simulation of complicated boundary value problems.
The specially developed accumulation model is able to consider high-cyclic loadings with changes in the
load direction. Results of some simulations for monopile foundations under horizontal cyclic loading with
rotation in the load direction are presented in this paper. In addition, the calibration procedure for the used
material models based on element tests are described.

presented. Especially the effects of the multi

directional loading will be explained.
The behaviour of soil under cyclic loading is very
complex. The accumulated strain is depending 2. HCA-MODEL
upon the strain amplitude, average cyclic stress and
void ratio. Further to this, the direction of cyclic 2.1 Calculation procedure for the HCA-Model
loading has a significant effect on the deformation For the FE calculations of the boundary value
behaviour of the soil. Although this is a three problems with cyclic loading, there are two
dimensional problem in laboratory testing as well fundamentally different ways of calculation: the
as in design and simulation approaches this has implicit and explicit method (implicit and explicit
often been simplified to be a two dimensional are here not to be confused with the integration
problem. In order to highlight this simplification algorithm). In an implicit procedure the cyclic
some basic analytical models for the prediction of loading at each cycle is calculated based upon the
the deformation behaviour of monopile relationship of the stress-strain rate at many
foundations under the cyclic loading conditions are increments. The accumulated strain results from
presented. In addition to the analytical method, the the not completely closed stress-strain hysteresis
finite element method is an important tool used to due to the plastic strain at the re- and unloading
solve the complex boundary value problems. For cycle. Because of this systematic error of the
this numerical calculation a high-quality material material model and the numerical error of the
model is utilised to describe the soil behaviour. In integration routine this method is confined to a
the following sections, the method of computation very limited number of loading cycles (N<50,
using the High Cyclic Accumulation model for Niemunis (2002)). In order to investigate high
cohesionless soil (HCA-Model after Niemunis et cyclic problems the explicit calculation method
al. (2005), Wichtmann (2005), Le (2015)) are delivers a more accurate result. The plastic strain in

this approach is explicitly calculated with an used. With the HYPiD, the initial loading up to the
empirical approximation. The accumulation under average stress and the first cycle can be calculated.
cyclic loading is analogue to the creep of a viscous The second as well as the update cycles run with
material. Instead of using the time t as the iso-elasticity. Because of the "ratcheting" problem
reference the number of cycles N is being referred (Wichtmann (2005), Prada (2011)) the calculation
to. This explicit method greatly reduces the with hypoplasticity on the second cycle and the
calculation effort (calculation time) and the update cycle can lead to unrealistic deformation.
systematic error.
2.2 Formulation of the HCA-Model
For the numerical investigation in this study the
explicit accumulation model, based on the first
formulation after Niemunis et al. (2005),
Wichtmann (2005), was used. The accumulation of
stress can be described by the HCA-model with the
following stress-strain relationship:

