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Written and Edited by Charles Oines

With additional material by Aaron Allston (AADA Schedule), Scott Haring (Evansville Four-Way), Tim Jacques
(Warrior Stadium, Grand Rapids Municipal Arena), AI Loud (Corporate Car Wars), Ken Scott (St. Paul
Duellodrome), David N. Searle (Plying Fortress) and Craig Sheeley (Road Atlas excerpts)
Ken Trobaugh, Managing Editor; Guy Burchak, Art Director
Front Cover An by Guy Burchak; Back Cover Art by Charles Oines
Interior Art by J. D. Waltrip and Charles Oines
Production by Guy Burchak, M.E. Roome and Melinda Spray

mlnots: Warrior Stadimn, Ohio: Rubbenvay, flying Fortress, Scotio Downs.,
Gladiator Arena, Peoria Speedway ••••••••••••• 2 Kettering Arena, Midville Duel Arena •••• o •••• 13
ladima: Soutbtown Arena. Mayor Smith Memorial, Wisconsin: Lambeau Field, Truax Field,
Evansville Four-Way •••••••••••.•..•••. 4 o •• Brewer-'s Cellar . . . • . , . • . . . . • . . . . . . • . • . . . 18
Michigan: Amex Proving Grounds, Belle Isle Duelpark, L'Outrance Circuit Map ••••••••••..•• 20
o ••••••••

Grand Rapids MunJdpal Arena • . • . . . . . • . .•. 6 The AADA Annual Circuit .••••.•. o o o • • • • • • o • o . 21
Minnesota: St. Paul Autoduel Complex ••...... 9 o • o •• Corporate Car Wars .•..•••• o • • o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 22
Mlawurl Arch Stadium, Hammons Dueltrack •••• 11
o •• o CharacterNebicle Record Sheet ••••.•••....•..••. 24

l.'Oulranc• is a Prench word meaning " to the ultimate,'' and the L'Outtance Duel Circuit lives up to that defmilion. Few regions present the
vuicty and challenge lbat can be fouod on the L'Outnnce Cin:wt, both in the arenas and on the roads .
Ill this book are writeups on the best known arenas and duel tracks in the Midwest, complete with weekly schedules, notes on unique cveo.ts, and
d.l4grams oflhc ateoaS and tracks themselves. Also included are rules and tips for campaigning on this (or any other) circuit, both as an lndepcndant
or a corporate lcam, and an overview of the duelling season.

How to Use This Book

Two arenas - Gladiator Arena and Lambeau Fields - are already drawn for you. The other other arenas will require a little more work. Most
oflhem will fit on a single Cor Wars Map Sluet; however, three arenas - Brewer's Cellar, Scotio Downs and lhe St. Paul Autoduel Complex-
requite two mapshcets. Each arena map is drawn ar. one-quarter scale, so each little square represents one large square on the map. Simply pick
lbc arena you want and copy it onto the map sheet. Once the basic oudioe is done, add whatever details you like, and you're ready to play! We
rccommcad laminating the mapsheets - they last longer, they can also be wiped clean and reused, and dropped weapons can be drawn onto the
map! NOie that, in tbe text. all distances that can be measured on the map arc ret'em:d to in game seale (inches), while distances ofT the map Oik.e
belgbls) are given in feet.
The racetracks - the Evansville Four· Way, Hammons Dueluaclt, Peoria Speedway aDd Stardust Memorial - require road sections, either from
CDr Won Brponsion Set I or Deluu RtNld Sutiotu.
The Cu W41'S Character Sheet on p. 24 is designed to keep trnck of a character's progress through a campaign . When skill points are earned,
simply mark them next to the skills listed; when you bave ten, move on to lhe nut skill level. Examp~: Otto Bonn enters a duel wilh 17 points in
Gunner sldll (only lhree points away from Gunner +3). During the event, he's direcdy responsible for lhrec kills, and earns four points (one for
entering combat, one for each kill), bringing his Gunner skill to 21 point~. or Gwmer-t-3. In addition, be is only nine polniS away from Gwmcr +4;
and, given his recent performance, that wynot be too far away.
Cor Wan Maps Sheets (five double-sided 2.1" x 32" grids in a 8 1h" x 11" ziplock bat) are available at your local game or hobby sbop. To
order by mall, send a check or money order for $.5 .50 (includes postllgc and handling) to Steve Jackson Games, Box 18957-A, Austin ,
78760-8957. Send a SASB for a catalog of aU our products
Cop)'riJbt ~ 1988 by ~ve la~kson Games lo«lrporated. Ctlr Won, AADA , Dwlha.d, ~and tho! AADA Joao •..., ~giSicRd lndonwb
orstovo Je.cluon Ge.mcs worpontcd . All rights 1'8Servcd. Printed in tbc U. S. A.

ISBN 1·55634-131 ·8 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10

llll· na•·s ······························~·········
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Oang activity is high olll'llde the

cities, and although the state pattols
l-55, you're usually on your own.
There are a few arenas and tracks
outside of Chicago, but very few
have AADA sanction.

There are many arenas in
Chicago- name the type of facility,
and it's available somewhere in the
Metro area. Tbere are even several

aquaduel arenas on the coast of Lake

Michigan, with the largest facility at
Navy Pier.
Gambling on duelling is not
only legal, it is well organized and a
very lucrative business in Chicago.
The most famous arenas are tbe War-
rior Stadium and the Gladiator

Stadium (PR 2)
Commonly referred to as "Four
Comers," the Warrior Stadium runs
a tandard weekly schedule, and is a
popular stop on the dud circuiL The
waiting list here is quite long; it can ..
often take two or three months to get
a slot - even for Amarcur Night.

Arena Scheduk
Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . .... Closed
Monday ........ Amateur Night

• •
Tuesday . . ..... Challenge Night
Wednesday ............ Closed
Thursday ........ Team Events II
Friday ............ Divisionals
Saturday . . . . . . . . Special Events

Anna Notes
The outside walls are 30' high
and have 60 DP. Tb.e inner walls are
15' high, have 25 DP, and are just
thick enough for a single man to run
along. The central platform and
\& .
comer obstacles are 15' high and
solid - treat tbe edges as indesttuc-
Y Ylilll "1 "lUI ~
tible walls. The ramps are at 18° and
are also indesttuctible.

Unique Arena Events

Tag-learns. Requires four teams of two cars, with each team start- The Oladiat:ar Arana (PR 2)
ing in its own comer. Weapons fire is permitted only on the central Located just across the block from the Warrior Stadium, the
platform and only one vehicle from each team can be on the platform Central City Gladiator Arena is a popular and versatile dirt track that
at any time. If both members of tbe team are on tbe same level, neither stays open throughout the year, regardless of weather.
is allowed to fire or ram an opponent. The match ends when a single
team member is alone on the central platform for 10 seconds. Arena Notes
Four Corners. This is a point-scoring event Vehicle kills are
worth 2 points at the start of the evenL Kill points are doubled for each The track surface is hard packed dirt, treated like a normal road
duellist when he has circled all four of the comer obstacles in any surface when dry. When wet, whether by rain or the park's sprinlders,
order. In addition, passing between the obstacle and the nearest comer the road surface is treated like standard off-road terrain. Crossing the
is also worth 2 points, awarded when the duellist leaves that quadrant. edge oftlle ttack is a 02 hazard; in addition, any maneuver taken while
Naturally, the duellist with the most points at the end of the event wins . driving half-on and half-off is at +01.

2 MDA Duel Circuit: L'Outrance

Tbe JfQW1da off lhe track arc standard off-road terrain.
Tbe TV Bunkers are ~b 30' tall , indestructible and have one
docnl)' for flceiDg pedestriaos.
The slands are 15' tall at the small end, and rise up to 120' atlbe
map edge.

