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Terms in this set (21)

What state is hydrogen?

What state is oxygen?
What state is the mixture of hydrogen and oxygen?
What state is water?
How many elements are there in a molecule of water?
How many different atoms are there in a molecule of water?
2 (one hydrogen, two oxygen)
What is the formula for carbon dioxide?
is carbon dioxide an element or a compound, and why?
Compound because it contains two elements, and a combination of two or
more elements makes a compound
Which acid only contains two elements?
hydrochloric acid
Which acid contains 5 atoms in a molecule?
nitric acid
How can you tell that the iron and sulphur do not form a compound when
they are mixed together?
They are not chemically combined by heat. You can still separate the two
Define precipitate
insoluble solid
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Define reactant
he substances you are going to combine
Define product
The combination of the reactants
Is evaporation a chemical reaction?
No, it is a physical reaction, because you can reverse evaporation with
Is burning toast a chemical reaction?
Yes, because you cannot reverse the burning
What do we mean by 'pure water'?
Distilled water
explain why supermarkets would describe some orange juices as pure
It can be described as pure if it has no added ingredients
What is the difference between mixtures and compounds?
Compounds are the combination of two or more elements. Mixtures can be
the combination of compounds or elements
What is the difference between physical and chemical changes?
Physical changes are reversible
Chemical changes are irreversible
Which are more easily separated: compounds or mixtures?

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