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Ebola virus disease

Shevin T. Jacob1,2, Ian Crozier3, William A. Fischer II4, Angela Hewlett5, Colleen S. Kraft6,
Marc-Antoine de La Vega7, Moses J. Soka8, Victoria Wahl9, Anthony Griffiths10,
Laura Bollinger11 and Jens H. Kuhn11 ✉
Abstract | Ebola virus disease (EVD) is a severe and frequently lethal disease caused by Ebola
virus (EBOV). EVD outbreaks typically start from a single case of probable zoonotic transmission,
followed by human-to-human transmission via direct contact or contact with infected bodily
fluids or contaminated fomites. EVD has a high case–fatality rate; it is characterized by fever,
gastrointestinal signs and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. Diagnosis requires a combination
of case definition and laboratory tests, typically real-time reverse transcription PCR to detect viral
RNA or rapid diagnostic tests based on immunoassays to detect EBOV antigens. Recent advances
in medical countermeasure research resulted in the recent approval of an EBOV-targeted vaccine
by European and US regulatory agencies. The results of a randomized clinical trial of investigational
therapeutics for EVD demonstrated survival benefits from two monoclonal antibody products
targeting the EBOV membrane glycoprotein. New observations emerging from the unprecedented
2013–2016 Western African EVD outbreak (the largest in history) and the ongoing EVD outbreak in
the Democratic Republic of the Congo have substantially improved the understanding of EVD and
viral persistence in survivors of EVD, resulting in new strategies toward prevention of infection
and optimization of clinical management, acute illness outcomes and attendance to the clinical
care needs of patients.

To date, 12 distinct filoviruses have been described1. outbreak. All FVD outbreaks, with the exception of that
The seven filoviruses that have been found in humans caused by TAFV, were characterized by extremely high
belong either to the genus Ebolavirus (Bundibugyo virus case–fatality rates (CFRs, also known as lethality). Until
(BDBV), Ebola virus (EBOV), Reston virus (RESTV), 2013, the most extensive outbreak, caused by SUDV,
Sudan virus (SUDV) and Taï Forest virus (TAFV); Fig. 1) involved 425 cases and 224 deaths (CFR 52.7%)6. The
or to the genus Marburgvirus (Marburg virus (MARV) overall limited numbers of FVD cases (1967–2013:
and Ravn virus (RAVV))2. The WHO International 2,886 cases including 1,982 deaths4), the typical remote
Classification of Diseases Revision 11 (ICD-11) of 2018 and rural locations of outbreaks and the often delayed
recognizes two major subcategories of filovirus disease announcement of new outbreaks to the international
(FVD): Ebola disease caused by BDBV, EBOV, SUDV community7 have prevented the systematic study of
or TAFV, and Marburg disease caused by MARV or clinical FVD in humans. Thus, the commonly used
RAVV. Ebola virus disease (EVD) is defined as a disease description of FVD was derived either from observa-
only caused by EBOV. This subcategorization of FVD tion of small groups of patients in care settings that were
is largely based on the increasing evidence of mole­ not well-equipped for diagnosis, treatment and disease
cular differences between ebolaviruses and marburg- characterization, or from observations of even smaller
viruses, differences that may influence virus–host samples, such as individuals who were transferred from
reservoir tropism, pathogenesis and disease phenotype Equatorial Africa to Europe and the USA or who fell sick
in accidental primate hosts2. in Europe or the USA after contracting the virus else-
Since the discovery of filoviruses in 1967 (ref.3), where. Pathological characterization of FVD via auto­
43 FVD outbreaks (excluding at least five laboratory- psies has been rare7,8. In the absence of extensive human
acquired infections) have been recorded in or exported clinical data, FVD could only be defined further via the
from Africa4. The epidemiological definition of outbreak use of experimental animal infections9,10.
✉e-mail: kuhnjens@ is one or more cases above the known endemic preva- Until 2013, most EVD outbreaks originated from lence. For example, the single case of TAFV infection Middle Africa: the Democratic Republic of the Congo, recorded in a setting in which FVD had never been Gabon and the Republic of the Congo. From late 2013
s41572-020-0147-3 reported before (Côte d’Ivoire)5 is still considered an to early 2016, EBOV caused the largest outbreak to

NATURE REVIEWS | DISEASE PRIMERS | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:13 1


Author addresses dysfunction27,28. Ultimately, these patients develop robust

immune responses leading to clearance of viraemia and a
Department of Clinical Sciences, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool, UK. resolution phase. However, recovery can be complicated
Global Health Security Department, Infectious Diseases Institute, Makerere University, by long-lasting clinical sequelae and/or virus persistence
Kampala, Uganda.
in immune-privileged sites that can lead to disease flares
Integrated Research Facility at Fort Detrick, Clinical Monitoring Research Program
and even sexual transmission. In this Primer, we out-
Directorate, Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research supported by the
National Cancer Institute, Frederick, MD, USA. line the current improved understanding of EVD based
Department of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary Disease and Critical Care Medicine, on the most recently published human clinical data.
Chapel Hill, NC, USA.
Nebraska Biocontainment Unit, Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Nebraska Epidemiology
Medical Center, Omaha, NE, USA. Classic epidemiology
Microbiology Section, Emory Medical Laboratory, Emory University School of Medicine, Since the discovery of EBOV in 1976 in the Democratic
Atlanta, GA, USA. Republic of the Congo (then Zaire)29–31, at least 17 EVD
Department of Microbiology, Immunology & Infectious Diseases, Université Laval, outbreaks have originated in Gabon, Guinea, the
Quebec City, QC, Canada.
Republic of the Congo or Zaire/Democratic Republic of
Partnership for Ebola Virus Disease Research in Liberia, Monrovia Medical Units ELWA-2
the Congo. At the time of writing, ~33,604 EBOV infec-
Hospital, Monrovia, Liberia.
National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center, Fort Detrick, Frederick, tions in humans, including 14,742 deaths (average CFR
MD, USA. 43.8%) are on record4,22, although case numbers differ
Department of Microbiology and National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories, slightly from source to source.
Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA.
Integrated Research Facility at Fort Detrick, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Outbreaks and transmission. Most outbreaks can be
Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Fort Detrick, Frederick, MD, USA. traced back to a single spillover introduction of EBOV
into the human population from an unknown reservoir
date, which spread from Guinea to other countries in by unknown means. Subsequently, the virus is transmit-
Western Africa, leading to 28,652 human infections and ted by direct, typically non-aerosol, human-to-human
11,325 deaths11. The location and scale of the 2013–2016 contact or contact with infected tissues, bodily fluids
outbreak was entirely unexpected12. Consequently, local, or contaminated fomites (Fig. 1)4. Based on historical
national and international organizations were caught records, EBOV may have been transmitted from its nat-
unprepared for an outbreak caused by what, until then, ural reservoir host(s) to humans to cause disease only
was considered an exotic pathogen of largely negligi- about 20–30 times (Table 1), although it is probable that
ble consequence for global public health13–15. After the limited EVD outbreaks may have been overlooked or not
WHO declared the outbreak a Public Health Emergency reported. The potential for infection of an index case and
of International Concern, the global and local responses subsequent spread — locally and globally — has been
to the outbreak intensified. Ultimately, the outbreak estimated by considering reservoir species distribution,
was contained, but it devastated individuals, families, along with governance, communications, isolation,
communities, health-care systems and economies16. infrastructure, health care and international connectiv-
In most affected countries, the response included the ity32. These predictions are crucial to identify regions that
establishment of Ebola (virus disease) Treatment Units require increased surveillance and investments. Tracking
(ETUs)17–19, in which medical professionals and biomed- EBOV within the human population after a zoonotic
ical scientists managed large cohorts of patients with transmission event can be challenging, especially as the
suspected or confirmed EVD in controlled settings. single natural reservoir has not been identified.
From this experience, scientists were able to better A strong risk factor linked to human-to-human
understand a virus previously best known as a poten- EBOV propagation is contact with infected bodily flu-
tial bioweapons agent20,21. In addition to the Western ids33–35. Indeed, infectious EBOV has been recovered
African outbreak, an ongoing outbreak in the Ituri, from breast milk, saliva, urine, semen, cerebrospinal
Nord-Kivu and Sud-Kivu Provinces of the Democratic fluid, and aqueous humor, in addition to blood and blood
Republic of the Congo is the second largest outbreak derivatives, and detected in amniotic fluid, tears, skin
in terms of the number of cases and deaths, with 3,418 swabs and stool by reverse transcription (RT)-PCR36–40.
infections and 2240 deaths (as of 28 January 2020)22 Although EBOV RNA has been detected in illness-
(Table 1, Fig. 2). related bodily fluids (such as diarrhoea and vomitus)40,
Owing to observations from the 2013‒2016 Western infectivity is unclear. Taking care of an individual with
African outbreak and, to a limited degree, from subse- EVD at home or in a health-care facility or following
quent EVD outbreaks in the Democratic Republic of the traditional funeral practices, which involve contact with
Congo (Table 1)23–26, clinicians can now better describe the deceased’s body, substantially increases the risk of
predictable phases in the progression of EVD in humans. acquiring infection. This contact is one of the reasons
Typically, EVD begins with a nonspecific febrile illness why women, who traditionally care for the sick in cer-
followed by severe gastrointestinal symptoms and tain African regions, may be at higher risk of acquir-
signs. In highly viraemic patients who often also have ing EBOV than men41,42 (Box 1). Although rare, sexual
dysregulated immune responses, EVD progresses to a transmission of EBOV was proven or strongly suspected
complex multiple organ dysfunction syndrome that can during the Western African EVD outbreak. Fortunately,
be fatal. A subset of patients, usually with lower virae- the risk of widespread outbreaks in middle-income and
mia, have less-severe disease progression and organ high-income countries remains relatively low, partially

2 | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:13



Phylum Negarna irae

s es

Class onjiviric ic

av e

Kingdom Orthor
Realm Riboviria

er Monon
Bundibugyo virus

ily Filovir
Genus (BDBV) Human

Ebolavirus Ebola virus infections


Sudan virus with disease
(SUDV) Human
Taï Forest virus infections not
(TAFV) associated
Re ) with disease
st o TV
n virus (RES No human
Bo m V) infections
bali virus (BOM recorded

b Unknown natural Spillover

host reservoir host Outbreak

? ?
Contact with Direct human-to-human contact
infected animals or contact with bodily fluids or fomites

c d

1 μm 500 nm

Fig. 1 | Filovirus taxonomy and Ebola virus transmission. a | Taxonomy of the genus Ebolavirus. Thus far, five ebolaviruses
have been associated with human infections, and four of them have been identified as pathogens. b | The natural reservoir
host(s) of Ebola virus (EBOV) has (have) yet to be identified. Multiple data indicate a direct or indirect role of bats in EBOV
ecology , but to date, EBOV has not been isolated from, nor has a near-complete EBOV genome been detected in any wild
animal279. However, it is tempting to speculate that Ebola virus disease (EVD) is a zoonosis (that is, an infectious disease
caused by an agent transmitted between animals and humans) because retrospective epidemiological investigations have
often been able to track down the probable index cases of EVD outbreaks. These individuals had been in contact with wild
animals or had handled the carcass of a possible accidental EBOV host7,280. c | Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) image
of EBOV particles (green) budding from grivet cells. d | Transmission electron microscopic (TEM) image of EBOV particles
(green) budding from grivet cells1,281. aThe kingdom name has been approved by the International Committee on Taxonomy
of Viruses (ICTV) but has yet to be ratified. Parts c and d courtesy of J. Wada and J. Bernbaum, NIH/NIAID Integrated
Research Facility at Fort Detrick , Frederick , MD, USA.

owing to our ability to keep the reproductive number identified, but women as care-givers may be at higher
(R0, the average number of individuals to whom an risk of being exposed to EBOV, and the incidence of
infected person will transmit the pathological agent over EVD increases almost linearly with age to a peak at
the course of the infectious period) of EBOV below 1 35–44 years. Although children typically constitute a
with simple infection prevention control and contact disproportionately small number of EVD cases, they
tracing measures43. have shorter incubation periods, and a more rapid dis-
ease course. Children have a higher risk of death than
Risk factors and outcomes. Demographical risk fac- older populations, with children of <5 years of age at
tors for EBOV infection and subsequent develop- the highest risk44–49. Possible explanations for the low
ment of EVD, such as age, sex and ethnicity, are not incidence of EVD in children include behavioural
well-defined. By current (albeit incomplete) under- factors, such as deliberate prevention of exposure to
standing, sex differences in susceptibility have not been infected individ­uals46, and differences in susceptibility

NATURE REVIEWS | DISEASE PRIMERS | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:13 3


across age groups50. Occasionally, spikes in incidence Case–fatality rate. Although unpublished obser-
of EVD in children have been recorded in correspond- vations of varying disease clinical signs or levels of
ence to malaria outbreaks and were probably related to severity depending on the specific outbreak have been
nosocomial infections28. described, these findings are not necessarily reflected
Infected pregnant women are at high risk of mis- in the published literature. On the basis of comparative
carriage or stillbirths, and newborn babies of infected statistics on CFRs, a fundamental difference in viru-
mothers rarely survive51. Indeed, EBOV can be transmit- lence between ebolaviruses that cause lethal human dis-
ted transplacentally52 and also lead to fetal death related ease is not observed; the oft-repeated notion that EBOV
to placental insufficiency. Transmission of EBOV from is the most virulent ebolavirus (let alone filovirus) is
infected pregnant women to their embryos or fetuses not supported by available data4. The mean CFRs for
or from infected mothers to their children occurs fre- each ebolavirus are 33.65 ± 8.38% (BDBV), 43.92 ± 0.7%
quently and is associated with elevated in utero and neo- (EBOV) and 53.72 ± 4.456% (SUDV) 4 ; that is,
natal lethality51. The risk of fetal loss in survivors of EVD a CFR of ~40–50% overall, with the remaining differ-
who become pregnant after recovery remains unclear; ence between the viruses compounded by the number
some data suggest an increased risk over baseline, espe- of outbreaks recorded and the typically small number
cially early after recovery53, although healthy pregnancy of cases in each outbreak. Accordingly, whether one
outcomes are possible54. EBOV RNA has been detected ebolavirus is more dangerous than another is statis-
at high concentrations in amniotic fluid, placenta, fetal tically unclear. The reasons for fluctuating CFR data
tissue and breast milk39,55–58. Molecular studies of specific are not truly understood. Possible reasons include
host factors influencing the outcome of EBOV infection differences in health status (nutrition, immunity and
in particular human populations are absent, with the co-infection status), genetics (ethnicity-dependent
exception of one study that associated the expression haplotypes or random polymorphisms), health-seeking
of killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIR) 2DS1 behaviour, case recognition and reporting capaci-
(KIR2DS1) and KIR2DS3 with fatal outcome59. ties and the development and accessibility of health-
care facilities providing supportive care in the affected
African countries.
Table 1 | Ebola virus disease outbreaks statistics
Country (year) Case–fatality Number Case definitions. In response to large outbreaks of
rate (%) of cases communicable diseases such as meningitis and yellow
COD (then Zaire) (1976) 88.1 318 fever, in 1998, the WHO African Regional Office
(WHO/AFRO) along with its Member States estab-
COD (then Zaire) (1977) 100.0 1 lished an Integra­ted Disease Surveillance strategy (later
Gabon (1994–1995) 61.5 52 termed Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response
(IDSR)) to improve public health surveillance of and
COD (then Zaire) (1995) 77.3 317
response to emerging and re-emerging diseases, includ-
Russiaa (1996) 100.0 1 ing those with outbreak potential 60. Revised IDSR
Gabon (1996) 67.7 31 guidelines from 2010 include guidance for develop-
ing case definitions for routine and community-based
Gabon, also exported to South Africa (1996–1997) 74.2 62
surveillance of such diseases. For EVD, the WHO has
Gabon, COG (2001–2002) 78.2 124 developed standard case definitions for alert, suspected,
COG, also exported to Gabon (2002) 90.9 11 prob­able and confirmed cases in the context of routine
and community-based surveillance (Box 2; US Centers
COG (2002–2003) 89.5 143
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) definitions
COG (2003–2004) 82.9 35 are in Box 3). These standard case definitions are uti-
Russia (2004)
100.0 1 lized by public health authorities to optimize surveil-
lance and notification of EVD, particularly before an
COG (2005) 81.8 11 outbreak has been identified.
COD (2007) 70.5 264 As increasing numbers of patients with possible EVD
COD (2008–2009) 46.9 32 present to health facilities at the beginning of an out-
break, case definitions are refined from standard public
Guinea, also exported to Liberia, Mali, Senegal, 39.5 28,652 health case definitions to reflect clinical and epidemi-
Sierra Leone and USA ; from Liberia, cases were exported
to France, Germany , Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway , ological features associated with a particular outbreak
Spain and USA and, from Sierra Leone, to Italy , UK , context. A robust case definition and accurate confirm-
Switzerland and USA (2013–2016) atory testing are key to ensuring that individuals with
COD (2014) 71.0 69 suspected EBOV infection are efficiently identified and,
upon admission to an ETU, isolated for confirmation of
COD (2017) 50.0 8 diagnosis and treatment. Importantly, patient screening
COD (2018) 61.1 54 time should be minimized to limit exposure of unin-
COD, also exported to Uganda (2018 to present) 66.3 3,324 fected individuals, including ETU staff, to potentially
infected individuals. Within an ETU, patients with
Country abbreviations are as used by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
COD, Democratic Republic of the Congo; COG, Republic of the Congo. aLaboratory-acquired suspected EBOV infection may be further separated,
infection. Modified and updated from ref.4. based on the probability of EBOV infection or the risk