Therein is the Jaumann stress rate. is a

stress-dependent elastic stiffness. is the strain
Figure 1.Calculation procedure with the HCA-Model rate, the accumulation strain rate and the
rate of plastic strain. The accumulation is a
For the FE calculation with the HCA model a product of six partial functions and the direction
conventional constitutive law is necessary in of accumulation :
addition to the explicit accumulation model. With
this constitutive law the monotonous loading up to (2)
the average stress and the first two cycles are
implicitly calculated. In the second cycle the strain The function , which is summarized in
paths at each integration point will be recorded. Table 1, considers the influences of the strain
These results in turn are required to determine the amplitude, number of cycles, void ratio, mean
strain amplitude . The algorithm for the pressure, stress ratio and the polarization change.
calculation of is described by Niemunis et The approaches for these functions have been
al. (2005) in detail. The strain amplitude is studied by Wichtmann (2005) based on the results
an important input parameter for further calculation of cyclic triaxial tests. The approach on the partial
steps. The calculation of subsequent cycles is done function for the change in polarization was
explicitly with the accumulation model. Here the investigated and optimized in the study from Le
plastic strain of each integration point is calculated (2015). Here, the results of the cyclic simple shear
depending upon the increment of the cycle number. tests were used.
The increment ∆ can be small at the beginning of
2.3 Calibration of the constants for the HCAModel
the calculation and larger with an increasing
number of cycles (at the beginning ∆ 0.1 and For the determination of the parameters for the
at the 100,000 cycle ∆ 1,000). During the HCA model three different methods are proposed
explicit calculation the strain amplitude is with different efforts and accuracies (Wichtmann
assumed to be constant. However, due to the & Triantafyllidis (2011)):
compression or loosening of the soil the amplitude • Estimating the parameters based on the
can change. This adaptation of the new correlation between the particle size distribution
strain amplitude is carried out through the , and . This method is only
implicitly calculated update cycles between the recommended for very rough estimates because
explicit calculation steps. the grain texture (grain shape, roughness,
mineralogy) is not considered.
For the implicit calculations the hypoplatic model
with intergranular stain (HYPiD) after Niemunis
and Herle (1997) and the iso-elasticity
(Triantafyllidis et al. (2011), Zachert (2015)) are

Table 1. Functions and constant of the HCA-Model
Influence Function Material constants for Berlin sand

Strain amplitude 2,05


exp 0,002
Number of cycle 0,022
8,5 · 10

1 0,325
Void ratio
1 0,688
Mean pressure exp 1
100 kPa
Stress ratio exp 1,96
1 · sin α
Polarization change
1,25 · 10
· ∆

• In the second method the parameters , , shear test which was used for calibration. The
and can be estimated from the correlation shear direction of the cyclic loading was changed
with , and . , and by an angle of 90° after 5,000 cycles. It was
aredetermined from a single cyclic triaxial observed that, after the rotation of the load
test. This method is proposed to be a minimum direction (polarization change), the strain rate
standard immediately increases. This increase is only
• Determination of the parameters with results of temporarily and reduces again during the course of
eleven cyclic triaxial tests (nine drained and two the test. The strain rate then converges to the
undrained tests). The drained tests are used for previous value. During cyclic loading the
the determination of , , , , , orientation of the sand grains is defined by the
direction of the load cycles. After a change in the
and . Two undrained tests are required for
load direction the sand grains must reoriented
the determination of the stiffness parameters.
themselves in the direction of the new load
This method is highly recommended for the
direction. This causes a temporary increase in the
determination of the parameters in a detailed
strain rate. This behaviour of deformation, due to a
change in the load direction under the influence of
In this study, Berlin sand was used for all of the
diverse factors, was investigated. In Figure 3, the
experimental investigation. This is a medium to
results of four test series are presented. Those tests
coarse sand with a degree of non-uniformity
were used to calibrate the parameters and
of 3,3and an average particle diameter of
for the Berlin sand.
0,55. In Table 1, the set of parameters for
For calibration of the hypoplastic model with
the HCA model are shown. These were calibrated
intergranular strain the results of Oedometer tests
based on eleven cyclic triaxial tests following the
and monotonous triaxial tests were used. The
third method described above. The detailed
parameters for iso-elasticity were chosen so that
calibration procedure and the results of the cyclic
the FE calculations of a monopile under cyclic
triaxial tests can be taken from the research work
loading without a change in the load direction
from Le (2015). In addition, multi directional
show comparable results to the calculation with
simple shear tests were performed for the
hypoplasticity. The parameters in Table 2 and 3
determination of the parameters and .
were used for the following numerical
Figure 2 shows an example for the development of investigation.
the volume change und the strain rate in a simple

Figure 2. Multi directioal simple shear test. Left: volume change, right: rate of the volume change before and after
the rotation of the load direction

Figure 3. Multi directioal simple shear test with change of shear direction showing a variation of:
a) density, b) amplitude, c) rotation angle, d) number of cycles before change the direction

