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260 trends in analytical chemistry, vol. 19, no.

4, 2000

The role of gas chromatography in

compositional analyses in the petroleum
Jan Beens*, Udo A.Th. Brinkman
Vrije Universiteit, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy,
de Boelelaan 1083, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Because of the complex character of petroleum or by operational procedures. To some extent,

fractions and products, gas chromatography has we must live with these inherited terms, even
played an important role as an analytical technique though they are often vague and sometimes mis-
in this area since its introduction. For the majority leading.
of oil fractions classifying or group-type analyses For example, petroleum fractions were originally
are performed rather than determinations of all classi¢ed as `light', `middle' and `heavy' materials on
the individual constituents. The general composi- the basis of their density. Because density and boil-
tion of petroleum is discussed and also the relation ing range frequently go hand in hand, these terms
between composition, product properties and became interchangeable with low ( 0^150³C ),
processability. Compositional analyses for petro- medium ( 150^370³C ) and high boiling points
leum products are reviewed, especially in terms of ( s 370³C ). However, some highly aromatic light
multi-dimensional gas chromatography. The fractions may have a higher density than some
important role that comprehensive two-dimen- highly paraf¢nic middle distillate fractions. Simi-
sional gas chromatography is expected to play in larly, some highly aromatic middle distillate frac-
the near future in unraveling the composition of oil tions may have a higher density than some highly
fractions is also discussed. z2000 Elsevier paraf¢nic heavy fractions.
Science B.V. All rights reserved. The inherited terms used in this paper are
marked with an asterisk (*) and clari¢ed in the glos-
Keywords: Oil analysis; Composition of oil fractions; sary.
Multidimensional gas chromatography;
Two-dimensional gas chromatography
1.1.1. Occurrence of different types of compounds in
The constituents of petroleum and its fractions
1. Introduction can be classi¢ed into two major compound groups,
the hydrocarbons and the hetero-compounds.
1.1. The composition of petroleum and its fractions Hydrocarbons only contain carbon and hydrogen;
hetero-compounds also contain sulfur, nitrogen,
Throughout this article a logical chemical oxygen, vanadium, nickel or iron. The general for-
nomenclature will be used wherever possible. mula is Cn H2n‡z Xa Yb Zc , in which X, Y and Z are
However, within the petroleum industry, an en- hetero-atoms, z is the de¢ciency value of hydrogen,
vironment rich in traditions ( some of which and a, b and c are the number of hetero-atoms.
are very old and are not easily abolished ), there The hydrocarbons can be subdivided into the
exists a great deal of inherited nomenclature. This following group types:
has evolved with the ¢eld and is therefore neither
logical nor precise. Many petroleum fractions, 1. Acyclic alkanes ( also called paraf¢ns ),
products and constituents are designated only branched or normal ( also called iso- or nor-
by the way in which they have been generated, mal ). General formula: Cn H2n‡2
2. Cyclic alkanes ( also called naphthenes ).
*Corresponding author. These contain one ( mono-naphthenes ) or
E-mail: more ( poly-naphthenes ) saturated ( or naph-

0165-9936/00/$ ^ see front matter ß 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 5 - 9 9 3 6 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 2 0 5 - 8