Racing. Since events are seldom called off because of weather, the
arena's racing conditions can. change from event to event. The surface
may be ct or dry. covered with patches of snow, or even Ice! The
eveut conditions themselves are a.s variable as the weather: Staggered
B14J'ts, ouc lap without fire, No-Weapons ra.mmillg contests ... even
motorcyele events!
Most races are bi-din:ctiooal events with 6 contestants, 2 swtiDg
ac each startblg llile, facing opposite directions. DuelllslS arc not al-
lowed to fire t lhcir closest competitor until they have ci'Ollsed an in-
Jenection. They may, however, fire on the other contestants ...
CD1'-7i'oin Racing. Bach player uses three vehicles (same vehicle
bodies!); llll bitched togetbcr- first one has a driver, massive engine
and usuolly a ram plate, the second and third have no engines, 1 or 2
CI'¢W.Dl4ll each, and some weaponry. Note lhat the first vehicle mWJI be Tagalo11g - Compact, std. chassis, hvy. suspension, no power
able to _pull the olher two. This is ofle.n run like a racing event, with plant, 4 solid tires, driver, turreted MG, HDFCE back, HR left; HR
lhrec orsbt combatallts racing for several laps, with the car that has the right, targeting computer, tow bar. Armor: F20, R30, LJO, 830, T20,
most of it's train intact at the end as the winner. US. Acceleration 0, HC 3; 3,695 lbs., $13,405.
When a car witbolll an engine is separated from its lead car, the
erewman can stiJI drive it; he just can't accelerate or file lasers ... MIUI ScheduU
Budgets usually range from DivisionlS to Divlsion60 per car. Sunday • • • • . • . • . • • . • . • . . • • • • • . . . • Special. Evenll
Monday ......... •............. ....... Closed
Stlmplf Division 1~ Car Train: Tuesday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . Amal.cur Night
Wednesday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Closed
Draggln - Compact, x-bvy. chassis, bvy. suspension, large Thursday . .....•............ . . . . Challenge Night
power plmt w/HD transmission, four solid tires, driver, heavy trailer Friday . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Team EventS
blleh,lO points hitch armor. Sloped armor: F40; R40,lAO, 830, 1'20, Saturday . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Divisionals
UlO, 210-pt wheelguards, 2 10-pt. armored hubs. Acceleration 2.5 (S
at25 mph), HC 3; 4,440 lbs, $11,217.
MiddlmraJt - Compact, std. chassis, bvy. suspension, no power Peoria
plant, 4 solid tires, driver, turreiOd MG, 2 HRs li.Dkcd R, 2 HRs linked
L, tow bar, targeting computer, traDer hitch, 10 piS. hitch armor. The birthplace of modem food algae, Peoria hu been deacribcd
Armor: P30, R30, L30, 8 20, T20, US. 2 10-pt. whcelguards , 2 10-pt. u " a nice place to live, but I wouldn't want to visit there." Tbe locals
tl'IDOftd hubs, 10 points CA cacb around driver, left HRs, right HRs. tend to be w;uy of outsiders, and armed vehicles are not llllowed within
Acecleration 0, HC 3; 3,685 lbs, $12,105. city limits. Still, Peorian.s are strong supporters of autoduelling, so long
as It stays in the arena.
The Peoria Speedway (PR 1)
While not the first to be completed in the Midwest, the rebuilt
Peoria Speedway is one of the best-equipped dueltrack3 in the country.
There are comple~ broadcast and hospital facilities on-site, and, just
acron the street, is Big K's Junque Yard, the leading dealer in
reclaimed equipment. The Speedway bas on.sire storage for 300 gal -
lons of gas. The tanks are usually empty due to the high cost of
The Speedway track. is walled lo; the walls are IS ' tall, 60 DP and
fixed in place. Thus, line of sight may only be traced along the track
surface. Liquid and solid dropped weapons are forbidden .
Arena Events
Tbe Peoria Speedway runs standard electric racing and duelling
events for most of the year; but every 10 weeks or so wW see an action-
packed weekend of pure gasoline racing. Ratings soar during Gasser
Weekend; any prestige earned during a gasoline event counts double.
The Speedway is unique iD that it does.n 't run Amateur Night com-
petitions. This causes some grumbling, but those wbo really want to
enter can catch a bus or airship to any of the Chieagoland IIJ'CilU.
Arena Schedule
Peoria Speedway Sunday through Thursday . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . • . Closed
Friday . . . . . . . . ........ Divlsionals and Team Bvents
Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . Spcx;ial Events

AADA Duel Circuit: L'Outrance 3

r••~ rr•~ •~~ ..... •~~~~r ~.~~~

Once IM state for aulO combat,

Indiana's duelling pre-eminence ended
in 2031 with lbe invasion of EDSEL EJBE} I!
.. . ·-- "' ~-:
~~ I!
forces . EDSEL still maintains a minor
IIi F-i ,. ., '· -~
-< j·l ii ~ ~:!'
presence here, but their patrols are
limited to cities and major highways .
•: ft -;I - ~

Lt. ... ··1 ~ ~!

There is no state anti-duelling legisla·

Fort\Nayne [\.
!_; ·.~

~ t'•
- .~

.. ~
' ~ ,_b ~ ~~ flj
There's only one arena in Fort
Wayne, and it is funded, oddly enough, r\ I· · I • ,.·j ~ ,••_!'
by EDSEL. Although the local EDSEL . :~

forces are not very quick to interfere

with highway duelling, they are ex-
I /I .... -.;
;j_· ~::
t.rcmcly protcctive of Llle city streets, - ___:

eva-. pcrfonning the functions of the . I ld

police force. That they allowed, and I• ~· .. t'~ I~ <I
even funded, the Southtawn Arena is
considered their gi'C3tcst propaganda
. !' ... ~·· ~ ~-
,, . i!:.. 1

-·1 .·- - ".,I''"''

victory by supporters . I~ 1'1 · I• ~- .,:_ :;!_ • I~ lk.
- ~..:
:i - -. .

The Southtawn L!• .,.....

... '~~ to:~. ~ -~
- II
, "'' ;= ,

·- ;f;
Arena (PR 2) It: r· ~ I· .,
. I'"
~ tl l r~ ~~·
. '· ""!

,. .:t rl:
,,- ~~~· ·~ y
,_.; 1-
ic__'l~ ~
The Soulhtown Arena is the only J_ ~~ ~ :~ l'l'
legal outlet for automotive violence in ,.... ~~ ,. .
r~ I.'.
- -
. :
r~ . -· 1.....
~3 ~'"- ~ ~
Fort Wayne, and It is very popular
" 1-
among the locals for precisely Ulat "' I· II
~ ~r.
reason . The arena was built on the site
of the old Southtown shopping mall,
I I~ II -!. ~.
and the vast parking lots are filled to
capacity on weekends. A sttond, much .. !•·
l•"' ~ f! j
larger arena is under constructioo near-
by. expected to open in early 2041 . But
until then, the Southtown Arena wait-
,,. . :·:T
- ..
! ~ .. j IT£.
ing lists Me going to be long. _l ,1 ' l.t-~ ~~~ ~

". .. '"· ~ E
' . --!
Arena Notes
Tbe outside walls are 1.5' high
' •' (~~
,.~·-:- '\. j:·~ l
and 45 DP. The six central barricades • lfll'"l1

~ ~ le-'

arc indestructible and only 4' tall,
N l;~. ~ ,_,. r~~
blocking all but turret weaponry and
pedestrian hand weapons . A
II ~1
- ~• .... ~
~ ~ ~· .~ ~ i•"
pedestrian can climb onto a barricade
by spending one full tum next to it. Al-
ternatively, he can jump otT without
any loss in speed .

Arena Schedule
Monday- Wednesday ... Closed
l ~
. ._.
. ,"""'-

•• jt -

I! 'J ..;"i

~'~ ~'-
f' ,.-
iJ . .
1·• .' ~
-· ~ ~-·

Thursday . .. .... Amateur Night

Friday . . . . . . AADA Divisionals
Saturday . .. ... . . . Team Evems
Sunday . . . . . . . ChD.!lengc Night. Lafayette
Arena Events Lafayette spcciD.!Izcs in three things: agriculture, ammunition
manufacture, and Purdue University. The university still dominates the
The South town Arena runs a fairly standard series of events, both dty and surrounding area, administering much of the city's functions
duelling and racing. They also run the occasional tag-team event, and serving as the rallying poinl for city defense. Local ammunition
where one member of a team must be outside the barricades, and tl1c production allows a generous discount here - ammo costs are reduced
other must be inside, or neither may fire or intentionally ram until they 20% in this town.
are separated again . Challenge Nights and Amateur Nights arc espe·
cially popular; due to EDSEL's influence. lhe people have no other The Mayor Smith Memorial Arena (PR 1)
satisfying ou!let for their frustrations . The waiting list for both Amateur
Night and Challenge Nigbt arc very long, though a lot of hotheaded This is a fairly standard little arena, running a standard schedule
challenges arc cancelled when both participants cool otT. of events through most of the year. On the second weekend of May,

4 MDA Duel Circuit: L'Outrance

llowevcr, it hosiS tho
aonval autoduelling
meet between Purdue
ud Floral Gulch State
University. During this
~tnt, the eutire town is
elthcr on the streets, in
!he stadium or glued to
All walls arc 30'
lUgll and 60 DP. The
TV bunkers arc 15'
lrigb, and .havo bolt-
holes for ncelng
pedestrians on each
f1cc. Tbc central
obsll'UCI:ion is also 15'
high and is iJldestruc-
lible. The eight gates
lead directly to the pits
Yia 60' (4 ") long tun-
ad$. Tbns, a car with
~OilS will cuter
tburena at a maximum
of 20 mph, those with
icceleration 10 wlll
enter at a maximum or
30.mph. and so on.

AmiD Events
iJ1 standard MSM
evmts involve four or
el&ht contestants. Most
tun a.ccording to the
uaull straight duel, but
lhcre Is one unique event: sure there are no closed loops - if A's target is B, and B's target is A,
S/4lom. The objective is simple - each contestant must circle lhen A won't have a target once he's killed B. The player gets one point
lfOUDd the outer comer of each. TV bunker and theu exit tbe arena via for the death of his designated lllrget, regardless of who (or what) killed
..,. pre. The first one to do so wins. it. Once a duellist's target is killed, he then recieves that target's target
as his lltAt victim. For some events, 20-DP walls will be eteCitd
Amr4 Schedale around the track, cutting offline of sight except along the track surface.
Monday and Tuesday ...... .......... Amateur Night Anna Schedule
Wednesday . . . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . •. Challenge Night
Thursday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Team Events Monday through Thursday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Closed
friday . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... Divisional.s Friday . • . • . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • Divisional Races
Saturday • . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . • . • . . . ••• Special Events Saturday ..........•................ Team Races
Sunday . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . • • . . . . . . . • . . . • • . Closed Sunday . . . • . • . . . . . • . • . . ....•... .. Special BvenlS

Evanavil e
The sclf-suft'lcient fortress town of Evansville is a fairly sleepy
p1 ce. Tbere are only a few local duellists outside of the Defensive
Drivers, who patrol the surrounding five miles and perform olher
poUct functions. EDSEL has a small presence here, but, like everyone
, they're rather laid back.