4 | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:13





USA and three 2013–2016

European countries Nigeria 1977

Guinea Republic 1976

Sierra Leone of the Uganda
USA and five
European countries Liberia 2017

1996–1997 2014

1995 Republic
1994–1995 of the
2001–2002 Congo
1996 2008–2009



2002–2003 2005

Country where EVD outbreaks started South

Country with imported cases Africa
Country where EVD outbreaks started and with imported cases
Index case (year(s) of the outbreak)

Fig. 2 | Ebola virus disease outbreaks. The map shows the location and years of all reported Ebola virus disease (EVD)
outbreaks. Two cases of laboratory-acquired EVD occurred in Russia (not shown). Adapted with permission of McGraw-Hill
Education, from Harrison’s principles of internal medicine, Jameson, J. L. et al, vol. 2, 20th edn, 2018 (ref.282).

of infectiousness, to avoid nosocomial infection within EVD, placing them at increased risk of EBOV exposure
the ETU. The corresponding jargon for ETU wards or and nosocomial infection, especially when the proba-
sections of wards to reflect levels of risk (of having EVD, bility that other patients with suspected EVD might
and therefore infectiousness) has varied across ETUs and be EBOV-positive is high. Thus, in a community with
has included descriptions such as ‘suspect vs probable’ a high incidence of EVD, increased specificity in EVD
or ‘wet vs dry’. case definition may be crucial.
Despite refinement, case definitions are rarely 100% Given these considerations, currently no EVD case
sensitive or specific, and attempts to optimize one come definition is globally applied. Indeed, the EVD case
at the expense of the other. A case definition with a defi­nition can be reiterated during the course of an
low sensitivity will mislabel true EBOV-positive indi- outbreak; such variations in case definition were used
viduals as EBOV-negative, leading to an increased risk during the 2013–2016 Western African outbreak (for
of discharge of EBOV-infected individuals back to the example, in Sierra Leone61) as the outbreak evolved from
community, where EBOV transmission can be reini- a high incidence to a low incidence. Although novel
tiated. Particularly in a setting with a low community case definitions are limited by variations in EVD pre­
incidence of EVD, the sensitivity of the case definition valence during a particular outbreak and the intrinsic
should be maximized. By contrast, a case definition with lack of specificity of case definitions compared with
a low specificity might result in misclassification of true common endemic causes of acute febrile and diarrhoeal
EBOV-negative individuals as EBOV-positive. Such disease, their performance characteristics have been
individuals might be admitted to an ETU with suspected evaluated (Box 4).

NATURE REVIEWS | DISEASE PRIMERS | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:13 5


Box 1 | Anthropology in filovirus disease outbreak control to an individual outbreak but provides valuable infor-
mation to scientists and decision makers regarding the
The initial spillover and spread of filoviruses, the eventual perpetuation of filovirus long-term evolution of EBOV. Current medical counter-
disease (FVD) and the general knowledge of these viruses and their associated diseases measures (MCMs), such as vaccines and therapeutics,
among health-care and research professionals and the general population are heavily have often been designed to specifically match a known
influenced by the social dynamics and the anthropological environment of outbreak
EBOV isolate, or designed as a consensus of multiple
areas. Understanding of and respect towards individuals in these settings and the drivers
of human behaviour are crucial to the building of trust and to increase the effectiveness of ones to account for genomic variation. Molecular epi-
communication among locals and those who could be considered ‘outsiders’ or ‘other’. demiology enables assessment of the potential efficacy
In the absence of such trust and communication, even the most advanced outbreak of available MCMs based on the sequence of a newly
intervention strategies are doomed to failure. Professional anthropologists were first circulating EBOV isolate. The analysis of 65 EBOV GP
integrated into FVD outbreak response teams at the beginning of the millennium during sequences from isolates collected from 1976 to 2014
outbreaks in Gabon, the Republic of the Congo, South Sudan and Uganda266–268, and have demonstrated that the temporal evolution of EBOV is
since become important, although probably still under-represented, actors in FVD mostly due to neutral genetic drift, suggesting that the
emergency public health response teams. Anthropological and sociological approaches emergence of completely novel isolates that would not
have helped to describe, explain and curtail rumours about the origin of, for instance,
respond to current MCMs is unlikely70.
Ebola virus disease (EVD) while working within local belief systems rather than dismissing
them. These approaches have managed to increase the safety of traditional funerals and
day-to-day human interactions via the integration of highly esteemed traditional healers, Mechanisms/pathophysiology
local chiefs and other revered personalities in response teams, and they have informed Many outstanding questions still surround the patho-
the creation and distribution of community-accepted educational material (such as physiology of EVD. Findings from animal studies,
posters, booklets and songs) in local languages via community centres, radio and TV in vitro work and clinical data from humans are begin-
broadcasting stations, or mobile phones269–274. Since FVD outbreak areas are linguistically, ning to decipher the normal course of EVD in humans
ethnically, religiously and developmentally highly diverse, no one-size-fits-all approach and to link disease progression to the molecular bases
to FVD containment can currently be envisaged, and specialized anthropologists will of EBOV pathogenesis. With these data, researchers
remain paramount in supporting outbreak response teams in the mission to mitigate or may be able to identify the crucial pathways involved
end human disease burden. in effective immune responses to EBOV infection and
the various candidate MCMs that may be developed to
Molecular epidemiology augment any host response shortcomings.
The 2013–2016 Western African EVD outbreak was the
first to be largely characterized by molecular epide- Animal models
miological evidence. Deep-sequencing efforts, often Exposure of immunocompetent laboratory mice, Syrian
performed on site and in parallel by several groups, hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) and domesticated
resulted in the determination of >1,600 coding-complete guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) to EBOV does not yield
(all open reading frames) or near-complete (typically severe (or any) disease, and EBOV must be adapted
coding-complete plus parts of leaders and/or trailers) via serial passages in rodents before lethal infection
EBOV genomes directly from human patient samples62–65. is achieved71,72. Even when adapted viruses are used,
These samples included single genomes from single these rodent models do not fully mimic human disease.
patients, multiple different genomes from the same Because non-human primates (NHPs) are evolutionarily
patient and the same genome from different patients. much more closely related to humans than rodents, NHP
Subsequent phylogenetic analyses traced EBOV move- models of EVD are often considered to be more use-
ment through the human populations of all affected ful for the study of human EBOV infection and EVD.
countries and pinpointed multiple back-and-forth bor- Indeed, much of the information on viral pathogenesis
der crossings63 (Fig. 3). The genomic data confirmed the has been derived from studies with wild-type EBOV
classic epidemiological model of filovirus infections: predominantly in crab-eating macaques (Macaca fasci­
all 28,652 human infections of this outbreak occurred cularis) and rhesus monkeys (M. mulatta)9,10. On the
via direct human-to-human contact tracing back to a basis of experimental animal data, two factors that may
single human index case (probably due to zoonotic influence development and severity of human EVD
transmission) close to Guéckédou, Nzérékoré Region, may be the EBOV exposure route and dose. Direct con-
Guinea. Such molecular epidemiological investigations tact with infected biological materials or contaminated
are now becoming routine. non-biological materials via cuts or scratches or via
Molecular approaches have also enabled progress contact with mucosal membranes (oral or, theoretically,
in understanding of within-outbreak and within-host nasopharyngeal or conjunctival mucosa) is considered
viral evolution69. During the two most recent EVD the most frequent mode of human-to-human EBOV
outbreaks in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, transmission73. However, these transmission pathways
deep sequencing revealed single spillover EBOV trans- are difficult to simulate in experimental settings. Thus,
mission events into the human populations with sub- animal models of EVD have been established using
sequent person-to-person transmission25,26. Molecular injection and aerosol methods of EBOV exposure to
approaches revealed that sexual transmission of EBOV model accidental needlestick injury and respiratory
may rarely occur from apparently healthy survivors routes of exposure, respectively, despite the lack of evi-
of EVD in whom EBOV may persist in the semen for dence that these exposure routes have any relevant roles
extended periods of time, with the latest documented during natural EVD outbreaks73.
transmission event 482 days after EVD onset41,66–68. The Most studies in NHPs rely on either intramuscular
importance of molecular epidemiology is not limited injection or small-particle aerosol exposure of 1,000

6 | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:13


plaque-forming units (pfu) of EBOV, a dose that ensures Western African outbreak and remained present in
that all infected animals will develop a disease that is genomes from all later samples76–78. In vitro, this muta-
almost always lethal74; thus, significant results can be tion enhances EBOV GP1,2-mediated virus entry into
achieved with overall low animal numbers. Interestingly, human cells78, possibly by weakening the stability of the
intramuscular infection of NHPs with some EBOV vari­ prefusion conformation of GP1,2 and hence lowering
ants by injection of a calculated dose of 0.01 pfu (corre- the activation barrier required for fusion of EBOV parti­
sponding to ~90 virus particles) results in lethal disease cle membranes with host cell membranes79. However,
in 100% of animals75. The lethality associated with this in vivo experiments have yet to unambiguously ascribe a
low virus dose suggests that very few virions may be pheno­type to A82V and similar mutations in the context
required to initiate a lethal disease course in humans, of pathogenesis. For instance, initial studies with Ifnar−/−
although insufficient data preclude robust median immunodeficient laboratory mice and rhesus monkeys
lethal dose calculation and speculations on the effects did not demonstrate an effect of A82V on disease severity
of different variants on human disease. or virus shedding80. This lack of an effect may be due to
During the 2013–2016 Western African EVD out- the true lack of effect of these mutations on pathogenesis,
break, molecular genomic analyses were used to observe limitations of the in vivo studies (such as compensatory
EBOV evolution during human-to-human transmission. mutations for the A82V phenotype observed in vitro),
The comparison of the ~1,600 near-complete EBOV or intrinsic differences among laboratory mice, NHPs
genome sequences obtained during that outbreak revealed and humans, such as infection cofactors or immune
several positively selected genomic mutations. A muta- responses. Consequently, a convincing explanation for
tion leading to an amino acid residue change, A82V, in positive selection of certain mutations in EBOV genomes
EBOV glycoprotein GP1,2 occurred in viral genomes over the course of the outbreak is still lacking. Novel
isolated from samples collected early in the 2013–2016 approaches using systems biology are used more fre-
quently nowadays in the context of EVD and could be
used to further describe the effect of such mutations on
Box 2 | WHO case definitions pathogenesis and transmission of EBOV81,82.
Standard case definitions for alert cases (community-based surveillance)
Host–pathogen determinants of outcome
• Illness with onset of fever and no response to treatment of usual causes of fever in the
Elucidation of the mechanistic determinants of the
area; OR
outcome of host–filovirus interaction has historically
• At least one of the following signs: bleeding, bloody diarrhoea, bleeding into urine; OR
been challenging. In humans, outcome could only be
• Any sudden death correlated with very limited clinical data, providing
Standard case definitions for suspected and confirmed cases (routine surveillance) only low-resolution associations. In proxy animal dis-
• Suspected case: Illness with onset of fever and no response to treatment for usual ease models, the homogeneity of highly stringent uni-
causes of fever in the area, and at least one of the following signs: bloody diarrhoea, formly lethal models prevents the identification of any
bleeding from the gums, bleeding into the skin (purpura), and bleeding into the eyes host-specific or filovirus-specific variability, much less
and urine mechanistic determinants. Ongoing analyses of samples
• Confirmed case: A suspected case with laboratory confirmation (positive IgM acquired during the 2013–2016 Western African out-
antibody, positive PCR or viral isolation) break are using a systems approach to understanding
Case definition for a suspected case during an Ebola virus disease (EVD) the consequences to the host81,82, although these studies
outbreak (to be used by mobile teams, health stations and health centres) are at an early stage. Finally, although in vitro systems
• Any person, alive or dead, suffering or having suffered from a sudden onset of high have provided valuable information regarding molecular
fever and having had contact with an individual with suspected, probable or pathogenesis, a complex variety of viruses, host cells and
confirmed EVD or a dead or sick animal; OR experimental conditions have been used. Accordingly, a
• Any person with sudden onset of high fever and at least three of the following single, unified picture of the host–filovirus interaction
symptoms: headache, lethargy, anorexia or loss of appetite, aching muscles or does not exist. Instead, from a ‘patchwork’ compilation
joints, stomach pain, difficulty swallowing, vomiting, difficulty breathing, diarrhoea, of different and complex observations, key aspects of the
hiccups; OR disease in humans remain unknown.
• Any person with inexplicable bleeding; OR EBOV tissue and cell tropism are primarily deter-
• Any sudden, inexplicable death275 mined by the EBOV glycoprotein GP1,2, GP1,2 attach-
ment factors on the host cell surface and the intracellular
Case definition for a probable case (for exclusive use by hospitals and
surveillance teams)
binding of GP1,2 to the NPC intracellular cholesterol
transporter 1 (NPC1, also known as Niemann–Pick
• Any patient with suspected EVD evaluated by a clinician; OR
C1 protein) receptor83,84 (Fig. 4). Most human cells can
• Any deceased patient with suspected EVD (in whom it has not been possible to collect
become infected, but mononuclear phagocytes (for
specimens for laboratory confirmation) that has an epidemiological link with a patient
example, Kupffer cells in the liver, macrophages and
with confirmed EVD
microglia) and dendritic cells are primary EBOV tar-
Case definition for a laboratory-confirmed case (for exclusive use by hospitals gets74,85–91. As the primary target cells become infected,
and surveillance teams) they probably facilitate further virus dissemination86
• Any patient with suspected or probable EVD with a positive laboratory result. and migrate to the regional lymph nodes and to the
For laboratory confirmation, the patient must test positive for the virus antigen, either liver and spleen88. In vitro, infected macrophages are
by detection of virus RNA by PCR with reverse transcription or by detection of IgM activated by binding to EBOV GP1,2 (ref.92) to secrete
antibodies directed against EBOV.
pro-inflammatory cytokines, in particular interleukins