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thenic ) rings. They may have one or more tution; Cn H2n38 for mono-aromatics with one
( branched ) paraf¢ns attached to the ring. naphthenic ring; etc.
Naphthenic rings contain either ¢ve or six car-
bon atoms. General formula: Cn H2n for mono- The hetero-compounds are classi¢ed according
naphthenes; CnH2n32 for di-naphthenes; to the hetero-atom in the molecule.
Cn H2n34 for tri-naphthenes; etc.
3. Alkenes ( also called ole¢ns ), branched, nor- 1. Sulfur compounds. These are usually present
mal or cyclic. Crude oils and products derived in higher concentration than the other hetero-
directly from crudes through distillation compounds. Their occurrence in petroleum
( straight-run products ) in general do not con- products is undesirable for various reasons.
tain ole¢ns. Processed products, especially Most of the sulfur compounds, especially
those obtained by thermal or catalytic crack- hydrogen sul¢de and the mercaptans, are
ing, may contain large quantities of ole¢ns. very malodorous. Even minor amounts of sul-
General formula: Cn H2n for mono-ole¢ns; fur may have detrimental effects on catalysts
Cn H2n32 for di-ole¢ns or naphthenic mono- used in conversion processes. If the product is
ole¢ns; etc. used as a fuel, the sulfur will be converted into
4. Aromatics ( containing at least one benzene SO2 and SO3 , which are harmful to the envi-
ring ). They may have one or more paraf¢ns ronment. The sulfur compounds can be sub-
or naphthenes attached to the ring. Molecules divided into:
containing one benzene ring are classi¢ed as
mono-aromatics, those with two aromatic 1.1. thiols ( also called mercaptans ), R^S^H, with R
rings as di-aromatics, etc. General formula: being an alkyl substituent.
Cn H2n36 for mono-aromatics with alkyl substi- 1.2. sul¢des, R^S^RP, and disul¢des, R^S^S^RP.

Fig. 1. The number of possible hydrocarbon isomers.

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Fig. 2. The number of possible sulfur-containing isomers.

1.3. thiophenes, R^C4 H3 S, benzothiophenes, R^ or salts [ 3 ]: naphthenic acids, phenols, fatty

C8 H5 S, dibenzo-thiophenes, R^C12 H7 S and acids, furans and phenyl ketones.
benzonaphthothiophenes, R^C16 H9 S. 4. Metal-containing compounds. Vanadium,
nickel and iron are present in very low con-
2. Nitrogen compounds. Although they are gen-
erally present in lower concentrations than the
Table 1
sulfur compounds, basic nitrogen compounds
Carbon number, boiling points and number of possible paraf¢n
are notorious catalyst poisons, when using isomers
acidic proton-donor catalysts. The nitrogen
compounds can be subdivided into: Carbon Boiling point n-alkane Number of
number (³C ) isomers
2.1. basic compounds such as pyridines, quino- 5 36 3
lines, benzoquinolines and azacarbazoles 8 126 18
[ 1,2 ]; 10 174 75
2.2. neutral or weakly basic (= non-titrable ) com- 15 271 4347
20 344 3.66U105
pounds such as pyrroles, indoles, carbazoles,
25 402 3.67U107
amides [ 2,3 ] and porphyrin-type compounds; 30 450 4.11U109
2.3. acidic compounds such as hydroxypyridine- 35 490 4.93U1011
and indole-carboxylic acids [ 4 ]. 40 525 6.24U1013
45 554 8.22U1015
Oxygen compounds. There are ¢ve groups of 60 620 2.21U1022
80 678 1.06U1031
oxygen compounds, some of which can be 100 715 5.92U1039
present in the form of their respective acids

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Fig. 3. Schematic integrated oil-re¢ning con¢guration.

