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Yellow fever

Multiple choice questions . Select the right answer

1. What is the causative agent of yellow fever?

a) Plasmodium falciparum

b) Aedes aegypti mosquito

c) Yellow fever virus

d) Salmonella typhi

2. How is yellow fever primarily transmitted to humans?

a) Direct person-to-person contact

b) Consumption of contaminated water

c) Aedes aegypti mosquito bite

d) Airborne droplets

3. Which of the following is a common symptom of yellow fever?

a) Joint pain

b) Skin rash

c) Cough and cold

d) Toothache

4. What is the primary target organ for yellow fever virus in the human body?

a) Liver

b) Lungs

c) Brain

d) Heart

5. Which of the following best describes the pathogenesis of yellow fever?

a) The virus directly attacks the nervous system.

b) The virus causes damage to the liver and may lead to jaundice.

c) The virus primarily affects the lungs, leading to respiratory symptoms.

d) The virus primarily attacks the cardiovascular system.

6. What is the most effective method to prevent yellow fever?

a) Vaccination

b) Antibiotics

c) Mosquito nets

d) Quarantine

7. Which treatment approach is used for yellow fever?

a) Antimalarial drugs

b) Antibiotics

c) Supportive care for symptoms

d) Surgery

8. In which regions of the world is yellow fever most commonly found?

a) North America

b) Europe

c) Sub-Saharan Africa and South America

d) Asia

9. How often is the yellow fever vaccine typically recommended for travelers to endemic areas?

a) Every 2 years

b) Once in a lifetime

c) Annually

d) Only if symptoms develop

10. Which age group is most vulnerable to severe forms of yellow fever?
a) Children under 5 years old

b) Adults over 65 years old

c) Adolescents

d) All age groups are equally vulnerable

11. Yellow fever is named after which symptom commonly observed in infected individuals?

a) Yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice)

b) Yellow urine

c) Yellow nails

d) Yellow teeth

12. Which organ plays a critical role in the replication of the yellow fever virus in the human body?

a) Kidneys

b) Spleen

c) Lungs

d) Liver

13. In addition to humans, which other animals can serve as reservoir hosts for the yellow fever virus?

a) Cattle

b) Monkeys

c) Dogs

d) Pigs

14. What is the incubation period of yellow fever after being bitten by an infected mosquito?

a) 1-3 days

b) 5-7 days

c) 10-14 days

d) 21-28 days
15. What is the primary method of diagnosing yellow fever in a patient?

a) Blood culture

b) Urine analysis

c) X-ray

d) Physical examination

16. What type of vaccination is recommended for travelers to yellow fever-endemic areas?

a) Oral vaccine

b) Intravenous vaccine

c) Subcutaneous vaccine

d) Nasal spray vaccine

17. Which of the following is NOT a typical symptom of yellow fever?

a) High fever

b) Headache

c) Hemorrhage

d) Muscle strength improvement

18. What is the primary objective of treatment in yellow fever cases?

a) Eliminating the virus from the body

b) Relieving symptoms and providing supportive care

c) Preventing secondary infections

d) Replacing lost blood

19. Which organization is responsible for issuing the International Certificate of Vaccination or
Prophylaxis (ICVP) for yellow fever vaccination?

a) World Health Organization (WHO)

b) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

c) Red Cross
d) United Nations (UN)

20. What is the primary measure for controlling the spread of yellow fever in endemic areas?

a) Indoor residual spraying to kill mosquitoes

b) Distributing antibiotics to affected individuals

c) Encouraging handwashing

d) Closing international borders


1. c) Yellow fever virus

2. c) Aedes aegypti mosquito bite

3. b) Skin rash

4. a) Liver

5. b) The virus causes damage to the liver and may lead to jaundice.

6. a) Vaccination

7. c) Supportive care for symptoms

8. c) Sub-Saharan Africa and South America

9. b) Once in a lifetime

10. b) Adults over 65 years old

11. a) Yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice)

12. d) Liver

13. b) Monkeys

14. c) 10-14 days

15. a) Blood culture

16. c) Subcutaneous vaccine

17. d) Muscle strength improvement

18. b) Relieving symptoms and providing supportive care

19. a) World Health Organization (WHO)

20. a) Indoor residual spraying to kill mosquitoes

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