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Words of the world


MACHU PICHU : It’s considered one of the most important center archaeological. It was
created by the incas many years ago but then these lands were abandoned by them and
then an explorer called Hirem Bigham rediscovered that place . Now Machu Pichu is visited
by many people of different countries even being such a difficult place to get to. I think this
place have an amazing view because it was made at the peak of the mountain , besides y
thinks this really is a very cold place because it is very high. But I think it might be worth
going I would like to go.

THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA : It’s known as the largest wall in the wordl , Its located in
China and it was built to protect this country from its enemies and the invations of Mongoly
It is made of stone and earth. I like this structure because it is a very important historical

CHRIST THE REDEEMER : It’s located in Brasil , It’s an Art deco - style statute .the
money that was used for its construction was raised through people’s donations. I’ts
an important and recognized icon in Rio. I think it is the biggest statue that i have
never seen. and I believe it has an important meaning for people who believe in God.

CHICHEN ITZA : They Are the ruins of a Mayan civilization of mexico In

Yucatánwhich represented the political and economic center of that civilization.
I have many friends who have visited this place and they say it is very nice

THE ROMAN COLOSSEUM : It was Built between A.D. 70 and 80 A.D by the
romans in the 1 st century . It’s located at center of Rome . it’s know to be the place
where many events were carried out by the people of this time . Events like battles
executions , gladiator events and others i think that although it is a very important
historical place due to its structure and design, in that place very bad things were done that
were part of shows to entertain people and I don't like that.

TAJ MAHAL : I really love this place , i don't know it but everytime i read about it or
when i see a picture of this construction i feel that it’s one of the most amazing and
beautiful places . i would like to go . I’ts an important Muslim art in that country . it
was built by an Emperor for his wife and it took a lot of time for its construction.
PETRA (JORDAN ) : It is a major archaeological site in Jordan, and the capital of the
ancient Nabatean kingdom . It is characterized by being ruins made of stone because it was
a way to avoid the attacks of the enemies. they were very good people carving on stones.
I think I had never heard of this place but I find it very interesting how people could do these
things on stones.I would like to know that place and learn more about its history.

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