centrations in organic metal complexes. The number of isomers. Even if only a few per cent of all
most common types of complexes present are possible compounds are actually present, the num-
porphyrins. bers are overwhelming. This makes a complete
compositional analysis of the higher-boiling frac-
tions impossible. The analysis of petroleum ( frac-
1.1.2. The number of compounds in petroleum tions ) is therefore focused on classi¢cation.
Petroleum fractions are among the most complex
samples an analyst can face in terms of the number 1.2. Oil processing and process modelling
of compounds present. Even more challenging
is the fact that, unlike the situation with other com- Its origin and geological history determine the
plex samples in which only a few speci¢c com- composition of a crude oil, and crudes vary widely
pounds have to be separated from the matrix, in with respect to boiling range and chemical charac-
petroleum the matrix itself usually must be sub- teristics. Primary oil processing ( distillation, extrac-
jected to separation and analysed. Table 1 shows tion and conversion processes ) rarely results in
the number of possible paraf¢nic isomers per car- product packages which match local demands.
bon number [ 5,6 ] and the boiling point of the Crude oils in general contain a surplus of heavy
n-alkane [ 7 ]. fuel and insuf¢cient middle distillates and gasoline,
Table 1 shows the number of possible isomers whereas the demand for light products has
only in the simplest type of compound. Figs. 1 increased in the last two decades and is still increas-
and 2 present extrapolations of the number of pos- ing. Although the feedstocks that are processed
sible isomers of all the hydrocarbon and sulfur com- almost directly re£ect the crude origin, blending
pounds possibly present in petroleum fractions options of the intermediate products only indirectly
well below a carbon number of 20. This extrapola- link the re¢ning sections. Fig. 3 illustrates the com-
tion was performed from the theoretically possible plexity of modern integrated oil re¢ning.

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264 trends in analytical chemistry, vol. 19, no. 4, 2000

Fig. 4. Characterisation of oil fractions.

Oil processes vary considerably in type of feed- ucts in terms of lower sulfur and aromatic content.
stock, conditions and catalytic or thermal nature, Detailed structural information of crude oil and oil
and they perform a variety of re¢ning jobs ranging products in terms of paraf¢nic, ole¢nic, naphthenic
from sulfur reduction in hydrotreating, octane num- and aromatic carbon and hetero-compounds is,
ber* improvement in catalytic reforming to ( hydro ) therefore, becoming increasingly important and
cracking of heavy feedstocks into light distillates investing in the development of analytical tools
and gases. In spite of these differences, on a molec- that can provide or improve this information is a
ular basis oil processes share the same small num- necessity.
ber of basic reaction types. This principle has been
used to develop general models suitable for all oil 1.3. The analysis of petroleum
processes. The basic characteristics that determine
the conversion processes are, apart from kinetic Already in the early days of petroleum re¢ning,
properties, the chemical nature of the hydrocar- analyses were performed in order to characterise
bons in terms of paraf¢nic, ole¢nic, naphthenic the products. Most of these ( generally physical )
and aromatic carbon as well as the amount of het- measurements comprised a product property, the
ero-atoms [ 8 ]. most common one being the boiling range. The
Conventional product properties and speci¢ca- determination of density, refractive index (RI ), vis-
tions, such as octane number, cetane number* and cosity, £ash point* and the cold-£ow properties*,
smoke point* are directly calculated from the chem- such as pour point* and cloud point*, were also
ical composition as a function of boiling point [ 9 ]. popular. These analyses are still performed in all
Fig. 4 shows the relationship between the chemical re¢nery laboratories. Compositional analyses
structures and these derived product properties. In were also performed with remarkable dedication.
view of the changing local demands for light prod- In the late 1920s, the American Petroleum Institute
ucts and growing environmental concern, which started a project ( API Research Project 6, `The Sep-
calls for cleaner oil products and processes, the aration, Identi¢cation and Determination of the
re¢nery scene is continuously changing. Legislative Chemical Constituents of Commercial Petroleum
measures tighten the quality constraints of oil prod- Fractions') to isolate individual hydrocarbon spe-

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Plate 1. The state-of-the-art of chromatography in the petroleum ¢eld.

The area indicated as mare vacui is an empty area, which does not contain any compounds. Two-ring aromatics have at least 10, three-
ring aromatics at least 13, four-ring aromatics at least 16 carbon atoms, etc. The polars are assumed not to have carbon numbers
below 25.

cies from crude petroleum, in order to determine to nine carbon atoms were isolated and their boiling
their physical properties. They used ( azeotropic ) point, density, refractive index and freezing point
distillation, extraction, crystallisation and adsorp- were reported.
tion to isolate the compounds. The result of this Today, structural group analyses, which provide
immense work was published in 1953 [ 10 ]. All information on the composition of petroleum frac-
204 individual hydrocarbons containing from ¢ve tions and products, are generally instrumental anal-

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The map of the petroleum ¢eld.