NATURE REVIEWS | DISEASE PRIMERS | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:13 7


Box 3 | CDC definition for a person under investigation for EVD Immune responses. Although considerable progress has
been made towards understanding the immune response
• Individual with both “1. Elevated body temperature or subjective fever or symptoms, to EBOV infection at the cellular level using in vitro
including severe headache, fatigue, muscle pain, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, testing, data are limited regarding the systemic immune
or unexplained hemorrhage; AND 2. An epidemiologic risk factor within the 21 days response in humans following infection. Prior to the
before the onset of symptoms”276.
2013–2016 Western African EVD outbreak, which was
• Such risk factors include direct contact with “blood or bodily fluids (urine, saliva, of such a scale and duration to enable study, opportuni-
sweat, feces, vomit, breast milk, and semen) of a person who is sick with or has died
ties were lacking to conduct thorough and simultaneous
from […] (EVD)”, “objects (such as clothes, bedding, needles and medical equipment)
contaminated with bodily fluids from a person who is sick with or has died from EVD”, immunological analyses of the human host response to
“infected fruit bats or nonhuman primates (such as apes and monkeys)”, and “semen EBOV infection.
from a man who recovered from EVD (through oral, vaginal, or anal sex)”277. EBOV inhibits induction of intrinsic (cell-based anti-
viral defence mechanisms via proteins that are constitu-
tively expressed and target specific viruses) and innate
IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-8, and tumour necrosis factor (cell-based antiviral defence mechanisms via proteins
(TNF). These secretions probably result in the recruit- that are induced by infection and rely on pattern rec-
ment of additional EBOV-susceptible macrophages to ognition receptors) host immune responses105,106. This
the site of infection and, ultimately, the breakdown of inhibition permits efficient virus replication in host
endothelial barriers. In NHP models, this breakdown cells, thereby accelerating viral spread. To this end, the
frequently causes third spacing (that is, excess move- virus invests a substantial amount of its genome cod-
ment of intravascular fluid into interstitial spaces), ing capacity. Perhaps the best studied inhibitor is the
leading to oedema and hypovolaemic shock. Although EBOV polymerase cofactor VP35, which is also a type I
described, this manifestation is less well characterized interferon (IFN) antagonist. EBOV VP35 suppresses
in human patients91,93–95. In vitro, dendritic cells react to production of type I IFN (by impairing IRF-3 phospho-
EBOV infection with partial suppression of major histo­ rylation) through its ability to bind double-stranded
compatibility complex class II responses, expression of RNA and through direct interactions with the host pro-
tissue factor and TNF ligand superfamily member 10 teins TBK-1, IKKε and PACT (refs107–115). In addition,
(TNFSF10), increased production of chemokines (for VP35 suppresses micro-RNA silencing (an important
instance, C-C motif chemokine 2 (CCL2), CCL3, CCL4 post-translational regulatory pathway) in the host cell116,
and IL-8) and suppressed secretion of pro-inflammatory and GP1,2 antagonizes a cellular antiviral restriction fac-
cytokines96–100. Together with possible abortive infec- tor, BST-2 (ref.117). A second EBOV-encoded protein,
tion101, the aberrant cytokine responses and TNFSF10 RNA complex-associated protein VP24, also inhibits
expression are probably key to the extensive lympho- the antiviral response by preventing the nuclear accu-
cyte death. Such lymphocyte depletion possibly con- mulation of phosphorylated signal transducer and acti-
tributes to the susceptibility of patients with EVD to vator of transcription 1α/β (STAT1), which is induced by
acquiring secondary infections)88,102, hypotension, dis- type I IFN and acts as a transcription factor to increase
seminated intravascular coagulation, and ultimately expression of antiviral proteins118,119. Finally, EBOV
multiple organ dysfunction syndrome that is typical of VP40 is incorporated into exosomes that seem to have
EVD8,102–104 (Fig. 5). the potential to disrupt or kill host immune cells120,121.
Recent studies have confirmed that although EBOV
has been considered immunosuppressive, EBOV-specific
Box 4 | Case definition during an outbreak cellular and humoral immune responses develop but
are often outpaced in the host–pathogen EVD ‘arms
A retrospective cohort study from a holding unit (a temporary holding facility for
patients with suspected or confirmed EVD waiting for a bed in an ETU) in Freetown,
race’122,123, in which timing seems crucial. This host–
Sierra Leone, reported the clinical characteristics of 724 individuals who underwent pathogen competition might also be applied to vaccine-
EBOV PCR testing from May to December 2014 (ref.146). The standard case definition mediated mechanisms of protection. A vaccinated
adapted by the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, Sierra Leone from the existing individual is assumed to be protected once outside the
WHO case definition had suboptimal performance, with a sensitivity of 57.8% and a window for a vaccine-induced mounting of a humoral
specificity of 70.8%. A subgroup analysis revealed that 15 (9%) of 161 patients with response (for example, ~10 days for the vesicular stoma-
confirmed EVD lacked two of the major criteria required to fulfil the EVD case titis Indiana virus-based vaccine rVSVΔG-ZEBOV-GP
definition; that is, history of fever and risk factor for EVD exposure. Separately, an as defined by the Ebola ça Suffit! ring vaccination
Ebola (virus disease) Prediction Score was developed to improve the performance trial)124,125. Ongoing vaccine and clinical research efforts
characteristics of the existing case definition278. This score was derived from a
in the Democratic Republic of the Congo will help
retrospective analysis of clinical and epidemiological characteristics of 382 individuals
presenting to a Liberian ETU from September 2014 to January 2015 and included the
to clarify the relationship between timing of vaccine
following six predictors of EVD: contact with an individual with EVD, diarrhoea, receipt with susceptibility to infection. In addition,
anorexia, myalgia, dysphagia and absence of abdominal pain. With an area under the in vaccinated individuals who then become infected,
receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.75 (95% CI 0.70–0.80) for the prediction further research will clarify the relationship between
of laboratory-confirmed EVD, the prediction score performed at a moderate level previous vaccination and subsequent EVD severity or
for determining EVD status in patients with suspected EVD. Although it was not outcome. Indeed, in vaccinated individuals who then
practically useful for determining EVD status in place of EBOV-specific laboratory develop EVD, receipt of the rVSVΔG-ZEBOV-GP vac-
testing, the Ebola Prediction Score has promising utility for aiding clinicians to cine is independently associated with a decreased risk
improve risk stratification and triage of patients with suspected EVD in future of dying126. Research on human immune responses to
outbreak settings278.
EBOV infection has focused largely on the detection

8 | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:13


100 km





Sierra Leone

Date (month)

January April July October January April July October

2014 2014 2014 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015

Fig. 3 | Reconstructed EBOV transmission chains during the 2013–2016 Western African EVD outbreak. Molecular
evidence using hundreds of individual Ebola virus (EBOV) genomes sequenced from individual patients indicates that
in the index case of the outbreak , EBOV was acquired by unknown means at the end of 2013 in or around Guéckédou in
Guinea. From there, person-to-person transmission enabled EBOV to spread (coloured lines) throughout the country , to
cross borders and ultimately to affect a total of 15 countries (see also Fig. 2). The direction of EBOV spread is represented
by the lines and goes from the thick end to the thin end. White borders delineate the provinces (Guinea), districts
(Sierra Leone) and counties (Liberia). Adapted from ref.63, Springer Nature Limited.

of biomarkers of inflammation (such as CCL2, IL-8 effective and ineffective B cell and T cell responses dur-
and IL-6), endothelial dysfunction (such as selectin P), ing acute infection and over time129,130. These limited
coagulation (such as d-dimer, tissue factor and results suggest a ‘race’ between EBOV proliferation and
von Willebrand factor) and lymphocyte function (such the ability of the human host to mount an effective
as CXCL3 and granzyme B)127,128; the expression of host and regulated anti-EBOV immune response. No study
RNA transcripts from peripheral blood mononuclear in humans has been able to measure inoculation dose
cells; and the appearance of EBOV-specific humoral and and its relationship with disease severity. Interrogation
cellular immune responses. of immune responses in four patients with EVD treated
Data from both patients with EVD treated in the USA in the USA also revealed a second peak and persistence
and Western African cohorts suggest that robust adap- of T cell activation during convalescence123, which might
tive immune activation, which includes antigen-specific implicate persistence of EBOV or EBOV antigen in tis-
T cell and B cell responses, occurs during acute illness123. sue compartments (immune-privileged sites) after viral
Efforts are ongoing to define the characteristics of nucleic acid is no longer detected in the blood. Indeed,

NATURE REVIEWS | DISEASE PRIMERS | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:13 9


a NP VP35 VP30 VP24 EBOV RNA has frequently been detected in semen
Gene boundaries
3' VP40 GP L
ORFs from male survivors of EVD and from cerebrospinal
5' and intraocular fluids from two convalescent patients
Gene overlaps
3' leaders and long after blood samples tested negative for EBOV131–134.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 5' trailers
Genome length (kb)
Diagnosis, screening and prevention
b Clinical manifestations of acute EVD
Given the difficulties in identifying the exposure source
and route of infection in most patients, data that confi-
EBOV Macropinosome dently determine the time from exposure to symptom
onset are sparse. The most convincing data come from
situations characterized by a single definitive exposure
event. An analysis of all published human exposure data
determined that the mean incubation period of EVD is
6.22 ± 1.57 days for all routes of exposure, 5.85 ± 1.42
days for percutaneous exposure and 7.34 ± 1.35 days
2 for person-to-person contact or contact with infected
animals135. Rarely, asymptomatic or pauci-symptomatic
7 Translation infection of individuals without known clinical mani-
festations of EVD has been described136,137. A study of
Golgi household contacts of survivors discharged from an
ETU in Sierra Leone revealed that although 47.6% of
Late contacts (229 of 481 contacts) had high-level exposures
endosome– (direct contact with a corpse, bodily fluids or a patient
lysosome 6 Transcription ER
4 with bleeding, diarrhoea or vomiting), an assay detect-
ing anti-EBOV GP IgG from oral fluid samples tested

H + H+ positive only in 12.0% of contacts who reported having
H+ –
H+ symptoms at the same time as household members who
H+ Nucleus had EVD (11 of 92 contacts) and in 2.6% of contacts
who reported having no symptoms (10 of 388 con-
tacts)138. In general, patients with EVD have a predicta-
5 Replication
ble clinical course (Fig. 6). During early infection (days
1–3 following disease onset), patients present with a
– non-specific febrile illness (symptoms may include ano-
rexia, arthralgia, headache, malaise, myalgia and rash)
that progresses in the first week to severe gastrointestinal
symptoms and signs (nausea, vomiting and high-volume
GP1,2 Cleaved GP1,2 RNA + NP mRNA VP40 NPC1
diarrhoea). During the 2013–2016 Western African
CatB CatL NP VP30 L VP35 EVD outbreak, fatigue, anorexia, abdominal pain, diar-
rhoea, vomiting, fever and myalgia were among the most
common clinical manifestations139–144.
Fig. 4 | EBOV genome and life cycle. a | Ebola virus (EBOV) has a linear, non- As the EBOV load increases, typically the severity
segmented, negative-sense, single-stranded RNA genome (~19 kb) expressing seven of EVD clinical manifestations increases as well. The
structural proteins and several non-structural proteins from seven genes: NP encodes onset of detectable viraemia and manifestations of
nucleoprotein NP, VP35 polymerase cofactor VP35, VP40 matrix protein VP40, GP clinical signs and symptoms in most patients occurs
glycoprotein GP1,2 and secreted glycoproteins (not shown), VP30 transcriptional
6–10 days after exposure. Later in the first week of
activator VP30, VP24 RNA complex-associated protein VP24, and L large protein L1,281.
illness following disease onset, patients may have per-
b | The binding of EBOV particles to the attachment factors on the host cell
surface is mediated by the homotrimeric structural glycoprotein GP1,2, which is sistent fever and increased gastrointestinal fluid losses
formed of three heterodimers consisting of subunits GP1 and GP2 that are connected and hypotension from dehydration and, to a minor
by a disulfide bond (1). Binding to the host cell membrane triggers viral particle extent, vascular leakage. Rhabdomyolysis (the break-
endocytosis (2). In the late endosome, GP1,2 is sequentially cleaved by cathepsin B down of muscle leading to the release of the contents
(CatB) and cathepsin L (CatL) (3) to expose the receptor-binding site of the GP1 of dead myofibres into the circulation) has also been
subunit. A low pH induces GP1 interaction with the EBOV receptor NPC1, with observed145. Although EVD is still often referred to as
subsequent GP2-mediated fusion of the particle envelope with the endosomal a ‘viral haemorrhagic fever’, this term is discouraged2
membrane and thereby expulsion of the ribonucleoprotein complex (predominantly because not all patients have overt bleeding manifes-
RNA + NP) into the cytosol (4). There, the filovirus genome is replicated (5) and
tations and fever is not always present146,147. However,
the filovirus genes are transcribed into mRNAs (6). Viral proteins are translated
with observations of early consumptive coagulopathy
in the cytosol or, in the case of GP1,2, into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) (7).
Mature progeny ribonucleoprotein complexes and viral proteins are transported to followed by hypercoagulability in the recovery period,
the plasma membrane, where particle budding occurs (8). NPC1, NPC intracellular haematological abnormalities may be more common
cholesterol transporter 1; ORF, open reading frame. Part a courtesy of J. Wada, and complex than previously understood127,148. During
NIH/NIAID Integrated Research Facility at Fort Detrick , Frederick , MD, USA. Part b the terminal phase (days 7–12 following disease onset),
adapted from ref.283, Springer Nature Limited. tissue hypoperfusion and vascular leakage, often in

10 | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:13


Ebola virions


Systemic spread and multiple organ dysfunction cell

Brain Spleen
• Encephalopathy • Cytokine Lymph Macrophage
dysregulation node
Liver • Death of
lymphocytes Immune system dysregulation
Hepatocyte injury or
dysfunction leading to:
• Release of liver enzymes T cell
• Reduced production Kidney
• Acute kidney injury activation
of clotting factors
• Hypoalbuminaemia (?) or dysfunction
• Hypoglycaemia (?) • Fluid, electrolyte
and acid–base Adaptive Innate
derangement B cell and T cell Dendritic cells
Gastrointestinal tract ? dysregulation • Inhibition
Vomiting and diarrhoea of RIG-I
leading to: Skeletal muscle • Aberrant
• Fluid and electrolyte loss • Muscle injury maturation
• Dysrupted acid–base with elevated
balance creatinine Excessive Death of
• Hypoproteinaemia (?) phosphokinase cytokines lymphocytes