The nnmlle Four-Way (PR 1.5)

Nlclmamed "The five-Leaf Clover," the BV1IJI.Sville Four-Way
loobllkc It was designed by a traffic engineer two bottles past 4runk.
Dcspilc the remote location, the Pour-Way Is Indiana's second-most-
popular sanctioned duelling arena, ne~~:l to the Soulhtown Arena up Evansville
liOrtb In Fon Wayne.
~most common fonnat for a Four-Way event Is to Une up the Four-Way
duellists at the center lnmrsection, facing outward. FIJ"St to complete all
tow- loops wins_. Weapons fire. is ofteo prohiblt£d before the first loop
completed. Clrcll of Dealh competitions are also popular; at the
beginDblg of the event, each player is given a randomly selected target.
Only the player and referee know who that is. The referee must make

AADA Duel Circuit: L'Outrance 5

If you're into spontaneous duel-
ling, Michigan is the state for you.
Everyone's willing to shoot it out -
no surprise, given that Detroit has
both the nation's highest murder rate
and the nation's largest collection of
auto manufacturing facilities.
The public reaction to duellists
here is fairly low - there are so many
duellists and so many arenas that
making a name for yourself requires a
lot of exposure. For this reason, a
characters prestige is halved while in
Michigan, and any prestige earned in
Michigan is also halved.

Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor is a college town, in
every sense of the word. The Univer-
sity of Michigan provides administra-
tion, defense, and internal security for
its residents; it also attracts students
from all over the state and beyond.
Though security is strict, the city of
Ann Arbor provides a pleasant
change from the free-for-all paranoia
of Detroit.

Amax Proving
Oraunda (PR 1)
Amex Combat Autoworks does
most of its vehicle testing well away
from Detroit. There are several dif-
ferent testing areas onsite (a
dueltrack, an off-road obstacle
COUJSe and a quarter-mile dragstrip),
but only the arena is open to the
public. Amex holds demonstrations
in addition to a small AADA-sanc-
tioned schedule of events and month-
ly U. of M. collegiate duelling.

Arena Notes
The outer walls are 30' high and
75 DP, with bleachers all around the
arena perimeter. The inner walls are
15' high and 30 DP. The supporting
pillars have 75 DP. Destroying one
pillar of a pair will merely drop a few
debris counters in the immediate
area. Destroying two pillars will
bring down the wall they supported,
spreading a liberal handful of debris
and obstacle counters within 2" of
the former wall. Anybody within 1"
of the wall when it collapses is going
to take 2 dice damage from above and an appropriate driving hazard.
The central TV bunker i8 30' tall and indestructible, and there's a Cat wid Mice. This event requires five participants; four low-cost
pedestrian bolt-hole on each facing at floor level. vehicles on one team (each starting in a different comer), and one
vehicle equal in cost to lhe other four, which starts out circling the TV
Arena Events bunker. The objectives are simple: The cat doesn't want any of the
mice to escape, and the mice want to get rid of the cat, or get out
Apart from the demonstrations and collegiate events, the Proving reasonably intact. For this event only, gates remain closed until 30
Grounds runs a standard schedule of events. There are various special seconds have passed.
events, but one has proven to be particularly popular:

6 AADA Duel Circuit: L'Outrance

~na Schedule Grand Rapids
.SUnday through Tuesday . ... . . . ... . ........ Closed
Wedllesday • ••. •• ..• Am.1teur Night/Collegiate Practice Duelling i&n't terribly popular in Grand Rapids ; there's only one
Thursday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Team Events arena in town, and it's open only on weekends. Those citizens who
J:lridil.y • , ••• •• •• •• •••..•.•... . •...•. Divisionals aren't involved in industrial or agricultural work are members of the
Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Special Events
cily 's militia.

The Orand Rapids Municipal Arena (PA .6)

lf it weren't for the visiting duellists and spillover from Detroit,
There are more arenas, testing grounds, automotive construction, the Grand Rapids Municipal Arena would nol stay open. The locals
~Jlair and sales facUlties in Detroit than in any olher part of the
· ¢~try. On the bright side, thi
~ thai auromotlve products and
. CrY·ices cost 10% less here than
.anywhere else. Perhaps because of
tbls1 there Is also nearly constant \
(~g. both in and out of the arena.

:C:1110g activity is heavy in the city, and
Violence 1 constant. I•
Ballalala ~

Dualpark (PR 1.5) . " 1\

The Belle Isle Duelparlc is an
IJIIUsement park wilh an onsite
arena, tbrill rides, arcades, overnight ~
accomodations and expensive res-
taUtants. Located. on the Detroit river
just east of Lake St. Clair, Belle Isle -~ L
i !ottified and protected from the
&MrChy in Detroit by the water bar·
tier. Tickets are expensive - $150
• 1\
for a family of four per day - and
the wailing lines to get in can stretch
tor weeks.
Arena Notes

AU walls are 15' high and 60
OP. The pillars are 30' high, I 00 DP
and house remote TV cameras. The
Safe Zone gates have no door
mechanisms, and the walls separat· ~·

iog lhe Safe Zones from the arena I·•

Door m only 20 DP. The Safe Zone
wallt tend to be breached fairly
oftca, and the modular construction
ofthesc walls takes this into account,
allowing cheap, fast repairs. \. -
- , I
·I I' -
It- -
. ~·

. ~-

Aren4 Schedule
SUDday . •. • •• . • Special Events
and Tuesday . .. . Amateur Night
and Thursday . .. . . . . Divisiona1s
' \

Friday • • . . . . . . . . Team Events

S turday . • . . . . . Special Events \

~.Q \ 1'1 .'

\ -, Belle lare )t "''
~· ·.
~··~·...~-~- . t 1 I' t. :t-~ r··1:
r ·-
AADA Duel Circuit: L'Outrance 7
have only a passing interest in arena
combat, and in-town ratings are
lukewarm at best.

Arena Notes
The walls are all lS' tall and 75
DP, except for the walls between pit
areas, which are 150 DP. The central
barricades ore 4' tall (allowing only
turret fire) and effectively indeslruc·
tible. The grandstands are located at
each end of the arena.

Arena Events
Jousting. Two teams of two
vehicles start in the pit areas on the
map, each team in its own half of the
arena. At the start of the event, both
teams accelerate out of the pils, circle
around and bead for the other half of
the arena. A vehicle is only allowed
to fire while it's between the central

Arena Schedule
Sunday - Wednesday .... Closed
Thursday ....... Amateur Night
Friday ............ Dlvlsionals
Saturday . . . . . . . . Special Events

Five-Ph •
Movement Chart
The average arena event lasts
about fifteen seconds; the average
race, up to a full minute or more. In
tenth-second increments, the arena
event could take as long as six hours
to play out, especially if the arena is
large and there are a lot of contest·
ants. Add a couple of hours if the
players have to design their vehicles
from scratch . . .

In the interest of speeding up

gameplay, thls opliolll'll Fivo-Pbase
Movement Chart has been provided.
It is used. just like the standard Move-
ment Chart, with a couple of excep-
tions: Dropped weapons that
formerly took two phases to ignite
(FOJs, FCEs, etc.) now ignite on the
next phase. A vehicle is allowed to
maneuver on the lost inch of its move
in any given phase. This includes
spinouts, rolls, skids and maneuvers.
Speed Ram 1 2 3 4 5 Speed Speed Rom 1 2 3 4 5 Speed
0 0 0 60 7 2 1 1 1 1 60
s ld-4 s 65 8 2 1 1 1 1* 65
10 ld-2 10 70 9 2 1 1 2 1 70
15 ld-1 1 Y1 15 15 10 2 l 2 1 1* 15
20 1 1 1 20 80 11 2 1 2 1 2 80
25 1 1 1 lh 25 85 12 2 2 l 2 1* 85
30 1 1 1 1 30 90 13 2 2 1 2 2 90
35 2 1 1 1 ~ 35 95 14 2 2 2 2 1* 95
40 3 1 1 1 1 40 100 15 2 2 2 2 2 100
45 4 1 1 1 1* 45 105 16 2 2 2 2 2* 105
50 s 1 1 I 1 1 so 110 17 2 2 3 2 2 110
55 6 1 1 1 I 1* 55 llS 18 2 3 2 2* 2 115

8 MDA Duel Circuit: L'Outrance

•awr• • ••~ ··· ·· ····· ·· ······ ······· M ,·nneao.. a ··· ····· ··· ····· ··· ···-····· ······
wr•~wr• •~·~ • •~ ~. . • • ~• . .~ rer .... ~ ~• • ..r. . ·~ • . .v., •~vm~a rr•,.,.~.

Compared to most of the United States, Minnesota is almost nine variable-position ramps, whicb can be lowered beneath the floor
peaceful. Many rural areas have been continually farmed for the past or raised above it a maximum of 1.4 inch at the center. The ramps them-
fll\Y years - a remarkable fact in this day and age. Although there are selves are designed so thai. jumping is impossible. Wben lowered, a
a few gangs operating in lhe stale, lhe Minnesota National Guard is vehicle at the bottom cannot be targeted by another vehicle more than
w:q effective at keeping them out of the farmers • hair. 2 •• from the edge, unless that vehicle is on a raised ramp. Crossing any
ramp edge or comer is a 01 hazard. In addition, the sides of the ramp
Minneapolis/St. Paul are rreated like banked curves for maneuvering purposes - maneuvers
up the ramp are at + D 1, and maneuvers down are at ~0 1. The walls
The Twin Cities are still the manufacturing center of Minnesota; are 30' high and have 60 DP.
~forces remaining after the war and the government's rulhless ef~

licieDcy in putting down riots allowed most of the Twin Cities to sur~
we the Riot Years more or less intact.
There are a number of strict anti-dueUing laws within the Twin
Cllles.- and more than enough law enforcement to keep them. There
iJ some gang activity outside the cities. However, the gangs keep to the
ID!mtates for the most part - unlike most states, the back roads are
ofteu \he safest choice.
Visitors to Uncle Al's Twin Cities Ammo Emporium (a discount
wmhousc on the nonb. edge of Minneapolis) often recieve impressive
bDrgaiD.s during the off-season.

