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Lab Report On Bisection Method

Submitted by:
Ayush Timalsina
Jaya Multiple Campus
BCA 4th Semester
Bisection method is an iterative implementation of the
intermediate value theorem to find the real roots of a nonlinear
function. According to the theorem “if a function f(x)=0 is
continuous in an interval (a , b) ,such that f(a) and f(b) are
opposite nature or opposite sign .
Let f(x) be the given function and f(a) and f(b)=f(xb) such that
f(a)-f(b)<0. The root lies between xa and xb .
It shows xa and ab are two initial guesses which bisects the root
.the basic of this algorithm relies on the repeated application of
Let xc = (xa+xb)/2
If fc = f(xc)= 0 , x=xc is the exact root
Fa.fb<0, the root lies in the interval(xa,xc)
Root lies in the interval of (xc,xb)

The bisection method is always convergent.

One function evaluation per iteration .
No knowledge of the derivatives is needed.
The function does not have to be differentiable.


It cannot find roots where the function is tangent to the x axis.

Slow to converge.
 It cannot find complex roots of polynomials.
1. Start
2. Read , x1, x2, e
3. Compute f1=f(x1)
4. If f1*f2>0 , display wrong initial guesses
Else continue
5. X= x1+x2/2
6. If ( l X1-X2 l )<e than x and go to f = f’(x)
If f0 * f1 > 0
X1 = x
F1 = f
X2= X
F2 = f
7. Go to step 5
8. Stop
float fun (float x)
return (x*x*x - 6*x*x + 11*x - 6);
void bisection (float *x, float a, float b, int *itr)
/* this function performs and prints the result of one iteration
printf("Iteration no. %3d X = %7.5f\n", *itr, *x);
int main ()
int itr = 0, maxmitr;
float x, a, b, allerr, x1;
printf("\nEnter the values of a, b, allowed error and
maximum iterations:\n");
scanf("%f %f %f %d", &a, &b, &allerr, &maxmitr);
bisection (&x, a, b, &itr);
if (fun(a)*fun(x) < 0)
bisection (&x1, a, b, &itr);
if (fabs(x1-x) < allerr)
printf("After %d iterations, root = %6.4f\n", itr, x1);
return 0;
while (itr < maxmitr);
printf("The solution does not converge or iterations are not
return 1;

Hence, The bisection method is a root-finding method that applies
to any continuous functions for which one knows two values with
opposite signs.

Algorithm and program of bisection method are mentioned above.

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