Circulatory system
• Capillary leakage and • Damage to Ebola
third spacing endothelium virus disease
• Coagulopathy, leading to • Low blood
haemorrhagic manifestations pressure

Fig. 5 | Conceptualized EVD pathogenesis. Ebola virus particles enter the body through dermal injuries (microscopic or
macroscopic wounds) or via direct contact via mucosal membranes. Primary targets of infection are macrophages and
dendritic cells. Infected macrophages and dendritic cells migrate to regional lymph nodes while producing progeny virions.
Through suppression of intrinsic, innate and adaptive immune responses, systemic distribution of progeny virions and
infection of secondary target cells occur in almost all organs. Key organ-specific interactions occur in the gastrointestinal
tract, liver and spleen, with corresponding markers of organ injury or dysfunction that correlate with human disease
outcome. The question marks indicate speculated manifestations. RIG-I, antiviral innate immune response receptor RIG-I.

conjunction with dysregulated inflammation, lead to In humans, no EVD outbreak including more than a
multiple organ dysfunction syndrome and/or dam- single case has ever resulted in a 100% CFR4. However,
age, including acute kidney injury. Kidney injury is the clinical correlates of outcome following EBOV
evidenced by oliguria or anuria and abnormalities in infection have been difficult to discern owing to chal-
electrolytes including potassium and sodium. A subset lenges in data collection, clinical follow-up and limited
of patients develop central nervous system manifesta- laboratory services. Data from the 2013–2016 Western
tions and encephalopathy. Although several underly- African EVD outbreak show that viral load or the RT
ing causes could be involved, EBOV RNA has been quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) cycle threshold value
detected in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with (which is a proxy for the viral load), age, and signs of
EVD, suggesting that meningoencephalitis may be organ dysfunction, in this order, most reliably predict
directly mediated by the virus149,150. outcome. The cycle threshold value refers to the num-
The clinical timeline and manifestations may be ber of cycles of PCR amplification required before
altered in children; although the incidence of EVD viral RNA is detectable above a background threshold.
among children was lower than in adults across the The cycle threshold cannot be universally related to a
three affected countries during the 2013‒2016 Western corresponding number of viral genome copies per milli-
African EVD outbreak48, data regarding paediatric litre of blood, as it depends on the specific experimental
EVD suggest that the incubation period is shorter and conditions. However, a low value means that viral DNA
the CFR is higher in younger children (<5 years of age) can be detected in a short period of time, which sug-
than in older children. Additionally, children were more gests a high viral load, whereas a high value is associated
likely than adults to clinically present with fever and with a low viral load. For instance, data from an ETU
less likely to report abdominal pain, arthritis, myalgia, in Sierra Leone suggested a poor prognosis in patients
dyspnoea (difficult breathing) and hiccups in the early admitted with viral loads >10 million genome copies per
stage of disease. millilitre of blood151. The mean initial viral load at this

NATURE REVIEWS | DISEASE PRIMERS | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:13 11


Onset of signs and symptoms

Incubation Early phase Peak phase Recovery

Non-specific prodrome: fever, fatigue,

anorexia, myalgia and headache
Gastrointestinal symptoms: nausea,
vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain

Haemorrhagic manifestations

Renal failure

Respiratory failure

Neurological manifestations

Cardiac dysfunction (myocarditis and pericarditis)


↓ WBC, ↓ PLTs ↑ WBC (↑ PMNs), ↓ Hb, ↓ HCT ↑ PLTs

Hepatic injury: ↑ AST, ↑ ALT


Renal dysfunction: ↑ BUN, ↑ creatinine

Abnormal electrolytes: ↓ Na+, ↑ or ↓ K+, ↓ Ca++, ↓ Mg++

Clinical presentation
Metabolic acidosis: ↑ lactate, ↓ HCO3–
Laboratory findings
↑ CPK, myoglobinuria Innate immune response
Viraemia (non-survivor)
Viraemia (survivor)
Coagulopathy: ↑ PT, ↑ PTT, ↑ D-dimer IgM
Cellular immune response
Humoral immune response (IgG)

–10 to –7ª 0 7 14 21 28
Days since disease onset

Fig. 6 | Conceptualized clinical course of acute EVD over time. The time and/or sepsis or Ebola virus (EBOV)-related cytokinaemia), pulmonary
course of the clinical manifestations (top), laboratory findings (middle) and oedema (in the setting of capillary leak or direct infection) and viral
viraemia and immune responses (bottom) in patients with Ebola virus disease pneumonia. Respiratory muscle fatigue may also contribute to ventilatory
(EVD). The coloured lines in the top and middle panels do not have defined respiratory failure. Haemorrhagic manifestations include oozing from
start and end points as these may vary. Renal dysfunction is common and not venepuncture sites, haemoptysis (coughing up blood), haematemesis
well-characterized in patients with EVD; it is probably a multifactorial (vomiting blood), melaena (dark stools as a result of bleeding) and vaginal
combination of hypovolaemia (related to gastrointestinal fluid losses, bleeding. Neurological manifestations include meningoencephalitis and
decreased fluid input, fever, hypoalbuminaemia and sepsis pathophysiology), cerebrovascular accidents (such as strokes). ALT, alanine aminotransferase;
intrinsic renal injury (acute tubular necrosis related to myoglobin pigment AST, aspartate aminotransferase; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; CPK , creatine
injury secondary to rhabdomyolysis or direct viral infection of tubular phosphokinase; Hb, haemoglobin; HCT, haematocrit; PLT, platelet; PMN,
epithelial cells) or cytokine-mediated nephrotoxicity. Whereas respiratory polymorphonuclear leukocyte; PT, prothrombin time; PTT, partial
symptoms and signs may reflect respiratory compensation for a primary thromboplastin time; WBC, white blood cell count. aIncubation periods of
metabolic acidosis, primary causes of hypoxaemic respiratory failure include 2–21 days have been reported. Bottom panel adapted with permission from
acute lung injury (related to systemic inflammatory response syndrome ref.284, The American Association of Immunologists, Inc.

ETU decreased over the course of the outbreak, as did or swallowing, confusion or disorientation, coma, haem-
the CFR, although such decreases occurred in the setting orrhagic signs and laboratory evidence of hepatocellular
of numerous potential explanatory factors27. Other risk damage (for example, increased concentration of blood
factors that have been sporadically linked with a fatal aspartate aminotransferase AST)) and impaired kidney
outcome include age ≥45 years, fever >38 °C, weakness, function (for example, increased concentrations of blood
dizziness, diarrhoea, conjunctivitis, difficulty breathing urea nitrogen and creatinine)45,152–154. These risk factors

12 | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:13


are an aggregate list from several distinct cohorts dur- RDTs alone may replace PCR assays and alter transmis-
ing the same outbreak; however, different associations sion dynamics during future outbreaks. Accordingly,
were found in different cohorts, partially because the front-line health-care workers require training on using
same factors were not measured across all cohorts. An RDTs and reading results accurately while dressed in
increase in overall lethality has also been observed in personal protective equipment (PPE). Until RDTs for
patients co-infected with Plasmodium falciparum (the EBOV infection are advanced with appropriate valida-
causative agent of falciparum malaria) and potentially tion in their intended application setting, generally they
plasmodia of other species155,156. should not be used outside known outbreak settings with
low pre-test probability, owing to the increased risk of
Diagnosis of acute EVD false-positive tests.
In tropical areas, where numerous febrile illnesses can Importantly, disease severity, disease acuity and sam-
mimic the presentation of EVD, testing for or empiri- ple material need to be taken into consideration before
cally treating parasitic (for example, Plasmodium spp.), choosing a particular diagnostic test. In general, blood
viral (for example, Lassa virus) and bacterial (for exam- is the sample material of choice for live patients, whereas
ple, Salmonella Typhi) diseases is an important consid- oropharyngeal swabs are useful for post-mortem diag-
eration156,157. Given the frequency of co-infection with nosis. The diagnostic test of choice in the acutely ill
Plasmodium spp., the aetiological agents of malaria, all individual with suspected EVD is a PCR-based assay
patients should receive malaria rapid diagnostic testing or of a blood sample targeting one or more of the EBOV
be treated empirically for uncomplicated or severe malaria. genes. In the context of the ongoing outbreak in the
Appropriate isolation of patients with laboratory- Democratic Republic of the Congo, diagnosis relies
confirmed EVD not only requires optimization of a on the Cepheid Gene Xpert platform targeting EBOV
front-line clinician’s ability to rapidly identify a patient GP and EBOV NP (Table 2). With widespread use of
with disease that fits the EVD case definition (see the same platform in multiple field laboratories in the
Epidemiology) but also necessitates that an EVD diag- Democratic Republic of the Congo comparison is eas-
nosis is accurately confirmed with readily available labo- ier across patients and outbreak samples. Regardless
ratory tests. Until recently, field diagnosis of EVD during of the platform, a general principle is that a diagnos-
an outbreak has relied primarily on real-time RT-PCR tic strategy targeting only one EBOV gene needs to be
assays. Although PCR assays are accurate, factors such repeated for confirmation, whereas strategies utilizing
as cost, time to processing (including sample transport two targets do not require repeating. Asymptomatic or
time), availability and required level of operator exper- pauci-symptomatic EBOV-infected people may not have
tise contributed to delays in provision of rapid results viraemia titres detectable by PCR assays, but typically
during the 2013–2016 Western African EVD outbreak. have detectable IgG and IgM responses ~3 weeks after
Improving the time to diagnosis, which includes meas- infection. Appropriate serological testing to confirm the
ures to identify patients prior to the onset of symptoms, presence of anti-EBOV IgG antibodies would be indi-
may have a major effect on transmission dynamics cated in this setting. Of note, antibody responses may
during an outbreak. One simulation estimated that not reliably develop or may be delayed in acutely symp-
by decreasing the average time to diagnosis with PCR tomatic patients with EVD. Thus, PCR-based testing is
and subsequent patient isolation from 5 days to 1 day optimal in the acutely ill patient (from blood samples)
in 60% of EBOV-infected patients, the virus attack rate and also for detection of EBOV RNA in amniotic fluid,
(the proportion of people at risk of the infection who breast milk, ocular fluid, saliva, seminal fluid, stool,
become infected) would drop from 80% to nearly 0% sweat, tears, urine and vaginal fluid even after blood
(ref.158). Consequently, in November 2014, the WHO samples begin to test negative36,40,57,134,161,162.
issued a call for “rapid, sensitive, safe and simple EBOV
diagnostic tests”159. Prevention
Since then, several diagnostic tests, which range from The overall strategy for mitigating the spread of an
hand-held lateral flow assays to bench-top PCR-based ongoing EVD outbreak is to interrupt community and
technologies, have been developed, some of which have nosocomial transmission of EBOV from patients to
been evaluated and used in the field (Table 2). A math- susceptible individuals. Effectively achieving this out-
ematical model was used to evaluate the effect on EVD come depends upon the quality of measures in place;
CFR and EBOV transmission dynamics of incorporat- ideally, interruption of the chain of transmission in the
ing different diagnostic strategies that did or did not community can be achieved by anthropological and
include the introduction of novel rapid diagnostic tests sociological measures (Box 1); isolating individuals with
(RDTs) in various scenarios160. A strategy that coupled suspected, probable or confirmed EVD for care (which
novel RDTs with confirmatory PCR testing was deemed includes contact tracing and following-up over 21 days);
superior to the use of either PCR assays or RDTs alone and treatment in an ETU or holding centre. The crucial
and would result in a reduction of the scale of an out- importance of contact tracing is illustrated by the back-
break by one-third. Whether coupling RDTs with PCR drop of the current EVD outbreak in the Democratic
influences false-positive and false-negative designations Republic of the Congo, where a longstanding conflict has
remains to be determined. Notably, in this model, the impeded maximal tracing of contacts of patients with
performance characteristics of RDTs were assumed to be EVD, and violent incursions in outbreak areas are asso-
inferior to those of PCR assays for accurately diagnos- ciated with increases in estimated EBOV transmission
ing EVD. However, with improvement in performance, rates163. In a mathematical model estimating changes

NATURE REVIEWS | DISEASE PRIMERS | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:13 13


Table 2 | EBOV detection tests used in the field

Test (manufacturer) Test type Target Samples Sensitivity Specificity Viruses
Rapid viral antigen detection tests
Dual Path Platform Immuno­ VP40 Venous whole blood Qualitative; less From limited EBOV
(DPP) Ebola antigen chromatographic (EDTA), venous sensitive than PCR; data, does not
system (Chembio)a lateral flow assay plasma (EDTA) and requires confirmatory cross-react with
capillary fingerstick testing other ebolaviruses
whole blood
OraQuick Ebola rapid Immuno­ VP40 Oral fluid and whole 97.1% (from oral 98–100% from BDBV, EBOV
antigen test (OraSure chromatographic blood fluid from deceased venous whole blood and SUDV;
Technologies)b,c lateral flow assay individuals); LLOD: samples; 99.1–100% does not
53 ng per ml for whole from oral fluid differentiate
blood samples and from deceased between
106 ng per ml for individuals ebolaviruses
oral fluid
SD Q Line Ebola Zaire Immuno­ GP1,2, NP Plasma, serum and 84.9% for whole blood 99.7% for whole EBOV
Ag test (SD Biosensor)b precipitation and VP40 whole blood and plasma blood and plasma
lateral flow assay
PCR-based tests
Ebola real-time Fluorescent Nucleic Serum, body fluid LLOD: 23.9 copies Not available Ebolaviruses
RT-PCR kit (Liferiver real-time RT-PCR acids from and urine of viral genome per
Bio-tech)b ebolaviruses reaction
EZ1 test (DOD)a Real-time EBOV nucleic Whole blood and Qualitative; LLOD: 100%; no EBOV
TaqMan RT-PCR acids plasma 100–1,000 pfu per ml cross-reactivity with
with fluorescent depending on live other ebolaviruses
reporter dye or inactivated EBOV or marburgviruses
detected at each isolate and cycler used
PCR cycle
FilmArray NGDS BT-E Fluorescent EBOV nucleic Whole blood, plasma LLOD: 1,000 pfu per ml EBOV; no cross- EBOV
(BioFire)a nested multiplex acids and serum or 4.36 × 103 genome reactivity with
RT-PCR equivalentsd per ml for other ebolaviruses
live virus or marburgviruses
FilmArray Biothreat-E Fluorescent EBOV nucleic Whole blood and 95% detection rate 89–100% using EBOV
(BioFire)a nested multiplex acids urine confirms LOD; LOD: whole blood
RT-PCR 6 × 105 pfu per ml using samples, depending
γ-irradiated EBOV on the study
(Sierra Leone
and UK)
Idylla Ebola virus Qualitative EBOV and Whole blood and 97% positive 100% for EBOV EBOV and
triage test (Biocartis)a real-time RT-PCR SUDV nucleic urine agreement compared SUDV
with fluorescent acids with a non-reference
reporter dyes standard; LLOD:
generated upon 465 pfu per ml or
amplification of 178 copies per ml
LightMix Ebola Zaire Qualitative EBOV nucleic Whole blood 95% positive 100% for EBOV EBOV
TIB MolBio with real-time acids agreement compared
Lightcycler (Roche)a RT-PCR with with a non-reference
fluorescent standard; LLOD:
reporter dye 4,781 pfu per ml
detected at each
PCR cycle
Ebola virus NP Qualitative EBOV NP RNA Whole blood, serum, 99.80%; LLOD: 100% for EBOV EBOV
real-time RT-PCR real-time RT-PCR plasma and urinee 600–700 TCID50 copies
(ThermoFisher (CDC))a with fluorescent per ml
reporter dye
detected at each
PCR cycle
RealStar Ebolavirus Real-time RT-PCR Nucleic Plasma 82%; LLOD: 1 pfu 100% for EBOV Ebolaviruses
RT-PCR kit (Altona with fluorescent acids from per ml
Diagnostics)a,b dye-labelled ebolaviruses
probes to detect
PCR amplicons

