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Supplemental Table 3: Description of pre-extracorporeal membrane oxygenation clinical

characteristics by vital status

Vital status at hospital discharge

Clinical characteristic Dead (n = 232) Alive (n = 282) Overall (n = 514)

Age, n (%)

Pre-term neonate (<37 weeks 34 (15%) 16 (6%) 50 (10%)

gestation and ≤30 days)

Full-term neonate (≥37 weeks 79 (34%) 138 (49%) 217 (42%)

gestation and ≤30 days)

Infant (>30 days and <1 year) 61 (26%) 61 (22%) 122 (24%)

Child (≥1 year and <12 years) 36 (16%) 44 (16%) 80 (16%)

Adolescent (≥12 years and <19 22 (10%) 23 (8%) 45 (9%)


Male, n (%) 131 (57%) 171 (61%) 302 (59%)

Race, n (%)

Unknown/not reported 67 (29%) 76 (27%) 143 (28%)

White 111 (48%) 143 (51%) 254 (50%)

Black or African American 41 (18%) 50 (18%) 91 (18%)

Other 13 (6%) 13 (5%) 26 (5%)

BMI for age/weight for height, n (%)

Unknown 35 (15%) 28 (10%) 63 (12%)

Underweight 44 (19%) 51 (18%) 95 (19%)

Normal 134 (58%) 177 (63%) 311 (61%)

Obese 19 (8%) 26 (9%) 45 (9%)

Acute diagnoses, n (%)

Cardiovascular disease (congenital) 101 (44%) 92 (33%) 193 (38%)

Respiratory distress / failure 79 (34%) 91 (32%) 170 (33%)

Pertussis or sepsis 39 (17%) 52 (18%) 91 (18%)

Persistent pulmonary hypertension of 27 (12%) 63 (22%) 90 (18%)

the newborn

Cardiovascular disease (acquired) 33 (14%) 32 (11%) 65 (13%)

Congenital diaphragmatic hernia 34 (15%) 22 (8%) 56 (11%) =
Cardiac arrest 26 (11%) 23 (8%) 49 (10%) mass

Meconium aspiration syndrome 4 (2%) 43 (15%) 47 (9%)

Immune dysfunction 21 (9%) 16 (6%) 37 (7%)

Gastrointestinal disorder 13 (6%) 10 (4%) 23 (5%)

Pneumonia or bronchiolitis 8 (3%) 16 (6%) 24 (5%)

index; IQR = interquartile range; PRISM III = Pediatric Risk of Mortality III; AKI = acute kidney injury; LOS
= length of stay; ECMO = extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; ICU = intensive care unit.
Diastolic blood pressure: normal = neonate 35-53 mmHg, infant 37-56 mmHg, 1 to <3 years 42-63
mmHg, 3 to <6 years 46-72 mmHg, 6 to <10 years 57-76 mmHg, 10 to <12 years 61-80 mmHg, 12 to 18
years 64-83 mmHg; low = less than stated normal values; high = greater than stated normal values.
Systolic blood pressure: normal = neonate 40-55 mmHg, infant 45-65 mmHg, 1 to <12 years 55-75
mmHg, 12 to 18 years 65-85 mmHg; low = less than stated normal values; high = greater than stated
normal values. cMean arterial pressure: low = neonate 17-30 mmHg, infant 25-38 mmHg, 1 to <2 years
31-43 mmHg, 2 to <5 years 32-45 mmHg, 5 to <12 years 36-48 mmHg, 12 to 18 years 38-51 mmHg; very
low = less than stated low values; normal/high = greater than stated low values. dTemperature: low
<33C, normal 33-40C, high >40C. eHeart rate: low/normal = neonate <215 BPM, infant <215 BPM, 1 to
<12 years <185, 12 to 18 years <145; high = neonate 215 BPM, infant 215 BPM, 1 to <21 years 185
BPM, 12 to 18 years 145 BPM.

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