Although compositional analysis in the oil industry has been with us for over a century, the composition of a signi¢cant part of
petroleum and its products is still unknown. Analogous to the cartographers in the 16th and 17th centuries, many petroleum
technologists ¢ll the gaps of terra incognita of the oil ¢eld with surmises and assumptions. The ¢gure presents a state-of-the-art map of
the petroleum ¢eld.
The borders between the different compound classes in petroleum ( ole¢ns, paraf¢ns, naphthenes, mono- and di-aromatics, poly-
aromatics and polars ) are depicted as solid lines. These turn into dashed lines in the higher-molecular-mass regions where all
compounds are likely to contain some saturated groups, some naphthenic groups, one or more aromatic groups, and possibly one or
more hetero-atoms. It then obviously becomes impossible to unambiguously de¢ne the nature of the different compounds in terms
of structural groups. It may be argued that, for the same reason, a physical separation technique such as ( gas ) chromatography will
fail to provide structure-based resolution in this area.
For compounds with fewer than ¢ve carbon atoms, including the permanent gases, various quantitative gas analysis methods exist,
some of which are still based on the use of GC packed columns. GC can perform the quantitative analysis of all individual compounds
with four to six carbon atoms. The individual saturates and aromatics can be analysed quantitatively up to nine carbon atoms. For up
to about 12 carbon atoms, instruments such as the PIONA analyser allow quantitative group-type analyses of all compound classes
by carbon number. GCUGC in principle allows the quantitative analysis of a large number of individual compounds generally and of
all group types of fractions with carbon numbers up to 30. With SFC or LC methods, quantitative group-type separations into
aromatics and non-aromatics can be performed for compounds with up to 20^25 carbon atoms. Above that number no quantitative
compositional analytical procedures are available for the total oil sample.

yses. These comprise nuclear magnetic resonance mining the acids and bases in high-boiling petro-
(NMR ), mass spectrometry (MS ), and infrared spec- leum fractions. Jacobson et al. [ 23 ] determined dif-
troscopy ( IR ) and various chromatographic tech- ferent oxygen-, sulfur-, and nitrogen-containing
niques. Among the instrumental techniques, gas compounds with IR.
chromatography ( GC ) has become the most impor-
tant analytical technique in the oil industry. It will
be covered extensively in Section 2. 2. The role of gas chromatography in the
Among the spectroscopic techniques, NMR has oil industry
gained the most prominent place in the composi-
tional analysis of petroleum fractions. A review by 2.1. General
Snape et al. [ 11 ], and papers by Bartle et al. [ 12 ],
Cookson et al. [ 13 ] and Netzel [ 14 ] discuss the use As already pointed out in Section 1.1.2, the num-
of 1 H-NMR for the compositional analysis of petro- ber of possible constituents of petroleum ( prod-
leum fractions. 13 C-NMR has also been applied to ucts ) is so immense that no single-column tech-
the compositional analysis of petroleum fractions nique can separate all of them. Even state-of-the-
[ 12,15,16 ]. art capillary columns, with peak capacities of 1000
In the mass spectrometric techniques (MS ), non- and more, are unable to do so. An illustration is
fragmenting MS techniques using `soft ionisation' given in Fig. 5, a separation of a light fraction of a
are generally preferred for compositional analyses, catalytically cracked product on a 50 m, 0.25 mm
since they produce much simpler spectra. Field ion- i.d. capillary column. The ¢nal boiling point of the
isation ( FIMS ) is the most attractive option, because sample is 150³C, which means that only com-
it produces almost fragmentation-free spectra. Var- pounds containing fewer than 10 carbon atoms
ious authors have reported methodologies for the are present. However, even in the range of the
MS-based compositional analysis of hydrocarbons C6 s, with their 28 isomers ( 7 saturated and 21 ole-
[ 17^19 ]. Recently supersonic jet-MS has become a ¢nic ), co-elution is seen to occur.
new candidate, since it produces ^ next to classical For that reason multi-dimensional GC was intro-
electron-impact patterns ^ a large abundance of duced as a means to effect better separation of com-
molecular ions [ 20 ]. plex mixtures. The technique was already explored
IR spectroscopy is mainly used for the determi- in the late 1950s for chlorinated hydrocarbons by
nation of nitrogen- and oxygen-containing groups using two packed columns and it was designated
in petroleum. McKay et al. [ 21,22 ] used IR for deter- two-stage chromatography [ 24,25 ]. A fully inte-