14 | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:13


Table 2 (cont.) | EBOV detection tests used in the field

Test (manufacturer) Test type Target Samples Sensitivity Specificity Viruses
PCR-based tests (cont.)
EBOV VP40 real-time Real-time RT-PCR EBOV VP40 Whole blood, serum, LLOD: 400–600 TCID50 100% for EBOV EBOV
RT-PCR (CDC)a with fluorescent RNA plasma and urinee per ml from whole
dye-labelled blood; 250–600 TCID50
probes to detect per ml, depending
PCR amplicons on body fluid sample
and extraction
method used
Gene Xpert Ebola Real-time RT-PCR EBOV NP and Whole blood and 100%; LLOD: 232.4 99.5% from whole EBOV
(Cepheid)a,b with fluorescent GP nucleic oral fluids genomic copies per ml blood; 100% from
signal from acids oral fluid
probes for
quality control
BDBV, Bundibugyo virus; CDC, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; DOD, US Department of Defense; EBOV, Ebola virus; GP, glycoprotein; LLOD, lower
limit of detection; LOD, limit of detection; NP, nucleoprotein; pfu: plaque-forming units; RT-PCR , PCR with reverse transcription; SUDV, Sudan virus; TCID50, 50%
tissue culture infective dose (concentration at which 50% of cultured cells are infected with a diluted solution of viral fluid); VP40, viral protein 40. aEmergency use
authorization approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). bEmergency use authorization approved by the WHO. cApproved by the FDA.; dGenome
equivalents are calculated by converting the length of a genome in base pairs to micrograms of RNA. eShould not be the only specimen tested. Adapted from ref.288.

in EBOV transmission in 12 districts in Sierra Leone The time-limited detection of infectious EBOV
from June 2014 to February 2015, introduction of addi- (by PCR and viral culture) and long-term detection of
tional treatment beds within the area to isolate patients EBOV RNA in the semen of male survivors were only
with suspected or confirmed EVD would have theor­ possible in large numbers in the 2013–2016 Western
etically averted ~56,000 new EVD cases164. The risk of African EVD outbreak. Rare but consequential sexual
nosocomial transmission can be reduced by isolation transmission events have also been documented37,41,66,131.
of patients with suspected, probable or confirmed EVD, Accordingly, WHO recommendations 167 (currently
the use of appropriate PPE, strategies for donning and being updated) for the prevention of sexual transmission
doffing PPE and strict adherence to infection prevention from survivors include routine PCR testing of semen
and control practices. Such practices include the provi- beginning at 3 months after health-care facility discharge
sion of dedicated or disposable patient care equipment, (as the semen should be assumed to be infectious for the
safe injection practices, hand hygiene and attention to first 3 months) and until two consecutive semen sam-
environmental infection control. ples taken at least 1 week apart are negative. Abstinence
The provision of guidelines for discharge criteria is or safe sexual practices should be implemented for the
an important aspect of clinical care to avoid subsequent same period or for at least 1 year.
transmission events in the community. During the
2013–2016 Western African EVD outbreak, the WHO Candidate vaccines. Amid increasing concerns about
recommended that patients diagnosed with EVD can unmitigated transmission during the 2013–2016 Western
be considered for discharge from health-care facili- African EVD outbreak in mid-2014, a statement from
ties if ≥3 days have elapsed since resolution of clinical a stakeholder meetings held by the WHO urged accel-
signs, if they show appreciable improvement in clini­ eration of the development and evaluation of EVD
cal condition, if they are able to perform activities of candidate vaccines. As the EBOV glycoprotein GP1,2 is
daily living and if a blood sample is negative for EBOV the major viral immunogen, all candidate vaccines in
RNA (detected with RT-PCR tests) from the third day of advanced development are designed to stimulate a host
the patient becoming asymptomatic. Patients with unre- immune response against this protein, among others.
solved signs and symptoms should be discharged after In the Western African outbreak, several candidate vac-
two negative blood test results (48 h apart), and in these cines were evaluated in clinical trials168,169 (Table 3). Owing
patients an alternative diagnosis should be sought that to the success of the Ebola ça Suffit! phase III ring vac-
may explain the lack of clinical improvement165. Other cination trial in Guinea124,125, the rVSVΔG-ZEBOV-GP,
health authorities (such as the US Centers for Disease a live-attenuated recombinant vesiculovirus candidate
Control and Prevention) have created recommenda- vaccine currently approved by the US Food and Drug
tions for the discharge of patients under investigation. Administration and the European Commission and is
In most patients with EVD managed in the USA and actively administered to help contain the currently ongo-
Europe during the 2013‒2016 Western African out- ing EVD epidemic that started in Nord-Kivu Province of
break, repeatedly negative RT-PCR tests of blood sam- the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 2018. Using a
ples was the primary criterion used for discharge, along ring vaccination strategy, whereby contacts of infected
with symptomatic improvement. However, in several individuals (primary ring) and contacts of those contacts
centres in the USA and Europe, other criteria were (secondary ring) are vaccinated, this candidate vaccine
used, including RT-PCR tests of samples of other bodily has been administered to 276,520 people in the eastern
fluids and EBOV cell culture under biosafety level 4 Democratic Republic of the Congo as of 26 January 2020
containment166. (ref.22). Preliminary analyses on data evaluating the first

NATURE REVIEWS | DISEASE PRIMERS | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:13 15


Table 3 | EVD candidate vaccines in phase I–III clinical trials

Candidate Vaccine design Study design Outcomes Results Notes Trial
rVSVΔG- Replication- Phase I trial Primary: adverse No pre-existing Adverse effects: NCT02283099
ZEBOV-GP competent rVSIV evaluating safety and effects up to immunity ; anti-EBOV arthralgia,
(also known expressing EBOV immunogenicity of 6 months. Secondary: matrix antibodies oligoarthritis,
as BPSC-1001 GP1,2 in place of rVSVΔG-ZEBOV-GP humoral immunity detected in 28% of myalgia,
and V920) VSIV G escalating doses up to 6 months participants, with levels headache and
that peaked at day 56 injection site pain
after vaccination289;
neutralizing antibodies
persisted for 6 months
rAd26 Replication-defective Phase I trial Primary: adverse Anti-EBOV GP Adverse effects: NCT02313077
ZEBOV-GP and human adenovirus evaluating safety effects up to 78 days. antibodies detected with rAd26
MVA-BN-Filo (Ad) 26 vector and immunogenicity Secondary: immune in 97% or 23% of ZEBOV-GP:
expressing EBOV of MVA-BN-Filo and responses up to participants receiving fever, injection
GP1,2; replication- rAd26 ZEBOV-GP 1 year rAd26 ZEBOV-GP site reactions
incompetent as heterologous or MVA-BN-Filo, headache,
modified vaccinia prime-boost vaccine respectively , at myalgia, nausea,
virus Ankara (MVA) regimens 28 days after primary fatigue and chills;
Bavarian Nordic (BN) vaccination; all with MVA-BN-Filo:
expressing EBOV, participants had injection site
SUDV, MARV and specific IgG response reactions, fatigue,
TAFV GP1,2 at 21 days after the headache,
boost and at myalgia, chills,
8 months290 nausea, arthralgia,
pruritus and rash
rVSVΔG- Replication- Phase I/II trial Primary: adverse Anti-EBOV-GP binding Adverse effects: NCT02287480,
ZEBOV-GP competent rVSIV evaluating safety effects up to and neutralizing fever, myalgia conducted in
(also known expressing EBOV and tolerability of 14 days. Secondary: antibody titres were and chills; Switzerland
as BPSC-1001 GP1,2 in place of rVSVΔG-ZEBOV-GP at viraemia for 7 days, lower in the low-dose oligoarthritis,
and V920) VSIV G low (3 × 105 pfu) or high
persistent titres of group than in the maculopapular
(1–5 × 107 pfu) dose inrVSVΔG-ZEBOV- high-dose group rash and vascular
health-care workers GP-specific IgG dermatitis in the
antibodies at low-dose group
168 days, neutralizing
antibodies and
viral shedding up
to 7 days291
rVSVΔG- Replication- Phase II trial Primary outcome: With rVSVΔG- With rVSVΔG- NCT02344407,
ZEBOV-GP competent rVSIV comparison of vaccines serious adverse ZEBOV-GP: malaria, ZEBOV-GP: also known
(also known expressing EBOV and placebo effects occurring injection site reactions, geometric mean as PREVAIL I,
as BPSC-1001 GP1,2 in place of within 30 days headache, muscle pain, antibody titre conducted in
and V920) or VSIV G; ChAd3 fever and fatigue maintained Liberia292
ChAd3-EBOZ vector expressing at 12 months at
EBOV GP1,2 800 ELISA units
per ml
rVSVΔG- Replication- Phase II/III trial. Primary: incidence No confirmed EBOV Adverse events: NCT02378753,
ZEBOV-GP competent rVSIV Arm 1: immediate IM of confirmed infections occurred; fever, headache, also known
(also known expressing EBOV vaccination in patients EBOV infections no efficacy analysis fatigue, joint pain, as STRIVE,
as BPSC-1001 GP1,2 in place of with suspected EVD at >21 days after performed rash and mouth conducted in
and V920) VSIV G within 7 days of vaccination. ulcers293 Sierra Leone
enrolment. Arm 2: Secondary:
deferred IM vaccination confirmed EBOV
18–24 weeks following infections during
enrolment, then crossed 6 months following
over to immediate vaccination
vaccination group
and monitored for
6 additional months
rVSVΔG- Replication- Single-arm, phase IIIb Primary: number of No EVD cases within Adverse effects: NCT03161366
ZEBOV-GP competent rVSIV study of ring patients with EVD 10 days after immediate headache, muscle and Ebola ça
(also known expressing EBOV vaccination (immediate amongst vaccinated vaccination124; in pain, fever and Suffit! trial
as BPSC-1001 GP1,2 in place of and delayed) of (immediate and delayed vaccination anaphylaxis;
and V920) VSIV G contacts and contacts delayed) individuals. group, 23 patients potential
of contacts, given Secondary: with EVD out of neurotropism
immediately after assessment of 4,507 contacts of VSIV may
laboratory confirmation safety 84 days after persist despite
of initial case or after a vaccination substitution of
delay of 21 days G with EBOV

16 | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:13


Table 3 (cont.) | EVD candidate vaccines in phase I–III clinical trials

Candidate Vaccine design Study design Outcomes Results Notes Trial
rVSVΔG- Replication- Phase III trial Primary: Geometric mean titre Adverse effects: NCT02503202
ZEBOV-GP competent rVSIV evaluating safety and determination of of rVSVΔG-ZEBOV-GP arthralgia and
(also known expressing EBOV immunogenicity of geometric mean (measured with arthritis
as BPSC-1001 GP1,2 in place of rVSVΔG-ZEBOV-GP in titre of anti-EBOV ELISA) increased on
and V920) VSIV G healthy adults GP1,2 antibodies day 28 and persisted
at 28 days after through 24 months296;
vaccination and geometric mean
selected adverse titres of neutralizing
events antibodies peaked
at 18 months and
maintained at
24 months
rAd26 Replication- Phase III trial Primary: number of No efficacy data Preliminary NCT02509494,
ZEBOV-GP defective human Ad evaluating safety and participants with available as the safety and also known
and 26 vector expressing immunogenicity of adverse effects. outbreak in Sierra immunogenicity as EBOVAC-
MVA-BN-Filo EBOV GP1,2; rAd26 ZEBOV-GP, Secondary: number Leone ended before follow-up data Salone
replication- MVA-BN-Filo boost of participants efficacy could be from EBOVAC
incompetent 56 days after first with adverse determined Salone trial
MVA-BN expressing vaccination and a effects following indicate that the
EBOV, SUDV, MARV second boost with the MVA-BN-Filo vaccine regimen is
and TAFV GP1,2 rAd26 ZEBOV-GP given boost; serum well tolerated and
2 years after the first concentrations produces immune
vaccination of antibodies responses up
binding to to 2 years after
EBOV GP1,2 after vaccination
the MVA-BN-Filo
rAd26 Replication-defective Long-term safety Primary: number of Preliminary Preliminary safety NCT03820739,
ZEBOV-GP human Ad 26 vector and immunogenicity participants with immunogenicity data indicate also known
and expressing EBOV evaluation of previously serious adverse data indicate vaccine that the vaccine as EBOVAC-
MVA-BN-Filo GP1,2; replication- vaccinated individuals. effects and serum regimen produces regimen is well Salone
incompetent Cohort 1: participants concentrations of immune responses tolerated extension
MVA-BN expressing who received at least EBOV GP1,2 up to up to 2 years after
EBOV, SUDV, MARV a primary vaccination 4–5 years following vaccination
and TAFV GP1,2 with rAd26 ZEBOV-GP primary vaccination;
and, if applicable, a in infants conceived
MVA-BN-Filo boost during the trial,
56 days after primary number of serious
vaccination in healthy adverse effects
participants of ≥1 year from birth through
of age. Cohort 2: 5 years of age.
infants conceived by Secondary:
participants in the anti-EBOV GP1,2
3 months following neutralizing
primary vaccination antibodies 4–5 years
or 28 days following after primary
MVA-BN-Filo boost vaccination; effect
of previous infection
with Plasmodium
spp. on persistence
of humoral immune
response to
rAd26 Replication-defective Phase III trial evaluating Primary: number No published efficacy No published NCT02543268
ZEBOV-GP, human Ad 26 vector immunogenic of participants data safety data and
MVA-BN-Filo expressing EBOV equivalence. Arm 1: with anti-EBOV NCT02876328,
and rVSV GP1,2; replication- prime dose of rAd26 GP1,2 response also known
∆G-ZEBOV-GP incompetent ZEBOV-GP, then through month 12. as PREVAC,
MVA-BN expressing boost dose of Secondary: number conducted
EBOV, SUDV, MARV MVA-BN-Filo given of participants with in Guinea,
and TAFV GP1,2; after 8 weeks in serious adverse Liberia, Sierra
replication- healthy individuals effects Leone and
competent rVSIV of ≥1 year of age. Mali
expressing EBOV Arm 2: single dose of
GP1,2 in place of rVSV∆G-ZEBOV-GP.
VSIV G Arm 3: two doses of
given 8 weeks apart

NATURE REVIEWS | DISEASE PRIMERS | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:13 17


Table 3 (cont.) | EVD candidate vaccines in phase I–III clinical trials

Candidate Vaccine design Study design Outcomes Results Notes Trial
rAd26 Replication-defective Persistence of Primary: antibody T cell-initiated Limitations: NCT03140774;
ZEBOV-GP and human Ad 26 vector immune response binding to EBOV cytokine release conducted conducted in
MVA-BN-Filo expressing EBOV 24–60 months after GP1,2 antigen. and anti-EBOV in European the UK
GP1,2; replication- primary vaccination Secondary: GP1,2-specific antibody population;
incompetent in phase I/II studies pro-inflammatory responses were immune
MVA-BN expressing participants who cytokine response present at 360 days responses may
EBOV, SUDV, MARV received prime-boost of T cells and IFNɣ following prime with differ in African
and TAFV GP1,2 rAd26 ZEBOV-GP release by activated rAd26 ZEBOV-GP population
and MVA-BN-Filo T cells then MVA-BN-Filo
vaccines or individuals boost on day 57 after
who received vaccination297
vaccine alone
This table is not a comprehensive list of candidate vaccines that were tested in phase I–III clinical trials. Some candidate vaccines did not progress to more advanced
phases or were used in outbreak settings. For more information on clinical trials of these vaccines, refer to EBOV, Ebola virus; EVD, Ebola virus
disease; GP, glycoprotein; IM, intramuscular ; MARV, Marburg virus; pfu, plaque-forming units; SUDV, Sudan virus; TAFV, Taï Forest virus; VSIV, vesicular stomatitis
Indiana virus; ZEBOV, Zaire ebolavirus.

