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242 ~ Английский язык для медицинских КОЛ.\еджеЙ Jf УЧIlЛrlЩ Разgе.

л 5, Вспомните rpамматику ~>~ 243

Упражненне 20. Ответьте на вопросы, заменяя инфи­ 5) ... is (Ье inflammation ofthe heart muscle.
нитивы, aallHbIe в скобках, геРУllдия. 6) .,. is (Ье inflammation ofthe рапстезs.
О б ра з е ц: What is а reception wa rd used [ог? (to 7) ... is the inflammation ofthe pleura.
receive patients) . 8) ... is the inflammation of the lung.
А reception ward is used [ог receivillg 9) .,. is the inflammation ofthe trachea .
Упражнение 22. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.
1) What is а drug саЫllе! used [Ol'?
(to keep dшgs and remedies) 1) What is gastritis?
2) What is а label used Гог? 2) What is tracheitis?
3) What is bronchitis?
(to illdicate the dose ofthe medicine)
3) What is а temperature chaгt used [ог? 4) What is myocarditis?
5) What is cholecystitis?
(10 write down the patiellt's temperalure)
4) What is а patient's card used [ог? 6) What is tonsillitis?

(to fill it in with аН the filldings аЬои! the patiellts dis- УпражнеНllе 23. ЗамеНllте IIНфUlfитuвы, даНllые в скоб­
ках, герУllдием.
5) What is а cough mixture used [ог?
1) After the гесоуегу (Ье patienl slopped (to lose ) his
(to relieve а bad cough)
6) What а ге antibiotic injections used [ог?
2) Му brolher had 10 give ир (to smoke) due 10 chronic
(10 ргеуеп! inflammation)
, bronchitis.
Упражнение 21. Из lIазваний заболеваllий выбершnе 3) The young physician lried (10 inlroduce) various new
подходящее для следующих описаний: ways of Irealmenl.
4) Уои mUSI avoid (10 calch) а cold as уои have jusI Ьееп
(appendicitis, gastritis, bтonchitis, myocarditis, рпеuто- '
ill wilh pneumonia.
nia, pleurisy, cholecystitis, tracl1eitis, pancreatitis)
5) What has prevented уои [гот (to attend) Ihis leclure ?
1) ... is the inflammati on of the apPclldix.
2) ... is the illflammation of (Ь е bТOllchi. Упражнение 24. Ответьте на вопросы, испол ьзуя ело·

3) '" is the illflаmmзtiоп of tl1c gaHbladdcr. ва, даНllые в скобках.

4) ... is сЬе illflаmmаtiоп ofthe mucous тетЬгаllе ofthe 1) What does а successful recovery depend оп?
stomach. (following thc prescribed Ireatmenl)

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