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Fig. 5. Capillary column separation of a catalytically cracked light product. ( Courtesy D. Grutterink, Analytical Controls B.V. )

grated system for the complete analysis of all the tional analysis of gasolines and naphthas. A sche-
constituents of a re¢nery off-gas using four different matic diagram of the separation system is shown in
columns was presented in 1959 by Bloch [ 26 ]. Fig. 6.
A rather elegant way of switching between differ- A chromatogram that can typically be obtained
ent coupled columns in a multi-dimensional system with this set-up is presented in Fig. 7. Since all com-
was presented by Deans [ 27,28 ], who used pres- ponents of the injected sample eventually reach the
sure differences instead of valves to switch £ows detector, quantitation can be performed by internal
between the columns. The main advantage of this normalisation, using FID response factors for the
approach is that the sample components do not different groups.
have to pass any valves and that adsorption on The PIONA method can be used to analyse
valve seats, etc. is consequently prevented. hydrocarbon samples ( gasolines and naphthas )
Since 1960 the number and variety of multi- from propane through dodecane ( boiling point,
dimensional (= multi-column ) GC systems have 216³C ). An extension up to pentadecane ( boiling
steadily increased [ 29 ]. The ¢nal development in point, 271³C ) is possible, but only for the separa-
this area has been the introduction of the PIONA tion of naphthenes and paraf¢ns. The upper limit of
analyser in 1971 [ 30 ], with PIONA standing for par- the procedure is set by the separation on the molec-
af¢ns, iso-paraf¢ns, ole¢ns, naphthenes and aro- ular-sieve column. In order to elute still higher-boil-
matics. This system exploited the unique separation ing compounds from such a column, it must be
of naphthenes and paraf¢ns by carbon number on a heated to temperatures far above 400³C, and ther-
column packed with zeolites of a very speci¢c pore mal degradation of the sample compounds may
size ( molecular sieves 13X ) [ 31 ]. In later years it occur.
was extended to include samples having boiling Other multi-dimensional systems have been
points up to 270³C [ 32 ] and implemented in a com- reported that use the `heart-cut' approach. A part
mercial instrument [ 33 ], which is still in use in the of the ef£uent of the ¢rst column is introduced,
majority of re¢nery laboratories for the composi- after ( cold ) trapping and re-injection, into a second

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Fig. 6. Schematic diagram of the PIONA analyser. OV-275 = polar column, OV-101 = non-polar column, trap = Tenax trap, Pt = hy-
î = n-alkane trap, 13X = molecular sieve 13X column, V = valve.
drogenator, 5 A