Th• St. Paul Autodual Complex (PR 2)

ln business since 2032, the St. Paul Autoduel Complex has been a
llworitc stop on the L'Outrance Duel Circuit, regularly drawing pro
duellists from aU over the Midwest. The Complex features two arenas,
11 SUDkcn dueltrack and an on~site TV station (St. Paul Spons13, a sub-
51~ oiBON). Events take place daily, and go on nearly 24 hours a
day on eekends, with all three arenas providing action at different

StiJfdust Memorial Racetrack

The Stardust Memorial Racetrack is unique among duel tracks in
!bat the track surface is about30' below ground level, cutting off lin~
of-11ght except along the track surface.
Bntry to the track is gained through elevators in the pit areas to the
aOJ'Iheast. There is no way to escape the track during an event except
on foot; ladders- are placed every 60' along the walls . In most racing
O'ICIUS, shooting at pedestrians is growtds for disqualification.

7Ncl: Events
There are a few restrictions that cover all racing eventB at the Star~
tlust Memorial:
No Dropped Weapons. Period. Not even smoke or paint are al-
lowed: they teru1 to obstruct the camera views.
No 'nrs-Shooling. Tire shots can end a race very quickly; so
qufckly, in fact, that the spectators feel cheated.
Most races are fairly standard events; all participants start going
tile same way down the long stretch at 60 mph, and have to complele a
setlllllllbor oflaps. Short races use only the inner loops , longer events
e-lbe 0\ililr loops.
Four on the Floor. When there are only four (or a multiple of four)
cnmbatants, lhey start in the center intersection, facing out. Vehicular
fire is prohibited until at least one car crosse.'! the center intersection
after completing one loop. The first one to cover all four loops wins.
-··01:11- Amateur Arena
.zo •·
'1'rrWc Schedule
Monday through Thursday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Divisionals
Prlday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . Team Racing
Satnrday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Special Events
Sunday . • .... •. •.. • . . .. . . .. . Qualifiers & Practice

St. Paul Dlullodrome

The large SL Paul Ducllodrome (30" x 30" ) hosts all AADA-
sanctioned events, including team duels, demonstrations, Divisionals
and Regjooals. The Duellodrome's most prominent features are the

MDA Duel Circuit: L'Outrance

I 9
Arena Schedule Stardust Memorial
Monday- Thursday . ... ... .. Divi.sionals
Friday . . ..... .. ..... .... Team Events Racetrack
Saturday .... . .. . ....... Special Events
Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amateur Night
Jaeger Amateur AniUI
The smaller of lhe two, lhe Jeager Amateur
Arena, is used almost exclusively for Amateur
Night events. The waDs, bolh internal and exter-
nal, are 15' taU and have 45 DP.

AreiUl Schedule
Monday . . ...... . .... . ..... . . Closed
Tuesday- Friday . ... . ... Amai.CW' Night
Saturday and Sunday
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Divisional & Team Events

10 MDA Duel Circuit: L'Outrance

·~~~• • • .rre -r. . • • ••••~ •~•~~•

Never go into Missouri without

a sidearm and fully-loaded vehicular
weaporuy. Residents of lhe "Show-
Me'' state must be shown gun bu-
rds if you wish to avoid harassment.
Bars, shopping malls and even
grocery stores can be dangerous for
tbe wurist with an accent or unusual
The stare government is fairly
democratic, at least to residents .
Control is exerted primarily through
the Highway Patrol rather ac-
OtT-Road duels are common, as
are alcohol-fueled ioteroal. combus-
tion vehicles. Given the low visitor-
participation at the best-known
Missouri arenas, one might be better
off picking fights on lhe road . . .

Tb.e Ozarks region is free of
govemmcot jurisdiction; the locals
have a complete lack of respect for
the Highway Patrol, and enough
firepower to maintain that attitude.
Jefferson City Itself is home to dis-
tillers, thugs and fanalics of various
types, and is best avoided by

Ozark Off-Road
Aucoduel Arena
(PR .75)
Business at the Ozark Is low,
due to the out-of-the-way locadon,
and the less-than-friendly attitude of
the local citizens. As a result, local
duellists tend to know the track in-
side and out, and visitors are trong-
ly advbed to take full advantage of
practice days . The details of the
Ozark Off-Road Autoduel Arena can
be found io Car Wan llxptmSion &1
17- OJ!-IltHul DtuUillr.

Anna Schuluk
Sunday . . . . . . . . Special Events
Monday .............. Closed
and Wednesday ... Practice o ys
Tbunday ....... Amateur Night
Friday • . . . . . . . . . . . Divisionals
Saturday . . . . . . . . Team Events

St:. Louis
St. Louis is more a collection of neighborhoods than a unified city. as the lowest son of scum ("city rats"), while the city dwellers share
Most of the inbabitaniB live outside the central city. The fortified sub· equal hatred for the suburban "fat cats."
urbs have become "micro-cities" on their own and they operate inde- There arc several minor arenas around St. Louis, but the Arcb
pendantly of each other. The residents of Maryland Heights, Creve Stadium is the only one witb. AADA Sanction.
Coeur, Olivette and Kirkwood look down on the central city dwellers

MDA Duel Circuit: L'Outrance 11

Springfield's maio. indusuy is collection and shipping of fuel-
alcohol. A1Co and Oza.rks Juice compete for the bulk of the shipping,
and surplut is· high enough that aleohal fuel sells for $5 per gallon lo-
Alcohol fuel has its disadvantages as well - gas engines will only
get 80% of their power factors, 60% of their usual mileage, and main-
tenance costs go up $25/month. It can't be stored for more than a week,
since it attracts water vapor - so use it or lose it.
Despite tb.ese disadvantages, internal combustion is im.mensely
popular in this area, and roughly 75% of the cars encountered will be
using the IC engines. Most of these are old relics, with weapons and
armor patched on, but a rare few are fresh from the factories, and very
dangerous .

Hammon• Duelt:rack (PR •75)

The Hammons Dueltrack is a small, family-owned track that
caters to local taste and little else. Despite the high expenses and low
attendance, Jeny and Glenda Hammons somehow manage to pull a
meager profit from this out-of-the-way ducltrack. Events are televised
by local cable, and they occasionally get nationwide exposure when
popular duellists stop by.
Arch St:adlum (PR 1.25)
The Arch Stadium is located in Olivette, just west of central Arena Notes
St. Louis. Being in a relatively civilized part of Missouri, the Arch also The track itself is not regularly maintained - each road section
draws the most business, and has hosted the L'Outrance Regional bas a one in six chance of being debris-Uttered. There are no walls
Championships twice in its restricting line of sight across the track, altbought there is a 30 DP wall
around the entire track area.
Arena Notes
The walls are all 45' high ;md 50 DP. The central " arch" is a Arena Events
gradual ramp designed in such a way -that jumping is impossible. Hammons runs a strict racing schedule- there are no real duell-
Clearance under the arch is 15'. The arch itself can take 60 DP before ing events. Victory conditions are usually based on a set number of
collapsing (firing on the arch will result in disqualification, however - laps. Bleclric races and gas races are seperate - even with only al-
repllirs are very expensive). cohol fuel available, gas engines have too many advantages over
electrics in racing. Team racing and grudge matches have the sides
Arena Events start out in the center of the trac.k, facing away from each other. No fire
Over wul Utuler. Just what the title says: the first duellist to travel is allowed until a duellist completes a full lap.
over and under the arch and escape wins . More often than not, com- Amateur racing is also popular; locals will take their street
batants will be required to go more than one "lap." vehicles onto the track and ra.ce. Prizes for amateur racing arc rarely
more than bragging and salvage rights . However the rosters are
regularly filled, and some thoroughly unusual and spectacular events
Arena &hedule result from them.
Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Closed
Monday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amateur Night
Tuesday . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Divisionals Arena Schedule
Wednesday . . ...... .. .............. Team Events Monday through Wednesday ......... . . . .... Closed
Thursday . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Closed Thursday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Time Trials
Friday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Special Events Friday . , ............... Electric Racing (Divisional)
Saturday . . . .. ...•...... . .... .... Amateur Night Saturday . .. . . . . . •.... . .. . ... .. . ... . Gas Racing
Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . . . Team Racing and Special Events

Hammons Duelt rack

12 AADA Duel Circu it: L'Outrance

··········································· Oh1·o ··········································
r• ~~rtra~~ • r• ~~r~• •~ . . •~~~ ~tr•~.r•,. •~• vr ww r• r.r. .~r•~ • • a • • • a r•, • ra . . . . a r. . . . . . . . •

Ohio citizens drove out EDSEL for-

ces in 2032. They still take pride in this
accomplishment, and show their pride by
engaging in frequent road duels. Racing
events are very populat in Ohio, and
many arenas reflect this bias.
Gang activity is fairly light; Ohio is
one of the most pacified states in the Mid-

Thanks to the invention of synthetic
rubber, Akron is the tire-making capital of
North America. Shipments of tires leave
Akron for Detroit almost dally; in town,
tires can be bought at up to a 20% dis-
count. There are several minor arenas in
Akron, and one major one, the Rubber-

The Rubberway
(PR 1.25)
The Rubberway is one of the oldest
bi-level arenas in the Midwest, and still
one of the most popular among touring
duellists. Action in the Rubberway is fast
and furious as combatants race over and
around the central platform.

Anna Notes
The arena walls are 30' tall, and are
The second level is 15' above the
first, and quire solid, although it has bolt-
holes spaced regularly along its length for
fleeing pedestrians. The ramps are solid,
treated as obstacles along their first 1/.t"
and walls after that. The two overpasses
in the center have 111,4' (3/4") clearance,
and are both 40 DP.