93,965 vaccinated individuals revealed a lower estimated No data are currently available to support long-term
attack rate among individuals who were vaccinated clinical protection in humans for any vaccine. In the
(0.017%) than in unvaccinated individuals (0.656%)170. ongoing Geneva rVSVΔG-ZEBOV-GP study, anti-
The WHO reported an estimated vaccine efficacy of body titres are still present after 2 years, but whether
97.5% (95% CI 95.8–98.5%)170. However, determina- these titres are protective is unknown173.
tion of true vaccine efficacy is impossible in the absence In October 2019, the European Medicines Agency
of a placebo-controlled group. Notably, a model of the granted the rVSVΔG-ZEBOV-GP candidate vaccine
EBOV infection risk during the 2018 EVD outbreak in conditional marketing authorization169; soon after-
Équateur Province in the Democratic Republic of the wards in November and December 2019, the European
Congo found that the introduction of ring vaccina- Commission and US Food and Drug Administration
tion with rVSVΔG-ZEBOV-GP vaccine resulted in a announced approval for the same vaccine for preven-
decrease of 70.4% of the geographical area of risk and tion of EVD174. With full approval from the European
70.1% of the level of EBOV infection risk. However, if Commission, the vaccine is cleared for use in the
ring vaccination is delayed by as little as 1 week, the size countries that are part of the European Union. As of
of this effect is considerably diminished171. The same December 2019, candidate vaccines have also been
candidate vaccine is also used in the ongoing outbreak licensed in China and Russia168. These advances will
in the Democratic Republic of the Congo as emergency undoubtedly facilitate production, stockpiling and wider
post-EBOV exposure prophylaxis in, for instance, distribution of vaccines to health-care workers and other
health-care workers. at-risk individuals.
Whereas the data from the ring vaccination trials are
promising, equivalent data are not yet available regard- Management
ing the efficacy of a pre-exposure vaccination strat- Direct medical countermeasures
egy. This strategy would be desirable particularly for Although no national or regional regulatory bodies have
informing local or international health-care work- yet approved the use of any medicine for the treatment
ers regarding the level of protection after vaccination of EVD, many experimental therapeutic agents have
prior to working in settings where the risk of EBOV been evaluated in animal models. During the 2013–2016
exposure is high. In May 2019, the WHO-convened Western African EVD outbreak, these agents were
Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) issued administered in an uncontrolled fashion to individual
recommendations regarding vaccination strategies that patients (for example, FX06, a fibrin-derived peptide
included the use of a second vaccine. In August 2019, for the treatment of vascular leakage175), usually through
a clinical trial evaluating the safety and immunogenic- Emergency Use Authorization (a temporary authoriza-
ity of the rAd26 ZEBOV-GP–MVA-BN-Filo vaccine tion to use unapproved medications in public health
among health-care workers was initiated in Uganda172. emergencies), and, therefore, no scientifically valid con-
In light of the risk of delayed ring vaccination with the clusions could be drawn as to their efficacy. In addition
rVSVΔG-ZEBOV-GP vaccine owing to ongoing vio- to these uncoordinated efforts, several non-randomized
lence, a pre-exposure vaccination strategy using the clinical trials and one randomized controlled trial were
rAd26 ZEBOV-GP–MVA-BN-Filo vaccine was also performed during the same outbreak176.
introduced in Goma in the Democratic Republic of the Results from a single-arm trial conducted in Guinea
Congo on 14 November 2019. This pre-exposure vac- evaluating the viral RNA polymerase inhibitor favip-
cine complements the ring vaccination efforts with the iravir did not allow efficacy conclusions to be drawn.
rVSVΔG-ZEBOV-GP vaccine currently underway. As of However, a non-significant trend towards improvement
10 December 2019, 1,300 people have been vaccinated in CFR was observed in patients with a low viral load
with this second vaccine22. (EBOV RT-qPCR threshold values ≥20 cycles) treated

18 | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:13


with favipiravir compared with historical controls177. the remdesivir group and the ZMapp group. Notably,
Similarly, results from another single-arm trial con- higher cycle threshold on RT-qPCR, shorter self-
ducted in Sierra Leone with TKM-130803, a formula- reported duration of symptoms before admission and
tion of small interfering RNAs that target the expression lower serum markers of renal (namely, creatinine)
of EBOV proteins (namely, VP35 and large protein L) and hepatic (aminotransferases concentrations) func-
involved in suppression of the host’s immune system, tion were correlated with improved survival126. Of note,
did not demonstrate improvement in survival compared the CFR of patients enrolled in the PALM trial who pre-
with historical controls178. Overall, the difficulty in com- sented with high viral loads and late into the disease
paring data using historical or other non-randomized course remained at >60% even with the most effective
control groups has been illustrated in a meta-analysis of therapeutics126. The interaction between therapeutic
trials conducted during the Western African outbreak, efficacy and EBOV viral load, viral decay kinetics and
strongly emphasizing the need for randomized control the degree of organ dysfunction is probably complex.
groups28. A randomized controlled trial was conducted Data from this outbreak should further inform these
in Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone and the USA to evalu- historically poorly understood relationships.
ate the safety and efficacy of ZMapp, a cocktail of three The transfusion of whole blood, plasma or serum
monoclonal antibodies, added to optimized standard from convalescent individuals (passive immunization
of care (oSOC) versus oSOC alone in the treatment of therapy) has also been considered as a therapeutic
EVD. The trial was stopped early after enrolling only intervention against EVD189. However, results from one
71 patients because the numbers of incident cases had study performed in Guinea in 2015 did not demon-
declined at that stage of the 2013–2016 Western African strate a significant improvement in survival in patients
EVD outbreak. A trend towards improved survival was who had received plasma from convalescent survi-
found in the oSOC plus ZMapp arm compared with the vors190. In a continuation of the same study, titres of
oSOC only arm (22.2% and 37.1%, respectively); how- anti-EBOV IgG and other neutralizing antibodies in
ever, a posterior probability of 91.2% failed to meet the plasma from convalescent survivors were determined.
predefined criteria for statistical significance179. Higher doses of anti-EBOV IgG antibodies were asso-
In early 2018, the WHO led a panel of experts to ciated with increases in cycle threshold values following
evaluate the latest (human and animal) efficacy data infusion compared with lower doses, but no signif-
on available therapeutics to inform the Monitored icant difference in lethality was observed191. A case of
Emergency Use of Unregistered Investigational acute respiratory distress was reported in a repatriated
Interventions (MEURI), an ethical framework to guide individual, potentially an adverse event associated
compassionate access to investigational therapeutics with administration of plasma from convalescent
during an EVD outbreak and as a bridge to a clini- individuals192. As the availability and initial effective-
cal trial180. The MEURI framework was implemented ness of monoclonal antibody-based therapeutic strat-
during the ongoing EVD outbreak in the Democratic egies in ongoing research studies in the Democratic
Republic of the Congo, whereby almost all patients Republic of the Congo increase, it is unlikely that poly-
admitted to ETUs since mid-August 2018 received clonal passive immunization strategies will continue to
ZMapp181,182, mAb114183,184, REGN-EB3185,186 or rem- be pursued.
desivir187 (Table 4) either under MEURI or the Pamoja
Tulinde Maisha (PALM; Swahili for “together save Supportive care for acute EVD
lives”) randomized controlled trial. The PALM study, Aggressive supportive care includes appropriate intra-
a randomized controlled phase II/III trial evaluating venous fluid replacement with crystalloid fluids and
the efficacy of these four candidate therapeutics, was perhaps vasopressors, to prevent patients with EVD
started in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo on from developing hypovolaemic shock from profound
20 November 2018 (ref.180). In four trial sites in Nord- intravascular volume depletion and/or septic shock
Kivu Province, patients receiving ongoing optimized that may include vascular leak syndromes165,193. In the
supportive care were randomly assigned in a 1:1:1:1 ratio early stages of disease when the patient is ambulatory
to intravenous administration of ZMapp (the control and able to eat and drink without nausea and excessive
arm), the antiviral remdesivir, the monoclonal antibody vomiting, oral rehydration solutions can be adminis-
mAb114 (derived from a Congolese human survivor of tered to replace gastrointestinal and insensible fluid
the 1995 Kikwit EVD outbreak) or REGN-EB3 (a cock- losses (insensible water loss is attributed to evaporation
tail of three murine-derived but fully human monoclo- from the skin and respiratory tract). Establishing early
nal antibodies) and evaluated for a primary end point on intravenous access is crucial for administration of
of day 28 lethality. The secondary end point aimed to balanced crystalloid solutions (for example, Ringer’s
assess the efficacy as time to first negative test for the lactate) as the patient’s condition worsens and nausea,
presence of EBOV. In August 2019, the Data Safety vomiting, asthenia (weakness), and malaise and lassi-
Monitoring Board for the PALM study recom­mended tude (lethargy) make adequate oral fluid intake impos-
early halting of the trial because an interim analysis of sible. In the 2013–2016 Western African EVD outbreak,
681 patients enrolled in the trial showed that individuals central venous catheters provided better fluid optimi-
randomly assigned to either the REGN-EB3 or mAb114 zation than peripherally inserted catheters194. However,
arms had a higher probability of survival than individ- in resource-limited settings, establishing a peripheral
uals randomized to the ZMapp or remdesivir arms188. intravenous access is often more logistically feasible than
No difference was observed in day 28 lethality between establishing access centrally.

NATURE REVIEWS | DISEASE PRIMERS | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:13 19


Table 4 | EVD therapeutics evaluated in the PALM study

Agent Agent design, Previous study Previous study results PALM design PALM key results Notes
name origin and key design (NCT03719586)
mAb114 Monoclonal Phase I dose Well tolerated, no Dosing 50 mg 61/174 patients (35.1%) Superior
anti-EBOV-GP1,2 IgG1 escalation study infusion reactions and per kg IV infusion died compared with efficacy
antibody derived (NCT03478891)183 mild systemic symptoms over 30 min 84/169 (49.7%) in the
from a human in 4/18 patients (22%) in compared with ZMapp control group,
survivor of the 1995 all dose groups; linear ZMapp control126 absolute difference
Kikwit outbreak pharmacokinetics, 14.6% (95% CI −25.2
t1/2: 24.2 days; no to −1.7; P = 0.007).
development of Median time to first
anti-mAb114 antibody negative result 16 days
compared with 27 days
in the control group
REGN-EB3 Cocktail of three Phase Ia Well tolerated, no deaths, Dosing 150 mg 52/155 patients Superior
fully human randomized serious adverse events or per kg IV infusion (33.5%) died vs efficacy
anti-EBOV-GP1,2 IgG1 double-blinded, adverse events leading over 2 (adults) 79/154 patients (51.3%)
antibodies in 1:1:1 placebo- to discontinuation; mild to 4 (paediatric in the comparable
ratio; the antibodies controlled dose treatment-emergent population) hours ZMapp control groupa,
have three different escalation study adverse events included compared with absolute difference
epitope targets (NCT002777151) headache (33%, ZMapp control 17.8% (95% CI −28.9
but can bind mild–moderate) and, to −2.9; P = 0.002);
simultaneously ; less common, nausea, median time to first
initially derived chills and polyuria; negative result 15 days
from VelocImmune linear pharmacokinetics, compared with 27 days
humanized mice t1/2: 21.7–27.3 days for all in the control group
then fully humanized monoclonal antibodies;
no development of
anti-REG-EB3 antibody
Remdesivir Prodrug of adenosine Case reports of To be reported Dosing: for body 93/175 patients Equivalent
(also nucleoside analogue compassionate weight ≥40 kg, (53.1%) died vs 84/169 efficacy ; does
known as that is metabolized use in neonate 200 mg IV loading patients (49.7%) in the not require
GS-5734) intracellularly with acute EVD a dose then 100 mg comparable ZMapp refrigeration;
to adenosine survivor of EVD IV per day for control group, absolute broad activity
triphosphate with meningo­ 10–14 days; difference 3.4 % against other
analogue and inhibits encephalitis226,253 for body weight (95% CI −7.2 to 14.0; filoviruses;
viral polymerase <40 kg, 5 mg per kg non-significant); time requires
loading dose IV to first negative result monitoring
then 2.5 mg per kg >28 daysb of AST
IV for 10–14 days; and/or ALT
infusion over
30 min
ZMapp Cocktail of three Phase II/III 91.2% posterior Dosing: 50 mg See above for ZMapp
monoclonal randomized probability that ZMapp per kg IV on days 0, comparison with other served as the
anti-EBOV-GP1,2 controlled trial of plus oSOC was superior 3 and 6, infused agents. 84/169 patients control group
antibodies; chimeric, ZMapp plus oSOC to oSOC alone; failed to per protocol over (49.7%) died overall; comparator
initially derived versus oSOC meet predefined 4–6 hours time to first negative for the other
from Nicotiana spp. control group182 threshold of >97.5%; result 27 days agents in the
tobacco plants (NCT02363322); infusion reactions PALM trial
no phase I study ; required slowing
compassionate administration
use case reports199
ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; EBOV, Ebola virus; EVD, Ebola virus disease; IV, intravenous; oSOC, optimized standard of care.
This subgroup was created to accomodate the delayed introduction of the REGN-EB3 randomization arm to the PALM trial. bPatients who died were considered
not to have cleared the infection; this assumption explains the >27 days time to first negative.

