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Course requirements, policies and course content includes guidelines which will guide not
only the teacher but also the students. It will give a little background on the subject matter and
also will give framework so that the given activities will be anchored to the subject. Per topic the
faculty-in charge will be posting note brief and assignment with corresponding due date along
the academic journey. It is very essential for us students to check our google classroom time to
time given that the teacher or the professor will not always announce or inform us about the
lessons or assignments that are posted.

In this kind of learning, where in the form of communication is a bit different from the
traditional one, it is very essential for us, online learners to understand some rules for online
etiquette. We should be respectful and be aware of strong languages we might send online.
Exclamation and all caps may be misinterpreted if not used wisely. Above all grammar and
spelling is very important since we are now in the tertiary level of education. We should always
cite our sources to avoid plagiarism. We should also avoid taking screenshots of our google
classroom and other materials used in the course. We should also be understandable and
forgiving because some of us may be struggling in this kind of communication.

We have fourteen modules in this subject. Instruction delivery is through the use of
learning management systems which includes Google Classroom and other online educational
platforms. With that, we are required to study on our own which test our capacity of learning
and test our minds on understanding certain topics. The possible challenges we might encounter
in finishing this course is that time of connection would be very limited since we don’t have a
stable connection and source of energy. There will be times that we can encounter sudden power
interruption. I just hope that our professor would be considerate in terms of deadlines and
activities that he will give. In terms of quizzes and final examinations, I hope that you may still
consider other answers that are connected to the given answer, since it is computer-generated
some of our answers may not be accepted even though it is acceptable and right. But overall,
despite this pandemic that are currently experiencing, I hope that this subject would instill on us
knowledge and extent our capacities so that we could use it in the future.

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