Arena Scheduk
and Tuesday .... Amateur Night
Wednesday .... ... .. Divisionals
Thursday . . . . . . . . Team Events
Friday . . . . . . . . . Special Events
Saturday . . . . . . Challenge Night
Sunday ........ . . .. .. Closed

The duelling fever grips Cincinnati hard. Street duelling in Cin-
The Flying Fartreaa (PR 1.5)
cinnati is almost as frequent as in Detroit, and is better covered - some Every weekend, the Plying Fortress rocks with the thunder and
local aces have never set tire in an arena during their careers! There are tire screeching of autoduelling, and the stands are always packed. The
no "gangs" in the classical sense of the word; most of the dangerous Fortress tests a duellist to his limits; and for the very best, the cballeoge
groups are duellists, and their biggest threat is eacb other. presented is irresistible.
There are several arenas of varying types, but the most unusual
bas to be the Flying Fortress.

AADA Duel Circuit: L'Outrance 13

The outer areDa walls arc 60
DP. The pillan (fintlevcl ooly) are
The second level 1B lS' high,
and the tbird level Ia 30' high. The
northern Clll'YCS on the lhbd level are
Vel)' steeply banked CW'YCS, and the
southern curves are banked nor-
The eight entry gates are oo
grouod level.
Ramps: Ramps from a lower
level to a higher one are 42 °, ramps
from a higher level to a lower are
1S0 • Thus, in order to jump from ooc
level to another, a vehicle will have
to be moving wry fast. The two
ramps at the south CDd of the map are
14°, and are designed for downward
travel only. Each of these down
ramps has a set of lire shredders
which (when activated) will
automatically iafllct 2 dice to every
tire of a vehicle that crosses them
wbne going upward.

Anna E¥ents
The Flying Fortress Is a popular
track for speed enthusiasts. In order
to get. to Level D from Ground Level,
you must jump there. To get to LcveJ.
m, you must jump from Level n.
The Fortress runs standard
Dlvis.lonals, with points scored for
jumps and ldlls. Ot\eo, the point
awards are doubled on Level II and
tripled on Level Ul, witb points for
jumps based on ludio& level. Gas-
Only events ~ commoo and spec-
tacular. The Plying Fortress also
runs Ama.twr Night compeddODA,
UBU.IIlly confined to the ground and
second levels. In some events, firing
ia ou the ground level 10
eocourage flamboyant driving.
Racing. Participants enter the
arena from the ptes, have to com-
plele two to five laps on the third
level, and lbeD. wt the arena through
any gate. First out wins. Solid or Liq-
uid dropped weapons may .not be
used duriog racing events.
Hi·Lo. Similar to the racing
event, Hi-Lo competitio.ns require
lbe duellists to touch ground level be-
twcco each lap for that 119 to count.
~ Knod.-oJf. Tbe objective is
to be the only coateslaJlt on the
ICCOlld level a&r teo seconds bave passed. Jumping to the third level
is allowed; but th1B is tantamount to giving up if Lherc Is only one other
car oo Level n . Occasionally, vehicular weaponry is prohibil.ed, and
the combatants must ram or outmaneuver theit opponents to win. Street duel.llng is considerably discoW"aged in Columbus. The
police ~ well equipped, and are likely to call attack hellcoprers out 10
Arena &:.hduk deal with persis~t
However, they don't discourage arena duelling, and thele are a
Monday - Thursday . ..... ............. . . Closed number of stadiums in the area. Some an: makahift; erea.tcd by seal-
Friday . . . . . .. . .........•........ Amateur Night
Satulday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . .. Divisionals ing off a number of blocks of the old city, and most are simply enclosed
Sunday . . ............. . ....... . .. Special Events spaces, but one duel track bears special mention:

14 MDA Duel Circuit: L'Outrance

AADA Duel Circuit: L'Outrance 15
cat: a Dawn (PR 2J
Scotia DOWDS is of very few tracks in lhe Midwest that can at~
fonl to run molll:bly gasburnlng races. The first weekend of every
month is devoted so ely to racing and combat racing in equal amounUI,
televised nationally t.brougb BGN. Scotia Is also one of very few
dueltracks that. once a month, has a ga&blll'1lCI' Amateur Night featur-
hlg loeally-produced raclDg CO.IIlpi.Cis:
Busrabbil- Compact. std.- chassis, imp. suspension, 300 cl co-
sJoey S gallon economy tank, 4 std. ndiallires, driver, lun'ellld MML,
spoiler, stream!ioing, Armor: 10 poinlll on each facing. Accderatioo
lS, lop speed 147.5,l4MPG, HC3; 2.924lbs., $12,740.
protect against raJds from Clnclnnati. Today, lhc raiders that DaytOn
AreuNotes fears come from her sister city; gangs and robbers aren't nwly aa
The track Is meticulously eared for; dropped weapon arc much of a lhreat the duellist groups ftom the southern city.
prohibited ill all evenw. The pit areas start just off the map edge Duelllng Is common in the streets of Dayton. The DaytOn police
contioue to tbe track entrance. t tbc top of lhc map. The curves by lbc- try to put a stop lO lhls, but they can't cover all tbc ruined and deserted
castem gandsranda arc banb:d; the lower ooe i.s sl£eply banked. Past areas of lhe city. For lhe professional, bowevCJ", there is only OQC ~
the pits to lbe west arc the underground g ollne storage tankS. Tbete's worth mention in this towo, and that is tbe Kettering Arena.
enough on-$.ite storage tor up lo SOO gallons; regular convoys from
New Tulsa, Oklaboma make sure they are filled by lhe end of the K tt;ering Arana
monlh for .next month's r .clng eventS.
(PR ]
Areruz &hdule The Kcnerillg Aren.a is a mall, Wlderfunded and poorly-
Monday - Thursclay .••••• , ••••••••••• • •• Closed mn.intainecl arena at the southern edge of Dayton where the rivers meet.
Friday . . . .............. .. Amaleu.r Night/Qualifiers Attendance and prite money both tend to be rather low, and few suc-
Sa.lllrday • • • • • • • • . • • . • . . . • . . . . •..•• . ... Racbtg cessful duellisl!l compete here on a regular basis.
Sunday .. ....•.....•.• . •••.•..• . Combat Racing
Arena Notes
Dayton The ou1cr walls liTC 30' tall and 40 DP. The TV towers lD the
corners are 45' lall, 60 DP and house linked machine guns for security.
Dayton's heaviest defemes are along lh south side of the cily, to The mad1ine gU.D.S have a 360° Bring arc. The two ob truelions are
filled-l.a and (uoli1re lhe rest of this arcua)
There are two large patches of
gravel the arena floori ID the winter,
they fill with icc.

Arena Schedule
Sunday - 1\lesday ...... .Closed
WcdfteWy . . . • . •• Amateur Nlgll1
Thursday and Friday .•• Divisionals
Saturday . . . • . . . • . Special Events

The average small tow.n arena
docsn'tget very many top-QolCb duellists
as regular visitors - but M dvillc is
hardly average.
Midville is a very popular tourist at·
tnclion. Everyone Wlll:lt.s to see lbe
famed MONDOs in action, vlsh the.
Sarah Bellum Memorial, IUld po lbly
horn in on the filming of Cra.rh City
during the spring and summer.

Midville Du I •r~~•n•
(PR 1.5)
The Midville Duel Arena Is a
renovated sprint·racing track lh geo a
to of business despite its rather cOJnQ~m~;
layout. The MDA lWlS both racing aod
duelling eventS In even IUDOWlll; twiCe a
year lhey buy gasoline from Scotia
Downs and run a w~ of gasoline duels
and races.

16 AADA Duel Circuit: L'Outrance

Competition here tends to be
fierce - especially during the later
half of the season, when Crash Ci~
Is filming and TV coverage is

Arena Notes
The entire track is banked;
maneuvers toward the inner edge are
at -Dl, and maneuvers toward the
outside are at + OJ. The outside
edge of the track is 20' bigh, with a
7' wall (30 DP) beyond that to keep
the duellists out of the stands. There
is no hazard for crossing from the
track to the arena floor. Tbe single
TV bunker/hideaway" is 15' tal1 and
indestructible. Entry to the arena is
via a long ramp on the right side (off
the map).

Arena Events
Mo t arc.oa evoots start with the
vehicles staggered around the track,
going the same direction and at the
same speed. Racing and combat
racing are eonfwed to the track;
duelling eve~~ts allow the drivers. to
go where they please. Since the pits
are inaccess1ble during events, there
is a Safe Zone around the north and
east sides of the TV bunker. Firing at
a vehicle or pedestrian in the Safe
Zone is ·cause for disqualification.
Vehicles that cro the Safe ZOne
.must announce their intentiollB - if
they aren't giving up, then the Safe
Zone confers no benefit, and they
must eltir it as soon as possible.

Arena Schedule
Monday . . .. . .. .. . ... . Closed
Tuesday ........ Amateur Nlgbl
Wednesday ......... Divisionals
Thursday • . . . . . . . . . . . . Racing
Friday .. •. , . . • . . Team Events
Saturday .. •.. .• Special Eve~~ts

AADA Duel Circuit: L'Outrance 17

.......•.......•••..•.•••....... .1 •
• a • 1 •11 ·~~~~,_ • v•TJ'Iw~y• • • • rv• • • • • • rl'
W Bl
Wisconsin has liUlc st&U~wido cob lou; state control coven the
lhtee tara t cities and the row between lhe.n. The Anan:bi! Relief
M d1 on
Pront maintains a strong prcseoce iD !he northern parts of Wise in, Madison is the seat o state governmeot, and tbc center oflhc W'JS~
making travel more bazudous tha.u usual. COIIBin State Patrol. Watch lbc lraft'i.c signs around M on; the pollee
The ClucUlog climate is favorabl~. Although few towns pnt up with are very strict about the. speed limits and a.uti~u.elliug law , both w Win
gunplay ln the streets, the turnout at small-town and city arenas is the city and for a 1S mile radius beyond. They are very well-equipped,
generally cxcell.eot aod quite serious about tb.eir duty.