As illness progresses to more severe stages (peak (for example, loperamide) have been used to reduce the
phase), increased gastrointestinal fluid losses (secre­ frequency of diarrhoea. With potential adverse events
tory phase) predominate, and patients with EVD may such as intestinal ileus (that is, intestinal paralysis that
produce large amounts of emesis and stool. Stool vol- can lead to obstruction), the risk–benefit ratio of using
umes of 5–10 l per day have been reported, leading to loperamide for inflammatory diarrhoea associated with
heavy fluid and electrolyte losses195. Managing patients’ EVD is uncertain196. Examples of physical controls used
bodily fluids is also an important infection control in the hospital include emesis bags, bedside commo­
consideration in the health-care environment and can des and faecal management systems (temporary con-
be accomplished with physical and pharmacological tainment devices composed of a rectal catheter and a
controls. Anti-emetic medications (for example, meto- collection bag) for non-ambulatory patients.
clopramide and ondansetron) have been used to con- Although primary EVD-attributable respiratory dis-
trol nausea and vomiting. Also, anti-diarrhoeal agents ease is uncommon, patients who have respiratory signs

20 | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:13


(such as dyspnoea) and hypoxia may require conservative continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) was
treatment with supplemental oxygen, particularly those performed199,204. CRRT was chosen over intermittent
with pulmonary oedema as an iatrogenic effect of aggres- haemodialysis to decrease the frequency of exposure
sive fluid replacement. Haemorrhagic complications can to blood and bodily fluids. Frequent laboratory mon-
be treated with blood products when available, but clini- itoring, including electrolytes, was performed while
cians should be aware of potential hypo-coagulable and patients remained on CRRT, and regional citrate antico-
hyper-coagulable states. Severe neurological manifesta- agulation204. Regional citrate anticoagulation is achieved
tions, including meningitis, encephalitis, seizures and by administering citrate at the proximal portion of the
coma, have been reported in patients with acute EVD197. RRT circuit. Citrate reduces the blood concentration of
Complex causes of encephalopathy include altered vital calcium, a cofactor required to activate the coagulation
signs (hypoxemia and hypotension), metabolic dys- cascade, and, therefore, prolongs the life of the RRT cir-
function (hypoglycemia and electrolyte derangement), cuit. The safe and effective provision of CRRT in an iso-
organ dysfunction (uraemia and hepatic encephalopa- lation setting posed many challenges, including the need
thy) and also central nervous system dysfunction related to minimize contact with blood and bodily fluids, the
directly to EBOV meningoencephalitis or to indirect generation of effluent waste, the training of health-care
micro-vascular or macrovascular infarction198. Although workers to operate equipment and terminal cleaning
poorly understood, viral encephalitis or encephalopathy of devices. Effluent waste was found to be negative for
has been circumstantially implicated in a patient with EBOV by RT-PCR on three separate occasions at one
seizures after recovery from EVD and MRI findings centre, probably owing to the inability of EBOV particles
of encephalomalacia (softening or loss of brain tissue to cross the dialyzer membrane. However, as the effluent
from injury to the brain including infarction or ischae- waste was found to be positive for EBOV by RT-PCR
mia) and haemorrhagic encephalitis (I.C., unpublished in one of three samples at another centre, the CDC
observations). In Guinea, EBOV RNA has been detected and some clinicians recommend that effluent waste be
in the cerebrospinal fluid of four patients with clinical generally handled as potentially contaminated175,205.
signs of meningoencephalitis during acute illness149,150. Conflicting ethical arguments exist regarding the
Delirium or agitation can be a challenging feature of utility of advanced cardiac life support measures and car-
EVD. Benzodiazepines or other available sedating med- diopulmonary resuscitation in patients with EVD206–208.
ications may be needed to keep patients from harming Ultimately, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and other
themselves, other patients or health-care providers. Fever interventions, including defibrillation and cardioversion,
and pain may be treated by acetaminophen. should be assessed on an individual case-by-case basis.
A careful risk–benefit assessment should be performed
Critical care prior to all critical care interventions to provide optimal
Patients with EVD who progress to critical illness, includ- care for the patient while reducing the risk of health-care
ing multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, may require worker exposure. Of note, the CFR of 27 patients with
advanced life support modalities. However, given the EVD managed with aggressive supportive care measures
resource constraints typical of most outbreak areas, in Europe and the US was only 18.5% compared with
the capacity to deliver critical care is limited by gaps at the the overall mean CFR of 39.5% in Western Africa, sug-
personnel, equipment and facility levels. The knowledge gesting that availability of aggressive interventions may
of modern critical care of patients with EVD stems from have a substantial effect on CFR during an EVD out-
the care of several patients who acquired EBOV infection break199. However, substantial heterogeneity in reported
in Western Africa but were managed in the USA and CFRs was noted in the 2013–2016 Western African EVD
Europe140,175,199–202, and limited experience in an ETU in outbreak due to a number of variables209. In the ongoing
Sierra Leone that was equipped with intensive care unit outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, sub-
(ICU) capabilities203. Substantial pre-planning was nec- stantial efforts have been made to improve and optimize
essary to provide treatment for critically ill patients, to the supportive care provided to patients with EVD
ensure the availability of physicians with experience in in an African setting. These efforts have often occurred in
airway management and dialysis, for example, and the innovatively designed ETU spaces that enable a higher
necessary equipment and appropriate PPE for poten- degree of monitoring and care, and have been catalysed
tially aerosol-generating procedures. Invasive procedures by newly developed protocols to support care delivery210.
also place health-care workers at risk of transmission of
blood-borne pathogens, including EBOV. Monitoring
In patients treated in the USA and Europe and those Profound gastrointestinal fluid losses and concomitant
in the ICU-equipped ETU in Sierra Leone, intubation kidney injury require timely monitoring, replacement
was accomplished via rapid sequence induction using of electrolytes and restoration of the acid–base balance
neuromuscular blockade, followed by video laryngos- to prevent potentially lethal arrhythmias and fluid
copy to provide direct visualization of the airway while shifts152,211,212. Life-threatening hypoglycaemia has been
reducing the likelihood of aerosol or bodily fluid expo- observed. Also, liver injury is very common during
sure via coughing or vomiting175,201. Validation of cor- EVD and is associated with a disproportionate increase
rect endotracheal tube placement was often difficult, as in AST concentrations over alanine aminotransferase
some centres did not have the ability to auscultate the (ALT) concentrations. Although mild aberrations in
lungs or monitor end-tidal CO2 concentrations175. In liver function tests (including bilirubin and interna-
patients with EVD who developed acute kidney injury, tional normalized ratio) have been reported, these

NATURE REVIEWS | DISEASE PRIMERS | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:13 21


alterations are less common211. The performance of clin- Special populations

ical laboratory testing varies according to the resources Over 3,000 patients with EVD were of <15 years of age
available, and a risk assessment should be performed during the 2013–2016 Western African outbreak. The
to ensure the safety of the laboratory staff who process clinical characteristics of paediatric patients with EVD
the samples213. Point-of-care testing214 can be useful have been described, and CFRs of 42–76% in this popu-
if the temperature and humidity conditions do not affect lation were reported in the 2013–2016 Western African
performance. In the current outbreak in the Democratic outbreak44,217–219. The clinical management of children
Republic of the Congo, access to point-of-care testing with EVD introduces unique challenges, including the
has become routine. The clinical parameters that can need for health-care workers trained in paediatrics and
be monitored closely include: blood chemistry (sodium, the issue of parental presence and its associated bene-
potassium chloride, ionized calcium, glucose and cre- fits and risks220. Similarly, the care of obstetrical patients
atinine concentrations), markers of liver injury (AST also presents remarkable challenges, especially regarding
and ALT), creatine phosphokinase, C-reactive protein, infection control during the provision of surgical proce-
haematological parameters (white blood cells, haemat- dures such as caesarean section221. Survival of neonates
ocrit and platelets count) and urine analyses (glucose, born to EBOV-infected mothers is rare, and the fre-
ketones, ascorbic acid, protein, blood, leukocytes, quency of miscarriage and the maternal CFR are consid-
nitrite, pH, bilirubin and urobilinogen), and therapies erable222–225. Whether the management of these patients
can be determined on the basis of the daily values. in better-resourced settings or with experimental ther-
In the setting of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome apeutic agents would have an effect on survival remains
and critical illness, frequent laboratory monitoring unclear226. To reduce health-care worker risk, creation of
becomes a cornerstone to guide supportive therapy. In protocols is of high importance to maintain the stand-
addition, viral load monitoring (or the proxy of cycle ards of infection control and to ensure the availability of
threshold value) is also helpful as a surrogate of viral staff who are trained to provide safe and effective care to
replication, immune containment and (in retrospective these special patient populations227.
studies) CFR, and it may assist in risk stratification of
patients with EVD. Quality of life
Owing to the high CFR and overall low case numbers
Complications of EVD outbreaks prior to 2014, survivors of EVD were
In general, patients with EVD should either receive reli- rare and not followed-up systematically with modern
able testing for malaria or be treated empirically with clinical research methodology. Limited case-controlled
artemether–lumefantrine or other artemisinin-based data from an EVD outbreak in 1995 first suggested
therapy. Regardless of testing results, all ill patients that convalescence could be complicated by substantial
who meet criteria for severe malaria should receive morbidity that might limit a survivor’s ability to resume
intravenous artesunate empirically. Secondary infec- a pre-EVD quality of life. Reported sequelae included
tious complications in patients with EVD, including arthralgias, myalgias, visual and auditory changes and
sepsis induced by Gram-negative bacteria, have been extreme fatigue228,229. Almost two-thirds of survivors
observed38. Patients with EVD may be at high risk of continued to experience one or more of these clinical
bacterial translocation of the commensal gut microbiota signs for 2 years following disease onset, and many sur-
into the bloodstream, owing to substantial inflammation vivors reported that their capacity to work was decreased
in the gastrointestinal tract157. Patients with EVD treated in compared with their pre-EVD state229.
Western Africa received empirical antibiotic therapy By contrast, during the 2013–2016 Western African
to prevent and treat bacterial infection and sepsis but outbreak the number of survivors exceeded the number
also, particularly in children, to treat other potentially of fatalities, and the majority of survivors who partic-
life-threatening infections that can mimic the clinical ipated in observational cohort studies reported symp-
signs of EVD (for example, Salmonella Typhi bacte- toms similar to those described in the 1995 outbreak230.
raemia). Initiation of broad-spectrum antibiotics is In the largest controlled observational study of survivors
recommended in patients with EVD who are critically of EVD to date, certain symptoms (headache, joint and
ill193,199. Antimalarial treatments were administered to muscle pain, memory loss, fatigue and increased urinary
patients from the Western African outbreak with sus- frequency) and signs (as revealed by abnormal abdom-
pected EVD, since malaria co-infection was common inal, chest, neurological, musculoskeletal and ocular
in patients presenting to ETUs155,215. Since patients with examinations) were statistically significantly more com-
EVD may remain hospitalized for prolonged periods mon in survivors than in controls (antibody-negative
and may undergo invasive procedures, they should be close contacts). In general, these conditions improved
monitored closely for the development of nosocomial over time, with the exception of uveitis (intra-ocular
infections such as central line-associated bloodstream inflammation), for which the prevalence increased
infections, ventilator-associated pneumonia and urinary slightly over the follow-up period of the study230 (Fig. 7).
tract infections. As performing blood cultures for full
identification of the causative bacterium and its anti­ Clinical sequelae in survivors of EVD
microbial susceptibility pattern can be logistically chal- WHO treatment guidelines for the clinical management
lenging in ETUs, broad-spectrum PCR-based methods of survivors of EVD were rapidly developed and published
may prove useful in some settings for rapid identification during the Western African outbreak. These guidelines, by
of secondary or nosocomial infections216. necessity, were based on consensus expert opinion on the

22 | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:13


Generalized, non-specific manifestations Eye and/or vision

• Fatiguea Uveitisa
• Weight gain, anorexia, fever, chills, night • Loss of vision and diplopiab
sweats and lymphadenopathyb • Cataract, blurry vision, light sensitivity, itchy
• Anaemiac eye, tearing, eye pain, burning, redness,
dryness, foreign body sensation, floaters and
Psychosocial and/or mental health issues
• Insomniab
• Anxiety disorders, depression and PTSDc Head, ears, nose and throat
• Hearing loss; tinnitus; ear, nose or throat pain;
Central or peripheral nervous system and hoarsenessb
• Abnormal neurological examinationa,d, • Aural fullnessc
headachea and memory lossa
• Dizziness, paraesthesia, diplopia, vertigo, Respiratory system
ataxia, limb weakness and tremorb • Shortness of breath, cough and/or sputum
Meningoencephalitisc production, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea
• Seizuresc and cerebrovascular accidentc and wheezingb

Cardiovascular system Gastrointestinal system

• Abnormal cardiovascular examinationa,e • Abnormal abdominal examinationa,f
• Palpitations, chest pain and cardiogenic • Abdominal pain, nausea, change in bowel
oedemab habits, melaena and diarrhoeab

Urinary tract
• Urinary frequencya Skin
• Urinary urgency, nocturia, dysuria, polyuria • Itching and hair changes, with or without
and incontinenceb nail changesb
• Alopeciac
Reproductive system
• Male: impotence and/or decreased libido and Musculoskeletal system
orchitisb • Abnormal musculoskeletal examinationa,g,
• Female: decreased libido, amenorrhoea, Linked to EBOV persistence leading arthralgiaa and myalgiaa
abnormal odour and abnormal vaginal bleedingb to organ-specific inflammation • Joint or muscle stiffness, warmth or effusionb

Fig. 7 | Clinical sequelae in survivors of EVD. Clinical sequelae in survivors of Ebola virus disease (EVD) that are supported
by evidence that includes physical examination of the individuals. Studies reporting patient-reported symptoms are not
included in this summary figure. EBOV, Ebola virus; PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder. aIn the PREVAIL III clinical trial,
a prospective, controlled study assessing symptoms in survivors that had a >10% increase in prevalence compared with
control close contacts, this symptom had an increased odds ratio (P < 0.0001) compared with close contact controls. bIn the
PREVAIL III clinical trial, in which symptoms in survivors were compared with symptoms in control close contacts (regardless
of any increase in their prevalence in survivors), this symptom had an increased odds ratio (P < 0.01) compared with control
close contacts. cData from uncontrolled cohorts, case series or case reports. dMost common abnormalities in neurological
examinations are abnormal oculomotor examination, abnormal reflexes, tremor and abnormal sensory examination. eMost
common abnormalities include irregular heart rate, cardiac murmur, decreased breath sounds, rales (crackling lung sounds)
and wheezes. fMost common abnormalities include abdominal tenderness, mass or distension. gMost common abnormalities
include muscle tenderness and decreased range of motion. Based on refs230,234,239,243,253,254,285–287.