column with different characteristics, which sepa- LC and GC and its applications. Although such sys-
rates this rather small part of the sample. Schoen- tems are very powerful in terms of selectivity and
makers et al. [ 34 ] reported the analysis of low con- resolution, only few have been reported as appli-
centrations of phenol in a catalytically cracked cable to the petroleum ¢eld [ 40,41 ]. None of these
product with such a heart-cutting technique. The systems, however, yielded a full compositional
two chromatograms, with the upper one represent- analysis of the fractions analysed, i.e. they are
ing the ¢rst separation on a non-polar column, and non-comprehensive.
the lower one the heart-cut on a polar column, are A fully quantitative compositional analysis of
shown in Fig. 8. Van den Bosch [ 35 ] presented a middle distillates by means of LC^GC hyphenation
heart-cut separation of some individual C9 and C10 was described by Beens et al. [ 42 ]. Column liquid
mono-aromatics from a whole crude oil. The sepa- chromatography, with its high selectivity, and high-
rated compounds were used as ¢ngerprinting com- resolution gas chromatography, with its high
pounds to establish the origin of the crude oils. resolving power, were coupled on-line ( LC^GC ).
Although the heart-cut technique allows a The LC system separates the sample into hydrocar-
unique separation, the separation achieved in the bon groups, which subsequently are completely
¢rst column is partly destroyed by the focusing transferred to the GC for further separation. An
effect in the trapping device. More importantly, uncoated pre-column accomplishes a `solvent
only a small part of the ¢rst separation is used, effect', which enables refocusing of the low-boiling
and the rest of the ¢rst-column chromatogram is solutes in the fractions. An early solvent vapour exit
disregarded. In view of the discussions below, it is is used to expel the main part of the solvent. Middle-
useful to indicate such two-dimensional chroma- distillate products such as heavy naphtha, kero-
tography as non-comprehensive. sene, jet fuel, diesel fuel and light and heavy gasoil
Combining different chromatographic tech- can be characterised quantitatively with such a
niques increases the number of possibilities of a hyphenated system.
multi-dimensional system. One of the ¢rst exam- The same LC^GC system, but now combined
ples was presented by Stahl [ 36 ], who described with a sulfur-speci¢c sulfur chemiluminescence
the coupling of supercritical £uid extraction detector (SCD ), was used for the quantitative
(SFE ), using supercritical CO2 as the extraction group-type analysis of sulfur species in oil fractions
£uid, and thin-layer chromatography (TLC ) by [ 43 ]. Inserting an adapted FID between the GC col-
means of an automatic deposition system. He pre- umn outlet and the inlet of the SCD, to oxidise both
sented a number of possible applications of the the large amount of hydrocarbons and the low con-
system. The coupling of SFE or column liquid chro- centrations of sulfur species, enables the quantita-
matography ( LC ) to GC opened a new area of tive characterisation of the sulfur-containing com-
powerful separation systems. Reviews of coupling pounds in middle distillates.
techniques as given by Davies et al. [ 37,38 ] and As another interesting coupling technique, Blom-
Munari et al. [ 39 ] are directed at the coupling of berg et al. [ 44 ] described the coupling of size exclu-

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Fig. 7. Chromatogram of light naphtha separated with the PIONA analyser. The identi¢cation of the various peaks is given in Table 2.
( Courtesy: D. Grutterink, Analytical Controls B.V. )

sion chromatography (SEC ) and GC for the analysis recently reported [ 46 ]. It allows the determination
of a series of additives in a polymeric matrix. The of the total amount of potentially carcinogenic
SEC separation was used as a sample clean-up step polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs ) in bitu-
to isolate the additives from the matrix. Even more men* and bitumen fumes.
complicated is the coupling of SEC, normal-phase
liquid chromatography (NPLC ) and GC for the 2.2. Comprehensive two-dimensional gas
characterisation of restricted ( according to size ) chromatography
and selected ( according to polarity ) fractions of
long residues* [ 45 ]. The seemingly incompatible The heart-cut technique can also be performed
separation modes, SEC and NPLC, are coupled on such small fractions of the ¢rst separation that
using an on-line solvent evaporation step. Another they only comprise part of a single peak. If such
complex system, which features the coupling of small cuts are continually made to include all
£ow injection analysis ( FIA ), LC and GC, was peaks eluted from the ¢rst column, and these are

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270 trends in analytical chemistry, vol. 19, no. 4, 2000

Fig. 8. Heart-cut separation of low concentrations of phenol in a catalytically cracked product. ( Courtesy: LC-GC International )