Tru x Fl ld [PR 1]
Grea ay Truax F'ldd is Ule largest arena in Madison, built on dle ruiaa of
Orceo Bay is to bo hat Detroit is to cars. The four lead.Ulg boat lhe Truax Field airport. Replicating "''ruax is easy; simply place two
co - Nimilz, Trlde4t IUid Rivertech Sea orb - blank IDlipshce(s alon fho1t short a'd to form one l q 64" x 21"
have factories hen-.. Although t o lkm are only a roped-oil' area arena. Tbe grandstands are well o1fto the north side and protected, and
on the sborCllnc Green Bay is home to quits a few aqaadtulJiDs 1bcre are. no walls arotmd the IU'CDA proper.
"arenas."' Very few of these have AADA d.o_n howe\'er, dlero •
C)1le Of notice: ~BvOits Field h great deal of open space to work with, and vast
Larnbaau Fl•ld Aquarana [PR 1) storehous~ of "pro -
wall , pylons, ramps and other construedons
Lambeau Field consists of a pair of artificial islmds off the north- that ean be moved o to lbe field whenever needed. Tl\b keeps the
em edge of Green Bay. Boat duds and owcar crossover events arc variety high, ao.d keep dulllllsts on tbeir toes. Givco the cndles com-
pocially popular here. as aM amphibious car duch. binati oflayouts, the number of events can approach the inftnit&.

AmuzNotu Arena &hedule

The water the islands goes from !.6" to J" deep in lA'' in- SuncSay • • •.•. - . . . • . . • . • . . . . • • . • . • . . • . • Closed
cre.meau. The contour line arO\IDd eacb island U!d.ieates th point at Monday and Tuesday .•.•.•...••..... Amateur Night
Wednesday ...•....•.••.•.••....••.. Divisionills
which tbc island blocks J.ino.of-sJghl for vcbicles ln the wala'. Vehicles Thursday • . . . • • . . . . . • . • . . • . . . . . . . . . .. • Racing
on land can always target vehicles in w 1er and vice versa. Tile i.sland Prlday ......•••......•........... Team Bven
urfac are standard off-ro d terrain. Cr lng the water's edge Saturday . • . •..• , ..•.............. Special Events
D1 hazard for hovercraft.
The ramp are all30° . The bridge is 1.5° and is 15' high irs
~tral pol.ot.
Milw kea
There's a goo4 variety of arenas In Milwaukee - mo tare ramy
standard open tadiums or duel cka. One deserves pcclal mention:
Monday . • . ••. .• • •• .. • ••• • ••••••• . A.Inateur Ntgbt Br w '• Cell•r (PR 1. l
Tuesday •••••. , • . • • • . . . . • • • • • • . Boat Divisional~
Wednesday ••..•.•••.•..••..•••. Off-Road Racing The Bn:wery is a brand-new arena in northern Milwaukee. Built
Tbursda;y •• • •••.•.•••.••..•••••.•.. Team Everts entirely underground there is. no on-site aud.ieo.ce during comb . In·
rlday- SUI!day •••••••••••••• ••••• Special Events tead, arena events are bro ast by BG N all over the c:owury.

The entire c.ombat IU'CO is underground, and all the ~
by O'Ver one hundred remote cameras. The chambers are 60' tall, and
the all are effecUvely indestructible. £ach runnells 30' r.all, and the
have 30 DP tach. The ltgbting can be set from daylight cond.ldon.s
lb pitch darkness.

11re TOIU. The fint driver to complete a figure-eight circuir:
tbrougb. caCb section an4 WI. through b1s gate is tbe wilmer. Droppecl
weapons IUC u.sually banned for tb1s evenL
BOmiMdofl.l. Two c:1uellists start out in each comer secdon wltllllll
gates closed. When each section is reduced to one survivor, !be con-
ectirlg ga.tes are opened, and the four survivorS enter the center ring
to ftnish lhe event. As variation, ano er "elimiJlatiOJl" round is
played. and only gates S and 6 are opened. When only two driven
remain, they go on to the final confrontation iD the ccn.lral chamber.
This cvcot • especially popular ror Amareur Night.

Amid Sdleduk
Monday . • . . • . • . • . • • • • • . . • • • • . • . • • • • . • Closed
Tl.l.csday and Wednesday •••...•.•..•.. Amateur Night
Thursday • • • • . • . • . . • • • . . . • . . . . . . • . • Divisi011Dls:
Friday . . . . • • . . . . . . . • . . • . • . . . • . . . . Team Bvc:nts
Saturday . • . . • . • • . . • . • • • ..••...... Special BvCilts
Sunday • . • • • , • • . . . • • • • . . . • • • . . • . • • • Divisio Ills

18 AADA Duel Circuit: L'Outrance

AADA Duel Circuit: L'Outrance 19
Th L 'Out ran Due l Circ ui



Grand Rapids

e o e •
Grand Rapids
TruLl! Fteld
Ft. Wayne Rubberway •
Gladiator Arena Midville

Peoria Lafayette

A rena
OHIO Midville Duel
• Arena

Peoria Speedway •
Mayor Smith
e Sco:;rt
Downs ·
0 Derby Down1

Memorial Keuerlng Arena

MISSOURI e Cincinnati

Jefferson City eo St. Louis IT.LINOIS

Oz.arks Off-Road Arch
A rena



Hammons Due/track

20 MDA Duel Circuit: L'Outrance

u I
DlvlsioiUil Bnullulown while not oounting for C.b.ampionship pwposcs, s1ill COilDl for career
Tbc AAD~ Division c:lusificatioos represcat tbe maximum dollar sbllldings. Scouts for the ~or auwduelliDg ponsors w tch late season
value of lb.c duellist's vehicle and personal equipment wbJob y par- matches carcfully looking for xlyear's surprise combiWUltS.
licipate in that division's duels. There tre nine Divisions: S, 10, l.S, 20,
25, 30, 40, 60 and 100. DivisionS duels allow a total o£$5,000 for OcUJber (lAst Half): World Championship
vehicle and personal equipment, Olv' lM40 allows $40 000 and so oa. The national cbampton in eaoh Division meet in the World
Dlvl.fionals are usually melees with two to elglxt vehicles competing. Championship's Deslgnaled Arena. he United States, Caoad •
T1om Ev1n1.r are also clas ified by OMslon (and are usually corporato- Quebec. Texas, OklahoDlll, Louisiana. nod Australia are cb repre-
ponsored.), but the Division indlc tcs the total amount avail lc for as sented by their Division c ions.. The winner of eacb Division is
many vehicles and crew as the team oecds or wants. Special Ev1nt.r are pToclaimed that year'~ world clwnpfon for tha Division.
championships, guest appearances., Ladies' Nights or anythlnJ llstcd
under AmUJ Even.t.r i.n the ucoa d criplions. With the exception of No"iembU through Flb1UJZ11: og..&ason
championship events, pecial events rarely count for rarin,gs poincs. The regional, Dlltionll add won appear in commer-
The weeldy edulcs given in rile arena descriptions an: steady cial after cor:nme.rcial on television. Arenas remain open for practice,
lhrough the tegjonaJ aoc1 regular ons. However, they sl k off grudge ma~bes. cballenges and the oooa.sional exhibition.
cluring the end~season as attcnlion focuses on the arenas that host th.e
cbo.mpioo bips. Plaument and Point-Scoring
AADA Annual Sch dule In each official AADA competition, the top fi.oisbcrs earn rating
points. These points detcrmiDe the duellist's place in the official AADA
standings. How many points the competitor rccleves for an arena duel
March: &gionaJ Duel/Jng depends on bis pl cement among finishers of the duet The first place
The March duds arc rogiooal competitions: The duellist may only finisheJ' geu S poiDts, the sccood place finisher gets 3, and third place
register at local or .stm: arenas . C~ duelllsrs will have enough variety gets 2. AU oUier urviving participants get 1 point
at home, but small-tqwn comb ~Ants wm cross the tate through these To ptacc · compctitl , dudlist must be alive at the end of the
four weeks, pliUllling lhclr trip well in vance to coinclde with the dud - notnec:essarily cooaciow. but aliYe. If the apparcot victor of a
competitions. Regional combats d to be comparalivety - duel found 10 be OOA, the secood-place :6nisber Is advaooed to will-
there are few deatb.s. ThCSQ competltlQu bring full points, ner, the ~bird-place ·fidisbcr is advanced to second pi cc, etc.
If a duellist di in competition, but has Gold Cro s, he is not
Aprillhrough September 15: Regular Season ellolinaled from the year's circuit, but ciUlllotplace am ng 1he winners
of the dueJ ln wblcb be 11Jed (and recleves no r tinga poin" for it),
Bacb weekend six site.!j ro s tbe continent (each In one or the regardless of bow wcll be did in the duel.
twelve¢uits) arc D~sigfiiJ.I4d Ar~11o.r for official competition; the
cbo en arenas chllnge from week to wccJc. The D&a I C cult Campaign
Tbe Designated Arenas llTC: cb en well in advance, b eel on
arena o~ of facilities and publicity. One uena can be design4led
sevcrol times dnriJlg U1e year. OJlly duels fought in Designated An:oas There are several ways to play out a Dud Cimril campaign. The
ue GOWlted toward official MDA point totals for the on. fil'lt way is to stllrt from nothhl8 •••
A duellist may choose whlcb or lhe si% be will attend. Most plan a
" tour" around tbe ~IJ'y !hat IS their favori.te .arenas at least once Rags to Rkhes
duriog lhe year. The R.q:s to Ri~es campaign foUows a character ( r everal
Duelling still. goes on cl ewh~: Am;lteo.r Nights, ~ill e d ebarac~) from a lowly beSlnnlng in Amateur Night to fame and for-
grudge matCJies, demonstration duel Wld seJD.I,.professlooal duclllng tune o flaming death on the AADA Duel Circuit. This ls best played
ofT the circuit. As su.mmorcomcs on and ralingpoin .rae up, tempers as a rolcplayfua campaign, with occ ional side adventures for variety
get hort - and the proportion of arena deaths rises dramatically. and to supplement tile duellist' t\m •
In a Rags 10 R.lcbcs campaiga, the duellist (OT duelllng team. if
SeptoniJer (Last HaW: Regional Championships there are more characters involved} starts out u an amateur, with Do
During the third and fourth weeks of September, the Unlfed SlAtes money and b · , and enters Amaltur Night at a local arena. The
and Canada hold their reg! a1 champiooships for eacb Division. The usual prize tor the first-place winner is $1,500 x the arena' PR, and
30 blgbest~ol'ing duellists from each region retttro to lhclr regiOOAl the vehicle he drove. He ls also all c:d alvage righls on the otber
clreu:lt•s Designated Arcoa. and duke It out tor the clwnpionship. The vehicles. A beginning duellist is allowed to enter Amateur Night up to
top tc.n pow seoren for each Dlv ion advance to the national cbam- three times or u.otil he' flll4hed fint iD an event. If . duellist fails
pionsbip. Amateur Night three times, tb ponsors tend to lhink he's no worth
In Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Au tralia and Quebec, the lhe doUar value of tbe cars, and drop him.
autoducJlisr.retums to the arena regist red as his home aretuJ. The thir- After the dueJlisl bas (presumably) won an evc.nt and mdc a little
ty ~ p-seorlog duellists from each arMs. pllrticlpate in the cireullltnal , money, he can get blmself a car, hll the circuit and ttempt to make a
and, hen.the dus clears, the leo to scorin dueiJists in each division name for himself.
from ch AADA arena ln that country are advanced to the national A lone char ter .m l p y aU his expcmes - new cars, main-
cbampioosbip . Lainance, ammo and other supplies, travel, b ic ur~auppon and 0 oo.
Prestige gained <Juring the regi al, n tional or world champi n- A small group, with dlv skills can make lbc go· g cuil (espcc;ial-
ship marches counts double. ly if ooc of them Jw Mec:han.ic+JI). Extra money can bol1111de through
~voy escort, courier mi.ui • and other odd j it lbe referee al·
lows. Note lhat a will probably have only ooe or two vehicles
Oclober (Rnl HaJJ): NatioiUil Championships t any time unliJ be's gained consi erable experieoce and n ~·
National cbampionshi are held at a Designated Arena - DO The average duellist wilJ (if be's skilled or lucky) participate in lS
arena may sponsor the o do more thnn once every five years. to 2S even during the regular . oo. Sinee it's impractical to play out
Non-ob.wnpion duellis continue to compete into October. These all the duels over the whole circuit, l,l111C th t any duellist who racks
late season matches allow competitors to acquire ratings poinls which, up more than 35 poinu; oao move on to the reglonals ln. September.

