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WORKSHEET: Please reply to each question below, writing in complete sentences and

providing justification or explanation for each response.

1. Does the writer catch your attention and clearly convey a clear purpose in the
introduction? If so, what strategies did he or she use to accomplish this? If not, what
suggestions can you provide to strengthen the introduction and clarify the purpose?

A- Yes! The author has penned down the introduction in clear and captivating tone. The
strategies exploited by the writer are; the clear presentation of issue and giving an impression of

2. What is the writer’s thesis? What is the counterargument? What suggestions can you
offer for improving the wording of the thesis?

A- The presented thesis of the writer sheds light on the political charge which is been implied on
the children who migrated illegally and somehow are not responsible for the consequences. To
improve the wording, the author can give a slight introduction of technical abbreviations like
DACA as it breaks the reading flow.

3. What type of support does the writer use? Does this support help to prove the thesis
statement? Is research integrated effectively with author tags and effective summaries,
paraphrase, or direct quotes? Is the information presented logical and is it explained well?
What suggestions can you offer the writer in terms of improving depth of information or
presentation of research?

A- Writer has showed a strong opposition on the racism culture of America. Yes! The presented
tone of writer immensely support the given thesis statement. Also, author has indeed patterned
the in-depth argument logically and supported it with strong evidence of direct quotation but, it is
suggested to exploit few more references to make the argument look valid and stronger.

4. Is the paper organized effectively? Does the writer cover one point fully before moving
on to the next? Are topic sentences and transitions used to deliver the paper in a coherent
manner? What suggestions can you offer to increase organization and structure?

The paper is quite in coherent manner but, the sentences are not structured properly. The
sentences are not being structured precisely which makes it look quite uninteresting and the use
of transitional words is also missing. Writer can present the paper in more effective manner, if
emphasize on writing the précised sentences and implicating the connecting words.
5. How would you describe the style, tone, and word choice used? What strategies does the
writer use to connect with the audience? In what ways could the writer better meet the
audience’s needs?

Writer has used acquired a simple writing style and has played with non-metaphoric strategy.
These are the selection of easy word choices which connects the audience. Though the paper is
argumentative but, the writer failed to posses the persuasive tone.

6. What are the three most important revisions the writer could make to improve the essay?

Look on the proper sentence structure, try to acquire persuading tone, and must include few more

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