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0:14Skip to 0 minutes and 14 seconds ANDREA: The teacher poses a scenario or a

question for students to think about.

0:19Skip to 0 minutes and 19 seconds TEACHER: Now, just before we go into a little
bit more detail here and talk about something called efficiency, just want to show
you a quick video clip just to test out some ideas about conservation of energy.
And when you watch it really carefully because I�m going to be asking you a couple
of questions afterwards about it.

0:41Skip to 0 minutes and 41 seconds ADAM: So this is conservation of energy

demonstration. What we�re going to do, we�re going to get this ball and lift it up
to your face where it should get potential energy. When you let go, will it hit you
in the face or not?

0:55Skip to 0 minutes and 55 seconds So if you just want to move your nose right up
close and when you�re ready, just let go of the ball.

1:03Skip to 1 minute and 3 seconds ANDREA: The teacher pauses and allow students
time to think� think-pair-share could work well here. The teacher then pounces on
any of the students, and bounces the different ideas around the room, building,
challenging and gathering ideas without providing any answers themselves.

1:23Skip to 1 minute and 23 seconds TEACHER: Quick question, before we watch what
is going to happen. Harrison, what�s going to happen when he lets this ball go.

1:31Skip to 1 minute and 31 seconds STUDENT: It�s going to move and then it going
to come back and hit him.

1:34Skip to 1 minute and 34 seconds TEACHER: Going to move, come back, and hit him.
That�s what you�re saying. Dan, what you reckon?

1:39Skip to 1 minute and 39 seconds STUDENT: I think it�s going to come back, but
it�s going to be at the same place where he released it.

1:44Skip to 1 minute and 44 seconds TEACHER: Why do you think that?

1:46Skip to 1 minute and 46 seconds STUDENT: Because it will probably go the same
way and it comes straight back down and up.

1:54Skip to 1 minute and 54 seconds TEACHER: It�s going the same way, come straight
back down� thinking energy, thinking energy. Kyle. Do you agree with Dan that it�s
going to come back right to the point where he�s going to drop it from or do you
agree with� who was it that said it�s going to hit him� Harrison?

2:11Skip to 2 minutes and 11 seconds STUDENT: I agree with Dan.

2:13Skip to 2 minutes and 13 seconds TEACHER: Why?

2:16Skip to 2 minutes and 16 seconds STUDENT: Energy can�t be created, so�

2:21Skip to 2 minutes and 21 seconds TEACHER: So you�re saying no� new energy can�t
be created.

2:26Skip to 2 minutes and 26 seconds What do you think?

2:27Skip to 2 minutes and 27 seconds STUDENT: It won�t go back to the exact point
because there will be waste energy within that, meaning it will be less and less
each time until, eventually, it just stops.
2:36Skip to 2 minutes and 36 seconds TEACHER: OK. So we�ve got different opinions.
Let�s see.

2:42Skip to 2 minutes and 42 seconds ADAM: And when you�re ready, just let go of
the ball.

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