MDA Duel Circuit: L'Outrance 21

··· -·--
•"w• •~ ·~ --~ ...
rpar Wa
Th Cor-porace ppr o ch Using Your Team
You should now have your team of characters creatod, your game
The Corporate approaeh is modeled around n few important con- schedule et., and your balance sheet prepared. Time to ·fl;ht!
cepts. Pint, each !)layer control a corporation, mber than an in- You've d id.ed to enter the duel coming up l1W week. The
dividual character OT ~. The piayer/ptesldcmt must bala.Dce tbe scbedule~:
comp:my budget and (hopefully) sho a FOfil at the end of the season.
Bach corpora bu a team of clmactcn. Bach characll:l' hu dif- Arena Event: $30,000- 2 Cars, Warrior Ar a
ferent sll'en&tbs and eakoesses, depending n how lhe player t.1 up First, you should choose the characters you wont to use in !his
h.b l.ealli. Tb cbar rs must be kept Gllve, because you migbt not event. Tbcn, you bould seleot two cars whose total co t does not ex-
be able to afford hlrhtg rtpllicements until the neXl season rolls atOW'ld. cee4 $30,000. There are two ways to pay for these ears:
Use: CorporaJe: Money. In this case, the cost dod.ucted from the
StiutingOul Balance Sbeet, and rhc cars become tbe propert)' of the corporalion if
Each corpo · em employ up to 18. cbaracters per year. Each they survive c oYCD.\. The eofJ)Or8tlon can then do what lt willis with
DCW cllaractcr tans wllh 80 points wortb of skills (these are profcs- lhe can - pay to b ve them n:pain:d, $CD them for alvas,e, or just
sloaa1s, after all), wlfh no more than 30 (skill+l) points in any one keep them in invcnlory as is. Jt CIJJIIIDI be used by any chatueters for
kill, and at IwtS skills at base level. The sldlls mentioned in Delu• non-corporatio purposes.
Cor Wars- Driver Tnlckcr. PUot, Cyclist, Ounner, Handgwmer, Us~ a Character's Money. In this case, an individuaJ cbara.ctct
Mechanic, Runolng, Para.me4ic aru1 Martini Arrs- 11re. avaJlable. buy tbc vchlcle(s) ou of his personal savings (it's not Ukcly that 8J1in-
Bach characttr ahould be kept on cparatc record beet hlch dividual will have enough m ey to o Ibis until late in tbe .season -
can be easily upd.accd, wilb enough room to record the duelling tory remember, the corporation cannot loan money to a character). When
of dlat character. an individual buys a vehicle, be can get a · count on the purc.base
In aotual use., player would record lbc pe:rformanee of lhcir b ed on Ills p dge (a corporadon g oo such dlscounQ.
charactcr(s) after each duel. Any lllOJ1C)' awarded must be wrlU£11 down Bv though the purehasc price may be lower, usc the original
here or it will mysteriously vanish. Th dale of lhe, a lll41l price for determining event cl.igibility. When a character buys a
¢ cdpt:lon. or the event, and any sldl1 points earned should so be vehicle, the cost is deducted ftom IWl heel, the vehicle Is
recorded. A running total of the charactcr'l cash is kept here as well. ndded to his per onnl belongings list, and the car is his to u e outside
ch corpof'$.\ion tarts out with omc wotk:i.Dg capital. A. good the arena, lf he wishes. Also, the Individual is responsible for ammo
starting value Is somewbtre between $ 50,000 and $300,000. Th1s and repair costs - the corporation cannot pay th e for b.lm.
money is used to build vehic: cs, repair dama&c. purchase other equip-
ment, provide Gold Cross cover.tgo fOT )'OW' key team flleJ!Ibers . CtJrpoTtlle Scoring
lD addition. the money can be used to buy c.twaccers from other teams
- just like in prot1 to Ill sports IOday. It you run out or money, you A tbe e d of each cmporatc evcot, points are awarded to each
go bankrupt (see below). corporadon that partleipatt:d. First place gets S poillts, ocond place
g~ 3 points, third place gets 2 points, and aU ther corporate par-
ticipants get one point. At tbe end of each duel, corporate st.andi.ogs are
Using Corporate Money updated, so evCI)'one can ee here they stand.
Corporate money COme$ from only oo ouree- priu m ey.
Prize lllODC)' l.s awarded for a first, second or third plaec team finish 1o
an event. Note that each character who surviv aa event in a consciOUJ CorporaJc Prlz.t
state will ~vc: survivor money, butlbis amount is awarded diltclly The to pot for any given event is equal to the total cost of
to lhe char ters and il ree9fded on ·~ir vidual record sheet. Any tbe vehicles parti ipating multiplied by the arena' P (Prize Rating).
other sort of prize iB recorde4 on \he Corpqrate Balance-Sheet. If, for U!I.D)flle, five l:eaiD$ in a $30,000 event a the St. Paul
Corporate money can only be used fo a few pecifie tcms. New DuellodroJIIO (PR 3), the total cash pot will be $450,000.
vChlcl may be purchased, and old oac:s call be repaired. Body armor Only the top three finisb.J.nS C4rporalions get any prize money.
and band weapons caD be bought !or team members, arul Gold c~ I The lint place team geu SO%, lbe second plnce team g,cr.s 30~ and the
e4verage can be ammgcd for any or all INtDbers of lhe. ~cam. Loans tbb:d pi IUm geu 20%.
CID be made to other C4rporatiOilS, and bets can be mactc betweeo In additloa, aJJ ~ who are not killed or knOCked tmCOD.-
group a well. You can. also buy characten from otll teams to sctous OJ receive 41 sw:vivor'$ money" to the nmo or $1,$00 x PR.
replacedc:adxnerobcrs, bot you eannot rcpl lnjurcdcbanletets. You Tbis is no a _great amount. but it gives the cllaractm a chance to im-
can fire team members, too. However, !hey cannot be replaced until prove lbc-ir nlll equipment wllhout tapping corpo tG funds . A
lbe Cl1d of lbe eason. You cannot buy members to exceed the 18 character who surrenders or leav the arena whUe the duel is still on
char ctu limit, eitbcr. will also rcc:e1ve survivor' money.