Table 2. Parameters of the hypoplastic model with distribution of stress within the pile the first 1 m of
intergranular strain (HYPiD) for Berlin sand the pile above the seabed was modelled with a
ϕc[°] hs[MPa] N ed0 ec0 ei0 larger stiffness of 10 kPa. The vertical force
0,79 applied at the pile head due to the dead weight of
31,5 2300 0,30 0,391 0,688
1 the construction and the generator was
7800 kN. The horizontal force was distributed at
four opposite nodes located at the outer perimeter
α β mR mT R χ βr
of the pile head. The bending moment was applied
0,13 1,0 4,4 2,2 10-4 6,0 0,2
as a pair of forces in the direction of the pile axis at
two opposite nodes and in conformity with the
Table 3. Parameters of the iso-elasticity horizontal loading position. The interaction
between pile shaft and soil was simulated with the
C1c C3 C4 C5
Mohr-Coulomb contact applying a friction
600 4,30 0,60 0,20
coefficient of 0,5. Both the inner and outer
wall of the pile were modelled as a contact surface.
The soil was homogeneous and had a lateral earth
pressure of 0,35. All the nodes at the bottom
3.1 Model and boundary edge of the model are fixed. In addition, the
displacements of the radial outer nodes in x- and in
For the numerical investigation in this study the z-direction were blocked. These nodes could only
FE-program ANSYS 14.0 was used. The HCA- move vertically.
Model and the additional material models ware
implemented in the subroutine "USERMAT" for the 3.2 Loading steps
explicit calculation of the cyclic boundary
For the study of the deformation behaviour of the
monopile due to a sudden change in direction of
The FE-discretization of the model is shown in
cyclic loading some calculations with Berlin sand
Figure 4. A monopile with an outer diameter of
were performed. The parameter sets for the
5,0 m and a wall thickness of 4,5 cm was
HYPiD, the HCA-Model and the iso-elasticity are
modelled. The model pile has an embedment depth
shown in Table 1, 2 and 3. For all calculations the
of 30 m and protrudes 1,0 m above the seabed.
cyclic load was rotated at the pile head after 15,000
The soil around the pile was modelled within a
cycles by an angle α in the horizontal direction. A
radius of 20 m and underneath the pile tip the
total of 30,000 cycles were applied. The load on
distance to the model edge was 17,5 m.
the model pile was applied in the following steps:
• To create the primary stress state of the soil the
pile elements were duplicated. The duplicates
were assigned the properties of the soil. Then,
the pile elements were deactivated. Thereafter,
the weight of the soil with the initial geostatic
stresses was generated.
• In the next step, the pile elements with soil
properties were deactivated and replaced with
the element characteristics of steel ("Wish-in-
place method"). The total weight of the pile is
then activated.
• Application of the vertical force V 7800 kN
which represents the weight of the tower
Figure 4.FE-discretization of model calculated including the generator. At the same time, the
static load (average values of the cyclic
loading), bending moment M and shear force
For the 3D simulation, the 8-Node element
Q were applied. In the simulation the lateral
SOLID185 was used with linear shape function
force was always proportional to the moment
and full integration. The modulus of elasticity of
and was calculated with a ratio of M/H 37.
steel for the pile was 2,1 · 10 . For a uniform

• The calculation of the first cycle was carried out the static load ( 30.000 and
with hypoplasticity with intergranular strain. /37) and their direction remained unchanged.
The moment amplitude M and horizontal At the beginning, the soil had an initial density of
force amplitude Q were applied at the same 0.75. It can be seen that the settlement of the
time. pile increases suddenly during the change in the
• The second cycle was calculated with iso- load direction. The horizontal displacement,
elasticity. Here, the strain path of the individual however, was not affected by the change in the
integration points was recorded. load direction. Although there was no cyclic
• The explicit calculation was carried out up to component in the x-axis after the change of the
15,000 cycles. At the beginning, an increment load direction the displacement of the pile still
of ∆N 0.1 was used. This increment was accumulated in this direction.
increased to ∆N 1 between the 2nd and 100th
cycle, from 100th to 1,000th cycles is ∆N 10
and thereafter ∆N 100. The explicit
calculation in this study was performed without
update cycles.
• The change in load direction was started with an
implicit calculation with iso-elasticity.
Thereafter, the cyclic loading in the new
direction was performed in the same manner as
the first cycle package (at the beginning
∆N 0.1, then ∆N 100).