Table 2
Group-type identi¢cation of Fig. 7

C-number Peak numbers

saturates ole¢ns aromatics

straight branched cyclic straight branched cyclic

4 17 1 ^ 47 32 ^ ^
5 18 3 2 48 34 33 ^
6 19 5 4 49 36 35 27
7 20 7 6 50 38 37 28
8 21 9 8 51 40 39 29
9 22 11 10 52 42 41 30
10 23 13 12 53 44 43 31
11 24 15 14 54 45a 32
12 25
This group contains branched and naphthenic C11 species, which are not separated.

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Fig. 9. Schematic of the thermal modulator in a comprehensive 2D-GC system. 1, PTV injector, 2. ¢rst dimension column, 3. heated
slit of the modulator, 4. motor drive of the modulator, 5. micro press ¢t connections, 6. modulator capillary, 7. second dimension
column, 8. FID, 9. column oven.

subsequently focused and re-injected on a second constant-voltage power supply provided the cur-
column with different separation characteristics, a rent to heat the capillary for the thermal desorption
truly `comprehensive multi-dimensional' separa- of the trapped fractions. Electrically conductive
tion will be the outcome. Although technically an paint provides an excellent thermal contact with
extension of the heart-cut procedure, it is funda- the column, while adding very little thermal mass
mentally a new separation technique, provided [ 49 ]. Although good results were obtained with
that the two separations can be made truly in- these thermal modulators [ 50 ], they were not very
dependent. Since the cuts are very small, they will robust and had to be replaced frequently. A more
contain compounds with several closely similar robust and elegant system for thermal modulation
characteristics. Only if the second separation is in a comprehensive two-dimensional GC system
based on manipulating another characteristic can was presented more recently [ 51 ] and is depicted
these compounds be separated. in Fig. 9.
The ¢rst comprehensive multi-dimensional sys- The revolving thermal modulator, called the
tem was described by Bushey and Jorgenson [ 47 ]. sweeper, heats the modulation capillary by moving
They coupled ion exchange and size exclusion LC rapidly across it. The rapid heating causes the ana-
by means of two sample loops mounted on an lytes to evaporate and travel ahead of the modula-
eight-port valve. The loops were switched one tor movement until they are refocused.
after the other to transfer small cuts from the ion The application of this system to the composi-
exchange to the size exclusion column, thus allow- tional analysis of oil fractions has been reported
ing a continuous £ow in the ¢rst column. Liu and [ 52 ]. An example of a contour plot representing
Phillips [ 48 ] ¢rst demonstrated comprehensive separation of a gasoil* is depicted in Fig. 10. Since
multi-dimensional GC. Two GC columns with dif- it provides a separation power which is equal to the
ferent retention characteristics were coupled by product of the separation powers of the two indi-
means of a thermal desorption modulator, which vidual columns, the authors denoted the technique
was constructed from a gold-painted capillary. A as GCUGC, a term which is now widely accepted.

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Fig. 10. Contour plot of a GCUGC separation of a heavy gasoil. 1, benzene, 2. toluene, 3. ethylbenzene+para+meta-xylene, 4. ortho-
xylene, 7^13. C9 aromatics, 15. C10 mono-aromatics, 16. C11 mono-aromatics, 23. naphthalene, 24. 2-methylnaphthalene,
25. 1-methylnaphthalene, 27. C2 naphthalenes, 28. C3 naphthalenes, 29. C4 naphthalenes, 30^41. n-C8 through n-C19 .

Apart from this separation power, GCUGC offers a be extracted. Clearly, the different groups of di-aro-
high ordering of the separated species in the two- matics, naphthalene (No. 23 ), the methylnaphtha-
dimensional plane. To give an example, the di-aro- lenes (Nos. 24 and 25 ), the naphthalenes substi-
matics in Fig. 10 are not only separated from the tuted with two carbon atoms (No. 27 ), with three
saturates and mono-aromatics, but are grouped in carbon atoms (No. 28 ) and with four carbon atoms
a band from which more chemical information can (No. 29 ) are easily recognised.