Setting Up A Schedule Corporate V1Ct0'1 CoiUllJU)ns

Lel"s assume tbllt yoo and several of your friends have now set up Speclal vlctory conditiOilS ean be set up ror any cvenL But for
lbeir corporations. Next you need a schedule. 0 ptrSotlln tbe group standard arena batdcs, we use a fonnula that takes into account not
(the president. ifyour club Is that structurcc1) should be in charge of et- only ho many kills a team racks up, but bow maay o( team's
tlng tbc schedule and determining the events. The events should be of vehicles and char cttrs survive tbc battle.
Ule type that aU p ayers can afford to enter (no $500,000 even If only Vehicle.kills are worth SO Victocy PoiJlts {YPs), number of survi-
one corporatio has that much money), and hould be scheduled so at \ling vehicles is worth 30 pOints, and number of surviVIng Qhar ·otcr$ is
least 3 COIJ>Orati.ons can participate. You caD name any arena or track, worth 20 points,
ony combination o! vehicles, .any llliiDber of eters. and any ort of Each partldpatb:lg team will get ome of the available
special. rules yoo want. points in cacb c.atesory, depending oo perl'oitilanc:e. It you entered an
P<lr those players lba1 desire~ detail, you can even pay tbc event two cars and one survived, you would get :JO• of the avail-
costs of transporting lb eh&'acttJS and their vehicles to the various able 30 points - 1.5 . If you entered the event with five c:lwucters and
arenas, or piny out the trip as tbe team convoy nlong the duel circuit, only three survlved, you would rece vc 12 points - 60~ of20.
even taking s:lde jobs'to Increase their pen~ooalfwlds.

22 AADA Duel Circuit: L'Outrance

Tb Vehicles IGUcd calCgOI)' II a little more compllca.ted. The caa emu the event &mdcrbudgetcd, and take your cbancel agajn&t more
team wilb the top llUIIIbe:r of ldlls gm 100~ score, good ror the en- powerful foes; or you can skip the evCDt and hhopc tbc DCllt one hu
tire SO points, and the otber teams get a pen:cotagc based 011. the nlio lower budget. Yau can alto raise mooey in other ways, lnclud!Dg sell-
or their kills to that top nlliDber. tog off tqWpiDCDt. seWDs ~ or .mnking side bees.
&ample: Pour eorporal:ioaJ (A tbrcugh D) CDfCr llll arena cvCDI, If you d.o go banlaupt, you cao. start again wilh a oew cor-
with cacll c:orporati011. eo~ three vcbicles and five characters. t poration fmnv:dlatdy . This Dew corporation does not getaay cbarac-
the end of the event, ltiey finished like this: ~.however; you'll have to bid on the "free agent" chanlcters that
used to belong tQ tbc bankrup corporation. Minimum bid is $5,000,
A: 21dll&, 2 surviving vebicles, 4 surviving cbJirllctcrs. and the Qther corporations may join th.e bidding if they have room in
B: 3 kills, 1 utviviog vehicle, 2 surviving characters. lh~lr fOSterS.
C: 0 kills, 1 surviving vehicle, 3 surviving characm.
D: 21d11J, 1 surviving vehicle., 3 s\11'YiviQg characters. Ylll1'-End Optio
M tbe eDd of the dudlln season, &he players should hold mcet-
In the Vebicles Killed category, B the pace with three , so tq to recognize eorpo c pion of the pn:Mou! season, and
they get the full SO points. A aDd D both got 2 kills, so they et 213 o
1be SO, which . 33 (always rou.w:l to tbe Dearest wbole munbct). C SOl
b.Qld • Player Ttadlng Seni011..
lD lhe Pl.a:yerTtadlog Sem011, corpotutioos ean swing any deals
DO kiUB, and gets no poiD •
llll10D& lbemselvcs \bat they 1rlldiog players, mooey and vch1cles
Io lbe SUIViviDg Vchicle~ category. A ets 213 or 30 - 20 polo • In any combination. 1D additioo., corporations may cut unproductive or
and &he other 3 corporations ct 10 points (113 of30}. unwanted cha.racle!S. These out players are bid on in a:ucdon. with the
And in the Surviving Char ten category, A leads again wilh 4/S money going to the ttam that cut lhe player (tbc corpo lion &bat cut
o£20 - 16, C and D recleve 3/S of 20 - 12. and B getB 215 of that character may not bid on hlal). Any empty roster spotll at the end
20 - 8 points. of all this may be filled with new SO-point characters, as detlillcd above.
Totallog the scores, we get:

A: 33 + 20 + 115 = 69 poi.D!a Prestige Rollback

8: so + 10 + 8 =68 poiots After a year of play, it's quite po slble that you may have playcn
C: 0 + 10 + l2 = 22 poinU w1tb rediculously hlgh pte~tlge. Tbls can be a small problem, it gives
D: 33 + 10 + 12 =55 points olcb cOIJ)Orations a • dnct advantage over a new eotpOradon. (This
eon lll$o be applied to I ebaracters from a Rags to Ric.beJ eampaian,
Bv though B scored the most kills, A won die match by keep if your characters have dooc cmcmcly well •••}
more vcbjcJcs and characters alive. This tends to keep people from en- lnslead of carrying over a characler"s prestige from the previous
gaging in sulcide attacks and throwJns away Yebicles and equipment. season, determine his new prcsdge from the following fo ula:
+1 for each vehicle ldU
Corporate Bankruptcy +2 for being an Ace
Unfortunalely, there are some teams rhat just can't keep their col· +4 for being a Double Ace or
lcctive heads above water. Bankruptcy is the technical term, IUld It oc- + 1 for every cVCilt participated in
curs when you nw out of money. If the budget for lbc neat evenr. is +1 for evezy year expcrieoce
more tba.o the money you've aot lcf\, you have a couple of options. you -2 for evCJ}' time the character died

I r1• y r
the world of professional utoduelling, duellists' emers art gottco by the total ~of shots he bas auempted. lf you 4on't want
described with statistks, much like the pro baseball players or lite last to p tta.ek of every sJugle sbot your character attemp , just sw:nc
century. The AADA has no "officiaJ" roster of statistics. Tb eight or
a base THA .2SO, plus .1 00 for each level of Ciwlllcr sldll.
that follow arc the ones most used by fans, sportscasten, bookies and CombtJJtJJJJS Kllhd Av.rag• (CKA), This fraclion is lbe number of
otbcr io~Cre:Sted parties. combatants (including pedeslriana) tbe duellist hu killed in regular
Year of &llry (Yr). The year the duellist first participated in a arena events, divi ed by "Duels." If c duellist kills one opponent In
profcsalonlll MD A-sanctioned event - usually Amat£ur Nlgb.t. every dud (0.11 the average), b1s CKA will be 1.000. The averogc CKA
D~Hll. The number of scllcduled arena duels in whicb the duellist among AADA pros is 1 .213 ~ among champions, it is closer to 1.500.
bu ~ipated Highway, vehicular, or spomaneous encounters A duellist whose CKA routinely aeeeds 2.500 is viewed poorly by fd-
are not counted. lo duellists and. rw, due 10 the perception of excessive bnuallty.
Wi1U. The number of c.bc4ulccl arena events that the duellist bas to ddition 10 lbcse sWisdcs, duellists are marked u aces, double
w • Draws or tied evcntJ c:ount u lh a win. aces, etc. by "A," "2A" or other abbreviation followidg dtc tillS. Ad-
Winning Ptrcmtage (WP). "Wtns" divided by .. Duels," ex- 4ilionallincs may mention cc:ttakl spectacular victories, wins iD cham-
pres ed as a clccimal fraction. Par instance, duellist who's fought in pionship duel or other notable victories for tb.aL duellist.
!ell duels and won four of them would have a WP of .400. F..!Uimpk. Joe Average began bls c1uelliog career ju t I t year
Clone. Tbe number of the clone that the duellist is currently using. (2038). In that lime, he's entered 10 duels, won th.ree and died once (so
If the duellist has not been killed, the letter "0" designates tbat be i5 be's on hl8 first clone). His Winning Percentage is (3 wins) d.lvldtd. by
the "ortglnal." If be has died once and is on his 8Is clone, a "1" (10 duelS), or .300. His S\IMvaJ Percentage is .900 - 1.000 minus
would be Usled, and so on. .100(1 death in 10ducl ).
Slnvlwll Perceni/Jge (SP). The percentage of "Duels" which the Joe fired 145 shotll and hit 50 limes.. His Target Hit Average is
duclllst has SW'Vived, given u decimal fraction . Ifa duellist has never S0/145, or .345. He made four ldll.s in those 10 duels, o his Com-
been killed LD combat, the SP is 1.000. If he sumvcs just half of his bawus Killed Avera&e is .400.
duds, his SP · .sao, and so oo. Tbe duelllst's SP equals the number or Joe isn tan ace yet, but be' aota tropby be doesn't mind lecting
clones, divided by "Duds," with that amount subtracted from 1.000. people know abou So bls ftrst time Usliilg in the a.nnual AADA Dud-
Tbis provides a rough perceo&age dwlcc that tbe duellist will survive Usl Handbook looks like Ibis:
IllY glve.o arena combat.
Targu Hil A verGge (THA). This decimal JTaction tdhl ho often Yl' Dutl.r Wins WP Clone SP THA C/Gt
your duellist bas hit a target. Divide lhe ou.mbe.r of b.its lbe duellist bas J. Average 38 10 3 ,300 1 .900 .345 .400

MDA Duel Circuit: L'Outrance 23

lcar w r haract: r Sh eet:
Skill Leve~a: -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +8 +7 +8 +9 +10
Martial Area
rv'ehicle Kille: Vehicle Name: -
Events Belongings: F(_/_): T(_/_):
Date Description

L(_l_): R (_/_):

Cash & Earnings:

B(_/_): U(_/_):

~peed Size: Weight: Coat:

Handling Statue Chassis: Suspension; HC:
Weapon To Hit Ammo Acceleration: Top Speed:


24 AADA Duel Circuit: L'Outrance

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