3.3 Results of the simulation

In Figure 5, the horizontal displacement of the pile
head and the settlement are displayed over the Figure 5. Monopile under cyclic loading with a change
number of applied cycles. In this calculation, the of load direction after 15,000 cycle, angle of load
pile is loaded with two cycle package. After the direction 90°
first package the direction of the cyclic component
is rotated at an angle of 90°. The magnitude of

Figure 6. Horizontal displacement of the pile head due to change of load direction, variation of the rotation angle

Figure 6 shows further simulations which Bodenmechanik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum,Helf
highlights the influence of the magnitude of the 34.
rotation angle. For these calculations the rotation Niemunis A., Wichtmann T., Triantafyllidis T.
angle α was varied between 30°, 45° and 90°. (2005): “A high-cycle accumulation model for
The amplitude of the moment sand”. In Computers and Geotechnics, Vol. 32,
15.000 and the other parameters remained Nr. 4, pp 245-263.
unchanged for all calculations. It can be observed Prada, L. (2011): “Paraelastic description of small-
that, after the rotation of load direction, the strain soil behavior”. Veröffentlichungen des
horizontal displacement at the pile head has a light Institutes für Bodenmechanik und Felsmechanik
influence. Although the cyclic loading after 15,000 am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Heft
cycles was no longer in x-direction, there was still 173, Karlsruhe, Dissertation.
accumulation of displacement in this direction. In Triantafyllidis, T., A. Niemunis, P. Kudella, T.
general, the influence of the rotation angle α can be Wichtmann, O. Solf, H. Wienbroer, H. Zachert
seen in the course of the pile head displacement but and S. Chrisopoulos (2011): Abschlussbericht
it was relatively small compared to the total 0327618 zum Verbundprojekt "Geotechnische
amount of deformation. Robusheit und Selbstheilung bei der Gründung
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4. CONCLUSIONS Ber., Institut für Bodenmechanik und
The simple shear tests with variation of load Felsmechanik (IBF) des Karlsruher Instituts für
direction have shown that the direction change has Technologie (KIT).
a considerable influence on the deformation Wichtmann, T. (2005): Explicit accumulation
behaviour of the soil. Directly after rotation of the model for non-cohesive soils under cyclic
load direction the strain rate showed an abrupt rise. loading. Ruhr-Universität,Helf 38, Bochum,
This change was temporarily and settled again Dissertation.
during the following cycle. Wichtmann, T., Triantafyllidis, T. (2011):
The HCA model with its explicit calculation Prognose der Langzeitverformungen für
method allowed the investigation of boundary Gründungen von Offshore-Windenergieanlagen
value problems with cyclic loading. The mit einem Akkumulationsmodell. In:
parameters for the material model were calibrated Bautechnik 88, Nr. 11, pp 765-781.
with cyclic laboratory tests. In the focus of multi- Zachert, H. (2015): Zur Gebrauchstauglichkeit von
directional stress the function of HCA model Gründungen für Offshore-Windenergieanlagen.
was formulated for the change in load direction Veröffentlichungen des Institutes für
with two material constants and . The Bodenmechanik und Felsmechanik am
approach for these two constants are based on the Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Heft 180,
Karlsruhe, Dissertation.
results of the multi directional simple shear tests.
A monopile under cyclic horizontal load was
modelled with the FE program ANSYS. It was
noted that the change in the load direction has an
influences on the horizontal deformation behaviour
of the pile.

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zyklischer multidirektionaler Beanspruchung im
Einfachscherversuch“. Technische Universität
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