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Campfire Creeps – Haunted by the Closet Clown

As you may have noticed if you have been reading my articles, I have amassed quite a few bizarre
cases of clown-like entities appearing in the closets of child witnesses. I am not sure as to why this
very specific type of incident has been reported more than once, but then again it's always intriguing
to discover a new trend. Anyhoo, this is an article that I was supposed to be publishing 15 days ago
after I promised the witness (a Redditor by the name of u/punisherx2012) that I would do so. Better
late than never, I guess.

At the time of the incident - either 1999 or 2000, the witness lived in
Central Ohio and was lying in bed in view of the sliding closet in his
room. His attention was drawn to the space inside the closet after he
saw some movement in there, and he was soon presumably horrified
to notice a figure wearing 'typical clown type striped clothing' which
was standing in the same direction that all the rest of the clothes hung
up in the closet were facing, almost as if it was trying to blend in. It
took him a few seconds to realise that he was looking at something
that really shouldn't have been there. He never saw a face or anything.

You could presumably be forgiven for thinking that maybe the light
conditions in the bedroom had distorted an otherwise perfectly
ordinary item of clothing to look like a horrifying harlequin, but this
unasked question was quickly answered in his report when he said that
the clown suddenly started waving at him. 'It had white gloves on and
was waving but only with its hand if that makes sense'. This was the
only visible movement made by the entity, and it had its arms pressed
to its sides. Presumably petrified at the sight of the spangle-suited
spectre - the unnamed witness hid under the covers of his bed, and
when he finally plucked up the courage to emerge from the literal
blanket of safety the entity had vanished.

I asked him if anything else weird had happened around that time, perhaps a break-in like in the case
of Rob's Wardrobe Rigoletto, but the answer was negative. It seemed as if the entity had vanished as
quickly as it appeared. The inkling that the witness may've been dreaming is quickly crushed by the
next detail, which said witness only added as an afterthought in our conversation despite its game-
changing nature. His brother also saw the clown. Five years later.

Five years after the primary witness encountered the garish ghoul, his little brother seemed to have
a run-in with the same radiant wraith in the same closet. He was sleeping in the same bedroom as
his older brother, and was apparently pretty young at the time. 'He came out of the bedroom crying
about a clown in the closet' but in his likely-hysterical state this was the only scrap of information
that the family could get out of him. The primary witness (and my interviewee) clarified that his
brother had no idea about his previous faceoff with the flamboyant phantom. Well, maybe he didn't
use as much unnecessary alliteration as me...

I soon had the idea that there might've been a possibility that others would've seen the same thing
around the closet, and that the house could actually be haunted by the clownish critter. I asked him
if anyone else had reported anything odd, but the answer was once again negative. It really did seem
that the clown had simply been menacing the children of that specific family.

Source: u/punisherx2012

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