best management of a clinical disease that was still being elbows229. The presence and severity of arthralgias has
characterized; clinical evaluation of therapeutic interven- been reported to directly impede recovery of functional
tions had not yet been performed231. With the exception status233. Although rarely actually characterized, phys-
of EVD-associated uveitis, for which specific treatment ical findings are usually unremarkable without overt
includes topical and/or oral anti-inflammatory ster- erythema or swelling229,233,234. Imaging of a limited num-
oids and cycloplegics (to paralyse the ciliary muscle)232, ber of joints has thus far been unrevealing. In the only
symptom alleviation focusing on pain management is report of joint arthrocentesis (aspiration of synovial fluid
a primary focus, with analgesics and NSAIDs recom- from within a joint capsule), EBOV RNA could not be
mended. Also, improving diagnosis and appropriate detected in the synovial fluid235.
management of ophthalmological and mental health Ocular symptoms and signs, including retro-orbital
conditions will require increasing the overall low number pain, blurry vision, eye pain, sensitivity to light, and
of well-trained and equipped eye care and mental health conjunctival injection also seem to complicate EVD
providers and limited supplies of ophthalmological and recovery in a substantial proportion of adult (14–60%)
psychotropic medications in Africa. and paediatric (32%) survivors228,229,233,234,236–242. These
symptoms and signs are most frequently due to uveitis,
Physical sequelae. Up to 87% of survivors of EVD report which has been reported most frequently within the first
arthralgias — with symmetric polyarticular involvement 12 weeks (but sometimes even after a year) following hos-
affecting (in order of decreasing frequency) the knees, pital or ETU discharge232. However, the true incidence
back, hips, fingers, wrists, neck, shoulders, ankles and and pre­valence of ocular complications are uncertain,

NATURE REVIEWS | DISEASE PRIMERS | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:13 23


as diagnosis requires advanced ocular equipment, African EVD outbreak resulted in >16,000 orphans,
including a slit lamp, and ophthalmological expertise, further complicating the recovery of these children in
which are less commonly available in resource-limited particular and affected communities in general247,248.
settings. Careful characterization of the clinical pheno- Survival can be complicated by symptoms of
type and natural history of uveitis in survivors of EVD is post-traumatic stress and post-traumatic stress dis­
ongoing, but emerging reports suggest involvement of all order and stigma. Within the first month of discharge,
anatomical locations including anterior uveitis (affecting 71% of survivors experienced arousal reactions, such
the anterior chamber, iris or ciliary body) in 46–62%, as racing heart, abdominal discomfort and dizziness,
posterior uveitis (affecting the choroid or posterior when reminded of their experiences. In addition, 21%
retina) in 26%, and pan-uveitis in 21–25% of examined of survivors reported distressing thoughts about their
populations with uveitis234,239. Patients may also develop experiences and difficulty sleeping244,245. Furthermore,
structural ocular complications, most commonly cata- survivors have only limited access to psychiatrists or
racts, which require surgical intervention. In one study counsellors who are trained to evaluate and manage
of 57 patients with uveitis after EVD, seven (12%) were post-traumatic stress disorders. Additionally, almost
also diagnosed with cataracts concurrently with uveitis, one-third of survivors reported experiencing stigma
and at least three others developed cataract(s) follow- from their community upon return from an ETU, as
ing the onset of uveitis234. These findings raise the con- manifested by social distancing by community mem-
cern for long-term visual disability if complications of bers and even family members and by verbal abuse244.
uveitis are not diagnosed and treated early234. Timely Questions regarding viral persistence and possi-
diagnosis enabling early appropriate cycloplegic and ble shedding also contribute to social isolation and
anti-inflammatory treatment (topical or systemic ster- stigmatization.
oids depending on severity) for uveitis and recogni- Compounding these emotional sequelae is the loss
tion and management of complications are crucial to of employment opportunities. A substantial propor-
avoid long-term visual disability. Recurrent uveitis has tion of survivors of EVD lose their livelihood249. Many
been described243. health-care workers who were occupationally exposed
Neurological issues (headache, memory loss, men- and infected were not welcomed back to their previous
tal status changes, seizures and insomnia), psychiat- positions. The loss of employment exacerbates social
ric conditions (anxiety and depressive disorders and isolation, feelings of worthlessness and poverty. Full
post-traumatic stress disorder; see next section), derma- recovery from the trauma of the EVD experience is not
tological disorders (alopecia and rashes), gastrointesti- possible without full reintegration into society, including
nal issues (poorly defined abdominal pain syndromes), its workforce.
auditory issues (hearing loss and tinnitus), and gen-
eralized symptoms, including severe and persistent Mechanisms of EVD sequelae
fatigue, have also been reported in a substantial number Putative inflammatory and immune activation pathways
of survivors of EVD229,233,234,236,237,240,241. Many of these that may or may not be associated with EBOV or EBOV
conditions are associated with important functional antigen persistence may underly the pathogenesis of
limitations; more than one-third of survivors in a sin- clinical sequelae in survivors of EVD, but these path-
gle study reported health problems lasting >1 year, and ways remain speculative and data to support specific
29% indicated that their health problems limited their therapeutic approaches are sparse. In a few survivors,
ability to walk or run230. Additionally, gender-specific an inflammatory component to joint and muscle pain
complications (for example, orchitis and amenorrhoea) is suggested by stiffness associated with inactivity and
and sexual dysfunction in both women and men have response to steroid therapy, although the classic signs
been reported. Association of these complications with of infectious or inflammatory arthritis (heat, pain, red-
EVD and the consequences for future fertility remain ness and swelling, or ‘calor, dolor, rubor and tumour’)
unclear228,233,234,240. are typically not present230. Significantly increased anti-
EBOV IgG antibody titres in survivors with arthralgias
Mental health and psychosocial sequelae. In addition to compared with survivors without arthralgias support
the physical complications of EVD, reports from the cur- a role for sustained immune activation and inflam-
rent epidemic indicate that psychological sequelae have mation in the pathogenesis of arthralgias after EVD229.
a substantial effect on the lives of survivors. Survivors This hypothesis is consistent with findings of poly­
not only experienced a life-threatening event but often arthropathies associated with other viral infections250–252.
also the loss of immediate family members to EVD. However, this finding has yet to be confirmed in survivors
In one study of 24 survivors, all reported losing at least one of the Western African outbreak.
family member, and 67% reported witnessing the death244. Longitudinal characterization of sustained immune
The loss of a family member was significantly asso­ activation several months after clearance of viraemia has
ciated with signs of depression (odds ratio 5.7, 95% CI been described in some survivors of EVD. The presence
1.2–28.0) and an inability to concentrate (adjusted odds of persistent peripheral EBOV antigen-specific acti-
ratio 10.1, 95% CI 1.7–60.7)245. Difficulty coping with vated CD8+ and CD4+ T cells123 suggests ongoing viral
such loss was probably compounded by an inability to antigen stimulation in these survivors. Intra-ocular
observe traditional burial practices owing to infection inflammation suggests ongoing antigen presentation
control procedures designed to mitigate EBOV trans- with intense immune responses leading to local inflam-
mission244,246. Furthermore, the 2013‒2016 Western mation in many survivors with uveitis. In one survivor,

24 | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:13


severe sight-threatening uveitis was associated with and future studies will provide crucial insights into the
persistent infectious EBOV in the aqueous humor. mechanisms of viral persistence264.
In one study, high viral load in patients with acute EVD
at presentation (as measured by the proxy low RT-PCR Outlook
cycle threshold) was associated with uveitis after recov- The 2013–2016 Western African EVD outbreak con-
ery239. These findings suggest that disease severity that siderably increased the evidence base and the attention
may include direct viral injury and/or the immunopa- and approach of the global community to this disease.
thology at the time of acute EVD may contribute to com- During the outbreak, the rapid evaluation and imple-
plications after EVD, and that markers of severe disease, mentation of effective MCMs, appropriate supportive
in particular the viral load, may predict sequelae230,239. clinical care and preventive measures lacked coordi-
nation. However, important lessons learned have been
Viral persistence. Although EBOV RNA can be found subsequently applied during more-recent EVD out-
in virtually any bodily fluid from patients with acute breaks, including the ongoing second-largest outbreak
EVD40, historically little is known about viral kinetics in history in the Democratic Republic of the Congo,
in bodily fluids other than blood. EBOV can persist in where the will and capacity of response teams to under-
immune-privileged sites (including the central nervous stand and apply new strategies have been remarkably
system, eye, urogenital system, placenta and potentially accelerated. Hopefully, multi-pronged approaches
breast milk) and viral persistence may be associated including novel (for example, ring vaccination, new
with recrudescent organ-specific inflammatory disease EBOV-specific therapeutics and advanced supportive
(uveitis and meningoencephalitis). Two case reports care) and well-established pillars of outbreak response
have documented the development of encephalopathy (for example, contact tracing and infection prevention
and meningoencephalitis 13 days and 9 months after and control) will not only interrupt transmission and
clearance of viraemia, respectively, and viable EBOV was prevent new cases but also decrease the CFR inside the
detected in the cerebrospinal fluid in one patient235,253. ETUs to reduce overall morbidity and fatality.
Additionally, in a patient with severe unilateral uve- Although the success of the aforementioned PALM
itis, replication-competent EBOV was detected in the trial has been a remarkable demonstration of the possi-
aqueous humor at high levels 9 weeks after clearance of bility of conducting timely and rigorous clinical research
viraemia254. in a complex outbreak setting, many questions remain.
Despite clearance of viraemia, some male survivors For example, the role for combination EBOV-specific
continue to shed live EBOV in the semen, thereby posing therapeutics in further reducing CFR, clinical sequelae
a public health risk of sexual transmission and reignition or viral persistence in survivors is unclear. The role for
of outbreaks40,41,68,123,229,254–257. Studies have investigated host-directed ‘agnostic’ approaches to reduce immuno-
clusters of EVD cases that occurred sporadically after the pathology remains to be determined. In addition, the
peak of the 2013–2016 Western African EVD outbreak, role for specific therapeutics to prevent or treat viral
each cluster thought to be initiated by a transmission persistence or clinical sequelae that are directly or indi-
event involving viral persistence in survivors of EVD, rectly associated with viral persistence remains unclear.
typically in semen68,258,259. The optimal supportive care regimen that can be safely
The last flare of the 2013‒2016 Western African out- and effectively delivered in the field requires further
break in 2016 was attributed via molecular epidemiol- evaluation. Additionally, whether there is a role for
ogy to a sexual transmission event from a survivor at specific therapeutics in targeted high-risk contacts
482 days after disease onset. EBOV RNA was detected for prophylaxis after exposure remains to be studied.
in his semen ~500 days after EVD onset, although iso- Lessons from the 2013–2016 Western African out-
lation of infectious virus was not possible66. These find- break suggest that advanced supportive care may have
ings led to the implementation of new recommendations contributed to improved outcomes, particularly in
regarding the practice of safe sex for survivors of EVD167. patients medically evacuated to the USA or Europe.
Despite the detection of EBOV RNA in a few vaginal Improved ETU design combined with the will and
fluid swabs from female survivors of EVD (up to 37 days capacity to train and adequately equip staff has advanced
after disease onset)260, no studies have thoroughly eval- provision of supportive treatment on a widespread basis
uated the persistence of EBOV in cervical or vaginal in African settings199,265. However, despite encouraging
fluid261. Though rarely documented, viral persistence progress, the principles of supportive treatment of EVD
has been associated with transplacental transmission. are largely borrowed from other disease syndromes (for
EBOV was detected in a stillborn infant from a mother example, septic shock) and from observations of very
whose blood was negative for EBOV RNA detected by small numbers of patients. Data to support or refute cur-
PCR tests, but who had detectable levels of anti-EBOV rent supportive care approaches are scant and difficult to
IgM and anti-EBOV IgG antibodies262. EBOV RNA was obtain given the difficulties in ethically exploring these
also recovered from breast milk following the death of approaches in the research setting in humans with EVD.
an infant, suggesting transmission via breastfeeding263. Nonetheless, the authors’ opinion is that newly identi-
In many of these studies, unvalidated diagnostic tests for fied EBOV-specific therapeutics cannot be considered
the detection of EBOV RNA were used, and, therefore, the in isolation as ‘magic bullets’. These therapeutics must
limits of detection and the repeatability of the assays are not be uncoupled from the supportive care required to
unknown. EBOV persistence in immune-privileged sites care for patients with EVD, a disease that often presents
has been reported in NHPs who survive infection; these late in illness with ominous multiple organ dysfunction

NATURE REVIEWS | DISEASE PRIMERS | Article citation ID: (2020) 6:13 25


syndrome. Similarly, the influence of pre-existing or available in countries with a history of EVD outbreaks.
coexisting infection or superinfection with endemic With local or international support, crucial infrastruc-
pathogens (for example, Plasmodium spp., HIV-1, mea- tures (for example, laboratories, field stations and treat­
sles virus or mycobacteria) on the course and outcome ment centres) have been built in several countries.
of EVD remains to be determined. In addition, the influ- National and international health agencies (including
ence of genetic or other host factors in ethnically different the WHO) and non-governmental organizations have
populations and different regions is also unclear. streamlined their interactions and communication strat-
The medical follow-up of survivors of EVD is also not egies to be able to work together to curtail future out-
trivial. For those with physical or psychological sequelae, breaks. Whereas many problems remain to be tackled,
even the most basic medications are scarce, and sim- we are hopeful that the response to future outbreaks will
ple diagnostic testing is non-existent or prohibitively be even more rapid and more coordinated than before,
expensive. Ultimately, longitudinal research to inform and that future outbreaks will involve an increasing
an evidence base for the care of survivors of EVD is cru- number of EVD-experienced health-care staff using
cial to understanding better the mechanisms underly- clinically tested MCMs to decrease CFR and prevent or
ing complications after EVD to implement appropriate ameliorate sequelae.
treatment. Further study is needed to define the outer Zooming out from the outbreak setting, ecological
time limit of viral shedding to inform public health rec- and epidemiological uncertainties remain to be clari-
ommendations, and support the unprecedented number fied, including the identity of the natural EBOV reser-
of survivors who continue to experience social isolation voir host and the determinants and dynamics of EBOV
and stigma. spillover and subsequent human-to-human transmis-
The typical setting of EVD outbreaks in under- sion. Understanding the animal–human interface may
developed areas (with limited access to medical infra- prevent the introduction of EBOV into the human
structure) and in multiethnic populations (characterized population. Finally, EBOV is not the only filovirus that
by vastly different mobility and health-seeking behav- causes severe human disease; indeed, MARV seems sta-
iours), the presence of armed conflicts and the unpre- tistically to be even more lethal than EBOV4. By extra­
dictability and typically limited size of EVD outbreaks in polation, MARV could cause an outbreak of the scale
general pose immense challenges to conducting clinical of the 2013–2016 EVD outbreak. Our understanding of
trials. Clinical trials are also not necessarily welcomed MARV disease, let alone the diseases caused by other
by local populations, who may be understandably suspi- ebolaviruses and marburgviruses, is limited with large
cious of outsiders’ intentions in post-colonial settings. In knowledge gaps in the entire spectrum from basic sci-
the very challenging setting of the current EVD outbreak ence to human clinical disease. Progress in the preven-
in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the clinical tion and treatment of FVD, including nascent MCMs
research response represents an important step forward and vaccine development endeavours, lags far behind
but also emphasizes these challenges. the recent progress made specifically in EVD.
On a positive note, EBOV diagnostics have greatly
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297. Winslow, R. L. et al. Immune responses to novel J.H.K.); Mechanisms/pathophysiology (M.-A.d.L.V., V.W., A.G. contribution to the peer review of this work.
adenovirus type 26 and modified vaccinia virus and J.H.K.); Diagnosis, screening and prevention (S.T.J., I.C.,
Ankara-vectored Ebola vaccines at 1 year. JAMA 317, A.G., L.B. and J.H.K.); Management (S.T.J., I.C., W.A.F.II, A.H.,
1075–1077 (2017). C.S.K., M.J.S., L.B. and J.H.K.); Quality of life (S.T.J., I.C., Publisher’s note
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