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Fig. 11. Schematic of the cryo-modulator in a GCUGC system. 1. PTV injector, 2. ¢rst-dimension column, 3. column connection,
4. second-dimension column, 5. FID, 6. moving cryo-modulator, 7. column oven.

Other authors [ 53,54 ] discussed the use of quan- quite similar to heat-modulated GCUGC separa-
titative analysis with GCUGC and presented a tions have been demonstrated [ 58,59 ].
model [ 55 ] to predict the ¢nal separation of a A major advantage of the cryo approach is that
GCUGC system. the capillary in which the compounds are retained
Meanwhile, other ways to modulate narrow frac- has to be heated up to the normal oven temperature
tions from the ¢rst dimension into the second only. This makes the system applicable to samples
dimension have been reported. Kinghorn et al. with much higher ¢nal boiling points than the
[ 56,57 ] described a device that does not use ther- Sweeper system can handle. An obvious disadvant-
mal modulation, but cryogenic focussing ( Fig. 11 ). age is the physical state of the stationary phase at
The modulator consists of a moving cryogenic trap temperatures that can easily be as low as 350³C.
and is therefore designated a longitudinal modulat- A comprehensive review on the state of the art of
ing cryogenic system ( LMCS ). Since this acronym GCUGC is presented in [ 60 ].
may easily create confusion with the well-known
LC^MS, we will designate it a cryo-modulator
instead. The ef£uent from the ¢rst column is 3. Perspectives
retained in a very narrow band inside the cryo-
modulator. Every few seconds the modulator is Gas chromatography has been used in the oil
shifted from the T ( trap ) to the R ( release ) position. industry since it was invented some 40^50 years
In the R position, trapped fractions will be released ago. Although it is a mature technique with an
immediately and start to be subjected to separation excellent track record, there are still intriguing
as a narrow band held on the head of the second new developments. One of these is GCUGC
column. Meanwhile, ef£uent from the ¢rst column which can provide dramatic peak capacities and,
will be trapped, thus preventing interference with equally important, structured ( ordered ) chromato-
the chromatographic process of the previous frac- grams. This facilitates the interpretation of the pat-
tion. After a few seconds ( the modulation time ) the terns of oil and oil product samples, especially after
process will be repeated, until the end of the ¢rst- a more general acceptance of and increasing expe-
column GC run. Two-dimensional separations rience with the technique.

TRAC 2616 14-3-00

274 trends in analytical chemistry, vol. 19, no. 4, 2000

As GCUGC is a very young technique and only Flash point temperature at which, after heating, the vapour
one type of instrument is commercially available above a petroleum fraction in a closed cup can
be ignited with an open £ame
( using the Sweeper as a modulator ), much research Smoke point measure for the combustion behaviour of ker-
will still have to be conducted. This research should osenes in an open £ame. The smoke point is a
be focused on selection of the preferred type of yardstick for the aromaticity
modulator and optimisation of its design, develop- Cold-£ow viscosity, viscosity index*, pour point*, cloud
ing and validating protocols for optimum separa- properties point*
Viscosity index measure for the change of the viscosity of an oil
tion conditions and performing quantitative analy- fraction with temperature
ses. As the limited number of present-day users will Pour point temperature at which, after cooling, a liquid oil
undoubtedly con¢rm, increased robustness and fraction solidi¢es
user-friendliness will be important aspects, as will Term Explanation
be the development of proper data-handling tech- Cloud point temperature at which, after cooling, the ¢rst
crystals appear in a liquid oil fraction
niques. It is one thing to construct impressive 2D Depentanise removal ( by distillation ) of the low-boiling
plots; it is quite another matter to carry out the pro- ( 6 35³C ) part of a fraction
¢le recognition or comparison.

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