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IH Teacher Trainer

Observations on observations by Chris Ożóg

Posted In Issue 32: Spring 2012
Oh no, not an observation!

Every teacher will doubtless be able to tell you about a nightmare observation
in which everything went wrong and to which the resulting dreaded feedback
was every bit as critical as feared (I know I could). Such anecdotes often
reveal inherent problems in the observations procedures in a school in the
first place. In this article, I’ll look at observations in more depth and suggest
ways in which they can be used to maximal teacher, and hence school,
benefit, using IH San José de Costa Rica (IHSJ) as an example. It also lays
out some guidelines for those new to observing and maybe even some ideas
for old hands.

What’s the point of an observation?

There are many reasons why teachers are observed. In this article, I’ll be
focusing on observing working teachers in a supportive manner, taking the
premise that observations are there to help teachers develop and to promote
reflective evaluation of their teaching practice and rationale behind how they
teach. This implies that observations of teachers are not there to prescribe
certain methodological techniques, to merely criticise, or to show off the
observer’s supposed greater experience and knowledge, though from
experience I know they often take these forms. The key words for me are:
reflection, guidance, support, encouragement and development.

How IHSJ does it

As a CELTA tutor and the Teacher Training Coordinator at IHSJ, I observe a

lot of classes. My reflections on my own practice as an observer have led me
to apply the above premise to all observations and make the teacher aware of
how I conduct things. In theory, this should help reduce anxiety on the
teacher’s part and help create a space for open reflection, both before and
after the class. After all, if teachers are to develop, they need to reflect and
observational procedures should encourage this.

Not including IHCYLT, a teacher coming to IHSJ can expect to be observed

up to, but not limited to, five times, along the following lines

1. An initial observation within two weeks of arrival

2. A follow-up to the initial observation, if required or requested (focusing on
points to work on from the first observation)
3. Peer observations, informally organised and on-going throughout the year

© International House World Organisation
IH Teacher Trainer

4. A ‘developmental’ observation (see below)

5. The final PDI observation
The ‘developmental observation’ involves the teacher being observed on a
point they wish to develop, whether it be trying a TBL lesson, experimenting
with process writing or working on their instructions. The observer helps with
the planning by being available for questions, suggesting reading, offering
advice, talking through rationale, etc. These observations are not
assessments in any way and there should be no pressure on the teacher for
fear of being criticised. They are there simply to encourage experimentation
and reflective practice in a supportive manner.

A suggested procedure for organising observations

If there is a supportive environment for professional development in your

school, organising observations shouldn’t be a problem. The teacher can
choose the class they wish to be observed on and, assuming this fits with the
observer’s schedule, the observation is organised accordingly. This is
particularly important in reducing stress for newly qualified teachers, or
teachers who are new to the school, as they can choose a class they’re
comfortable with. The following is a suggested procedure

1. The teacher writes a lesson plan in sufficient detail to show how the class
has been planned, talking it through or asking for advice if they want.
After all, planning is part of the reflective process even though it does
come before the class.
2. Have a conversation with the teacher about the group to get more of an
idea of what you’ll observe.
3. Read through the teacher’s plan and think through the staging, any
apparent rationale, etc.
4. Follow the plan in class making notes on both the plan and a separate piece
of paper about anything that seems apposite
5. Ask the teacher to complete a self evaluation form
6. Prepare written feedback
7. Conduct feedback with the teacher, focusing on asking questions rather
than criticising, encouraging reflection, discussing rationale, etc.
8. Post feedback support
What should an observer look for?

In class, I have the teacher’s plan and I’ve spoken to the teacher about the
group and possibly even the lesson prior to the class. What I’m looking for is
successful teaching. I really don’t mind what particular approach a teacher
takes, as long as it falls within a communicative framework and that it’s done
well. There are certain things I generally look for, namely:

- a good atmosphere and engaged learners

- a lesson appropriate to the level of the group

© International House World Organisation
IH Teacher Trainer

- a rationale of some sort behind the staging

- as learner-centred as seems possible

- successful instructions i.e. not confusing

- meaning focused on

- clear, complete language work, with checking and examples

- appropriate practice activities

- skills work well-staged, engaging and seemingly useful

- some evidence of learning

- no-one leaves the room confused

Note that this isn’t a restrictive checklist of points which must be covered in
the class; rather, it is a set of guidelines which could cover many different
aspects of an individual lesson. Of course, you may want to observe for more
specific points, depending on the reasons for the observation, but the above
points act as a general outline for me and work well.


I believe there should be both oral and written feedback. In many institutions,
the latter is an official document that is kept in the teacher’s file, but this
doesn’t mean that oral feedback is simply reeling off what’s been written
down. The other reason for written feedback is so that the teacher can have a
copy to keep and to refer to in the future if they want to, as it should indicate
strengths and points to work on.

Oral feedback is, for me, the most challenging part of the observer’s job. It is
paramount that this be carried out in a relaxed, supportive environment and
with the teacher’s development at the very heart of the process. It also
depends on the personal preferences of the teacher; some people like to be
given a list of things to do; others prefer space and time to reflect and open
discussion about the class, approaches to teaching, etc. The observer has to
play this by ear and cater to what the teacher seems to want. After all, you
can’t teach every class in the same way, so why should every feedback
session be exactly the same? Teachers are individuals and observers need to
remember that.

Personally, I like to start with a general discussion based on the teacher’s

self-evaluation, in which points raised by the teacher are discussed in turn,
with practical suggestions offered as and when it seems germane to do so. As
I said above, we’ll often talk through the lesson plan and discuss the teacher’s
© International House World Organisation
IH Teacher Trainer

rationale in choosing activities or why they set that particular context, etc. This
helps the teacher see the lesson as a whole, rather than a set of randomly
chosen activities. Furthermore, I’ll make reference to the written feedback and
discuss reasons I chose to write what I did.

Another element to consider is filming. Some of the best feedback I’ve ever
had as a teacher came from watching myself in a filmed lesson and then
discussing the class with the observer. If the lesson is filmed and the teacher
simply given the video to watch, they can observe themselves teaching and
use notes from this in the feedback. This has the potential to turn the
observation into an incredibly useful developmental experience. Of course,
many teachers hate being filmed and watching themselves, myself included,
but as a developmental tool it can be very powerful and only the teacher need
ever see the film.


It doesn’t just end with feedback, of course. The observer should

be available to help the teacher with any points that came up from the
observation. This could involve helping with lesson planning, suggesting
reading, checking language awareness if requested, etc. I know this isn’t
possible in every school, particularly large ones, but if there is a good
professional development structure there will be a mentor or senior teacher
who can take on this role if the observer can’t. After all, how is a teacher
supposed to develop without support? It’s a process and takes time, reflection
and practice and some teachers need more support than others.


The best thing about being an observer, teacher trainer or mentor, is when
you see somebody teach again and you see an improvement in some aspect
of their teaching. It’s very rewarding and makes the job worthwhile. It tells me
that the initial observation and feedback were beneficial and that the teacher
has taken something positive from what was discussed. Occasionally, you
even get an e-mail thanking you for your feedback or when teachers leave the
institution they tell you, out of the blue, how useful their observations were
and how much they feel they’ve developed as teachers. After all, we’re here
to help and it’s good to know that the way we conduct our observations – the
way outlined above, focusing on reflection, development and guidance – can
help us achieve this.

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